niamhgcoleual · 3 years
Annotated Bibliography
Cunha, P., n.d. Behance. [online] Behance.net. Available at: <https://www.behance.net/gallery/18587057/Book-O-Vimaranense-Errante?utm_medium=email&utm_source=transactional&utm_campaign=project-published> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Layout design inspiration image. As seen in blog week 4.
Levanier, J., 2019. 22 famous graphic design quotes. [online] 99designs. Available at: <https://99designs.co.uk/blog/creative-inspiration/10-famous-design-quotes/> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Susan Kare quote taken for inspiration. As seen in print, deck and blog week 3.
Ashworth, C., 1998. Chris Ashworth. [online] Chris Ashworth. Available at: <https://ashworth.work/#/weite/> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Ray Gun by Chris Ashworth inspiration images. As seen in print and deck. Image no.1
Ashworth, C., 1998. Chris Ashworth. [online] Chris Ashworth. Available at: <https://ashworth.work/#/weite/> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Ray Gun by Chris Ashworth inspiration images. As seen in print and deck. Image no.2
Gosling, E., 2016. Brazilian agency F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi designs D&AD creative campaign. [online] Itsnicethat.com. Available at: <https://www.itsnicethat.com/news/dandad-creative-campaign-fnazca-saatchi-and-saatchi> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. D&AD by F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatch inspiration images. As seen in print and deck. Image no.1
Gosling, E., 2016. Brazilian agency F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi designs D&AD creative campaign. [online] Itsnicethat.com. Available at: <https://www.itsnicethat.com/news/dandad-creative-campaign-fnazca-saatchi-and-saatchi> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. D&AD by F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatch inspiration images. As seen in print and deck. Image no.2
Levanier, J., 2019. 22 famous graphic design quotes. [online] 99designs. Available at: <https://99designs.co.uk/blog/creative-inspiration/10-famous-design-quotes/> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Bob Gill quote taken for inspiration. As seen in print, deck and blog week 3.
Famous Graphic Designers. n.d. Susan Kare | Biography, Designs and Facts. [online] Available at: <https://www.famousgraphicdesigners.org/susan-kare> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Susan Kare information used. As seen in deck, print and blog week 3.
Children, M., 2020. Under the (Ray) Gun: Chris Ashworth. [online] Monster Children. Available at: <https://www.monsterchildren.com/under-the-ray-gun-chris-ashworth/> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Ray gun inspiration about information. As seen in print, deck and blog week 3.
Alderson, R., 2015. Designer, proselytiser and visual communication critic: an interview with the inimitable Bob Gill. [online] Itsnicethat.com. Available at: <https://www.itsnicethat.com/features/bob-gill-interview> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Bob Gill information used. As seen in deck, print and blog week 3.
Gosling, E., 2016. Brazilian agency F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi designs D&AD creative campaign. [online] Itsnicethat.com. Available at: <https://www.itsnicethat.com/news/dandad-creative-campaign-fnazca-saatchi-and-saatchi> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Iconic Campaign about information. As seen in print, deck and blog week 3. Part 1.
Gosling, E., 2016. Brazilian agency F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi designs D&AD creative campaign. [online] Itsnicethat.com. Available at: <https://www.itsnicethat.com/news/dandad-creative-campaign-fnazca-saatchi-and-saatchi> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Iconic Campaign about information. As seen in print, deck and blog week 3. Part 2.
Burke, K., 2021. The Kid Laroi becomes youngest solo artist to top Aria charts. [online] the Guardian. Available at: <https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2021/feb/06/the-kid-laroi-becomes-youngest-ever-solo-artist-to-top-aria-charts> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Image used within piece of ‘The Kid Laroi’. As seen in print, deck and blog week 2.
Gathercole, N., 2021. Login • Instagram. [online] Instagram.com. Available at: <https://www.instagram.com/p/CMS05tihsc7/> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Image used within piece of myself uploaded from social media platform. As seen in print, deck and blog week 2.
Gathercole, N., 2021. Gabardine Bar, Basingstoke. [online] Gabardinebar.co.uk. Available at: <https://www.gabardinebar.co.uk/index> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Gabardine Bar website information used with about section of project about client work for branding and advertising of bar.. As seen in print, deck and blog week 2.
