can't decide between alicia vikander, amanda seyfried, blake lively, jenna louise coleman, or zoey deutch... please help
Those are a lot of options, and all amazing ones at that! I’d personally have to say Alicia Vikander, Blake Lively or Zoey Deutch, but I’ll let members help you decide also. 
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The following character(s) have been inactive, and will need to post within the next 24 hours to avoid being unfollowed:
Amara Shepherd, @amarashephcrd
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Hunter Thomas, @hunter--thomas
Kendall Washington, @kendallwashingtcn
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Iris Sinclair
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Josie Cale
Ximena Ramirez
Noah Scorsene
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Josie Cale, played by Cree.
Ximena Ramirez, played by Mimi.
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OMG hi is there still time to apply?
Hi, absolutely! I’ll be doing another round of acceptances in half an hour.
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The following character(s) have been inactive, and will need to post within the next 24 hours to avoid being unfollowed:
Levi Dubois @levixdubois
Nathalie Deekes @nathaliedeekes
Reagan Hawthorne @reaganhawthcrne
Wyatt Kaminsky @wyattkams
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Birthdate: 9th February 1987 (31) Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him Hometown: New York City, New York Neighborhood: Manhattan, New York City Occupation: Actor Faceclaim: Michael B. Jordan Trigger Warnings: alcoholism, drugs, overdose
Noah Scorsene was born in New York City, but given up for adoption only three months after his birth. He was lucky to be adopted by a young couple that had already adopted a boy his age, and later on adopted a younger sister for him as well. They were your average happy family next door, and looking back at his childhood, Noah knows he has nothing to complain about. There was love, fun and happy memories all around. Yet growing up, Noah soon realized that he wasn’t really good at much except working out – and looking good. He failed at school, he failed at learning an instrument, he failed at most hobbies that he tried throughout his life. In contrast to his siblings, he had nothing to show. With seventeen, he started modeling a little on the side after someone approached him on the street. After graduation, that’s the career he pursued. While his parents weren’t entirely happy with it, they supported him either way.
His modeling career eventually got him into acting. In his mid twenties, Noah actually went through the roof – not something he or anybody else expected. But he starred in several huge movies and was nominated for several big awards. But Noah was only ever second place. He never won the award, he was only the guy politely smiling on the sidelines. The pressure became more and more with every good role, and also every missed award. Thanks to said pressure, he lost himself in a whirlwind a lot of celebrities lost the fight to already – drugs and alcohol. Parties were his second home. He often woke up in beds of strangers, already aching for the next drink. 
Noah only woke up from his mess when he opened his eyes in a hospital room after an overdose. The result of his latest fling dumping him because he was so dependent on his ways to numb his pain. His sister sat by his side, crying, begging him to go into rehab before he ended his life too soon. And although he didn’t want to admit it, he went through rehab regardless. Once he was done with that, he lived in Sweden for a year, in a small house by the ocean. He was on his own most of the time, just sitting on his porch, looking out on the ocean and wrote a lot. Word documents full of his personal thoughts. After a year of doing that, he returned to his home in New York though.
Noah was dying to be close to his family again, but New York was full of the things that got him into the addiction in the first place. Unsure what to do with his life now, the pressure is back, knocking at his door. Noah isn’t sure if going back into the acting business is a good idea, but at the same time, he doesn’t think he’s good at much else. Afraid that he will not succeed, afraid of failure and afraid that he won’t find his way back into a good life, Noah feels as if he’s stuck.
( + ) hard-working, passionate, charming ( - ) thoughtless, impulsive, possessive
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Birthdate: January 10th, 1991 ( 27 ) Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him Hometown: Los Angeles, California Neighborhood: Greenwich Village, Manhattan Occupation: Little League Baseball Coach Faceclaim: Zac Efron Trigger Warnings: Alcoholism, Child Abuse, Drugs.
