nickcharleswife · 2 days
writing a fanfic, day 1: haha fun little porn fic lots of fluff no angst happy ending :)
writing a fanfic, day 30: so it turns out japan signed the 1929 geneva convention on the sick and the wounded but NOT the geneva convention on the treatment of prisoners of war and therefore the definition of "war crime" in this situation is
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nickcharleswife · 2 days
you ever accidentally create a recurring theme in your writing. you start putting together an outline for something you’ve never written before and get partway through planning, rearrange the pieces, and go “GODDAMMIT THIS IS ABOUT GRIEF AGAIN”? because let me tell you,
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nickcharleswife · 4 days
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DYLAN O'BRIEN Late Night by Seth Meyers September 19, 2024
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nickcharleswife · 4 days
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Make me choose → asked by anonymous ↳ Steter or Pydia?
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nickcharleswife · 5 days
hey, sorry, not really a steter but i think you could help
there is this tumblr post/mini-fic about stiles being a baseball star and coach and jackson knowing about it but no one else, and there was a funny line similar to "don't leave me for mccall again"
i'm pretty sure you reblogged it once
I completely don't remember this lmao, I only know one baseball AU in the Steter fandom and it def isn't this. Does anybody else recognize it?
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nickcharleswife · 5 days
Weird shit I have said that I think Stiles would say 4
"I'm not a red flag, I told you what was wrong with me, I'm a caution sign at best"
"You're just a traffic cone of a human being"
"Color me fucking Confucius"
"Paranoia isn't paranoia if you're right"
"What in the H-e-double FUCK!?"
"Why is there no submissive and breedable emoji?"
"There is undeniable sexual tension between his forehead and the business end of a shotgun"
(What is wrong with you?) "Alphabetically or chronologically?"
"Once I beat the chemical imbalance in my brain it's over for you bitches"
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nickcharleswife · 5 days
WIP Whensday
The world isn’t fair. It’s a lesson for children, and even after all this time, Stiles still finds himself exasperated when dealing with adults who have never learned. They cling to the idea of balance and karma, grand cosmic scales.
He watches as the man in front of him screams brokenly, confronted by all his wrongs, visited back upon him with stark brutality. There’s no rhyme or reason to the justice Stiles cruelly metes out. The world isn’t fair.
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nickcharleswife · 5 days
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dylan o’brien backstage at late night w/ seth meyers
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nickcharleswife · 16 days
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The art I did for the @sterekzine
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nickcharleswife · 17 days
Dylan O'Brien with an adorable puppy, Ella Hunt and Gabriel Labelle during the “Saturday Night” press day at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in Toronto, Canada. (September 8, 2024)
🎥©: natashankpr's Instagram Story
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nickcharleswife · 18 days
Hey, hey you!
Yeah - you!
You are loved ❤️
And if no one in particular has said it to you today, I love you.
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nickcharleswife · 19 days
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nickcharleswife · 19 days
How I attempted to explain to my friend (who knows almost nothing about Teen Wolf), how Eli Hale came to be and Derek's 'Complicated Feelings' about Stiles...
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I put wayyyy too much effort into this.
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nickcharleswife · 20 days
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nickcharleswife · 20 days
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nickcharleswife · 20 days
pov your ex held your collection of thrifted spoons hostage for over a year (not entirely his fault, they got mixed up in his things during a move and you did not realize it, though he did adamantly deny that he had them) and reached out to your roommate on instagram nine months post break up after being thoroughly blocked for several months just to ask if you were still roommates and then to very cryptically reveal that he had in fact found the spoons (among other, mystery items that he did not reveal and you also have no idea what they are) in his car that he had not driven for a year cause he decided to make the worst financial decision of his life and buy a tesla and then tried to coordinate a meet up to drop off said spoons and mystery items which you did not want but you do want your spoons so you told him to either mail it or show up to your place of work when you were not scheduled only for him to entirely miss the point and still try to see you, then you reveal that you do not want to see him so he finally says that he will put on his big boy pants and mail it (though him actually mailing it is entirely unlikely) and also aparently hes gotten a perm since the last time you saw him and it looks terrible
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nickcharleswife · 21 days
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