Chiorando, M., 2021. Number Of Vegans In Britain Skyrocketed By 40% In 2020, Claims Survey. [online] Plant Based News. Available at: <https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/plantbasednews.org/culture/ethics/vegans-in-britain-skyrocketed/> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Statistics about vegans in the UK within vegan food branding project.. As seen in print and blog week 2.
Hintz, E., 2018. Susan Kare, Iconic Designer. [online] Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation. Available at: <https://invention.si.edu/susan-kare-iconic-designer> [Accessed 27 October 2021].  Susan Kare image for reference. As seen in the print about and reference explanation page.
Print Club London. n.d. Bob Gill - Print Club London. [online] Available at: <https://printclublondon.com/artist/bob-gill/> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Bob Gill image for reference. As seen in the print about and reference explanation page. 
Gathercole, N., 2021. Gabardine Bar, Basingstoke. [online] Gabardinebar.co.uk. Available at: <https://www.gabardinebar.co.uk/index> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Gabardine Bar logo used within project. As seen in the print, deck and blog week 2.
Mazzoni, S., 2019. #ILoveTheseGuys Creative Inspiration: Hybrid Design - Shillington Design Blog. [online] Shillington Design Blog. Available at: <https://www.shillingtoneducation.com/blog/hybrid-design/> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Layout design inspiration image. As seen in blog week 4.
Bray, C., 2015. PITCH Zine. [online] People of Print. Available at: <http://www.peopleofprint.com/general/pitch-zine/> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. Layout design inspiration image. As seen in blog week 4.
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
Week 5: Summative Statement
When given the brief i felt a lot different towards the project and what i had to create and design for outcomes then i do to where i am now at the end of the project/unit 5. Over the course of the past 5 weeks working through the workshops and lectures has helped me think about the requirements and context of the professional brief and how i will be developing the relevant practices, concepts and ideas to allow me to understand what i need to create and design, especially within the first few weeks where my mind was a bit all over the place as this is a new task and approach to me as i am sure it was to many others on the course. Researching relevant practices by creating mood boards, finding references for my work and the technical workshops helped my knowledge and understanding of how to create such a professional design context as this is not something i had done before but as i am in my second year of the course i am getting closer and closer every day to the end of it where i will need to go out into the real world and start thinking about my career path and applying this type of professional context to get myself places. Having to showcase a professional type of design process that fit to the restrictions of the design brief was not as hard as i assumed as we went through the weeks as researching and gathering my elements that i needed over the weeks helped the process of creating my final print and deck whilst communicating within the guidelines portrayed within the brief so that it was easily understood by myself and the audience that i will have to show it to. As i have now created and designed my print and deck whilst creating things to help me along the way such as references, inspirations, finding my favourite practices and showcasing these, being able to show my explorations and building my confidence within my work especially through university which at first seemed to be so daunting, has made me realise there is nothing to be scared of. As long as i am aware of my future paths i would like to take and how to communicate and showcase these in a professional way then that is all that matters.
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
Week 4: 18/10/21 - 22/10/21
Finally it is the week that i have to put all my research that i have found, inspirations, references, projects and work that i have creating and gathering into use and create my final submissions: my folio and deck. This has to be one of the most exciting parts of the project because i can finally see everything that i have been gathering and ideas i have consumed from inspiration for the final pieces that i have to submit. 
As well as creating the folio and deck for submissions i also had to create this blog. I chose to use Tumblr as my website as it is an application that i have used throughout my childhood so i am very familiar with it, however, i have never used it in this way to showcase a blog about a project as i have never had the chance to or reason to. The style in which i can submit my weekly responses stands out to me most as it feels more personal and raw so that it seems free flowing and honest compared to creating a website or using figma which i’m not too knowledgable of. I feel as though it wouldn’t seem as personal as i wouldn’t of been able to talk and write in this way so it wouldn’t feel like i’m showcasing my personality and skills honestly.
