nieve2000 · 4 days
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plushtrap diagnosed with gremlin. absolute menace.
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nieve2000 · 6 days
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Yandere!TFP!Autobots moodboards!
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nieve2000 · 6 days
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Yandere!TFP!Autobots moodboards!
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nieve2000 · 10 days
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When he realizes what he's now facing...
Also, goddamn ILM put such good little details in this. Also also, goddamn is Jake hot,,,
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nieve2000 · 16 days
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One year with this blog and we are still alive! I am very slowly getting back from my slumber! I might not post as actively as I used to, but that doesn't mean this blog will die! We need more monkeys! So to celebrate this 1 year of being in JTTW fandom, have my top four art that I made of my JTTW AU that most people in the JTTW (and LMK) community loved!
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nieve2000 · 16 days
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nieve2000 · 16 days
Hello! I love your fics and i heard your requests were open! I was wondering if you could write a fic with Red Son and Syntax (if 2 at once is too many feel free to pick just one of either of the 2) with a s/o who's love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. Thank you! Keep up the great work!
Aww, I'm so glad you enjoy my writing! (*´∇`)ノ And 2 is fine! Also sorry this is a bit late!
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Red Son, Syntax
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Giving compliments and praise to you is a lot easier for him. Whether it be praising you for destroying your enemies, when you complete a goal, or simple words of adoration, telling you how much he adores you. It's quite precious. "No one's as lovely as my Darling!" "Too bad you don't have someone as precious as my Beloved, for they are obviously the best partner!" "Tremble before my Love's powerful might, for you will not survive!"
When you compliment HIM, he'll be so egotistical about it. He's soaking up every single word! And when you talk about how much you love and appreciate him being in your life-You've got him feeling so good about himself! He's not used to getting so much love from someone. Usually, he'll be turned away from you, trying to hide his face as it grows more red with each word of praise and love.
Physical touch, on the other hand- (´⌒`;) He's definitely not used to it, so it'll take a bit for him to adjust, but he's touched starved so he'll quickly get used to your affections. It'll start out with hand holding, followed by head on shoulder and arm wrapped around the other. Then it's full on hugs and kisses on the cheek from the both of you. Most of the time, y'all are seen holding hands and never being too far from the other.
Behind closed doors, where it's just you two, basking in each other's presence, he'll hold you closely, whispering how much you mean to him, how good you are to him. You truly make him feel so many things, and he always wants to repay you for the love and kindness you always give him. He truly hopes that his words and affection show you that. "You make me want to be a better person."
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If anything, I feel like he's the opposite of Red Son. Physically, he's all on board. When you go to hug him, he'll wrap an arm around your waist. If you kiss his cheek, he'll tease you for another one. If he's ever working on something and you hug him from behind, he'll lean into your touch. If y'all are ever making an escape, he'll carry you bridal style. My dude literally has no shame in being physically affection with you.
When you go on to compliment him, he's absolutely thriving. Sharing how much you love and respect him makes him confident that he's doing excellent in this relationship! But when you look to him for words of affirmation, he's a bit stunned. With him, it sounds more like coworkers complimenting each other. "Good job." "You did well." "Good work today." Dude you're so cringe stooop-😭
I just think that for as tech savy and confident as he is in his inventions and plans, he's such a terribly flirt. Idk I might be the only one who thinks this- Spider Queen and the others step in to teach him, and he gets the hang of it to where it becomes MUCH more natural. "I love how intelligent you are Darling." "I can always count on you My Love.""My Dear, we understand each other so well. We truly are the perfect couple!"
It makes him feel good with how supportive you are of each other, and he feels like he's making it up to you with his excellent praise. Just don't bring up his old "compliments", cause he gets embarrassed and tries desperately to change the subject. By the end of it all, he'll have you in his arms, mocking his enemies and bragging about having you next to him and how amazing you are.
Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes! Hope y'all enjoy!
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nieve2000 · 16 days
Heyy, could I request a reincarnation situation with monkey King, macaque and redson where the reader was their past lover who died an early death and the boys finally to moved on but in the present they meet again and fall in love all over again if you don't mind!
