nessandaus · 2 years
Not really an AU but, I've been thinking about my idea for an ATLA/avatar story.
Set during the time of (young) Guru Laghima, it would follow the story of the Avatar and her older sister. They are from the earth tribes, and have to flee their home after a strong, nonbending general calling himself the King of Earth and his army kill their parents.
The older sister, Sisi, is a 13 year old (at the beginning of the story) earth bender whose family had a stronger connection to the spirits than most. Sisi had been learning wood carving from her mother and earthbending construction from her father when the army destroyed their lives. She eventually grows into the person who invented the bending and solstice locks scattered through the various temples around the world, a feat which earns her the name "Lockbender".
The avatar, Mimi, is 6 at the start of their story, only just starting to learn earthbending. She is found out as the avatar because she liked to play with fire as well, able to make the fire and rocks around her dance from a young age. As she and her sister slowly travel the world, Mimi masters earthbending, then the other elements.
Laghima is a young, cocky, 16 year old airbender in the beginning, out on a nomadic voyage to learn about the world and the spirits that inhabit it. He finds the young sisters and likes to travel with them as he learns from the various places they visit.
Cheeks is Mimi's animal companion, an Iguanaparrot who they found injured. She likes to eat berries and carrots, and she picks up words to parrot relatively easily (and then just says "Berries please berries please" over and over)
The first book, Earth, is mostly slice of life of them travelling and becoming friends for 10 years until Mimi is a master earth bender and ready to learn other elements. Laghima is on and off, visiting temples and meditating with spirits a lot more than his companions. He also makes sure the two young girls are safe from danger, scouting and making sure they avoid the growing Earth army. The finale is them fleeing the Earth Kingdom, as the Earth King is crowned in the newly built Ba Sing Se.
The Second book, Fire, the companions enter the fire kingdom, and Mimi begins her fire training. Sisi, in barter for their stay, starts putting her construction and woodcarving abilities to work, helping to build and reinforce the temples, and gaining her name of Lockbender. Laghima meditates at all the temples, and floats for the first time. This book ends with Mimi being declared a master of firebending in only two years, and Cheeks picking up some fire related swear words.
Book 3, Air, the companions go to the Western Air Temple. As Mimi works on air bending and struggles to get past some blocks, Sisi works on improving the integrity of the upside down buildings. Laghima is made Mimi's part time teacher and is recognized as a Guru by his people. He hasn't yet mastered the state of mind for permanent floating, though is consistently floating with meditation. During this time, they also visit the other air temples regularly so Sisi can check the construction and install the giant airbending locks. It takes Mimi 3 years to master airbending. This season ends with the Earth king finding out about the avatar, and quietly dispatching a team to find and capture her, as the Earth Avatar is one of his citizens and therefore should listen to him.
Book 4, Water. The companions, still with Laghima, head towards the small southern water tribe to learn water bending. On the way, they instead discover some other water benders, a young new tribe in the middle of a swamp. Mimi starts to learn water bending from the swamp benders, and Laghima communes with the (while younger, still large and old) banyan grove tree, and finally learns what he needs to be weightless always. Sisi meets a swamp bender girl named Rocha who decides to join the companions (they're gay, Harold). A short bit through the book, they pick up travel to the Southern water tribe to complete Sisi's training, having gained all they could from the swamp. In the meanwhile, the earth king's team are getting ever closer. With half the book left, they complete the water training, the fastest of the elements, and are captured by the earth king's forces.
then plot, plot plot, it ends with Sisi sacrificing herself so Roche, Laghima and Mimi can escape. Mimi is a quiet avatar who spends the rest of her years trying to protect others from war. Laghima becomes the wise floating guru we hear about. Roche holds the memory of her wife dear, and retires to the banyan grove swamp where she spends years strengthening the spirit of the tree.
It's revealed also that the writer of this history is an old Mimi, with Cheeks also looking a bit grey on her shoulder (parrots live forever), looking out upon a peaceful Western Air Temple. With a small lock designed by her sister on the outside of the journal.
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nessandaus · 2 years
I reappear from the abyss to drop more F2U AU Ideas upon you! Today we have a FMA: Pokemon au! 
