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Sharing my wheelchair life journey for positive living and freedom to keep moving with wheelchairs that you can rely on!!! @Fort_Shopping thank you for continuing to accommodate me, support my DisAbility Wheelchair Inclusion work as #model #Speaker & positive product #Influencer . Wearing @NewLookFashion @riverisland @smashboxuk @LOrealParisUK @BootsUK all three venue have wheelchair access into the stores! @quickiewheels @sunrisemedical wheelchair is from Midshires Mobility wheelchair supplier: wheelchair Quickie Xenon 2 folding Jumper @newlookfashion Jeans @TU @sainsburys TU fashion HEEL BOOTS IN winter white @riverisland Makeup by Me Wearing @smashboxcosmetics And @lorealmakeup All at my store as i am product review for @bootsuk #microblading by @rebellebrowsandmakeup #Extensions by @routeshairextensions #nickidonnelly #wheelchairlife #disabledmodel #motivation #paraplegic
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Check out @nickidonnelly1’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/nickidonnelly1/status/951854075913625603?s=09 This is slightly longer message but here is a blog about why I recommend MIDSHIRES MOBILITY for your wheelchair needs!!! Midshires Mobility and Manager Andy Bevon gave me back my independence by giving new wheelchair which is on order and in mean time been given another wheelchair to use straightaway so I can start moving again and working a Model and Speaker and Spical media Influencer. To have 2 wheelchairs now is a godsend. Why as one can now be my back up without worrying that one wheelchair gets damaged then I am stuck again with no wheelchair become house bound unable to work and my depression kicks in. About quickie brand wheelchair: While i wait for my ordered new wheelchair on insurance. Will be doing modelling work with this too!!!The wheelchair i am using now is same as my old broken wheelchair which is perfect because i know the quickie brand already and love this brand... it is better and improved, agile light flexible,gorgeous frame and backrest fits like glove for my spinal cord injury. I can't wait to do videos and photos over the coming weeks to share for my modelling photo portfolio on my website.(website being updated). I am proud to display Quickie Xenon Wheeelchairs in my website gallery wheelchair Model and will be Sharing them to Photoability Magazine and website for my portfolio on there books to show a freedom to move wheelchair is photoready for companies to use. No wheelchair and why I turned to midshires? I cannot thank Midshires enough for coming forward and saving me!!! Why.... I've been quiet not able to work in December as my wheelchair got damaged and I couldn't leave my house. You see being paralysed from the chest down with spinal cord injury means that I have no function and need a wheelchair fulltime to move. A wheelchair is an extension of me my legs giving the freedom to move just like your legs. If your legs breaks you cant use them now imagine they are broken for 4 weeks and you have no crutches and no help.you become house bed and bed bound, become depressed,gin weight. After pleading help with wheelchair companies on my social media sites as I am a positive Influencer you would think wheelchair companies woyld come forward to donate me a wheelchair as my wheelchairs cost from £4,500. Do i have this cash? No . No one came forward willing to donate me a wheelchair . I'm another new year tondo list is im going to be doing youtube talks posts educating companies showing them that my wheelchair is my life line. I want to work but have been unable to, had cancelled many jobs and speaking bookings again! But one company came forward and worked quickly . The manager I've known for a number of years came forward to help me with not 1 but 2 wheelchairs!. One is on order and the other I am using as I needed one straightaway to use being stuck in my house for weeks where companies have no idea what wheelchair live really is. In reality when you know you've just learnt your lesson on the lack of support from wheelchair companies who are just interested in the business of money. But the morale of my real story of suffering without my wheelchair is to never give up and work with network of businesses who bring in results for you. Don't hang on to contacts/networks that only use you for status and product influencing and just keep you hanging. You have to get something in return also. Both you and the companies should be exchanging productivity results. This actually showed me who to now work with and remove from contacts and don't even do any modelling for these companies who product influencing for free! No more being used. I have overcome another adversity with businesses that has enabled me to get more content to add to my talks. Please pass on my gratitude to Andy he has always been professional, welcoming and reassurance. I cannot thank Andy e ough because he truly understands my wheelchair life is it fashion accessory but my life line. With my wheelchair I can die within the year! That is how serious my condition is. Andys expert knowledge on wheelchairs and understanding of DisAbility needs is reassuringly a relief! But he doesn't treat me like a customer it isn't about just sales. He always web me as a person and iver the years Midshires have been the first to not turn me down and help me out again and again. I will be Sharing my product influencing posts for Midshires over the weeks showing how great my current wheelchair is. also I want everyone to know to not hesitate and call or go to your website as I recommend you 100% Thank you! !!! www.nickidonnelly.co.uk companies can now book me for work as I'm back rolling! And sorry to those who I had to cancel and pull out.