Born to wealthy parents, Riley was defined as the kid who had everything he ever wanted. He was born with a built in best friend, his twin brother Kyle, and celebrities as parents. Gerard and Agatha were picture perfect in every way. It wasn’t until Riley and his brother’s childhood turned into a nightmare that his unfortunate reality kicked in. Riley was far too young to even have understood what such beatings meant, but after watching Kyle get in trouble for the first time, the memory was burned into the front of his mind whenever he closed his eyes at night. With his mother being a crack addict, there seemed to be no hope for either of the Henderson boys. When their mother overdosed, it was like Riley snapped. Like Kyle, Riley couldn’t stay quiet during the whole ordeal – his mother’s death and his father’s abuse only made him angry. It’d land him in more trouble, as well as drag Kyle into his own misbehavior even when the other had nothing to do with it. Riley had no friends – save his brother – and it showed in the way he tried to seclude himself. He couldn’t bring himself to trust anyone, and everyone received the cutting edge of his bad temper every day.
There wasn’t a moment of his childhood that Riley missed. Leaving with Kyle was always his only option, having realized as a young boy that he was nearly apathetic to everyone but his twin. It was hard to care about anyone when he felt so alone all the time, making him a miserable brat to deal with while they spent their last few years as teenagers fighting Gerard every step of the way. While his brother got into fighting, Riley could only deal with his anger issues by swinging a baseball bat. He channeled all he could into hitting a baseball instead of bashing someone’s head in. Riley was a great pitcher - that much was obvious. Throughout his college years, he strived to be the best of the best, however, he lacked in the academia while he strived in sports. He did all he could, but he left the smarts to his brother while he focused on his own life towards the major leagues, hoping to bring some kind of redemption to the Henderson name. It was his big shot – fighting to be known as the up and coming Rookie of the Year, not one of the sons of the late Agatha and still living Gerard, celebrities who gave him most of the fame he tried to ride off of.
It was then that he met someone - another baseball player whom he simply connected with on the spot. In Riley’s mind, there wasn’t anyone worth talking to or getting to know besides Kyle, but this boy caught his attention almost immediately. Riley was always someone who cut ties, and while their on and off relationship only lasted less than a year, it had a negative, lasting effect on Riley. It took place during his last year of college, when everything was on the line. He’d gotten drafted by the Yankees, having a contract to play in the minors before he’d get a chance to pitch in an MLB game. His time never came, however, since he and his “boyfriend” never seemed to get along after the first four months. Riley was always volatile - a naturally angry person with far too much pent up rage, and his partner happened to be so as well. Their arguments would include broken furniture or whatever they had close to them, but it didn’t take long for it to get physical. Riley had always vowed to never hit someone he cared about; it was part of the reason he hardly went to watch Kyle fight or do anything of the sorts. It wouldn’t take more than one punch at his brother for him to try and kick that stranger’s ass.
During one violent altercation between he and his “boyfriend”, Riley’s wrist was snapped in three different places, but that wasn’t the only thing that ended his baseball career. He’d been shoved, and his head had connected with the wooden floor. No one would have known; not even Riley had known that he’d gotten a traumatic brain injury. It’d taken one seizure for his brother to take him to the hospital, and there would never be another sport related activity for Riley Henderson again. His speech had slurred – and basic motor functions became difficult until he was finally able to remaster what Riley considered human mobility. It took months and months of therapy, but in the end, he’d managed to overcome it. Despite that, his pitching career was still over, and he still had trouble with outbursts of anger that he couldn’t control thanks to his TBI.
It was back to being nothing but a college student at NYU, and he slid by the rest of his year, barely earning his degree as the depression kicked in. He felt like he was played a fool, destined to crash and burn like his parents had once the fame and money had caught up to them. He did whatever it was he thought he wanted; parties and New York City were like his own personal hell, and that’s the only place he could thrive. Riley had refused physical therapy for his hand, pushing himself to throw a perfect curveball like he used to. In the end, nothing he could do would get him back in the game, and after trashing the last apartment he was in with his bat from college, it was easy enough to leave California behind. Riley settled for coaching little league baseball instead of trying to do anything with his psychology degree. Kids calmed him down, and he still got to play baseball to some degree. However, his drinking problem started almost immediately after he’d lost his deal, and Riley has yet to stop. His fear is becoming anything like his father was: drunk and abusive, but instead, he treats the drinking as his pain killer. Constantly having some alcohol gives him a sort of escape, and while he’d still do anything for his brother, he can’t find any motivation in him to care about what people think of him.