In this AU, State Alchemists are Gym leaders (some sample teams below) but they all have various classifications other than typing. Sure, you have Ed, Full-Metal, and he runs a full steel type team, and Mustang with his fire type team, and Alex Louis with his fighting team. But then you have Tucker with his horrible chimera team, Kimblee who G-maxes his team, and Marcoh whose team is all pokemon tied to healing (and he used to mega evolve them but he no longer does so unless necessary). They also still do alchemy and can boost their pokemon attacks using alchemy (I.E. Mustang can do his flame alchemy with fire from his pokemon, and Ed could use alchemy to change his Scarmory’s feathers into a big sword.) 
As a trainer in the region, most of your time is actually spent hunting down the wandering gym leaders to ask them to battle. Alex Louis is typically the one trainers look to face first, because despite his high rank, rumors are out that he is the nicest gym leader. 
Alphonse is travelling with Ed, but isn’t a gym leader, rather counting himself as a trainer and happily showing off his collection of gym badges. Those who challenge him thinking he’s the Fullmetal are always shocked and terrified when instead Al pulls out one of several cat pokemon. Ed is the worst gym leader to face because he just tries to bite you and punch you himself half the time, and then his party is weirdly overpowered for no reason.
Winry is still an automail tech, but she’s also skilled in apricorn crafting, and can whip up pokeballs easily in a pinch. Olivier isn’t a gym leader but you better be prepared before coming across her team because her ice types are the kind that will FUCK YOU UP.
Scar is trying to eliminate the gym leaders and is also collecting badges to gain the right to challenge the Champion as well. 
The champion is Father. And the elite four are Pride, Wrath, Sloth, and Envy. (Greed was originally going to be an E4 member but he defected and is now on the side of defeating the champion.) 
Some Team Ideas: 
Edward Elric:  -Skarmory (of course). Angry bird is constantly smug that it is taller than Ed. Angry bird and Ed fight constantly -Lucario: Ed’s starter, Ed hatched the Riolu egg when he was very young.  -Metagross: Ed caught it at full hp with a pokeball, on the first ball he threw. Ed loves him very much. -Bisharp. This pokemon joined Ed because theve bad taste in knife hands. They are sparring partners.
Alphonse Elric: -Galarian Meowth/Perrserker: Al’s starter. Ed got him a steel type cat egg because he has a bias, but knew Al would also have his own bias. Likes to ride on Al’s shoulder. -Torracat: Soon to be an incineroar, this one is what really throws people off when they mistake Al for the Fullmetal.  -Sylveon: I said the Eeveelutions are cats, and Al is full of LOVE at all hours! -Purrugly: Al’s handsome boy, his name is probably Blorbo. Has 6 contest ribbons just because. Wears cute sweaters when the weather is cold. is perfect in every way.
Winry Rockbell:  -Houndoom: This smart dog is the AU version of Den, down to the automail leg. Is winry’s companion, and he’s better at identifying what tools Winry needs than Ed is. -Happiny: Still not evolved, this little creature was found by Winry and taken in in memory of the Chansey that worked with her parents. Happiny keeps a wrench in her pouch instead of a rock. 
Alex Louis Armstrong: -Buzzwole: Should the first gym leader have an Ultra Beast? Probably not. But Alex does anyway, because Buzzwole just showed up one day for a flexing contest. Don’t worry, he’s only like level 15 when you challenge the gym.  -Machoke: I’m going for an aesthetic don’t stop me -Makuhita: This little girl is working to get muscles like her fellow pokemon and her dad. Alex showers her with love daily. Can often be found tucked under Buzzwole’s arm like a football.
Oliver Mira Armstrong (The Ice Queen): -Beartic: The first out of the gate. This Bear is always at least 10 levels higher than your ace. And it’s the lowest level on the team. Why did you piss off Oliver so much she’s fighting you? You’re gonna die. -Lapras: Look, your fire type strategy isn’t gonna work here. Oliver may have all ice types but she’s good at what she does -White Kyruem. It’s not a surprise she has a legendary, is it? It shouldn’t be. She’s the ice queen.  -Abomasnow: sure it’s easy to beat, but it has snow warning and can set up blizzard again if need be. Plus it’s holding that item that makes blizzards last 8 turns. That means you know what’s up next, don’t you? -Froslass: The other ice queen. It can and will ruin your day. 
Riza Hawkeye:  -Intelleon -Intelleon -Octillery -Intelleon -Magmortar: her dad’s old pokemon. 
Roy Mustang: -Typhlosion - Roy’s cyndaquil starter, all grown up. A normal Typhlosion. Hates the rain and will not come out of the pokeball when it is raining. -Heatmor: Roy loves his stupid baby anteater his scrunglywungly, his precious angel. Mustang hatched the egg himself.  -Salazzle. She’s a bad bitch. She’ll also fuck your shit up. -Combusken: Has an eviolite, is affectionately called the better Fullmetal. Very squawky.  -Talonflame: The ace of the party, a very good bird.