I found myself hmming and rrring about whether i should start by creating my print folio or deck first as they were both going to be containing the same work and layouts to show consistency and follow the brief’s requests but one had to have a more expansive and broader amount of detail compared to the other. Luckily by gathering inspiration within week 3 for how i would like to layout my print i chose to start here. For my folio print i want it to be similar to a magazine with a mixture of text and image as within my practice using these two elements is one of my favourite combinations so already this was a must seeing as the project is based on our personal work and skills. 
As our print folio seems to be the biggest part of the project i chose to start here as the deck is to be a simplified version as this is what we will be presenting in week 5 so using the information i write about for the folio, i will be talking about whilst presenting my deck. The references and inspiration i found whilst creating our moodboards in week 3 heavily influenced the layout idea i have for my folio print. Here are some reference ideas that i used within my moodboard to give me an idea of the layout i wanted to achieve:
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Cara Bray, 2019
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Sara Mazzoni, 2019
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Paulo Cunha, 2019
Like i said before, i wanted to create a magazine like folio that included text as well as the images needed to showcase my projects, inspirations and more because they are elements that are just as important as one another. From my inspiration and reference choices i wanted to take the ideas of using my bolder texts for my headings and the simpler text for the captions and longer writing pieces to show a contrast as well as the styles i enjoy using. To also show contrast i wanted to take the idea of using two bold colours against a simpler background to which i decided to take from the colours i chose for the moodboard workshop. 
Following the briefs requests i started with my front cover design which i took from my front cover of my zine outcome to show who i am and who the portfolio belonged to. Then i included an about me section just so the person looking at my print whoever that may be could have a short intro to myself so they could start to imagine the person i am. Next i started by including some reference and inspiration pages to it could prepare people to get an idea of what they could be expecting from my folio. Next i added in my 4 projects with brief text pages explaining what i had done and achieved from each project as well as explaining why i chose them. To separate some pieces i again included some more reference and inspiration pages. Next i included some work pages that weren’t whole projects as such but work that i wanted to show within my folio as the pieces i chose represent my personal skills further and at best. Lastly i included a contact page as it is a must that every designer should have one within their portfolios otherwise how else would you expand and further your career and designing without contacts!!
As i mentioned before for my deck i wanted to have the same consistent theme as my folio to keep each part in sync with one another so that the audience could get a clear understanding and storyline of the two. However within my deck i didn’t use the same method of text to image ratio being equal because the main importance of the deck was so that i am able to talk about it during our presentations within the 5th week.
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
Week 3: 15/10/21
The last of the Friday workshops for Unit 5 :( I have really enjoyed these Friday workshops creating pieces that have been and will further my inspiration for the different components i have to create for my final print and pdf deck. Today i also made onto campus as the weird bug i had last week decided to leave yayyy!! However there didn’t seem to be as many people in the class as there was compared to a few weeks ago when i came in...
Today’s workshop was focused on creating a mood board by undertaking a number of tasks under timed conditions. The outcomes of each timed task helped us to create guides for the visual language and design of them items required for the deck and print.
First of all we started by writing a short paragraph about ourselves and our practice which i will be using to inspire my about me segment that i have to include for the print and deck as it is always an important part to a folio.
Next we had to collect 3 images that reflect the tone and mood of our practice. For this i went to my favourite application ever created... Pinterest!! Everyone has mixed opinions on it but it is the best creation made. I have over 1,000 saved pins and it is where most of my inspiration comes from even for every day life things! I chose 3 illustrated images that shows happiness as this is the way i feel towards my practice (99% of the time at least). As well as images i also chose 3 songs that helped my creative grind on this day.
Thirdly we collected 3 designers or artists work that inspire us and our practice but as i had done this research this week to go towards my project i only briefly looked over other designers and artists but i knew who i would like to showcase overall in my submissions.
Fourthly we chose a colour palette of 3 as well as black. Even though i had chosen a colour palette in the week 1 workshop i wanted to show more bold colours as they are what i like to use when it comes to creating folios to make everything more interesting in my opinion. Of course i chose white and black like i mentioned before my liking to but i also chose an electric blue and hot pink as these contrast well.