( + ) charming, loyal, straightforward ( - ) aggressive, erratic, indignant
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Birthdate: February 15th, 1991 (27) Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her Hometown: New York City, New York Neighborhood: Upper East Side, Manhattan Occupation: Assistant Interior Designer Faceclaim: Shay Mitchell  Trigger Warnings: White Collar Crime, Relentless Bullying, Suicide.
Born with a silver spoon in her mother and the world at her fingertips Nadia Joseph  believed that her life would be nothing less than perfect. And for a while, it had been. With her mother’s beauty, her father’s brains, and charm that could get her into trouble as quickly as it got her out of it she never had trouble fitting in or making friends. And with her family’s abundance of wealth, she never needed for anything. Nadia quite literally had the perfect life. One that many envied because unlike most Upper East Side families who were forced to fake their happiness, the Joseph family truly was happy. 
There was never a need to pretend. Naomi Joseph was nothing less than a doting mother and Andrew Joseph put nothing above his family. Even with his busy schedule as New York City’s most trusted and sought after investment banker he never missed a dance recital, baseball game, or important family gathering. He wasn’t just present in Nadia, her twin sister Natalia, and their older brother Alec’s life. He was an active participate. Which made his betrayal hurt all the more when they returned home one Winter afternoon to find their mother weeping in the kitchen. 
Andrew Joseph had not only left his family to fled the city with his mistress…but had taken half of his company with him. Leaving the family he left behind to deal with the fall out of his sins. Life was never the same for the Joseph family. Their fall from grace happened quickly and with no hesitation from those who paraded themselves as friends and allies beforehand. Once beloved by all, Nadia and her family found themselves hated. Their place of residence bombarded with reporters and angry civilians alike. All out for blood. But nothing was worse than the hell that had become their lives at school. 
It seemed everyone had turned against them at once and not a day went past without one of the Joseph children finding dead rats in the lockers or vulgar words written across their desks. Nadia and Alec were able to brace the unfair treatment from their peers but Natalia hadn’t. Always known to be the more sensitive of the siblings she came home from school every day crying and begging Naomi for a transfer or to home school them instead. Eventually their mother, unable to bare witnessing her children suffer any longer, promised to do as much. 
Instead of a simple transfer however she promised to move them to another state all together. To her hometown in Long Beach, California. Unfortunately in the midst of preparing for the move; Natalia took her life. Her lifeless body found by Nadia in the bathtub of their shared bathroom. No amount of CPR had been enough to bring her twin sister back and the loss scarred her far more than the abandonment of her father. When it finally came time to board the flight to California Nadia promised herself one thing: one day she’d come back to New York City and when she did….Natalia would be avenged. 
The remainder of high school passed by in a blur of grief, anger, and resentment. The only thing that really mattered to her coming in the form of plotting the day she would return to New York and how exactly she would teach them all the lesson they deserved. It wasn’t until she started to attend college in Los Angeles and thrust first hand into the world of celebrity culture and how their every mishap, mistake, and massive scandal was released into the world to be criticized and judged that Nadia found her answer. If her family had been forced to pay for the sins of her father, she would hold a mirror to the city of New York and force them to have their own be splashed all over her blog. 
It wouldn’t be the simple however. She needed an in to access the secrets of Manhattan’s elite and with the deeds of her father still hanging over her head along with her long departure from the city she no longer had any ins. Until she met Sebastian Whittemore. The eldest son of one of New York City’s most influential families. If she could wrap him around her finger, she could wiggle her way back into the scene that would help launch her blog. After all nobody would be reading a blog about a bunch of nobodies secrets. She needed intel on the elite first. 