Shou Tucker:  -Oranguru: The first pokemon that appears able to talk? Shou “adopted” it three years ago, around when his wife disappeared. -Houndstone: Wait....why does it sound like Nina?
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nessandaus · 2 years
OK. Katie AU. I know it's all over the fandom. But I have not seen any of your headcannons.
Going to rise from the dead to answer these 
I prefer the necklace/zipper watch that we see in the first timeline, so we keep that over a wristwatch. It’s actually kinda neat to see it worn that way, and as someone who wears a watch, the clunkiness of the yokai watch has to be uncomfortable
Kate befriends Whisper and Jibanyan of course, but her companions are consistently cute. She probably lets the beloved Komasan and Komajiro stay in her house as well.
I think it would be funny if Kate also befriends Manjimutt, more so because she hits him upside the head when he’s creepy, and because unlike Nate, she takes responsibility for him much better. Probably convinces her parents using yokai that he’s their weird furry uncle or something.
Kate’s grandmother ancestor used a wheelchair when she discovered the yokai. As a young child, she was injured, and when she’s 12 and discovers the yokai, she had been in a chair for several years. Her yokai friends helped take care of her throughout life.
Kate’s grandfather is alive and he enjoys telling Kate stories about his amazing wife who bounced her wheelchair through his life with dazzling magic. He enjoys talking with his granddaughter especially after she gets back from the past and reveals she has been hanging with yokai. 
Kate tells her parents but they don’t believe her, though strange things have been happening around the house. Plus the weird furry uncle who visits and smells like Sake. 
Kate likely tells Nate when they start dating, and while Nate takes awhile to come around to the idea, Yokai is an easier explanation than “Kate’s uncle is an alcoholic furry that lives in an actual doghouse”. 
Kate’s Whisper is both more competent than Nates, but also more of a mess. He can find the information quickly, but he acts far far more stupid outside of his Ipad skills. 
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nessandaus · 6 years
more yokai art
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It’s flippit, an ugly boy
Actual written content coming to this blog later i got hit with inspiration juice
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nessandaus · 6 years
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nessandaus · 6 years
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more yokai stuff from your resident gay
I love the third game even if it’s a little bit buggy because it’s so gosh darn LORGE
Full yokai medallium, plus voice acted cutscenes, plus huge maps, plus unique events that happen in different locations, plus Blasters, plus the amount of customization in originyan........
Later (today or tomorrow): MORE NYAN ART FOR YOU GUYS
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nessandaus · 6 years
Tattletell Headcanon
Hey I love some sad headcanon in my queue at 3 am
Tattletell was a grandmother. Her family loved her when she was alive, always visiting, always talking. But it wasn’t all flowers and goodness. The illness that left her in bed most of the day also took away her voice, the voice she’d loved for years. She’d been a singer in her youth, and an emergency phone operator. She’d loved her voice.
And as she lay there, sick and unable to speak, family members, nurses, doctors: all unloaded their secrets on the old woman who would never tattle. The old woman who could never tell. Secrets good and bad, all bearing down oppressively.
After she died, her spirit remained. Still unable to speak much beyond her name, for she’d forgotten how. Her power was to make others spill their secrets, still the unspeaking listener, only now able to share the secrets with the world.
Rumor has it that when she finds her voice again, Tattletell will finally be able to move on, to whatever afterlife waits beyond being a Yokai. 
