neverending-horrors · 3 months
21/06/2024, 15:34
"Cornbread, yer smart, aren't ye?"
"Smartest official member of the team, sir." Andrew's position in the team, or moreso the importance of his position, has greatly improved his self confidence. However, what he says is completely factual — of all the official members of the team, he is the smartest. Unofficial, he's a close second.
"That's right. I've got a question," Conrad says calmly, sliding a file over to the younger man.
Andrew doesn't seem phased at the rather gory photos contained. "Go on." He sounds focused on something in particular about the photos.
Conrad looks at him for a moment. "The smudges look like finger stains, right?"
"Mhm. No fingerprints though, could've been singed a while back," the younger man mutters under his breath, adjusting his glasses as he looks at the smudges more closely. "Maybe a few years ago."
The older man seems confused. "How d'ye know that, lad?"
"No signs of recent burns — looked like they were holding onto the door. Tight grip, look at the nail marks."
"Damn." It's informal and not his usual type of language but he's very impressed. "Kid, you're amazin', ye know that?"
"I'm told every day, sir," Andrew responds calmly, and Conrad knows it's true.
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neverending-horrors · 3 months
"'Ey! Fawkes, right?" Conrad hasn't had a chance to meet the new guy yet, he only knows that the kid makes fantastic cornbread.
"Yes, sir, that's me."
"Great tae officially meet ye. Conrad Balfour." He offers his hand to shake.
"Andrew Fawkes. Nice to meet you too. You're in charge here, right?" He shakes the older man's hand, firmly and quickly, enthusiastically.
Conrad's handshake is firm but not nearly as vigorous. "Yeah, and ye..?"
Andrew lets go of his hand, fidgeting with the ring on his own middle finger. "Tech — tracing, tracking, information, anything you might need for a case, sir." Rosy-cheeked and bright-eyed, like he hasn't seen anything awful in his time working here.
"Wow. Ye'll be very helpful to the division, Cornbread," Conrad says with a smile.
"Cornbread?" The nickname seems to slow the younger man down as he blinks at Conrad.
"Ye make the spectacular cornbread in the break room, don't ye?"
"I wouldn't call it spectacular, per sé, it's just a family recipe... But, thank you sir; that's awfully nice of you."
Conrad simply ruffles his hair with a chuckle. "Welcome tae the team, kid."
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neverending-horrors · 3 months
"Fawkes!" Conrad has been sitting in his office since he limped in this morning, even skipping his break — he never skips breaks. "Fawkes, I need ye tae run something fer me!"
A rather scrawny looking blonde man, probably in his early 20s, walks in quickly, holding somewhere between 10 and 13 folders in his hands. "What is it, Mr. Balfour?"
"Name. Ian Wright."
"On it."
"Thank ye, Cornbread." The nickname is one of endearment, one he gave the younger man about a month into his arrival. "Let me know what ye find."
"'Course, sir." And with that he's off, hurrying out of the room before pausing. "Sorry, Wright? How's it spelt?"
"W R I G H T. Wright."
The younger man almost stumbles, holding onto the doorframe to steady himself. "O-oh. Right." He scurries off. Quickly and quietly.
Conrad will check on him later. Give him a minute to process.
After all, it has to be difficult, learning that your dad's a possible target of a confirmed psychopath.
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Reblog this to have people go into your inbox & ask your character questions!
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mundane headcanons
🌅 morning routine
at what time do they generally wake up?
do they tend to wake up early and take their time, or would they rather rush it?
how many alarms do they need to wake up?
are they a morning person?
bathroom first or breakfast first?
do they take a shower to wake up?
coffee, tea, milk or juice?
sweet or savoury breakfast?
what do they like to have for breakfast?
do they prepare their clothes before going to sleep, or do they prefer to improvize?
do they spend a lot of time dressing up, fixing their hair and/or putting on makeup?
🚿 personal hygiene
how often do they take a shower/bath?
shower or bath?
shower/bath in the morning, afternoon or evening?
do they use specific perfumes?
do they prefer their shampoos and soaps plain, or do they like to smell like something specific?
do they have specific shampoos, conditioners and body wash, or do they go with a 3-in-1?
what's their go-to flavor when it comes to toothpaste?
🍕 food breaks
do they have set times for their meals, or do they eat whenever they feel like it?
do they have a proper meals everyday, or do they tend to skip or get just a snack for lunch/dinner?
are they a home-cooking kind of person, or do they rather get takeouts?
if they eat at work/school, do they take time to prepare even just a sandwich at home before going out?
do they tend to have any make-ahead meals?
do they tend to have leftovers?
how often do they get fast food?
how often do they go to restaurants?
🧹 chores
are they the one doing most chores in the house?
which chore is the one they dread doing the most?
do they wash the dishes right after a meal, or do they leave them in the sink until it's impossible to ignore them?
do they have the dreaded "laundry chair" where they put dirty clothes on?
do they make their bed in the morning, or leave it undone until it's time to sleep?
🚗 transports
do they have a driving license, wether it's for a car or bikes?
do they have any other kind of driving licences ( planes, ships, buses... )
do they own a car?
do they own a bike?
are they the kind of person who think of their car as if it was their baby? perfectly clean, not a scratch, almost overly protective of it?
do they use public transports? if so, do they like using them?
do they like going on trains?
do they like going on boats or ships?
do they like going on airplanes?
📱 phone
what phone do they have?
do they use specific ringtones depending on who calls them, or do they use just one for everyone?
how often do they check their phone?
do they keep their phone's audio volume on, or do they prefer the vibration or? or do they rather have it silenced?
how many apps to they have on their phone, give or take?
do they have games on their phone?
what's their background and lock-screen?
💻 social media
are they registered to any social media?
how often do they log in?
how many followers do they have?
do they follow a lot of people?
how easy is it for them to block someone online?
what do they tend to post online ( art, videos, just starting fights online... )?
did they ever get in an online fight?
do you think they'd have callouts about them?
😴 sleeping routine
at what time do they tend to go to sleep?
do they take anything to help them sleep ( medicines, chamomilles, warm milk... )?
how much does it take for them to fall asleep?
are they a light or a heavy sleeper?
do they snore, talk and/or move a lot while sleeping?
do they dream often?
what kind of dreams to they tend to have?
do they prefer to be in complete darkness to fall asleep, or are they ok with a bit of light?
do they need the door or the windows open, or do they prefer them closed when they go to sleep?
what's their usual sleeping position?
where is their bed? with a side against the wall, in the middle of the room... ?
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"D'ye 'ave a problem?"
It sounds as if he's attempting to square up, but upon even an ounce of inspection, it's clear that he's genuinely asking if you need any help.
Though his general disposition doesn't help to get that point across, stone-faced and almost sceptical, his limp not making him any less intimidating. Big brown eyes are the only remotely soft thing about him.
————————————————————————Name: Conrad Augustin Balfour
DoB: 17/04/1980
PoB: Falkirk, Scotland
Age: 44
Height: 6'1
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