She hadn’t expected to marry her link to the Upper East Side but when he proposed shortly before her graduation she couldn’t think of any reason not to. By the time she stepped foot in Manhattan again she was the fiancee of a powerful man and a few short months later, the wife of one. It gave her all the access she needed to make the right connections for her blog. It seemed no one minded letting her into the inner circle again now that her name was attached to a man that wasn’t hated by a majority of the city. Her blog took off before she knew it, with none of her Upper East Side friends the wiser of her online activities. 
Soon enough the blog picked up so much traction that she no longer needed to dig up the dirt herself. Fans, readers, and those desperate enough to see their name across her infamous blog were more than happy to send her information to use. Things were going well…until she found herself hacked by a group called The Collective who gave her an ultimatum. Release her blog to them or they would release her identity. 
( + ) charismatic, intelligent, resilient ( - ) distant, manipulative, selfish
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Birthdate: April 16th, 1986 (32) Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him Hometown: New York City, New York Neighborhood: Upper East Side, Manhattan Occupation: Senior Attorney at Mercer & Associates Faceclaim: Aaron Tviet  Trigger Warnings: Depression, Drug Use, Overdose
It had all started out very simply- Wyatt Kaminsky was born to a mother and a father in the Bronx, NY. They didn’t have much money, but both of his parents earned enough from their meager teaching salaries to land them just above the poverty line. If you had spoken to his neighbors back in the day, they’d tell you that the Kaminsky boy was a smart kid with a slight knack for wandering off. Had you asked his mother of a defining characteristic of her boy? Well, she’d tell you how creative her bright son was, whether he was running through backyards and over fences to get home or taking massive detours through the parks before he reached school. It’s safe to say that Wyatt wasn’t, and has never been a boy who thought logically.
Unfortunately, when Wyatt turned thirteen, his life took a massive turn when his father decided to up and leave him and his mother. It was seemingly the worst thing that could possibly happen to the young and impressionable thirteen-year-old and Wyatt could not cope with the void he felt in his life after his father left. This led him to turn to various mind-altering substances, such as pills, to help forget what it felt like to be sad. As a domino effect, he grew increasingly dependent on the mock effect of normalcy that the drugs provided, and in turn became less motivated by the things he probably should have been caring more about, like schoolwork, grades, and maintaining a social life.
The drugs completely changed who he became and what path he decided to follow in life, and it didn’t take long before Wyatt decided that he didn’t want to go to college, instead choosing to work as a barista in a local coffee shop. He didn’t need a college degree to make money, right? And not having any aspirations or dreams to reach towards, going to university would just be an incredible waste of time and money. Those were his validations for rejecting a life of academia and instead vying for an option that didn’t require a drug test to succeed.
His lack of motivation in life disappointed both of his parents tremendously, including his father who he still kept in touch with. It was even more of a slap in the face when his father continually mocked and chastised Wyatt’ lack of motivation, usually after he bragged about his new life with his new family and perfect children. Though Wyatt was still twenty and living in his mother’s house, he tried his best not to let such things discourage him even though after every phone call, he couldn’t help but feel more than hurt by his father’s rejection.
Perhaps the total opposite, his mother always cared for and nurtured him since he was a little boy, never quite forgetting the child who made her pictures of flying planes and booming rocket ships every day. He would always be her little boy, and in this way she remained in denial about his drug abuse and could never find it within herself to force him to go to rehab, afraid he would resent her for the rest of his life. She was ecstatic however when he finally got a promotion and pay raise at the coffee shop where he worked and had saved up enough to buy his own place. Before he knew it, he was up and out of his mother’s house and on to bigger and better things: his own apartment. However, much to Wyatt own internal chagrin and his mother’s resignation, he didn’t give up his old ways and continuously begged her for money, stating that it was for rent when it was really for drugs. They both knew what he was doing – but again, and like all the times before, she never said, “No.”
Of course, he didn’t know that his life would change yet again in the summer of 2008 when he met a special girl named Elise at the shop. They immediately bonded as she watched him hand-craft her vanilla soy latte and talked about everything under the sun. The two became incredibly close and instantly, Wyatt fell for her. She was beautiful, she was kind, and most of all…she cared. They were together for months before Elise found out about his addiction, and the moment she found the empty bottle and pills that cascaded the drawers of his apartment, the anger and the look on her face said it all; he needed to put an end to this. With her repeated promptings, she convinced him to check into rehab. Six months later, sober and ready to show her the new him, Wyatt was heartbroken to find out that she’d left; packed up all of her things and got out of New York for good, without a word or explanation. His bright star in the night sky, his only true friend, the one person he’d allowed himself to get close too, was gone.