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nessandaus · 6 years
Where I’ve been:
-Finally playing yokai watch 2: bony spirits (got it as a late yule gift)
Current team is:
Quaken (thank the Crank-a-kai I love my lion son) Tattletell (will probably swap her soon since I used her through my entire yk1 playthrough) Baku (training slot 1 - rotates between a few so i can get evolutions) Jibanyan / Baddinyan (depending on need) Hungorge (probably keeping until i get a better secondary healer) Swelton (training slot 2)
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nessandaus · 6 years
Princess and the Frog Theory
Since I’m not as active here, I’m also gonna dump more babbling fan theories to get more motivated (more yokai and other stuff coming later i hope)
I originally wrote this one a year ago - 
In the Princess and the Frog, when Naveen kisses Tiana, she turns into a frog. Now, the movie would have you believe this is because she wasn't a princess, but Dr. Facilier isn't likely to set that particular loophole when he's around. In fact, what if Naveen was MEANT to kiss Charlotte? And he was meant to turn HER into a frog as well? Why would a villain so smart let Naveen escape? Of course he was mad about it, because they got away from the party. BUT...if Naveen had kissed Charlotte, and turned her into a frog? Facilier can now control the richest man in the city. As a bonus, Facilier wasn't surprised there were two frogs. Maybe a bit surprised that the girl frog wasn't Charlotte, but not so much that there WAS a girl frog. And what better way to get rid of your need for Lawrence than to let the frog escape and have him turn Charlotte into a frog? There's no point in having Lawrence around once you have two ditzy, easily distracted pawns under your control. NOW the biggest "hole" is Charlotte didn't turn into a frog. However, their kiss was after Facilier and his shadows were pulled back into the underground, and after Naveen had seen Momma Odie. And if Momma Odie let a curse/shadow like that stick around, she wouldn't be a very good practitioner of hoodoo (even if she left him a frog). Perhaps she added the "princess" bit herself as a bit of insurance against Facilier. Perhaps she just knew that Tiana had the power to defeat Facilier in time, and that the kiss would work thanks to traditional magic kicking in. And that's why non-princess Charlotte didn't turn into a frog, but Tiana did.
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nessandaus · 6 years
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Team:  Audino (male), Happiny (female), and Furfrou (male, star trim)
Jay is the son of Nurse Joy, and he runs the pokemon center in Po Town for Team Skull, with the help of his wonderful team
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nessandaus · 6 years
Tattletell Headcanon
Hey I love some sad headcanon in my queue at 3 am
Tattletell was a grandmother. Her family loved her when she was alive, always visiting, always talking. But it wasn’t all flowers and goodness. The illness that left her in bed most of the day also took away her voice, the voice she’d loved for years. She’d been a singer in her youth, and an emergency phone operator. She’d loved her voice.
And as she lay there, sick and unable to speak, family members, nurses, doctors: all unloaded their secrets on the old woman who would never tattle. The old woman who could never tell. Secrets good and bad, all bearing down oppressively.
After she died, her spirit remained. Still unable to speak much beyond her name, for she’d forgotten how. Her power was to make others spill their secrets, still the unspeaking listener, only now able to share the secrets with the world.
Rumor has it that when she finds her voice again, Tattletell will finally be able to move on, to whatever afterlife waits beyond being a Yokai. 
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nessandaus · 6 years
Evil Sisters AU [References]
More will be added as I finish - I’ll reblog with other refs as I art them
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Twilight - Her right side suffers the effects of using a powerful amount of magic for a week straight as a foal. The holes in her horn are a gift from Chrysalis, allowing her to use magic inside the changeling lands. Her earrings connect her to the other guards of the royal throne and the Queen.
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Madame Pinkie - while her family directs the building of underground housing in the Changeling Lands, Pinkie and her sister Maud direct the escape tunnels throughout Equestria, Pinkie’s cheerful demeanor and constant smile lighting up even the gloomiest tunnels. Generally seen wearing her hair and tail up, so it doesn’t get in the way when she’s helping to clear rock and rubble.
Border Guard Fluttershy - This feral pony patrols the edges of the changeling lands with her pack of bears and her single timber wolf. Any who try to enter the lands undetected are soon captured and taken forcefully to the changeling head of the guard. Her years avoiding ponies and living only with animals has left her unwilling to talk to most ponies (the only exceptions being the changelings she has to talk to, Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow’s parents). The scars on her neck come from her most loyal bear, a 24 foot tall Ursa who suffered severe burns at the hooves of Daybreaker (he lashed out in pain and fear, but the young filly Fluttershy couldn’t bear to watch yet another wild creature die in front of her, so undaunted she healed him - in return, he joined her in loyalty.)
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nessandaus · 6 years
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Bear’s Grandma knit some tiny clothes for the yokai
Blazion and Tattletell especially loved their gifts, Blazion only taking his off for washing, and Tattletell carefully putting on her scarf anytime she went out
Also, th’s level of sketchy art is probably what most art on this blog will be like (besides like, direct references or pieces I really want to dive into)
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nessandaus · 6 years
Sorry for disappearing past few days - I’ll be back with more AU goodies tomorrow!
