nevartea · 8 years
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nevartea · 9 years
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            ‘ give it to me au naturel, sweetheart.                            ———-hands or g-t-f-o. ’
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                    “Does THIS please you then,                                    Oh Sadist?”
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nevartea · 9 years
&& nevartea
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Oh no, he’s back.
          ❝If even ᴏɴᴇ riddle comes           out’chuh god damn mout’, I           will hit’chuh.❞
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      “Perhaps one day when       you learn the JOYS of        life you shall not be so       c r o t c h e t y .”
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nevartea · 9 years
people who ship two characters from completely separate films or series are metal as fuck like they will literally never have any canonical interaction between their otp and they still believe in their true and perfect love like bless you guys you are some hardcore romantics
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nevartea · 9 years
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favorite character meme: five episodes - [5/5] - an apple red as blood
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nevartea · 9 years
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            ‘ give it to me au naturel, sweetheart.                            ———-hands or g-t-f-o. ’
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       “My, my you’re a strange one.        Fine. You can touch if you so         d e s i r e .”
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nevartea · 9 years
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Taylor Swift, “Wonderland”
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nevartea · 9 years
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nevartea · 9 years
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nevartea · 9 years
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          ’ wow,  we’ve just met  and you’re already talkin’  DIRTY ?                 i like you. but —ugh, i know i’m gonna regret this because,                 truly, i would like nothing more than your hands around my                 throat, babe. but something tells me you meant more in the             murdery sense than the sexy sense and i feel compelled                  to warn you that it won’t do you any good. 
                i mean you can’t kill me, i’ll just heal, it’s this whole big thing                 ——-ya know what, never mind, if you still wanna choke me,                 please do. i’ll sit still. ’
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               “WOULD you prefer it with my                      hands or with my scarf, darling?”
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nevartea · 9 years
Aside from making hats are there any other hobbies you may have?
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       “Running from the Jabberwocky       and making sure I keep my head
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nevartea · 9 years
I see no downside to a marshmallow lake, my friend.
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        “Try drowning in it.”
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nevartea · 9 years
Come now, Wonderland isn't /that/ bad is it?
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         “There is a MARSHMALLOW lake         and a drug smoking caterpillar.”
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nevartea · 9 years
In his episode Hat Trick when he enters Wonderland with Regina Jefferson notes that he hates Wonderland. What is your headcanon as to why he hates it before he is left there by the Evil Queen?
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Have you seen Wonderland? It’s too bright, there’s strange things that can eat you or kill you or otherwise make you not normal there. Also, if you do some research and whatnot about the Book Hatter, he is in debt up to his eyeballs basically to a number of people in Wonderland. Personal, I feel as if that coupled with the fact he was away from Grace plays into why he hates Wonderland.
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nevartea · 9 years
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          “THAT WAS ONE TIME!!”
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    “I think that should be the title of your autobiography.”
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nevartea · 9 years
Is there a common misconception about Jefferson you see that bothers you? (random question is random)
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Does being put in the OUaT series count?Um, yes, other than that, the general consensus that Hatter is more interested in fucking Emma than getting back his daughter, or hell, fucking anyone that moves just because they’re pretty together over getting Grace back really ticks me off. Also, he’s mad, not crazy. There is a difference.
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nevartea · 9 years
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          ‘ off limits. got it. don’t have to tell me twice —-i mean,                 you JUST did, but definitely not a third time, nosiree.’ 
okay, he’s considering it, that’s a good thing —right ? ( yes. good thing that he didn’t just shoot down the idea from the start ). okay then the correct answer is no, keeping her hands to herself is…. doable. 
           ‘  yes. ’
                               shit. wrong. 
           ‘ i mean no !  i can just —–sit on my hands ? ’
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        “Then why do I have the feeling you still want          to touch it even if I have had to tell you twice.”
It’s being considered, but he still wasn’t sold on the idea. Mostly because he knew that once she saw it the first time, she was going to want to see it again -- and most likely again.
    His tongue flicks out against his lips before dragging slowly      along their definition as he continued to debate the subject.
                 “FINE. If you move though and I’ll strangle you.”
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