neurowellnessin · 3 years
What is Awake Craniotomy?
Awake brain surgery, also known as an awake craniotomy, is an advanced type of brain surgery that is conducted while the patient is awake and conscious during surgery.
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
Stroke is more prevalent than you would think. Every year, more than 800,000 people experience a stroke, with roughly 200,000 of them being second-time strokes.
However, we can reduce stroke risk easily now!!!
Read Our Blog: https://bit.ly/3CpBlge
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
Osteoporosis spine: - what you should know?
Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle, to the point that even minor stressor like trivial fall can result in a fracture. The hip, and spine are the most prevalent or common sites for osteoporosis-related fractures.
Check our blog:https://bit.ly/3tJZwBY
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
Lower back pain may be caused by spondylolisthesis, a spinal disorder. It happens when one of your vertebrae or spine bones slips out of place and lands on the vertebra below it. Nonsurgical treatment can usually alleviate your problems. In most cases, surgery for severe grade spondylolisthesis is effective.
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
7 Tips to Heal Your Headache
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If you are experiencing headaches and hoping to heal with the Best Doctor for headaches in Bangalore then you are on the right page. In this article, you will get 7 Tips to Heal Your Headache yet before we leap to tips we should see some significant data about the headache.
How Medical Define Headache?
The clinical meaning of “headache” is a pain in the head, which is situated toward the front, side, back of the head, and neck.
Allow me to cite the meaning of Wikipedia –
“Headache is the manifestation of pain in the face, head, or neck. It can happen as headache, tension-type headache, or cluster headache. There is an expanded danger of depression in those with serious headaches. Headaches can happen because of numerous conditions.”
Headache is characterized basically into two classes: Primary and secondary.
A primary headache is generally amiable and longstanding. Normal primary headaches are headache and tension-type headaches. They have regular highlights – Headache, which will, in general, be throbbing in character, influencing one side of the head, related with sickness, crippling in seriousness and it ordinarily keeps going between 3 hours and 3 days.
Secondary Headache: This might be brought about by issues somewhere else in the head or neck. A portion of these is not destructive, for example, cervicogenic headache (pain emerging from the neck muscles). Prescription abuse headaches may happen in those utilizing over-the-top analgesics or other medicine for a headache.
Genuine motivations for secondary headaches incorporate brain tumors, stroke, and brain discharge. Patients having an extreme headache, thunderbolt headache, or abrupt change in the example of long length headache or having related side effects like vision misfortune, successive spewing, seizures, and sluggishness may have a genuine infection. This sort of headache requires a brain check (CT or MRI Scan). It might likewise require a medical procedure relying upon the pathology. Brain tumor biopsy or medical procedure might be needed to know the tissue conclusion or to soothe the headache and other related neurological indications.
For what reason do we get headaches?
There are insights that headaches are a pain that begins from the brain. Coincidentally, that isn’t the case because while the brain understands the pain in various pieces of our bodies, it can’t feel any pain itself.
So the pain we feel when we get a headache generally starts from the nerves, veins, and muscles that cover our head and neck.
We feel pain when these muscles or veins grow, contract, or go through different changes that enact the nerves around them to convey a pain message to the brain. If you wish to realize all the more kindly visit Headache Specialist in Bangalore
What causes headaches?
There are various reasons for headaches. The absolute most normal triggers incorporate pressure, drying out, PC or TV weariness, boisterous music, smoking, liquor, caffeine, yearning, restlessness, and eye strain. Each kind of normal headache pain changes in force, area, for instance, the top, back, or front of the head, and length.
Now and then hormonal changes could trigger a headache—for instance, the feared period headache! A few sorts of headaches, migraine, could likewise be genetic. Stress and nervousness may trigger a few group’s headaches, and some appear to have no clear reason.
Since you know about Headaches and its causes here you get 7 Tips to Heal Your Headache
1. Take Analgesic/pain killer in the wake of counseling a Doctor
In this article, all tips have a place with author insight and composed for sharing data yet kindly consult a doctor before taking pain meds including the most usually utilized paracetamol. Allow me to assist you with comprehension paracetamol – It is an extremely normal pain reliever medication yet it has some results, for example, stomach upset – queasiness and spewing overuse can cause liver harm.