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Xmas is time for sharing and making memories with your loved ones. For me the quality time with my 2 best friends who are soul mates and love of my life is always precious to me as I know too well I would've lost both from being a mother and wife when i wasted away deteriated and literally on deaths door 6 years ago. We will always be Donnelly trio my safety net of a unbreakable circle . What does Xmas mean to you? There is no wrong answer. X always treasure your Living and memories.
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Hey guys! 
We’ll be doing an Answer Time next Thursday 12/21 at 10am PT // 1pm ET on our Tumblr. Ask all your questions here!
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Life is precious.As Motivation Speaker&Influencer to share my life stories is privelage.Im blessed to b alive.God gave me another chance to live again&continue being a mother to my daughter.I share this part of me with u2allow yourself to feel your alive.Make you count #inspire
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Networking is important if you want to be people to really know you and work together,be known for your reputation because networking also is word of mouth. I find people don't actually talk to one another anymore it's all mobile phone messages. Today I talked to every single member and inspired all through my story on how to be better versions of themselves through taking them to my level of understanding the importance of disability inclusion. One you are more comfortable and happier when you work as a team. 2. I always say it in my speaker bookings. Your number 1 talent is Knowledge. My knowledge is Power. Our stories are Knowledge. Matt cannon creative production team an absolute pleasure to have modelled for them. Cannot reccomend them enough . Ive started taking work as a model/acting/speaker in birmingham.I stayed away by not working in brum because it bought back years of memories where I was once strongest as Police Office.After accepting several different assignments ;I alreadymodelled,charity races with my daughter half marathon, recieved 2 Brum inspirational awards gave me reassurance that people of Birmingham do want to see more of my work.Im no longer afraid to work in Birmingham.. Matt Cannon
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Take every opportunity offered to you. You won't always get opportunities. If you don't know learn as go along. The more you work and be versatile the more experience you get in any work you do. It took me years to get out of m comfort zone and start working again. Every role I play whether it be to say a midel and acting I always know every assignment is different and I love how I meet new people and share my life story to a production crew who have never experienced my adversities but they want to me educated so they can learn and expat d their kniwledge but also it helps each of us to be better ourselves and really see that we do have strengths. Often in all my shoots I get asked "it must be emotional and hard every time you tell you story I couldn't do what you do" it is hard anymore because I speak from my heart and memories I use to inspire everyone because I believe God has given me this talent and I have a small part to play to make the world better. If I can't eduxate people about adversities of so maby types of abuse I went through as a child , my spinal cord injury journey,motherhood, life as a bi racial child, my commitment to my daughter and why I believe my 2nd chance to live again is given by God because I have unfinished business to complete . Please know info can keep going and surviving so can you.
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You know when there is a green screen on set.... wonder what will be the back ground.. ... an environmental shoot . Thought if share a behind the scenes image to give you an industry in my working life.
I am so bleesed to niw be able to share with my years of learning into inner oeace and happinness from within. The feelingnif i really do love myseld and i am strong and powerful in my own body to do what I do and say what I do and it's worked. This is why.....
Whatever you hold in your mind will only lead to the same experiences no matter what course of action you take. You have to retrain your mind to let go of the events you've gone through to stop you from suffering anymore. You have to retrain your brain into new think by choosing little steps in take to alter they way you think. Only then you will have better experiences. Even the negative experiences won't feel bad because you will have taught your mind better copying mechanisms to sure your expeirences are benifitting you and not damaging you.
