nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
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Nickbrina High School Sweethearts AU
The first time Nicholas Scratch laid eyes on Sabrina at the Academy of Unseen Arts, he knew he was in trouble. Nick never tried to hide his feelings, from the flowers in her locker, late night apparitions to her room, the movie dates where Nick would always be late and Sabrina would pretend to be mad at him just so she could see Nick act all cute just for her. Sabrina knew what she wanted when she got into the academy, learn more about her father’s death and become the most powerful witch. She was never interested in finding love until she met a certain Nicholas Scratch. She didn’t mind it at first, never entertained any of his invites to dinner. But after a year of courtship, she finally said yes and the rest was history.
After 4 years of being in a relationship, Nick wanted to move somewhere else outside of Greendale, said the town was too small for him. Sabrina wanted to stay right where she was, with her family and close friends. He’s always encouraged Sabrina to go after her dreams and he sure won’t be the guy that made her move away from where she grew up. They agreed on a long distance relationship, they would call each other everyday, be honest with each other, no secrets. After a few months of being away the frequent calls turned into days, months, and stopped all together.
Hi! I randomly thought of this as I was listening to Daniel Caesar’s new album lol. Hope y’all like it and lmk if this is something you want me to write!!! Hehehe thank you. I’m also very sorry for not posting in a very long time, im currently studying for the mcat (which if you dont know, is kinda like an entrance exam to med school!) so ya. Thank you for the 400+ follows i surely didnt deserve it 😭 ill try to post more often, but no promises. Thank you guys!!! ❤️🥺
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
Anyone one know if there is any nickbrina fanfiction
People, can y’all be kind enough to reblog this with links to some good nickbrina fanfics ?
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
A/N: Nabrina Prompt #18 “Did i ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?”
and I keep waiting (but I won’t say I’m waiting)
They say time heals all wounds.
That would be great if she wasn’t practically immortal, in an odd limbo where her body is barely changing but her friends are growing up and moving on.
You would think that it would hurt less as the days go by, since it’s been nearly two years since Nick sacrificed himself for the greater good and Lilith took him to hell. Except, he didn’t sacrifice himself for the greater good, he sacrificed himself for her. And that makes it a hell of a lot tougher to let go.
The first few months were the worst, when it was still fresh, always there in the back of her mind that he was possibly suffering in hell because of her. She took solace in Lilith’s promise to watch over him but it didn’t keep her from imagining horrible scenarios of torture and pain.
The Fright Club met often, dreaming up ways to go into hell to rescue Nick. They plotted ways to get Lucifer out of his body, searched tomes and spell books for clues or incantations, but always came up just a little too short.
Things changed within their friend group gradually over the last two years of mortal high school. Theo started dating a sweet girl from Riverdale and started spending less time with them. Roz and Harvey took a break in their junior year, in which time Sabrina and Harvey gave it another shot. They soon realized their mistake, that their love was one based in their past, and it wasn’t long before Harvey and Roz were back together for good.
Sabrina wasn’t waiting for Nick, exactly, but she always had him in the back of her mind. And always in her heart. She went on dates with nice boys, mortal and warlock alike, but never felt the connection she’d had with him.
“Tell me again why I decided to go to school all the way across the state,” Roz says, her voice pulling Sabrina out of her mind and back into the room her best friend is currently packing up.
“Because it’s fun and exciting,” Sabrina says, shaking off her inner monologue, as she grabs a pink stuffed bunny off of Roz’s nightstand. “Are you taking Mr. Wiggles with you?”
Roz laughs. “I’m eighteen now. Do I really need to bring my childhood toys with me to college?” She nibbles on her bottom lip and both girls speak at the same time.
Sabrina giggles and sets the bunny on an already packed suitcase. “I think he’ll fit right in. Are the boys still meeting us at the diner before you head out?”
“Yeah, Theo said they would meet us around five.”
It’s been a summer full of the four of them, which isn’t to say it’s been much different than every summer since before she could remember.
Summer always comes with an expiration date. The days are long and warm, afternoons spent in Sweetwater River playing and splashing around with the kids from across the water and nights spent at bonfires and house parties. Fall is always a surprise no matter how much you’re prepared for it. She used to wait all summer long for autumn to hit. It meant her favorite season, her birthday and all the fun witchy holidays that she loved so much.
Now it’s just a reminder that high school is over and everyone is going their separate ways.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be all alone here for awhile,” Sabrina says wistfully. “Greendale won’t be the same without you guys.”
