I'm watching the original Wendigo episode of Supernatural and all I can think about is how did the Wendigo tie up its prisoners to the ceiling? Like all I can think about is this giant scary Wendigo with long ass claws tieing them up like a lady with super long acrylic fingernails would. Someone please please please illustrate this for me
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Can this hiatus be the pancapocalypse please
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I just have no idea what to draw. 
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This sounds suspiciously specific
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I'm not a morning person
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That kid in the blue was fuckin prepared though
this is the best video ive ever seen 
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Every single night when I start to get ready for bed my dog jumps up on the bed and curls up right smack in the middle and sometimes even falls asleep if I'm taking too long but then when I start to actually get into bed he gets up and moves over to his pillow and curls up next to me as I lay down. I was super confused as to why he does this because he's a little smaller than a medium sized dog so when he's really tired he doesn't like to move around too much because he doesn't have the energy, and I go to bed pretty late. So he puts in the effort to jump on the bed and then lays down in the middle even though he knows that in a few minutes he's going to have to move again to make room for me. You'd think he would just lay down in the same spot he ends up in every night, right? Well the last few nights have been a little chilly compared to the nice warm days we've been getting so I noticed that after he moves the spot he was laying in is super warm and toasty and its really nice when I was just in the icy air a second ago. So now I'm convinced that this weird ritual thing he does every night is so that when I come to bed I can get warmer faster. He literally goes out of his way to warm up the exact spot I'm going to be laying on. Mother Theresa wouldn't even deserve this dog
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For some reason I can't wrap my stupid head around whatever this whole post is talking about. Like, it's like on the edge of my brain but I can't get it someone help
Please be nice
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This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen
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And on top of getting to do all that there's still 3 weeks out of the month where you are deciding what to spend your infinite money on
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How awesome does this sound though. You get infinite money and once a week you get to take a child to a candy store or toys or us or somewhere they love and buy them as much they want this would be fun given the kid wasn’t a brat.
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this is the sweetest thing my eyes have ever seen😱😭💕
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I'm so curious as to what magazine this ad was in because apparently this weird chair is so well known amongst the readers of this magazine that the marketing team felt it was unnecessary to put any sort of product or brand name in the ad.
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I just noticed this but I kinda love how they animated her without a shirt. There's all those stories you see about parents facebook and instagram accounts being flagged because they had a picture of their very young daughter without a top on. And it's ridiculous because OBVIOUSLY nobody should be sexualizing young girls. So I like that they did this and idek know why so much other than it proves it's totally ok to show a small girl without a top because she's a child
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Baby Moana + her friend (▰˘◡˘▰)
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Which character from any movie, TV show, or book is the most passionate? Just in general, as a personality trait
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I love it when dogs get so excited that they literally cannot sit still and so they just pat their little feet on the ground over and over again it's so pure and good and makes me so happy
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So Totally Spies is basically just The Powerpuff Girls as teenagers right
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First of all, using animals and things from our environment is part of the circle of life and no matter what our who you think created us the fact is that everything is here for a reason and we are supposed to Co exist. As long as there isn't suffering I don't see why is so wrong to use animals like we do.
As for PETA they are actually evil. They literally believe that an animal (house pets included) are better off DEAD than living with people. They have literally taken people's pets and euthanized them for that exact reason. They use fear and manipulation techniques to make people believe things that just aren't true.
I love animals. I've got like Disney Princess levels of animal connection. I'm a huge animal rights activist but I HATE Peta. I believe that there is nothing wrong with using an animal for food and other materials as long as that animal was able to live a full, happy, healthy life, and is slaughtered quickly and humanely. I get it that not everyone is like that but I think most people can agree that animals are not better off dead than with us.
PETA Is A Joke
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I’m sorry, but this is so fucking stupid. PETA is claiming that this is what a sheep looks like after it has been sheared. In case you were wondering, this is what a sheep ACTUALLY looks like after it has been sheared:
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And that isn’t some “best case” scenario, believe me, I live in a place that has more sheep than people, and all sheared sheep look like that. It does not hurt the animal at all, aside from perhaps the odd slip with the shears resulting in a minor graze. In fact, shearing sheep is necessary for their wellbeing, because domesticated sheep do not shed their wool like a non domesticated sheep would, which can to them looking like this:
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This is Shrek, yes, that is actually his name, notice how you can’t see his legs or face? That’s not good. He is a sheep who escaped his field and went wandering for six years, resulting in a sixty pound fleece. This is actually dangerous because it can cause overheating and if they get on their back the weight stops them from getting up again, they can die from this. PETA really cares about money and attention more than animals.
So yeah, fuck PETA, buy wool…and while you’re at it buy some goddamn honey because the bees need the help.
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It just dawned on me that on top of making less money in general and not having a voice in the eyes of the government, women pay more taxes than men. Like a lot more. If we have to pay the extra taxes we should get to decide what is used for.
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I hate this because I was there, you guys. I was there when people having a link in their profile description was a harmless thing. Probably a song they liked, or a funny cartoon. Videos weren't automatically embedded back then, so we made do with what we had. Then, suddenly, Never Gonna Give You Up was getting really popular. Friends sending you links started to become a scary thing. We started hesitating before opening things because there was more of a chance of it being this song than something else. Then, it hit us like we never saw it coming. Now if there was a random link in a description, or a message with only a link, it was always this damn song. It got to the point where if you clicked on the link you were in literal shame because damnit you should have known better! But by then there was no stopping it, it started evolving and adapting to everything we threw at it. Now you find it in text, in phonetic alphabet form, or buried deep in a YouTube video of something completely unrelated. Yet even though it is hidden so well you still feel bad about yourself for falling for it!! This one buried it's claws early, and she buried them deep. Generation after generation of memes have aspired to do the same since, and while some have come close, none have been able to do the same again. Because even though we are still trying to dig her out, she keeps digging deeper, but we grow stronger because of it. Will we ever be rid of this wretched beastmeme? Will another beastmeme ever be able to ingrain itself into us further than her? Only time will tell, but wet must stay ever vigilant, and not let any memes get too strong. Let the Meme Hunger Games begin!
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NATO Standard Phonetic Alphabet,
The phonetic alphabet was developed as a way to spell things out over radio communications that may be less then ideal, I.E. a lot of static or weak signal. All the words were chosen because they have a distinct sound that is easy to pick out. Military and police communications use the phonetic alphabet heavily and can be helpful to know for talking over CB’s or FRS (walky talky) radios.
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