He relapsed, that was no surprise to anyone that had witnessed this strange turn of events. He went back to his old ways, heartbroken and exhausted from life itself. After giving this woman everything he had, after trying to change for her in ways that he wouldn’t even change for his own mother, he still wasn’t lovable. A couple of months later, Wyatt was admitted to the hospital after overdosing at only twenty-two years old, closer to death than he’d ever been before — which Is when Pamela Kaminsky finally put her foot down. Her son needed her, now more than ever, and for the first time she was able to say, “No”.
After another six months in rehab and a couple of more in therapy, Wyatt’s life dramatically began to improve. He decided to go back to university, getting accepted to CUNY City College of New York for pre-law — something he’d always been interested in but never considered a possible career path to him. He’d reconnected with his father who decided to pay for Wyatt’s education, figuring it would keep him off of the drugs and off of the streets. It was as if it all went by in a flash — finishing undergrad studies in three years with honors, getting accepted into New York University law school and graduating with job offers out the wazoo. Everything had somehow fallen into place…
…Until Ashton Cooper decided to fuck it all up. The two of them had met about five years ago when Wyatt was still in law school. It was a stressful time for the then twenty-seven-year-old, feeling as if he was going to crack under the pressure at any moment which prompted him to see a counselor. Sober companion — it was something that he’d heard about from others but never contemplated it for himself much. After deciding to give it a shot, he was matched with Ashton whom he’d become quite familiar with due to her presence in the media. It was odd, befriending someone who was practically famous and yet still gave a shit about him. Her friendship and her support made him feel important, not only because it helped him stay sober, but because due to their close relationship he was also suddenly thrust into the public eye — obviously not as much as she was, but whenever they were out together the magazines tended to take note. Not only this, but now that he was somewhat recognizable, employers took note and he was able to get a job as a junior attorney at Mercer and Associates in the Upper East Side.
All great things must come to an end, however, and that’s exactly what happened six months ago. Wyatt had gotten promoted to senior attorney after two years at the firm and had rushed over to his friend’s place to tell her the great news — and that’s when he caught her in the act. Heartbroken, angry, betrayed, the male completely flipped out on his sober companion, threatening to go public with her abuse and expose her for all the lies she must have been spewing over however long she’d been back on her bullshit. The rest of the argument went by in a blur, however, and before Wyatt knew it, Ashton had influenced him to join her thus ending his ten-year-long stint with sobriety with a small line of cocaine. And then another one. And then another one.
Six more months have passed, and Wyatt feels like he’s about to hit rock bottom. No one except for Ashton knows about his relapse, keeping it from friends and family by distancing himself from anyone who could be able to sniff it out. Work has become more stressful as each day goes by and his social life has definitely started to take a hit. The guilt, the deceit, the pit his stomach — it’s all starting to weigh on him. ¬Therefore, it’s only a matter of time before Wyatt Kaminsky becomes his own worst enemy once again.
( + ) good-humored, easy-going, modest ( - ) dependent, self-destructive, insecure
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Birthdate: June 13th, 1989. (28) Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her Hometown: San Francisco, California Neighborhood: Upper West Side, Manhattan. Occupation: AA/Drug Addiction Counselor. Faceclaim: Margot Robbie Trigger Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, child loss, drugs, and drug addiction
Born in the heart of San Francisco, California, Amara Shepherd was ready to explore the world. For the first two years, she was all alone. She had nobody to play barbies or watch Disney movies with. All she would do was play outside with the neighbors and play dress up all by herself. Just about to turn three in a month, her sister was born and she wasn’t alone anymore. When she turned five and her sister was three, their youngest brother was here and she couldn’t be happier. Growing up with lots of money all around them, she always had an itch for helping people. While her siblings played outside, she stayed indoors and looked up local therapists to interview.