The next normal medication utilized by the everyday person is an anti-inflammatory medicine. Individuals with stomach ulcers or on blood thinners like warfarin (Coumadin) ought not to take ibuprofen. Liquor use builds the danger of dying. Individuals more established than 60 years and those with kidney issues ought not to take headache medicine except if prompted by their primary care physician.
2. Take a stab at Heating Pad or Hot Compress
If you have a headache because of pressure, the specialist may prompt – a warming cushion on your neck or the lower back of your head. On the off chance that you have a sinus headache, hold a comfortable material to the space that damages. A warm shower may likewise help.
3. Faint the Lights
If you stay in Bright or glimmering light like long work span before PC/PC screen, can cause headaches. In case you’re inclined to light gadgets, utilize the best quality eyeglasses or wear shades while going outside.
4. Stay away from or lessen liquor, sufficient admission of water is a must.
5. Attempt Head Massage
Your doctor may exhort the best fix however a couple of moments of kneading your brow, neck, and sanctuaries can assist with facilitating a pressure headache, which may result from pressure. Or then again apply delicate, pivoting strain to the agonizing region.
6. Stay away from Stress
Stress prompts numerous medical problems and headache is one of them. Stress is only the body’s reaction to a test of interest. Everybody encounters pressure, which can be set off by a scope of occasions, from little day-by-day bothers to significant life occurrences like family issues, poisonous connections, and separation or occupation misfortune. Attempt to be reliable on your sound weight control plans and great rest.
7. Call Your Doctor
Headache may prompt numerous neurological issues – for instance, on the off chance that you experience the ill effects of persistent headaches and can’t discover alleviation with typical drugs, you may be encountering cervicogenic headaches.
A headache that deteriorates even after you take pain drugs so if you have a quick wellbeing concern, don’t stand by weeks to book a meeting with the Best Headache Specialist in Bangalore
Our master Neuro group at NeuroWellness in Bengaluru gives interviews and treatment to all neuro issues.
Please visit
Brain and Spine Clinic
#1224, Ground-Floor, 26th Main, Jayanagar 9th Block
BANGALORE – 560069
Phone No +91 72596 69911 +91 73490 17701
Website www.neurowellness.in
Facebook www.facebook.com/neurowellness.in/
Disclaimer: This information is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader is advised to always seek the advice of a physician before changing any treatment or to receive answers to questions regarding a specific medical condition.
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
“Headache is the symptom of pain in the face, head, or neck. It can occur as migraine, tension-type headache, or cluster headache. There is an increased risk of depression in those with severe headaches. Headaches can occur as a result of many conditions.” For more details visit our blog : https://bit.ly/3pIBLcW
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
If you are suffering from headache and looking to heal with Headache Specialist in Bangalore then you are on the right page. In this article, you will get 7 tips to heal your headache but before we jump to tips let’s understand some important information about the headache.
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
Tips for Choosing Best Neuro Specialist in Bangalore?
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Neuro specialists can be Neurologists or Neurosurgeons – who can treat Brain and Spine issues.
Are you or your caring ones enduring Back Pain, Neck Pain, Brain Tumor, Migraine Headache, or searching for guidance for Brain Surgery, Spine Surgery, or Neuro Endo Vascular Surgery in Bangalore.
If you have significant concerns searching for the best Neuro specialist in Bangalore!
You head over to Google looking for the Best Neurologist or neurosurgeon near me however you wound up getting an enormous rundown of Neuro Practitioners – tracking down the best Neuro expert in Bangalore looks an overwhelming undertaking.
Picking a Neurologist, or Neuro specialist is a significant choice you make before your discussion begins. Neuro experts are a group of specialists nervous system specialists and neurosurgeons and others. You can check accreditations at the site.
If you are in Bangalore, read on to get Tips for Choosing the Best Neuro Specialist in Bangalore.
1. Visit the site
The absolute first thing you can do is to check their site and investigate what they are doing.
2. Request reference
If your PCP is guaranteeing that he/she is a specialist in Neuro expert then, at that point request references to check how certain are they about their outcomes. Requesting references doesn’t intend to pass judgment on any specialist or their calling this would be only useful in your dynamic while picking the best Neuro specialist in Bangalore.