I’m hoping to get in some art tonight, I wanna draw my boy Blazion in a fluffy sweater
And I’m thinking tattletell needs a scarf or hat with a bobble? she’s my old lady child and i love her
(PS: Please send requests for new aus or questions about any of them! I’m going to keep  disappearing through November as I try doing NaNo) 
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nessandaus · 6 years
Your yokai watch aus give me life. I'm also loving Bear just going to his parents, sticking out his arm, and going, "I found a demon/ghost watch thing"
Ah, thank you! 
And more fun headcanons for you for the Bear AU:
Bear’s watch is on his wrist like Nate’s, but to match Bear’s aesthetic, it’s a far more beat up looking watch: think tape holding bits of it together
Bear’s ancestor (grandfather) is on his mom’s side
Bear’s mom, while partially doubting her kid because yokai just seem unlikely, does remember her own father having a similar watch, and a similar fascination with yokai
As a result, she asks her own mother for her dad’s old books on yokai and reads through them and shares them with Bear to be supportive
After several years (think: Bear’s late teens), she finds a dusty old lens and peeking through it, finds out the truth. She continues to happily spoil Jibanyan
Bear’s grandma, knowing her husband was right all along (and with a lens of her own), knits and sends Bear extra hats and scarves for his yokai friends.
She knits Blazion a sweater for the holidays one year. Blazion didn’t take it off for a month
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nessandaus · 6 years
Evil Sisters AU notes
Where is Cadence? -She is locked up in the Canterlot castle dungeons for opposing Celestia’s decision (but being too useful to kill) -Daybreaker siphons power off of Cadence every few weeks to force ponies to love her
Why did Nightmare Moon decide to side with Daybreaker? -Daybreaker is simply more powerful and scary. And the tiny piece of Luna still inside Nightmare is relieved to have her sister again -There’s also a mixture of thankfulness and fear.  Daybreaker freed Nightmare early, and has the full capacity to put her back for another 1000 years.
Twilight killed her parents? -No, but she thought she did! Her last sight of her parents was this:
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and Twilight didn’t know the spells wore off after a few hours without her to sustain them. -Likewise, her parents came back from being plant-ified with their daughter missing and nothing but magic scorch marks on the floor and walls. They assumed their daughter was dead, especially after Celestia returned as Daybreaker. -Shining following his dream was the most they could hope for, as it kept their final child safe.
What do the rest of the main six look like in this AU? -I hope to get these headcanons out soon since they’re quick little headshots but some general notes: -Fluttershy has several scars across her throat. No one knows where she got them or want to ask. Her voice is a lot huskier and more raspy. She’s sharpened several of her teeth. -Rarity wears her hair in a ponytail of cascading curls. She’s never seen without a royal gown or her reading glasses. Every pony in Canterlot knows that Daybreaker’s private handmaiden is the master of the royal defense. No one messes with her and walks away unscathed -Dash’s hair is roughly cut in patches, short and fluffy. She coordinates between the weather ponies, farm ponies, and patrolling guardsmen. She’s one of the few ponies Fluttershy will speak to. -Applejack’s hair is bundled into a no-nonsense bun like Granny’s. She’s one of the shortest adult earth ponies in the Changeling Lands. She’s missing her right front leg, it was burnt by Daybreaker’s first attack, and gangrene had set in on the journey to the hive. Other than that, she’s the strongest, fastest, hardest worker, and everypony knows it. -Pinkie wears her hair up. out of her eyes. She runs the refugee rescue tunnels throughout Equestria. Her cheerful smiles light up the tunnels, and her alluring personality has a way of calming even the most terrified refugees. 
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nessandaus · 6 years
More Eddie AU notes
Eddie’s watch is a pocket watch, rather than a wrist or necklace watch.
The watch operates like Riptide from the Percy Jackson books, always appearing in a pocket on whatever eddie is wearing (or clipping itself to whatever he’s wearing when there are no pockets)
Eddie tries several times to be rid of it by throwing it, only to find it in his pocket seconds later
Eddie’s research into yokai, rather than making him less susceptible to their influence, actually increases the amount he gets inspirited. 
Whisper is still pretty classic, but with the upgraded yo-kai pad and a master actively interested in studying yo-kai, he’s pushed into actually being somewhat competent
Whisper’s personality would probably end up being closer to game 1 Whisper than anime Whisper - actively helpful with a side of doubt
STORY IDEA: Eddie makes friends with Nird by stopping by and reading next to the crabby yokai for several days in a row without talking. Eventually Nird gives his token to the small human, and Eddie introduces him to the library.
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