#inspiration #positivevibes #thoughtoftheday #quickiewheelchair #nickidonnelly
#words #blogger #motivationalquotes #nickidonnelly #wheelchairlife #disabledmodel #snapchat #loveyourself #instalike #selfie #photoshoot #mattcannon #creative #islamic #campaign #diversity #mod #model #fashionblogger #makeup #quickiewheelc
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Check out @nickidonnelly1’s Tweet: Story I am a British Indian Catholic mother who became a Police Officer at 18 years of age following my dreams.  I soon lost my  financial security when I was told I couldn't be a Police Officer anymore after I was brutally assaulted and in car crash on duty. What's worse I am also diagnosed with life threatening  heart condition where my heart can stop from Autonomic Dysreflexia. I am 35 years old and my daughter is 12years. Without the funds needed my heart won't cope past 50 years because of the equipment needed to aid better quality of life. New wheelchairs still needed but can't afford and further treatments to help my conditions to prolong my life. Why I need the public's help and why I've cone forward? In 2009 i was  brutally injured on police duty as Police Officer that would change the rest of my life and my daughter was 3 years old at this time.  I didn't know how hard it was going to be to protect my community and serve because I was a victim of repeat assaults and the offenders just got away with it. The criminal courts wouldn't take Police Officers injuries seriously be side we weren't accepted in the eyes of the courts as VICTIMS. And offenders werent sentenced. It is important for me to keep raiso ng awareness for the campaign #ProtecttheProtectors so courts push for Sentances as POLICE Officer I went to work reassuring my 3 year old daughter she would see her supermum and pick het up from nursery. But I couldn't even pick my 3 yr old up my whole life changed . What's worse as my spinal cord injury was in 2009 past the statue of limitations the offender can't be sentenced now that the courts have put in motion for offenders to now be sentenced for crimes against police officers. Back to my injuries: The final straw was  in March 2009 when I was beaten unconscious with broken bones i still refused to give up my job as Police Officer. I was single crewed arrested a male for  stabbing a victim in the neck with a machete. The offender had  headbutted me then kicked me out of a public order van throwing me out of the van where I went flying out and landed on the road onto moving traffic. The offender then went in full rage while I was on the wet road surfaces who carrided on kicking stamping me . I knew then this offender was going to kill me he was not going to stop, his eyes was just fixeated on my little body who he saw as vulnerable officer left on her own in the van with him. I was momentarily knocked out unaware of my injuries.  (I had lost count the amount of times my head was beaten and knocked unconsious over the years in police duty from being headbutted,kicked, thrown bricks,being violently shaken, thrown heavy objects on my head and body in public order offences from breaking up gang violence.) Fortunately there were dozens of officers ran at the scene because of the  violent nature of the incident that occurred earlier on the victim. It took 6 strong male officers and more to restrain the offender and where I was free from the him . As my adrenaline kicked in unaware of my injuries and bleeding I helped restrain the offender  because I knew automatically I still had to do my job and protect the public around me from the offender.  Worried about my case files and the victims  i was already doing my best to help their cases get the results they deserved and offenders put away because i knew being officer in hospital recovering meant none of my cases would be taken over. I would even contact the victims apologising why there cases up dates weren't being dealt with because there weren't enough officers able to manage my cases wirmth police budget cuts and government changes. Officers were overwhelmed and exhausted.   I felt awful because i knew i was letting all my cases down  being off from the injuries. So i made sure i pushed past my pain to get better for my daughter also who was missing her mum and to get back to  helping the victims be heard in court which often got me in trouble by supervisors because i just couldnt keep going in to work seeing people suffering in silence. I underwent intensive rehabilition s hich was emotionally and physically painful to recover in half the time than medically stated. Going back to duty when the West Midlands  Police Doctors  were eager to support my return back to police duties I returned back to work in half the time than reccommended. But  the worst possible warning  sign happened  in Sept 2009-car crash that ruin my life. I was travelling in my car on police duty on a ( residential 30mph )road when a speeding car failed to stop at stop junction which eas clearly narked and signposted and the male offending drivet drove straight into me  at speed. This  Car Crash where the offending  speeding car took my freedom to live the life I wanted away was my worst nightmare come true. My power was snatched away. He took everythibg away from. He took my police career