Next we had to choose two typefaces for text and captions. This one was super easy as i like exploring bold texts as well as simple texts and combining the two so for my captions i chose a bold font called ‘cocogoose’ and for the next i chose a typewriter-esc font called ‘andale mono’. The contrast between bold and simple texts makes it easier to realise the separateness. These are the typefaces that i will be using for my print and deck outcomes to show consistency. These type of texts heavily inspire me as this combination is what is commonly used in design magazines.
Next we had to choose 3 key references from our growing collections that reflect us and our practice to which of course i ran straight to Pinterest for again. I was speaking to one of my tutors about the application as sometimes i worry i shouldn’t be using it for inspiration but he assured me i wasn’t the only one who loved it as much as i did. For this i chose to reference possible layouts of existing magazines that i could use for inspiration of my layout for my printed deck.
Lastly we put all of these tasks together to create our moodboards and this is how mine turned out...
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
Week 3: 11/10/21 - 14/10/21
This week i decided to dedicate to finding my references, quotes and inspirations that i will be including throughout my Unit 5 outcomes as this is a main requirement from the brief.
The first quote that i find inspiring is from Sarah Kare: 
“Good design’s not about what medium you’re working in. It’s about thinking hard about what you want to do & what you have to work with before you start” - Susan Kare (99 Designs, 2019) 
I find this quote inspiring because when it comes to my own practise and personal preference with what mediums and materials i use when creating pieces the idea of having to figure out which medium i want to work with firstly tends to stress me out before i have even begun. This is because for me when creating art (or anything in life) i don’t like to be restricted so early on as i find i work best with combining materials whether its just an analogue piece, digital or i have the chance to combine all the endless amounts that are available between me and the client or if there is a brief i am following within my uni work that allows me to explore.
The second quote i find inspiring is from Bob Gill:
“I’ve never had a problem with a dumb client. There is no such thing as a bad client. Part of our job is to do good work and get the client to accept it.” - Bob Gill (99 designs, 2019)
I am inspired by this quote because one of my biggest fears is working with a bad client. So far within my personal freelance work I haven’t come across a bad client but i just know that one day someone will appear but i feel as though as a creator and designer you have to come across a bad client as it can change your perspective in a good way or bad way as well as improves your work and some what puts you into place with how you deal with the situation.
For image reference i have chosen:
1. Ray Gun by Chris Ashworth
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I take inspiration from this collection because there are different mediums and combinations used. I really enjoy working with imagery as well with type as there are so many different paths to take it.
2. Iconic Campaign by D&AD
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I take inspiration from this campaign with not just the layout, grids, typography and illustration designs they have used but also the way they have based them on existing branding but created something that can be appealing to a wider audience. In my opinion a great idea to have whilst creating is to make sure you are targeting your audience whilst also trialing whether you can make it broader to other audiences.
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
Week 2: 08/10/21
Another Friday workshop! However this week i wasn’t feeling too well so i decided to do the brief from home but this definitely won’t be a regular thing because I and as well as most students have been waiting for in person classes for agessssss...
The brief for this week was to create and design a zine using the grid template provided. In first year we had to create a zine for a part of one our projects but i kind of forgot about the talent i had learnt but being reminded about it for this weeks workshop put me in high spirits. We had to consider last week’s objectives again with layout, composition, personal interests etc so i wanted to take a different approach with my zine.
I started by writing a list of how i wanted to showcase each objective within the design then sketched a rough idea of how i wanted each page of the zine to look. 
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I wanted my zine to be very personal so i used my own photography heavily whilst showcasing each spread to certain features and elements that i enjoy most within applying to my work. I created an image of myself for the front cover using photoshop which i would like to use for my front cover of the print book as its a subtle but creative way of showing and introducing myself whilst showing the elements i enjoy like bold colours and texts. For pages 1-2 i dedicated it to my favourite photographs i have taken whilst showing my main media where i share my work: instagram. For pages 3-4 i created a hand drawn illustration to which i then rendered into Illustrator. For pages 5-6 i chose to combine the past two elements and used my photography and illustration piece that i will be showcasing in my print and deck. I didn’t want the back to be boring so to add some more personalisation i illustrated my two tattoos that i have.