3. Affirm the Credentials
Fundamentally, you will be hoping to talk with an expert with information and the capacity to give you the right sort of treatment. It is significant that the Neuro-specialist keeps awake-to-date to his/her affirmation, is staying aware of best practices, and knows about the improvements in his/her forte region. The Neurologist or neurosurgeon must go through important preparation and has what it takes and experience needed to give the right sort of Neuro treatment.
4. Think about the Experience
In clinical calling, experience sets stand apart from an expert from the rest so think about the absolute experience and the association he/she connected with and delivered the administrations. Keep in mind, the experience of the specialist has an immediate bearing on the treatment result.
5. Ask a specialist for a second assessment
Regardless of what best specialist you are getting conference from is consistent, in the event of any uncertainty, it is prompted that you can go for a specialist for a second assessment. It is useful to thoroughly analyze specialists’ treatment proposals to check whether ideas from one are upheld by others or what are the distinctions.
6. Check their Reviews
The speedy thing you can do is to check their audits or criticism – Patients who have seen and gone through discussion strategy can disclose to you more about it. Audits/criticism is a decent and effective approach to get some answers concerning the center or the specialists and surprisingly about their staff.
7. Request Online Video Consultation
Requesting on the web video conference let you meet, talk, see and break down the general arrangement and point of view about the Neuro related issues including a medical procedure if it exhorted. It additionally assists you with understanding the specialist to-patient correspondence. On the off chance that you meet face to face that would likewise be an ideal choice gave you have adequate time.
If you are searching for the best specialist neuro expert in BENGALURU, NeuroWellness gives great cerebrum and spine care at a reasonable expense in examination with the other clinical treatment alternatives around the world.
Our master Neuro group at NeuroWellness in Bengaluru gives counsel and treatment to all neuro issues.
Please visit
NeuroWellness Brain and Spine Clinic #1224, Ground-Floor, 26th Main, Jayanagar 9th Block BANGALORE – 560069
Phone No +91 72596 69911 +91 73490 17701
Website www.neurowellness.in
Facebook www.facebook.com/neurowellness.in/
Disclaimer: This data isn’t intended to sub for proficient clinical counsel. The peruser is educated to consistently look for guidance concerning a doctor preceding changing any therapy or to get answers to questions concerning a particular ailment.
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
If your major concerns looking for a Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore! For more details visit our blog : https://bit.ly/32sG4QO
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
Neurospecialist can be Neurologist or Neurosurgeon – who can treat Brain and Spine problems.
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
What facts you should know about brain stroke?
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What is a brain stroke?
A stroke, otherwise called a brain assault, happens when the bloodstream to the brain is interrupted(Ischemic stroke) or blood spills out of the vessels(Hemorrhagic stroke). It’s a decisive circumstance. Portions of the brain are harmed or bite the dust in the two cases. A stroke can bring about long haul brain harm, inability, or even demise.
To function appropriately, the brain requires a consistent inventory of oxygen and supplements. Regardless of whether the bloodstream is hindered for a short timeframe, this can cause issues. Without blood or oxygen, synapses start to kick the bucket after a couple of moments.
Brain function is lost when synapses bite the dust. It’s conceivable that you will not have the option to tackle assignments that require the specific segment of your brain impacted by stroke, bringing about loss of motion, vision and discourse issues, intellectual difficulties, and character changes, contingent upon what portion of the brain is impacted.
Brain Stroke insights:
Stroke is the fourth driving reason for death worldwide. People and their families may be crushed by a stroke, which limits their independence. Grown-up inability is most usually brought about by this condition. Around 795,000 Americans have a stroke every year, with roughly 160,000 passing on because of stroke-related causes. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is committed to bringing down this weight using the biomedical examination.
In this blog, you will find out with regards to different realities identified with a brain stroke that you may haven’t known previously! These could save a daily existence and may help you in social occasion data also.
What International investigations say-
Realities that you want to know about a brain stroke. These are as per the following:
Stroke was liable for one out of each six passings brought about via cardiovascular infection in 2018.
Like clock function, somebody in the United States gets a stroke. A stroke kills somebody like clock function.
A stroke influences over 795,000 individuals in the United States every year. The first or new strokes represent around 6,10,000 of these.
A sum of 185,000 strokes happens in individuals who have as of now suffered a heart attack, representing around one-fourth, everything being equal.