away. At that time he ruined my life to the point the next 2 years 2009-2011 I went into spiralli g depression, PTSD and heavily drinking not able to live past knowing there was no life for me if I couldn't be a Police officer anymore. The Police force was my safety net family I gained after escaping my childhood family where I was a VICTIM for many years. I believed I was a failure to my daughter and my daughter deserved a better mum. I was ready to give it all up because I did get to the point where I wasn't coping and freely admit talking about my 5 stages of grief . My scary part of my life literally ending from a career that rescued me and turned me into a fighter for the victims in the community to help where I couldn't help myself from years of abuse but I know I had the chance to help others. What's worse I wasn't paralysed straightaway. I spent 2 years reliving the ordeal suffering and feeling my body crumble away literally.  I remember the slow motion and feelibg the carbonnet caved into me.i knew then something had happen to my back but I could feel my legs. Ambulanced and given morphine.  The nhs failed to do any x-ray failed to treat the area that was broken. I was stereotypes of being a strong police officer and reassured the broken bits were repairable and stated because I was stabilised with the medication and able to walk albeit in pain and limp, dislocation of hip was popped back in shoulder but to go back into the rehabilition team I was under from the assault for the Injuries this time sustained from the crash to start intensive treatments to recover. I was  paralysed T4-Spinal cord injury complete from Chest down. I also suffered degenerative bone&Joint disease which progressed rapidly affecting my upper body function and had brain damage. What is worse is the car crash is what led to 2 years of hell in my deteriating body because I was not paraslysed straight away at the crash site. I could still feel my legs. The nhs failed to scan my spine on the crash day when I was hospitalised. Instead they sent me to same  treatments because I was still under the rehabilition recovery team for my previous assault injuries. During these 2 years my body was failing slowly in horrendous pain where I could feel my bones crippling and crashing... My back was torture. It felt like I as reliving my assault and crash over and over again because I could feel every part of my body. Little did I know by Dec 2011 Chritmas with my daughter was in hospital this time I was given the  scan and x rays.;I was permanently paralysed! I then spent the year 2012 in hospital this was when my daughter started primary school . I could see my body failing right before my eyes from walking independently reducing to limping,  using walking stockings,then walking frames,then still fighting the paralysis and my joint and bone disease from spreading further I was then forced to be bedbound paralysis. I remember when I lost all feeling of my lower half of my body and stabbing my legs with needles and knives to wake then up.  I remember another time falling down my stairs because I stopped feeling my legs. I had no choice but to start using wheelchair. Hospitalised and at that time i felt i was treated like a prisoner where I was once ordered if I attempted to leave the intensive unit I would be arrested for my safety because my health was deemed catastrophic and life threatening . I was a danger to myself and had to monitored fulltime by a dedicated team who stayed physically with me because I could've died at any time wirh tests revealing: 'brain damage ' 'spinal cord Injury t4'  'degenerative Scillocis ' 'EDS progressed tachycardia and Autonomic Dysreflexia.  I spent 10 years in Police achieving my dreams with no regrets. Why? because from childhood i was told I  wouldn't be able to have a free life, not be officer, not read or have education. I proved tirelessy believing in myself even when others didn't.  It was really hard being told i couldn't be a officer anymore and I had to accept the person who did this to me was free to live and get on with his life.  I mentally broken down into of the physical body breaking to pieces.  My thought to end my life again became a possibility  entered my mind because I remembered having a flash back from my childhood memory because for that single moment I thought my only daughter would be better of without her failing broken mother because of  what was stereotypedof me at that being told in front of my daughter's sight and hearing from when she was 3yrs of age..  other people's comments   ' I couldn't be a mother   in wherlchair when I had a normal life ' ' poor you your in prison sentence ' ' is rather die than have your handicap ' ' I'll pray for your sins for mirical' 'you can't live like this it's worst nightmare ' Fortunately my immediate family and true friends had created a strong support system and barrier circle around me so others peoples comments weren't believedto  prevent me from harming myself.  