Just hitting middle school, it didn’t take too long for Amara to realize that her parents were more worried about their wealth and social life rather than their kids. This was when she started taking great care of her siblings. This made her mature at an early age. She made sure they were fed on time, getting their homework done, and played nicely with others. She was placed into the maternal role soon after and loved every second of it. When it came to fancy parties, galas, and proper socialites, she watched over her siblings while her mother was a drunken mess, stumbling around everywhere. When she saw this happening, she kept her siblings far away and made sure their dad was taking care of their mom. After a long night, she would help her siblings get ready for bed, read them a story, and waited for them to fall asleep. When they slept peacefully, her heart was happy.
During her high school years, Amara kept her focus on the honor courses she was taking, her grades, and the clubs she was a part of. With her incredible focus and determined mind, all four years flew by. She quickly applied too many schools and was accepted into Columbia University in New York City, New York. Starting off at Columbia, she majored in Communication Studies. She quickly became the top student of her class. Graduating at the top of her class, she stayed longer to become a certified counselor. After that, she went back to San Francisco and got her own place. Hoping to see her siblings after four years, she learned they were doing well and their mother still wasn’t.
Entering her mid-twenties, Amara decided to become an official counselor. Quickly after, she had over ten patients a week. When she started to make session plans, she had a full bottle of Adderall by her side. Popping one in every few hours, it became two, three, five pills down her throat during every session plan. She quickly became a drug addict. She knew this was bad, but she couldn’t help it. The amphetamines made her write anything she wanted and made her not worry about a thing. She called herself a ‘silent’ drug addict since she stayed at her place and never really went out. Deciding to get some air one night, she met Ryan McGinnis at a pub. When they started dating, she attended A.A. meetings and became sober. She was sober for a few years before her relapse.
After a few years of dating, Amara and Ryan decided to get married. Soon enough after their marriage, they had a beautiful, darling, baby girl. She thought they were going to be a happy, perfect family, but things started to crumble in their hands as they didn’t seem to fit well anymore and she didn’t feel happy. She missed the feeling of being free and having no worries. When it was time to move to a new building with new patients, she began to relapse and start up her old habits. New drugs came new actions and she became a new person towards Ryan. At this point, the drugs were doing all the work. With new drug dealers in contact, she decided to take her baby girl on a ride with her. She was under the influence and before she knew it, she was in a car crash close to her destination. She made it out with minor injuries, but she couldn’t say the same for her daughter. She killed her daughter, was served with divorce papers, and was left alone. It was time to make a serious change in her life.
Now at the age of 28 and living with one of her siblings, Amara was back in A.A. meetings and was getting counseling for depression and child loss. She was getting help in many ways and was making improvements. She was now endured in a long, tough treatment that will end well. In the beginning of her treatment, she leaned on her siblings for help and support. From them, she learned healthy ways to cope with stress and temptation. There was no way her last relapse was going to keep her down for any longer. Next thing she knew, she got through her depression and fell in love with the job. Already being a certified counselor, it was time for her to become an A.A. counselor. After becoming certified as a therapeutic counselor, she looked up counseling services to work at. At the end of every night, she closed her eyes and thought about Ryan and their daughter. She missed them so much and needed to start over. Trying to figure out where she wanted to live, she thought about her past and thought New York was a great choice. After a few days, she packed up her things, said bye to her siblings, and moved to the Big Apple. Finding a small apartment, she was now working at the local counseling service and began her clean slate.