NDNJSBSJ ( ✧Д✧) YES!! Pfft had a Tang moment there- I most definitely can. I was so excited to write this! The possibilities for reincarnation fics are endless. (*´▽`)ノ
Genre: Romantic + Bit of Angst + Good Ending
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: Mention of Death
Character(s): Sun Wukong(Monkey King), Liu Er Mihou(Macaque) & Red Son
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This could take place during his journey, where you had joined and fought alongside them as their healer. Granted, you weren't strong like him, nor fast, but you understood him. You listened to him rant and gave advice. You played along with his jokes. Heck, you even defended him when Zhu Bajie would try and get him in trouble.
He quickly fell for you, and made it known as soon as he found out. And eventually, after a long conversation, the two of you got together. He would go on about all the places you could visit and the adventures you go on together after he got you an immortal peach! You planned out where you'd go first, what you wanted to do-Oh, if only those precious days could last.
Being used as bait and immediately being killed off once your role was over definitely wasn't part of the plan. Safe to say, no one was safe from Wukong's rage that day. Blood painted everything it could reach, and no one could calm him, not even his companions, who were like family to him. He spent...a lot of time alone on Flower Fruit Mountain.
After wallowing in his sorrows, he began to slowly accept that you were gone. And as everyone passed on and time marched forward, he truly believed that he would be alone, but it isn't until he sees you delivering noddles with MK that all those buried emotions would come out, and he's in a state of shock. You, with the same hair, the same features, but the only difference being your choice of clothes to match the new times. Even your warm, soft voice is the same.
When he starts training MK, the first thing be asks is for him to bring you with him, which he obliges. You're confused, but are happy to make a new friend and introduce yourself to the Monkey King. You're talking about how you've heard a lot about him from Tang and MK, who's gushing about his mentor. And believe me when I say that it takes every ounce of his strength to not just hug you right there.
But that doesn't stop his little monkey friends from doing so. They're all over you, crying and holding onto you so tightly, and there you and MK are, confused and worried. He has to tell them that you don't remember anything, and that you may never be able to. They eventually understand, but still cling onto you, getting upset when you have to leave. You've joked about how you're like their mom, but Wukong never denies it.
He sees that your kind nature has stuck with you, and you're always offering to help him when it comes to moving stuff, cooking, cleaning, etc. You still give wonderful advice, and he takes it all in, using it the moment he can. He sees how you take care of his monkey friends, never losing your temper with their little antics, just like before. He realizes that he's quickly falling for you all over again, but he's not gonna stop it.
And you could feel yourself falling for him. He was so attentive, always making sure that you were comfortable. He cracked witty, and sometimes old jokes, but they made you laugh. The way he talked to you, and the nicknames he used with you, it made you feel special. Like you were the most important person in the world. And if anyone dared to hurt you, by calling you rude names or making fun of your appearance, he's gonna have a few words with them. In his civilian disguise of course.
At one point, he notices that you're more nervous around him and asks about it. When you confess that you've fallen for him, he's ecstatic, but it turns into panic when you start talking about the downsides of being in a relationship with YOU. "You're the Monkey King, you're super strong, and I'm not. So if an enemy were to use me as bait... That'd suck really bad."
He's shutting that down real quick and confesses that he's fallen for you too. Even with your concerns, he's showing off his powers, which calms your fears a bit. And if you wanted to, he could train you! More time to spend together! Whether you agree to it or not, he's fine with it, just as long as you accept his feelings back, which you do.