I quickly got out of my depression accepted help and psychotherapy,cognitive behaviour therapy to accept my wheelchair life and tackle and face my all my police injuries  that haunt me and face my carcrash . I may have done all the physical therapy my biggest challenge was my mental illness. I no longer hate myself and lovemyself to be  a proud mum and be with my daughter more and more. I recieved 6 bravery commendations and exemplary character of service awarded reminding me I joined the police to help and ended upputting my life in danger in more ways to protect the people I served. I spent 2 years fighting for my life in hospitals nearly died but now raising disabilities awareness,fighting wheelchair accessibility by modelling,volunteer,mentoring in my church following her catholic faith and showing my daughter that  i never gave up on following my dreams and working hard for them to come true. My Daughter is my inspiration and strength.My daughters own health battles of gentic joints disease is invisible disability yet my daughter always puts me 1st giving up her dreams and birthday wishes saving her birthday money's to  help  me. Both myself and my daughter put our drive ans passions into everything we do aswell as raising monies previously donated to different charities for my daughter's and mine . Whats worse than being  beaten unconsious and in crash ,paralysed unable to be police officer again is  when I  found out i have a life threatening condition that affects my heart & stops when standing for long periods of time with a mirical technology that was donated to me in recognition to my Police Service by Philanthropist Gerald Ronson who enabled me to  attempt to walk again with the suit on.  Just when i thought my daughter's wish came true on her 10th birthday (waiting since  was 5 years old)for me to walk again the heartbreaking news mentally  broke me as I  was  then told all over again i will never be able to walk again using exoskeleton because of the contraindications health diagnosis-my heart can stop! More bad news;Insurance claim of£115k was taken off me because I was working to raise awareness for the  rewalk robotoc technology-using the robotic legs voids&affects the life changing injury claim even though im still paralyzed and robotic legs are not a replacement to my wheelchair.  I can no longer use the robotic suit due to my heart stopping.My brave decision to no longer use legs was not by choice but heartbreaking to accept my life nearly end cos my robotic legs. I mayhave lost my financial security of £115,000 but atleast i was able donate my exoskelton legs to help change the life of other paralysed person who would not be able to afford the device and helped changed their families. To me my daighter reminds me that we did our best at following gods work by givi g the the legs to someone who needed them . That is why I decided to go public and share my police story to help everyone see what police officer go through everyday when they go to work to protect the public. I campaign for #ProtecttheProtectors on all my social media sites and roles aswell in schools talking about DisAbility Inclusion and how to respect and learn from #ProtecttheProtectors campaign in the hope that no police becomes paralysed like me . I have accepted I will never get the justice for mine but I know I can do my part to help get justice for other police officers by ensuring the campaign is working. I am now  turning another chapter of my story by completing my book to educate and inspire. A true adversity battle of survival since being a victim at 9 years of age. I  need YOUR support to raise the funds i rightfully was entitled to help my quality of life , complete my book (with a story that  truly tells my life's testing limits to survival) , buy new wheelchair, finish adaptions medical aids , better accessible lifestyle without struggles to live out my life with her daughter before my 50th as I need  the financial security  towards treatments to have a better chance to live past 50 so I can watch my daughter grow with me.  quality life.(  As a motivational speaker I make no profit and donations of money are given directly to the charities on booking.) I now need your help to suppirt my road to recovery to live put the rest of life with the finacial security from my each and everyobe one you in a country I served . As many know you join the police force not for the money but to make a difference by putting others first. Not everyone can be a police officer but I was please remember the next time you see a police officer.
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Love Yourself
As my 35th birthday approches on Monday my celebrations have began. I say a birthday message to myself.....Making memories means living. As a Motivational Speaker it's important to me to share my story and reinforce that you do have the answers to your happiness. Having the tools to know how is where I come in. Now when it's my birthday I ensure I surround myself with positivity but be positive also and to me quality time with my small circle of true friends is better than quantity. Knowledge is power and I will always share this part of my journey to help others. I may smile and am I happy but it is also very emotional time as the winter months always remind me of when my independent carer woman life ended leaving my parlasyed and relaint on others for live.
But I reflect on how much I have accepted by talking about all my steps of changing into how i became a better version of myself. I am yes! Still learning on how to improve in myself.