( + ) caring, thoughtful, and loyal. ( - ) closed off, pushy, and unstable
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Birthdate: April 30, 1990 (28) Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia Neighborhood: Brooklyn, New York City Occupation: Assistant Designer Faceclaim: Carolina Miranda Trigger Warnings: death, accident, mentions of bullying
Before becoming Marisol Espinosa, Madison Salvador’s life was perfect; She had perfect parents, perfect friends, she had it all and absolutely nothing could go wrong. Her perfect childhood came and went and school soon followed in a blink of an eye. When high school came around Madison was already prepared for she had her whole life planned out from the start. Surrounded by her friends and their perfect lives, high school quickly became a breeze for the young girl, that is, until everything soon went horribly wrong at home. Her father had been working for a criminal organization ever since before she was born and had been helping them commit a series of insurance scams and other fraudulent activities while Madison and her mother remained completely ignorant. It wasn’t until Madison’s third year in high school that everything her father had been doing caught up with him and ultimately led to his end. The next thing she knew, her father had died in an accident after a never ending police pursuit that ultimately killed him.
The events made the local news and just about everyone around Madison knew about her father and what he had done. Everything afterwards soon went to hell: Her mother had been let go from her job because her presence was a bad look for the company and all of Madison’s perfect friends turned their backs on her. It wasn’t too soon before the authorities seized everything that was in her father’s name for their investigation and since her mother had no job, she had to sell their house. Madison and her mother left town and ended up moving in with her grandmother all the way in Boston. Madison didn’t know much about her grandmother since her mother didn’t talk about her a lot but, she did know that something happened between the two due to the tension that surrounded them. Because of the move, Madison had to attend a new school which soon became to be her own personal hell. Some kids caught wind of who she was and took it upon themselves to make her life there a living hell. From insults to physical pestering, they were relentless. The insults to her personally didn’t bother her but, it was the insults to her family, that often led to her getting into plenty of fights.
She managed to get through the rest of high school with her head held high despite the day to day hardships but, there didn’t seem to be much to look forward to when it came to her future. She knew she loved art and everything related but, there was no way she’d be able to anything with those skills. Bothered by those thoughts, Madison decided to step up to the plate after graduating and took on many responsibilities as she could for her family. She had different jobs to pull her weight and when that wasn’t enough, she resorted to much drastic measures involving her body to survive but soon enough, she made enough money to help her family. The three of them found ways to work through their financial struggles until her grandmother noticed her talents and urged her to go to college, not wanting her granddaughter to waste them by working herself to death. Madison wanted nothing to do with the idea, feeling as if it would be a waste of time thanks to her past but her grandmother wasn’t taking no for an answer and her mother felt the same.
Not wanting to disappoint, Madison agreed to attend college but, she would do it her way. Despite the family she had, she was done living her life as Madison Salvador, the child of a so-called criminal who wasn’t far from following in his footsteps so, she reinvented herself as Marisol Espinosa and topped it off with a legal name change; With her new identity, she finally attended college in an art school nearby on a scholarship and found it refreshing that no one knew who she really was; It was the best decision she ever made. She was lucky enough to finish school with a job offer with the same company she interned with during her last two years in college. The offer seemed like a dream except that it was in New York, not too far from her family but far enough for her to second guess her decision. Her mother and grandmother refused to let her pass up such an opportunity and begged for her to take the job and eventually she did. After teary goodbyes, Marisol left the only place she called home and made a new life in the Big Apple, hoping the unfamiliar city would finally be the fresh start she had been looking for.