Ischemic strokes, in which the bloodstream to the brain is impeded, represent around 87% of all strokes.
Somewhere in the range of 2014 and 2015, the expense of stroke in the United States was almost $46 billion. This figure incorporates the expense of medical services administrations, stroke-therapy drugs, and lost function days.
Stroke is one of the main sources of long-haul handicap. The greater part of stroke survivors matured 65 and up lose portability because of their stroke.
Ladies represent the greater part of all stroke passings.
Men are bound to endure strokes, yet ladies are bound to pass on from them.
Consistently 700,000 individuals have a new or repetitive stroke.
Since there are around 4.7 million stroke survivors alive today, stroke is the essential driver of a genuine, long-haul hindrance.
The yearly medical services costs spent on coronary illness and disease joined are not exactly the yearly medical care dollars spent on stroke treatment.
Beyond 65 three years old, 3/4 of all strokes happen, and the shot at having a stroke dramatically increases each decade after the age of 55.
Consistently, stroke kills twice however many ladies as bosom malignant growth.
Hypertension is the main source of stroke, and one in each three African Americans experiences it.
What do Indian Statistics say?
Stroke caused 6,99,000 passings in India in 2019, which was 7.4% of all out passings.
Around 1.8 million individuals in India experience the ill effects of a stroke each year.
Worldwide Burden of Disease concentrates on shows that of the 9.4 million passings in India, 619,000 were because of stroke and Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) lost were 28.5 million.
20-30% of strokes happen in individuals more youthful than 45 years and are all the more regularly found in India contrasted with the west.
Commonness pace of stroke range, 84-262/100,000 in-the country and 334-424/100,000 in metropolitan regions.
The occurrence rate is 119-145/100,000.
The occurrence of stroke increments with expanding age, yet in our metropolitan populace, it crested in the profoundly useful age gathering of 46-65 years. The danger of stroke was lower in ladies when contrasted with men younger than 45, it becoming equivalent in the age gathering of 46-65. Nonetheless, with propelling age, ladies were more inclined to ischemic stroke(infarct) over the age of 65 when contrasted with men. The rate of intracerebral discharge was viewed as essentially higher in men than ladies under the period of 45years
There are new meds that can significantly decrease the harm brought about by a stroke, yet you should go to the clinic where exhaustive stroke unit focuses are there as ahead of schedule as conceivable of the beginning of indications to stay away from inability. Controlling hypertension could forestall 320,000 strokes every year.
During a stroke, 2,000,000 synapses kick the bucket each moment, raising the danger of extremely durable brain harm, incapacity, or demise.
WHO says-
There are17M Strokes
6.5 Millions of passings
26 Million survivors
Specific stroke units care to increment the odds of endurance by 14%
Cluster blasting drugs build chances of good results by 30%
Clump recovery treatment expands the odds of good results by over half
Neurowellness gives Advanced Stroke therapy in Bangalore at a reasonable expense in correlation with the other clinical treatment choices around the world.
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
A stroke, also known as a brain attack, occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted(Ischemic stroke) or blood leaks out of the vessels(Haemorrhagic stroke). It’s a life-or-death situation. Parts of the brain are injured or die in both cases. A stroke can result in long-term brain damage, disability, or even death. For more details visit our blog : https://bit.ly/3FqWVRL
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
Brain function is lost when brain cells die. It’s possible that you won’t be able to do tasks that require the particular section of your brain affected by stroke, resulting in paralysis, vision and speech issues, cognitive challenges, and personality changes, depending on which part of the brain is affected. For more details visit our blog : https://bit.ly/3ExtVXR
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
A stroke, also known as a brain attack, occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted(Ischemic stroke) or blood leaks out of the vessels(Haemorrhagic stroke). It’s a life-or-death situation. Parts of the brain are injured or die in both cases. A stroke can result in long-term brain damage, disability, or even death.
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
A brain stroke, also known as a brain attack, occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is reduced or stopped. This condition is similar to a heart attack. What happens here? Due to blockage inside vessel   there will be stoppage of blood and oxygen  reaching the brain. For more details visit our blog : https://bit.ly/3pmwasw
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
Brain – I too have golden hour!