My confidence has grown and the happiest I've ever been. I am proud mother and wife above anything else. Once I started loving myself I started to embrace my wheelchair life and achieve every impossible obstacle and task God in the form of society set on me and I achieved and will keep on achieving for DisAbility Inclusion. No one is alone. We all have a story to tell. I have only started. There so much more for the world needs to see and there is no stopping me now, writing a book??? Yes I've started. Next year become a published author and more ! Happy Birthday to me. #loveyourself #inspire
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My makeup skills for tonight staggered.birthday night starts now for long weekend catching up woth many friends on different nights. It why do I always get a spot on my night out. Here is my make up skills that I don't always share..... love love and learn. Boots @riverisland Top @newlookfashion Wheelchair @quickiewheels Seat @invacareanz www.nickidonnelly.co.uk #inspire #teach #nickidonnelly #wheelchairlife #wheelchairgirl #spinalcordinjury #missbritishempire #mrsbritishempire #thoughtoftheday #ootd #fashion #newlook #riverisland #h&m #happy #instalike #disabledmodel #mod #spinalcordinjury
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In business yo suceed you need to connect with everyone by sharing your story also and really appraicting others knowledge and experiences in life. We learn all the time. Birthday pictures..... To make memories you need to live your life..... dont hold back just go for it and keep moving forwards. You can really be happy no matter your circumstances trust me when my book is out you will say to yourself how can she keep smiling and be happy with what I have got through. But in my talks i tell.me stroy and say You hold the answers to your life! It took me while to figure this out but when I did I decided I need to share my news so others can do the same. Being a Motivationl speaker make a me happy when I see many faces of all walks of life share their experiences when I start stroy telling. Knowledge is power! But the answers are with you always! I just help relay that message through my storytelling as a public speaker. #loveyourself #speaker #motivation #nickidonnelly www.nickidonnelly.co.uk
#ootd #mrsbritishempire #spinalcordinjury #wheelchairlife #wheelchairgirl #spinalcordinjury #disabledmodel #speaker #inspire #teach #fashion #believe #beautiful #instagood #fitness #quickiewheelchairs #disabilityinclusion #fitnessmodel #bodybuilding #mod #newlookfashion #makeup #wheelchairfashion #insta
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Toyota Mobility Foundation have directly contact me as a ' positive influencer' to support their campaign message and share their campaign. Here is the campaign. Please watch and share . #MobilityUnlimited Thank you Nicki Donnelly Unlimited Challenge to help change the lives of those living with lower-limb paralysis forever. #MobilityUnlimited, Suggestion 2/ The @toyotamobfdn are launching a $4m global challenge, #MobilityUnlimited , to help change the lives of those living with lower-limb paralysis forever. Every challenge is an opportunity. Here’s ours. The future of mobility begins today. The @toyotamobilityfoundation launch their $4 million Mobility Unlimited Challenge to help change the lives of those living with lower-limb paralysis forever. I’m proud to be involved in spreading the word of this game-changing initiative! You can find more information here: https://mobilityunlimited.org/ #MobilityUnlimited,
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Now that i am on the mend i am able to take on work and glad to say, You always need guest motivational speaker for any events. With my story telling I can tailor any to any event and meet your needs. I am also sharing more of my life story that is in my book in detail. The more I share my knowledge the more I can inspire and reach everyone's to really love yourself, live your lives and succed if I can do it I really believe everyone else can . Every human being matters we need to praise and acknowledge each other . Disabled people fit in this too. I may have until 49 /50 years of age but I want everyone to know, anything can happen at any time in your life you don't stop living but you actually wake up and see your life as a blessing to embrace everything. Making memories is to start living. Get in touch as i now do appearance bookings for events and charity fundraising events. I will also attend as my international title MrsBritishEmpire to promote women empowerment! Get in touch to find what i can offer and i make no financial profit in my bookings. All monies goes yowatfs my fundraising cause and charities close to mine and daughter's. www.nickidonnelly.co.uk
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******Reminder ******
I am in the first question Vote for inspirational woman. It will take 10secs! Your time to vote will make a difference.