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Digital version of final outcome of zine
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
Week 2: 04/10/21 - 07/10/21
This week i decided to dedicate to looking into my personal projects that i have created and designed during my time of studying and doing my own graphic design projects. I started off by looking into my personal projects that i have completed as i find doing random exploration one of my favourite things about doing and being interested in a creative subject. I always find myself doodling in my notebooks, being out and about seeing and capturing images that inspire me, exploring different techniques that i either see other artists and designers creating or just ideas that have popped into my head that i want to try out. Whilst studying graphic design for all these years i’ve come to the realisation that there are so many routes you can take with the subject which is why i haven’t lost my passion for it and i grow more in love with it every day despite the harder times when i get creators block like most artistic people i am sure. For my print and deck i would like to include some pieces that i haven’t had to follow a brief to as all my work projects i have created are different to one another so i would like to showcase my different skills. Within graphic design there are many routes to take that i would like to further into my future including photography that i see as more of a hobby currently but it always seems to pop up within the work i create. The personal pieces i would like to include are:
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Photography and illustration combined
Now for the 4 projects i would like to include i decided to look through all my projects i have created starting from my A-Level work as there are some pieces from it within that have made me feel more confident about the work i create. The first project i would like to include is some illustrations i designed from one of my final projects which was to create advertising and branding for a theme of my choice that we chose from a brief to which i chose ‘festival’. I’m going to focus on the illustrations i designed, taking away the usual use of photography to brand and advertise music artists for a festival and taking a different approach by using my illustration skills to create images of the music artists i would be using for my “festival” advertising.
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Aj Tracey illustration
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Jay1 illustration
The next project i would like to include is another A-Level project that also boosted my confidence within my design practice. For the piece i would like to showcase we had to create branding and advertising in any style we wanted for a brief question which was ‘food’. Food branding and advertising was not something i had explored at the time so i was eager to try it out and since then it has definitely inspired me to take a liking into the branding and advertising side of graphic design which i hope to take further into my career. I created logos using type and image as i had more ideas to make the logo enticing to a wider audience. I chose a vegan food route with my brand it is becoming more popular as the years go by going from 150,000 vegans in the uk in 2014 to 600,000 and probably more in 2019 (plant based news, 2021). I explored vegan food items, aesthetics related and existing brands to inspire me. 
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Vegan food brand logo designs
Moving on from A-Level work, i moved onto looking at projects from first year of uni. Now if i’m honest i’m not impressed with my work from first year, however, one project that i enjoyed most was our Hybrid project where we got to collaborate with another person from our class, combining one of our favourite items each to create and design something obscure that you wouldn’t come across in the real world and then to later create a context to go with it. If you couldn’t tell by now i really enjoy exploring branding and advertising so i very happy to create a magazine for our context showcasing our hybrid of combining ‘trainers’ (my item) with ‘wildflowers’ (my partner’s item) and working together. This was the closest i got to working together with someone during first year so i felt as though it was one of my best projects.
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Hybrid context
Now lastly the next project i would like to showcase in my print and deck is something that i haven’t done within an education project. At the start of this year i got the chance (and am still creating) branding and advertising for a client who opened a new coffee and wine bar in my hometown (Gabardine Bar, 2021). As it was a new establishment there was no branding for it and the client is a family friend of mine so they know all about my passion and skills within graphic design so we thought it would be great to help one another. For me it meant i was able to build my portfolio for client work and also gave me an insight into what it could be like to work with clients in the future which is what i would like to do. I got to create the logo, business cards, flyers, menus, a website and i am still continuing work for them. 
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Mock up of the business cards i created 
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
Week 1: 01/10/21
First day back into uni wooooo!!! Today was a workshop day so i was very excited to start creating some stuff again within my studies as from the brief introduction yesterday i am already feeling inspired of the skills i would like to show within this unit as well as making my work look a lotttt more better than my first year work as let’s just say i am not impressed with first year Niamh’s work...
Not going to lie i went out for my friend’s birthday last night and had one too many passionfruit martini cocktails but nonetheless i was super excited to go into campus bright and early after waking up at 12pm most of the summer holidays oops... When i first got to campus i had to get my bearings as it is like a maze but also the most beautiful university campus you will ever see. When i first got to class i sat down on a table and met all the exchange students who were super lovely but it was also too early for me and i hadn’t had any caffeine yet so i got started with the Friday brief straight away.