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A brain stroke, otherwise called a brain assault, happens when the stock of blood to the brain is diminished or halted. This condition is like a coronary episode. What occurs here? Because of blockage inside vessel there will be stoppage of blood and oxygen arriving at the brain.
The most widely recognized manifestations of brain stroke are facial shortcoming, arm and leg shortcoming, SPEECH brokenness, obscuring of vision, and awkwardness while strolling. What RISK factors are make brain inclines to stroke? hypertension, diabetes, smoking, elevated cholesterol, heftiness, ischemic coronary illness, and a stationary way of life.
Brain also has GOLDEN HOUR like heart!?
Brain stroke resembles a coronary episode. What one will do if unexpectedly creates chest torment ? Individuals will arrive at the clinic as right on time as could be expected , get ECG and ECHO and will take assessment of cardiologist. Am I saying right? Dear individuals – Brain assault is like coronary episode. On the off chance that notice signs are perceived soon and individual arrive at the clinic in GOLDEN HOUR confusions that emerge from brain stroke can be forestalled or limit the inability that can emerge from stroke.
Dear all Let us know – How brain stroke occurs?
Allow us to envision heart – The heart siphons blood into the brain through veins or channels called carotid conduits, which incorporate both ways carotids. In case there is an absence of supply or blockage aside of the brain, it causes brain stroke. During a brain stroke, 1.9 million neurons pass on consistently because of absence of blood supply and if not treated right away. What that implies – that implies the significant focuses of brain can get harmed parmanently.
In light of harm ends up braining – What we all should know is Brain stroke is characterized into smaller than usual stroke and significant stroke. This Mini stroke is otherwise called TIA-Transient ischemic assault we will see ordinarily improve inside 24 hours. On contrast what occurs in significant stroke is – An individual impacted with a significant stroke will set aside effort to improve and the shortcoming or neurological deficiencies continues for a more extended span. Which results what occurs? individual might turn out to be forever handicapped.
What is this golden hour?
At the point when brain stroke occurs – we should take the patient to the stroke care emergency clinic or look for guaranteed prescription, inside the golden period. 3.5 hours to 7.2 hours after the individual has experienced a brain stroke is golden hour. The coagulation blasting prescription and mechanical thrombectomy if occurs inside this period blood dissemination restores. Why is called golden hour?
After blood dissemination restores – brain recently impacted get blood course and nourishment and no of neuronal demise will decrease. This is conceivable by stent retrievers, it is a container like gadget. Methodology is called Mechnical Thrombectomy.
Mechanical thrombectomy is another methodology of interventional stroke treatment, where mechanical power is applied to eliminate the coagulation by goal or by drawing closer through a bushel like gadget (stent retriever).
Lately, exhaustive stroke treatment units are helping individuals who are impacted by stroke and greatest recuperation is recorded. An exhaustive stroke unit or group comprises of a crisis doctor, a neurosurgeon, a nervous system specialist, a neuroendovascular specialist/interventional neuroradiologist, a neuro intensivist, a neuroradiologist, a neuro anesthetist and a physiotherapist.
Before Advanced Stroke treatment in Bangalore or endovascular stroke treatment came into the image, what we were doing ? the moderate treatment was just the choice. It utilized showed many situations where the patients were endured or lost their lives. The propensity to foster super durable shortcoming in the hands and legs, SPEECH brokenness, determined vegetative state, high morbidities like the high likelihood of self-reliance on wheelchair or cot, reliance on family for a delayed time frame, advancement of bedsore and sepsis, and demise were more normal in the moderate brain stroke treatment techniques. If any quiet comes after the golden hour time frame, the right treatment can’t be begun.
On seeing manifestations like facial shortcoming, arm or leg shortcoming, SPEECH brokenness to give some examples, the patient ought to be hurried to the clinic promptly immediately, since consistently count.
Subsequently recollect and make the stroke brainfulness
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neurowellnessin · 3 years
Brain stroke is like a heart attack. What one will do if suddenly develops chest pain ? People will reach the hospital as early as possible , get ECG and ECHO and will take opinion of cardiologist. Am I saying correct?  Dear people – Brain attack is similar to heart attack. If warning signs are recognised soon and  person reach the hospital in GOLDEN HOUR   complications that arise from brain stroke can be prevented or minimise the disability that can arise from stroke. For more details visit our blog : https://bit.ly/3qtvH8S
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