nctdreamkr · 4 years
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Studio Ghibli + Rain
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nctdreamkr · 4 years
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okay, so here in california precautionary measures against COVID-19 have become increasingly intense. most schools have closed and are preparing to make the transition to “distance learning” aka online classes. this is a big change for many of us – but don’t panic!
welcome to surviving online classes 101!
✐ self discipline
this is more of a warning than a tip. working from home means you will have to exercise a lot more self discipline. it can be a little bit boring or lonely at times. you cannot count on motivation from others (professors, classmates, friends, etc.), so you will have to learn some self discipline. 
✐ create your own classroom
a good way to make the transition is to try and mimic the classroom setting as closely as possible. something that might be helpful is to set up a space designated for work. try to avoid the temptation to work in your bed or on the couch. that trains your brain to be alert in those places and makes it harder to relax/fall asleep. at least during online lectures, try and eliminate distractions that wouldn’t be present in a regular classroom (like tv or netflix playing in the background, or having your phone out)
✐ dress for success!
dress in the way that makes you feel most productive. if you’re one of those people who usually rolls into class wearing sweats and still kills it, good for you! if you’re one of those people who needs to put on a full face of makeup to feel alive and ready for the day, do that! even at home!! i personally never wear makeup but if i try to be productive in pjs… disaster. i’ve also found that cute workout gear makes me feel badass while still being comfy.
✐ create a schedule
now more than ever you need to figure out how to manage your time. you can use a planner, bujo, google calendar, the forest app, whatever. just make sure you keep track of things like
due dates and TIMES
exam dates
lecture times
hours spent studying
meals (pls eat 3 if possible)
water intake
sleep schedule
✐ pack your bag like you usually would
i know this probably sounds so dumb, but when you’re done working clean up after yourself. pack everything up like you would at school, to sort of signal to your brain that academic time is over for now. and then unpack and set up when you’re ready to get to work again. this is just another way to trick your brain into that school mindset while you’re stuck at home.
✐ don’t overwork yourself
break up your studying into chunks. being cooped up all day can make us feel like we’re wasting time, but be sure to schedule breaks and reward yourself after a solid study session. i’m a big fan of the pomodoro method, and it can be customized really easily to allow for more or less study/rest time. 
✐ maintain a healthy sleep schedule
now is the time to develop that healthy sleep schedule we all dream about. staring at a computer all day is exhausting and hard on the eyes and brain, so make sure to give them enough rest and time to recover each night. also, consider investing in glasses that block blue light, even if you don’t usually use glasses. this will keep our eyes young lol. 
✐ communicate with your teachers and classmates
most of us are making this transition to online learning together. any time you have questions, email your professor. reach out to your classmates at the beginning and exchange emails/phone numbers/social media so you can build a support system. if something goes wrong, screenshot it immediately and reach out to your professor. technology isn’t perfect, and mistakes can happen, just communicate them.
✐ turn things in early
this is my biggest tip. when you are relying on online submissions for assignments and digital lectures, you always want to allow extra time to fix any errors you might encounter. your professor will also be much more willing to help you fix a problem two days before a deadline rather than two minutes before a deadline. eliminate that uncertainty by playing it safe with online submissions. 
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nctdreamkr · 4 years
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some desk pics 🌾🌟
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nctdreamkr · 4 years
Hello! You said in an ask that u bought lite on sale. May i ask where did u order it from? I wanna buy too but couldnt find a decent place to buy so. Any help is appreciated! 👉🏻👈🏻💕
Hi! I'm from Portugal and a store (fnac) was having that sale! Unfortunately it ended yesterday + I don't think they ship internationally (assuming you're not from here as well) :((
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nctdreamkr · 4 years
you don’t need to study all the time. you need to make sure that the time you do spend studying is efficient and effective.
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nctdreamkr · 4 years
daisy mae could cause the biggest economic recession in the animal crossing universes history because turnip prices fluctuate so dramatically but everyone cant help but buy more of an increasingly unstable source of revenue out of obligation to that adorable little ragamuffin
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nctdreamkr · 4 years
If you genuinely enjoy being alone, do you ever wonder if it is an inherent part of your character or if it stems from feeling inescapably lonely in the first place until you taught yourself to enjoy the peace and happiness one can find in solitude? what if the reason you now prefer & choose solitude at every turn is because you were a very lonely child, or teenager, not by your own choice, and that’s how you learnt to thrive and grow, so you no longer know if you can do that around people? There might also be an element of personal pride, an unconscious “you can’t fire me I quit” point when your brain decided to switch your feelings about solitude from distress to relief. I often find myself defending my love of being alone, to people who worry that I can’t possibly be happy to live in an isolated house in the woods; I insist that I do! I really do specifically enjoy the isolated factor and chose to live here because of it, but then I wonder how to differentiate an ingrained love of solitude from an acquired ability to thrive off unchosen loneliness, to learn from it and be nourished by it; to what extent it might be a form of contentment built on a bedrock of resignation.