( + ) patient, dependable, persistent ( - ) unyielding, wary, dissembled
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Birthdate: December 24th, 1988 (29) Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her Hometown: Montreal, Canada. Neighborhood: Upper East Side, Manhattan Occupation: Actress Faceclaim: Shelley Hennig Trigger Warnings: None
Kris Cooper was surely a miracle woman birthing five children at once. Instead of just one, she ended up having quintuplets. Two boys and three girls were born on Christmas Eve in Montreal, Canada. To say the least, they were in the public eye from the moment they were born. They had a happy childhood that anybody would have been lucky to have. The small community they lived in meant that there was no shortage of people watching over them. Although they seemed to be a spectacle at first, the people around them eventually just got too used to the five Cooper kids running about. The place was more home than they could ever imagine. Well, that was until their father lost his law firm and their mother’s gallery was in shambles. Aliyah didn’t want to move, but her tiny little mind told her that she was going to love the bright and shiny lights of New York. Little did she know that people would be way less friendly than they had been in Montreal. The quintuplets were bullied and Aliyah wanted nothing to do with any of the people she was being forced to be around in school. Yes, things eventually changed as they usually did, but why would she forget how people treated her? Especially when the Cooper siblings got their own reality show. They were still children when cameras were thrust into their faces for the first time. The things were meant to film every waking moment of their lives. When Aliyah woke up, a camera was there to see how she started her day. When she went to hang out with a ‘friend’, a camera was there. She would have been lying if she said she didn’t love the attention. All of the spotlight was on her and her family. What more could she ask for? Her teen years were all captured for the show and there was no shortage of people she could cal a friend. Sure, they probably weren’t genuine or trustworthy in the slightest, but why would she have cared? What mattered was that there were people that wanted to be around her. The only problem was that the show would eventually run its course. By the time she was finishing high school, the show was airing its series finale that featured the quintuplets graduating and waiting for a future. Aliyah couldn’t just step out of the spotlight though. Yes, the show may have been over and she didn’t have cameras constantly watching her every move anymore, but that wasn’t going to stop her from putting a camera in front of her. An actress was what she told her mother she wanted to be. And, of course, her mother Kris welcomed that with open arms. To Aliyah, her mother was her best friend and it was easy to get the woman to be her manager when the time arose to start looking for opportunities. She was immediately put into the best acting classes money could buy, but that wasn’t something she really needed. Drama dripped from her pores as if it was what she was meant to do all her life. So of course she nailed her first audition. It was for a small role in a television show called Degrassi in Canada, but it was just a small taste of what she was truly capable of. Audition after audition, role after role, leading lady after leading lady. she was set to be a star. The only thing still looming over her head was the fact that her siblings were still around. Four other people who had the same birthday as her and shared the same genes as her meant that she would always have to worry about the media asking about them. Is Annalise writing her next book? How’s Ashton? Aliyah loathed having sisters because she always felt like they were competition. She was always trying to be the best of the three of them. That was why she got along with her brothers more. There was nothing to battle them for. Aaron was a lawyer and Adrian was just Adrian. She only got asked about them when she posted a picture of one of them on Instagram. It wasn’t that she hated her sisters. No, it wasn’t that at all. She simply just wanted to be better than them in every way. With every movie or television role, she was gaining a little bit more popularity than them. And that was all she cared about at the end of the day. Nevertheless, she still spent time with her family as much as possible. After all, she still loved them. A successful acting career wasn’t going to stop that. She even went so far as to say yes to starring in her sister’s show, Gossip Girl. She had never actually read the book since she was always too busy reading scripts, but she figured it would be decent enough. The premise intrigued her, that is. Playing Blair Waldorf, the queen bitch, was just the role of a lifetime. And, with the popularity steadily creeping up day by day, Aliyah was gaining the attention she so desperately craved. Sure, it was based off of Annalise’s book, but who ever paid attention to that anyway? People cared more about the actors bringing the story to life, didn’t they? That was what her mother nodded to when she had asked while the older woman had her eyes towards her phone at least. Something just didn’t feel the same though. All of the acting gigs she got and none of them felt real enough. Well, the role basically made for her that her sister wrote was, but that was different. No, she wanted more. It was almost as if luck had went her way when the producers of Catching Up With the Coopers showed up again. Hearing that they wanted to revive the show was like music to Aliyah’s ears. Now all she really needs is for her siblings to jump on board as well. And, boy oh boy, is that going to be the real role of a lifetime. Convincing her siblings that reviving their reality show would be a good idea was going to be tougher than any gig she could ever audition for. With that many headstrong personalities in one room, all hell is certainly going to break loose.
( + ) candid, creative, intelligent ( - ) egotistical, obsessive, tactless.
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Adrian Cooper
Thomas Winslow
Violetta Sharpe
Siobhan Gilbert
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Noah Scorsene, played by Lisa.
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What are some occupations for a female you would love to see?
Lawyer, doctor, nurse, artist, photographer, interior designer, fashion designer, director, producer, baker, chef, a business owner of any kind, musician, teacher, etc. These are just off the top of my head of what I’d like to see on the dash! Members, feel free to pitch in. 
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