Roz stops packing, drops the dress she was holding into the open suitcase in front of her without folding it, and curls up on her bed with Sabrina. “You have so many responsibilities at the academy, time is going to fly by and before you know it, it’ll be Christmas break.”
“Winter solstice,” Sabrina amends and they both laugh. “You’re right. I’m just going to miss you all so much.”
They hug and Roz gives a watery laugh as she pulls away. “Okay, no more crying. We’re going to go have fun and we won’t be saying goodbye tonight. Just a ‘see you soon’.”
Sabrina nods and stands, wiping the corner of her eye with her thumb. “You’re right. Let’s get you packed up. You’ve got a long car ride ahead of you in the morning.”
Keep reading
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
Hi does anyone know of any nickbrina fanfics? Plsssss send them my way
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
Hey y’all, if any of you are interested or like my icon, it’s made by @/batillustration on instagram!!! Definitely check her out!!
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
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I knew from the first time I’d stay a long time ‘cause I like me better when I like me better when I’m with you
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
hello follow me on twt for more nickbrina content (i also just need mutuals and friends to obsess over nickbrina w) LOL
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 2 Episode 5: Blackwood.
Hey, babe.
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
can i be that special someone? as long as i can hold your hand.
you’re pretty special, spellman. i don’t want to mess things up with you.
it’s not a weakness, nick. it’s a virtue.
please don’t hurt her; i love her.
hey babe.
had to fight off a giant squid for it but anything for you.
you don’t seriously think i’d tell her what to do?
who said anything about sleeping.
oh you think you’re so smooth, nicholas scratch.
i’m proud of you.
and you’re at my side. holding my hand.
be the one to catch me if i fall.
you really believe in her, don’t you?
hey talk to me, spellman. the weight of the world on your shoulders? you don’t have to bare it alone.
i think i maybe even love nick.
maybe it’s selfish of me but i don’t care about the world i only care about you.
the dark lord asked me to get close to you. to be nice to you. to hold your hand. but then i really did fall in love with you. sabrina, you have to believe me.
sabrina, i never would’ve hurt you. - but you did.
you were fearless and i fell hard.
i love you, spellman. you taught me how to love.
let’s go to Hell and get my boyfriend back.
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
One of my faves :((
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
Ok but ive rewatched it 4x already im literally a piece of shit
I just watched CAOS 2 in one fucking day
(I have 4 tests this week. I have no shame.)
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
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There’s no pressure. You want to participate in Lupercalia great. You wanna bail on it and watch scary movies together, that’s great too. As long as I can hold your hand.
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
I just watched CAOS 2 in one fucking day
(I have 4 tests this week. I have no shame.)
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina prompts!!!
•au! Where Sabrina becomes the queen of hell by following the dark lord at first but then defeating him and making nick her King. Imagine an all powerful Sabrina doing all the dark things asked of her and making people who made her suffer fall but still wanting to better everyone and nick comes in to help her see the flaws in being ‘all powerful’
•au! Where Sabrina agrees to Nicholas’ offer to have two boyfriends and ends up falling in love with nicholas and harvey at the same time and having to decide which she should let go.
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•Nicholas wakes up from a nightmare with Sabrina beside him, brina immediately comforts him and fluff just ensues.
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•Nicholas’ pov of how he saw and heard Sabrina singing in choir and the rest of his journey in falling in love with her. Like how he denied it at first and wrote it off as an attraction only and then realizing that he really does want a future with her the whole nine yards of being with her 'you were fearless. And i fell hard’ .
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•Nicholas sees all the times he was so sure that he was in love with Sabrina as he traps Lucifer in his body.
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•Au! Where Sabrina and Nicholas go to Hogwarts and it’s a bit like lily and james potter’s story filled with denial, sarcasm and banter but eventually falling in love.
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• Scene where Sabrina and Nick have decided to marry in private with their family and friends and Nicholas meets Sabrina before the wedding.
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•AU! Where Sabrina and Nicholas met in a bar or a club and end up dancing and hooking up after the night the two decode to get breakfast and end up talking to each other all day.
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
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You’re pretty special, Spellman. I don’t wanna mess things up with you.
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
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Love Me More
An AU where Sabrina finds Nick’s letter the night that he sacrificed himself to protect her.
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Making this a series hehehe. What do y’all think?
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nickbrinaisreal · 5 years
No one:
Me: nickbrina is the true power couple
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