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nctdreamkr · 4 years
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Wrap things up for now?
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nctdreamkr · 4 years
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nctdreamkr · 4 years
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nctdreamkr · 5 years
isn’t it insanely fucking wild how our entire way of living changed in just a couple of weeks. like. worldwide? the entire world changed COMPLETELY in just weeks. did we ever even imagine that humanity could change so easily in the middle of crisis? we were always taught that global changes take time and are hard to achieve, and just like that, we’re all suddenly living in completely different conditions, our mindset has completely changed and we’ve created new habits in no time, have incorporated the words “quarantine” and “infection/infected” to our vocabulary and drop them in the regular without even noticing it. it’s incredible the way this virus has exposed that many, many of the worlds problems can be solved just that easily, and we’ve been lied to our whole lives just because the people in charge don’t care about them
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nctdreamkr · 5 years
daily reminder that your fave kpop idol hates you
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nctdreamkr · 5 years
Non academical perks of learning a new language
Access to more information
Access to more music
More books!
Getting to know a whole new culture
Discovering new things
Finding beautiful words
Bragging rights
New friends!
Going to places tourists wouldn't normally go
Helping people connect
More independent films!
Connecting with distant relatives
Learning the language of your ancestors
Being awesome (?)
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nctdreamkr · 5 years
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his wink is so cute ♡ (cr)
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nctdreamkr · 5 years
my quick tips for working / studying from home
- get dressed and style your hair as if you’re going to school/work - even use the same perfume/ cologne as you normally do  (trick your mind into being motivated)
- plan things out - everything (plan out your week, day, meal, etc. you can make these as specific as you’d like. this will help you stay on top of your work as well as stay healthy, especially if you live alone.)
- make studying/ working the first thing you do each day - best if you can start in the morning (minimize the tendency to procrastinate)
- just start - don’t worry too much about perfecting or finishing anything yet (if you don’t start then there’s nothing for you to perfect or get done. and it will never get done)
- listen to old and simple (aka non-distracting) podcasts, Youtube videos, or café/ chattering white-noise, etc. simply leave them as background noise to create an illusion of being outside your room (bring the presence of people to you. my favorites lately have been slam poems from 2016, Mae Martin’s stages, and Awsten Knight’s crackhead podcasts)
- set timers, for both study sessions and breaks (so that you don’t overwork, burn out, or procrastinate. the Pomodoro technique works great here)
- take advantage of the comfort of your own home (light a candle, have crunchy snacks, play loud music, review notes out loud while pacing around, wrap yourself in a blanket burrito, study on your bed if you can focus there like me, etc. basically anything you can’t do in a classroom, office, or the library)
- if you miss your friends, call/ text/ facetime them, make a study group chat with them, etc. (that is what technology is for)
- choose recreational activities/ self-care for your breaks instead of going on social media (go on walks, make small art, play an instrument, stretch, take a nap, etc. I usually reach for my guitar, brainstorm writing ideas, or sketch very simple line art.)
- if you want to go on social media, do it during meal times - or the 15 minutes after your meals that you can’t work just yet (it also doesn’t make you feel like you’re wasting time)
- study in different rooms for a change of scenery (dining room, living room, the patio, etc. I have an armchair next to the window that I study in whenever I need some sunlight and don’t have to write anything down. however, if you need a designated place to focus on your work, you can also use these alternative spaces as designated “relax” or “creative” place for your breaks)
- use this as an opportunity to take care of yourself (get enough sleep, drink water, exercise, talk to your family, take your meds, be mindful of your mental health, etc.)
Feel free to add your tips. The current situation sure is unpleasant but it is unavoidable. All we can really do now is take care of ourselves, others, and try to make the best out of this.
Good luck to everyone and stay safe! My heart is with you all 💕
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nctdreamkr · 5 years
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mark: *nervous laughter* …what’s going on
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nctdreamkr · 5 years
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seulgi :: bad boy (180204)
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