He doesn't waste any time and gets an immortal peach. He's not going to make the mistake of waiting like last time- So the next time you visit, he's asking you to eat it and spend eternity with him. When you hesitate and ask for a few days to think about it, he panics. Anything could happen in that time, you could die again-He's not gonna lie and say he wasn't a bit pushy cause he was-
But eventually, you accept it and are now immortal. "I don't feel different. It was a good peach though." And at that moment, his fears washed away. Of course, he's still worried about you getting hurt, so he'll give you an item that'll protect you should you ever need it. He has less nightmares about the possibility of you dying again, but the past memory still haunts him. Those nightmares-heck, even the thought of you getting hurt scares him. He just wants to be with you. 😔
If you were to remember, it'd probably take a hard whack to the head. Say that you're training with MK and he accidentally hits you with the staff, knocking you unconscious. Both him and Wukong are freaking out, and when you wake up, you're asking where THAT demon is. It takes you a bit to remember where you actually are and what happened, now being dazed by the fact that you've been reincarnated.
MK's asked by Wukong to leave for a bit, and when they do, he's embracing you. He's spouting about how happy he is that you remember everything, how lonely it's been without you. You, as usual, comfort the big monkey, soothing him. Eventually, you're both talking about everything he's accomplished since you've been gone, which leads to a conversation about the places that you both still need to visit.
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Macaque never thought that you two would get together. I mean, you did help patch him up after first meeting, and you were absolutely gorgeous, but you were human. Humans feared demons, hated them, wanted them dead. Expect for you. You believed that everyone deserved a chance at life, and a second chance if they made a mistake. And as nice as that sounded, Macaque warned you that there were beings who simply wanted to kill just to kill.
And yet, you tried to reach out and help a demon, but they laughed in your face and attacked you. Obviously, Macaque attacked back and whisked you away, trying to find help. You kept apologizing to Macaque, who keeps telling you to just focus on breathing. Your last words to him are you apologizing and hoping to one day make it up to him. He's devastated, crying his heart out under the moon, begging for you to open your eyes, begging for you to not LEAVE HIM ALONE-
For as long as he tried and as much as he said it, he never truly got over you. Never dated anyone, not even trying to get to know someone like that. You were his first love, his ONLY love. You were the only person to truly understand him and stay with him. Comfort him when no one else did. Defend him through every accusation, even if it got you hurt. You were a mere human, beings that're known to get hurt easily, and yet, you stayed with him.
So when he dies, he welcomes it with open arms. If he can at least see you in the Netherworld, then he'll find his happiness again. But when he's told that you've been reincarnated, he's booking it and takes the deal with LBD without ANY hesitation. And once he's brought back, he'll look for you, scouring the whole world, but alas, he can't find you. He's so close to giving up.
So when you show up to one of his plays, he's stunned. You look the same as you did back then, like nothing had changed, other than your outfit. He decides to tell a tale about a memory that the both of you shared, and he can see the subtle look in your eyes, like him talking about it is reminding you of something. It gives him so much hope.
He gets your attention after the play and y'all talk, with you both exchanging numbers. You would begin to visit the theatre, talking about anything and everything. He's asking all sorts of questions, wanting to get to know the you of the present. He realizes that you may never remember your past life, and that you may have changed with your reincarnation, so he wants to know everything.
He begins to note all the differences and similarities you have with your past self. How you're much more reserved and anti-social, keeping to yourself and those you know. And yet, you're still kind to everyone and always willing to lend a hand. He IS happy that you're more apprehensive when it comes to those who give off bad vibes. He's also glad that your love for the arts hasn't changed a bit. More for you to converse about.
And you can't help but be pulled towards him. His sarcastic nature being playful to you and only you. Whispering kind words in your ears and flirting with you and you alone. The soft look in his eyes everytime he looks at you. Him only allowing you to hug him or hold his hand, and you being the only one who can brush his hair. That level of trust with him makes you feel like you're on cloud nine. But when you realize that you're falling in love, you're panicking-
And he's absolutely freaking out when you don't come by the next day. He's texting you, and though you say that you're fine and just busy, he can read between the lines. He can tell something's bothering you, so that night, he goes to visit you at your home. You're startled, but invite him in. After some back and forth, you blurt out your feelings. You're both shocked, and you refuse to look at his face.
When he hears your sniffles, he's quick to confess back, and you're still crying but stunned. You ask him why, telling him he can do so much better-but he won't let you say another word. He won't let you degrade yourself. He tells you that, to him, you're a goddess, and that you're perfect to him, which gets you all shades of red. Eventually, after talking it out, you get together.