For me it isn't about just winning AWARD .It's a honour for me to be given all these opportunities from the community and businesses for me to embrace for disability inclusion to keep breaking barriers to create platforms for disabled people like me to have a voice and be heard. To be seen because we matter and exist too. I want my daughter to have a right in her future To exist with her invisible disability without going through what I go through just To exist and live fully, love to work and educate for better.
Thank You for the nomination alone , To make it to the finals has really boosted my positivity as ive been recovering from my injuries and heart condition since winning and making history in the uk beauty pagent Miss British Empire . Since then i have not been able to do press appearances or my campaign work on social media due to my damaged wheelchair- details: www.gofundme.com/paralysedforlife .
Your VOTE matters: if you want me to recieve the inspirational woman award in....your support in voting for me means everything. Without each and everyone of you my work would not be shared for DisAbility Inclusion, spinal cord injury awareness,injured police officers protect the Protectors campaign. I believe our knowledge should be shares. We are all influencers. #nickidonnelly #VOTE #birminghamawards #missbritishempire #mrsbritishempire #inspirationalwoman #birminghaminspirationaward
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******Reminder ****** PLEASE VOTE Nicki Donnelly BEFORE 5 November on BIRMINGHAM INSPIRATIONAL AWARDS WEBSITE ONLY. I am in the first question Vote for inspirational woman. It will take 10secs! Your time to vote will make a difference. For me it isn't about just winning AWARD .It's a honour for me to be given all these opportunities from the community and businesses for me to embrace for disability inclusion to keep breaking barriers to create platforms for disabled people like me to have a voice and be heard. To be seen because we matter and exist too. I want my daughter to have a right in her future To exist with her invisible disability without going through what I go through just To exist and live fully, love to work and educate for better. Thank You for the nomination alone , To make it to the finals has really boosted my positivity as ive been recovering from my injuries and heart condition since winning and making history in the uk beauty pagent Miss British Empire . Since then i have not been able to do press appearances or my campaign work on social media due to my damaged wheelchair- details: www.gofundme.com/paralysedforlife . Your VOTE matters: if you want me to recieve the inspirational woman award in....your support in voting for me means everything. Without each and everyone of you my work would not be shared for DisAbility Inclusion, spinal cord injury awareness,injured police officers protect the Protectors campaign. I believe our knowledge should be shares. We are all influencers. #nickidonnelly #VOTE #birminghamawards #missbritishempire #mrsbritishempire #inspirationalwoman #birminghaminspirationaward
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NO, I am worth more than free marketing.
It's very difficult for me to say NO to companies who want me to do social media product sharing on all my sites for nothing. Unfortunately I won't be doing any social media sharing on any wheelchair brands until I am physically with my new wheelchair.
I am no longer giving free advertising or motivational work on my social media. I need to make a living now that I lost my insurance money that I needed. I am still desperate for a new manual wheelchair as my existing one is damaged. Without a new wheelchair I will not be able to fully function.
I even put it on my go fund me for wheelchair companies to get in contact and I still haven't been donated a wheelchair. I can offer my services by using new wheelchair daily which will be in social media posts in return for donating me and showing your support to injured police officers like myself who served their country asi receive no Finicial aid from the government but rely on donations. I have been waiting from companies who offered to donate Pandora/Quickie wheelchairs/kushall/ReCare/SunriseMedical/Midshire Mobility all since 2016 and major companies and philathrapost such as FORBES Austria who offered to donate on my fundraising £1,000 in April 2017 and you can see on my fundrsisibg no donstiobs made nor to my charities i suppirt. since I spent hours sharing promoting these companies when I physically didn't recieve in return because I believe in these companies as wheelchairs are my legs but now I'm saying I am sorry No more freebies .If you are gueniuly caring business who own thousands of wheelchairs surely you can donate a wheel hair that I desperately need to help my quality of life. Even wining MRS BRITISH EMPIRE and bravery awards it's still not enough but when I can no longer promote a product like robotic legs my donation is taken off me and not replaced with a wheelchair that I would need and use.
Please get in touch:
[email protected] or private message on social media accounts.
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