For week 1′s Friday workshop brief we had to create and design an A3 poster responding to the question ‘Who Are You?’.  We had to consider visual language and tone of voice that is appropriate to us and our practice whilst also considering layout, composition, typography and colour palette. The other considerations we had to include were our personal interests and personal skills which i instantly struck to. 
I started by looking at previous work i had done within my own time seeing as the whole project is based on that as well as it shows my personal skills. A piece i had created during the summer caught my eye because overall it gave me poster vibes as well as the combination of typography and image with a loose but bold feel to work is within my best interests with graphic design. I started by pinpointing my personal interests that also fit well with the things i had to take into consideration including colour palettes, typography and my 4 images that i was allowed to include. I chose:
- an image of myself to answer the question of the brief simply, who i am
-an image of my favourite music artist ‘The Kid Laroi’ as he is my go to listen when it comes to being creative
-an illustration of a butterfly (which i also have an exact tattoo of, could i get any more personal)
- an illustration of my birth flower to also link to me personally but to also show my interest in illustration drawings
For my colour palette i chose the basic black and white because more than likely that is the only clothing colour i will wear... as well as light pink, peach and denim blue all my favourite colours!!
To include typography i explained all of the meanings behind my images/illustrations using a simple typewriter font with a contrast of a bold font for my name to show my love for contrasting stuff within my artwork. To add something extra cool i also included some digital hand drawn elements as I LOVE creating digital and analogue artwork whilst combining the two.
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My own artwork > inspired my Unit 5 workshop poster 
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Poster Brief outcome :)
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
Week 1: 30/09/21
Today we got our brief for Unit 5 and i am very excited to say the least! 
For this unit we have to create a multi page PDF presentation deck showcasing a selection of our strongest projects to date whether they are previous university projects or work from our own practices/interests away from our studies, references to work and artists that inspire us, an insight to me and my practice, a blog showing our process (exactly what you’re reading now!) as well as a printed publication/portfolio combining the work i choose to showcase in my PDF presentation deck and the information/research i collect on my blog. 
At the end of the unit we will be presenting our decks to our class and at first when we were told by our lecturer Peter, i instantly felt nervous to do so but then i realised this is what university and life is about. We have to talk and present ourselves in front of audiences throughout our lives, especially clients when it comes to my future career within graphic design so why not get use to it now! 
I’m already looking forward to this unit because it’s very free flowing with that the whole point of it is to start building our portfolios and to start thinking about our future careers no matter what they may be, gaining personal and professional insights, understanding process, method and theory as it relates to design practice as well exploring the diverse and experimental contexts for graphic design.
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
Week 1: 28/09/21
Today was our first day back at uni after what felt like a life time! Not going to lie i was quite nervous to start year 2 of university because 1. i had never experienced a long period of time of not doing school work (other than finishing A-Levels early due to the pandemic but that doesn’t count) so i was nervous i had lost my academic touch 2. i nervous of what to expect from year 2 as i know it is a lotttt different to year 2 with the grading, work expectation, new life commitments outside of uni and all things like that and 3. i was very nervous to start going back into uni and actually seeing & working my peers🙊
We had a technical workshop today with James Edgar, however, it was online so it was more of a chill start to the year but nonetheless it was really nice to see people’s names pop up as they entered the bb call and talking with them in the chat section. It was the first day back for everyone so it was more of a chill technical workshop introduction into what we are to expect from these tech workshops through this year. I did find it quite informative, however, in first year i mentioned in my weekly journals that i have been studying graphic design since i was 14(!!!) so i am very use to the applications that we will be using or at least the applications we will be using for unit 5 such as Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and more.
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niamhgcoleual · 3 years
My name is Niamh Gathercole and i am a year 2 Graphic Design Communication student at UAL Chelsea. 
I am currently working on my Unit 5 project and i have been asked to create a blog showcasing my process through the unit including my weekly responses to workshops, tech talks, thoughts of the week, process of my digital presentation & print outcomes and references that i use throughout my project.
If you happen to stumble upon my blog please have a look through and follow my journey with me!
I will also be using this to post future Unit journals so make sure to follow me so you can witness this journey into my second year of university with me :)
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