He's not worried about anyone taking you away. He doesn't see them as a challenge, and if someone tries to flirt with you, he'll give them a glare as a warning. If they insult you, he'll have his shadows deal with the person in question. What he worries about most is if there's anyone dangerous around. He's not going to lose you again. He absolutely refuses. He'll tear down everything and everyone in this world if it means keeping you safe.
He decides to borrow steal two manfruits, a delicacy that can extend your life by 47,000 years. He eases you into the idea of prolonging your life, asking questions about what you thought and felt about it. You joked that as long as he'd have you, you'd eat one to stay with him for as long as you could. So when he presents them to you, you're understandably shocked. A part of you is happy that he looked for something this precious, just so that you two could stay together longer.
Remembering your past life would probably involve him saying a specific line from the past. Maybe you'll be on a stroll, and he holds your hands under the night sky. "You're my first and only love. No matter where you go, I'll always find you Moonlight." And then, it all hits you. He's scared at first, but when you look at him with those apologetic eyes, he knows that you remember and he's holding you as close as he can.
You're apologizing to him for that night even happening, but he keeps telling you that he's just glad that you're here with him again. The two of you go back home and he tells you what happened since you've been gone. His journey to find you, the things he's learned, even his vengeance with Wukong. You're worried about the latter, but he soothes your worries. He wants revenge, yes, but he's never going to put it above your relationship.
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You, his precious childhood friend, stood by each other's side, fighting enemies together. Growing and becoming better with each other. He knew that you would be his spouse one day and proudly proclaimed it to everyone he knew. Of course, you believed that as well, and the both of you were never seen apart, other than when you had to go home and rest for the night. Both of your parents thought it was adorable.
He truly believed that you would stay together forever. But when you took a hit that was meant for him, he exploded, tearing down his enemy before cradling you in his arms. Your last words to him were to "find happiness". How could he find happiness if you weren't there!? He felt like a part of him had died that day.
His mother had tried to console him, but he would lash out. He didn't want to talk about it, since if he did, it felt like he would HAVE to move on! To move forward without you! It felt like it would be betraying YOU-The memories you made together-EVERYTHING! It...took him a while, but he did talk to his mother eventually and had at one point, moved on. His father, after being released, was informed of your death, and felt bad for his son. Maybe if he had been there, he could have stopped it...
It isn't until the New Year's Festival that you two meet again. You're strolling along, looking for something spicy, and you stumble upon their shop and place an order. As soon as he hears your voice, he's stunned. He thinks it's an illusion and tries to shake it off. But he turns to see you and drops the bowl. His father, upset, goes to scold him but sees you, and he too is stunned. It's like you had never died.
You're a bit confused, but ask for the menu, which DBK does while Red Son is still frozen, trying to process what he's seeing and hearing. You ask for the Boiling Lava and you're talking about how good it is. You're even more confused when the red head asks for your name in a hurried manner, but you answer, and that's when he truly knows that it's you.
When he flies off with the venom, you're right next to him. He NOT going to lose you again. So during the trip to the Celestial Realm, he's right by your side, and the others are confused, but he ignores them. At one point, you're looking at him, and he asks if he's got something on his face. "No! It's just... I don't know. I feel like I've seen you somewhere before." Oh my god his hope meter has crashed through the roof-
After that fiasco, he'll shyly ask for your number, which you give and y'all grow close right away. You share the same humor that you had back then and that big smile of yours still warms his heart, but to his surprise, you're hobbies are different than before, but regardless, he's willing to learn about them just for you. They bring you happiness, and your happiness, is his and his love for you only grows deeper.
You begin to adore his fiery personality, finding it adorable when he would blush at your compliments. You fawn over how cool you think his hair is, and when it bursts into flames, you're awestruck. His speeches are inspiring, and his nicknames for you make you swoon. And when you ask about his inventions, he's so excited to break it down for you. A lot of people feared him, but you never did. If anything, you felt pulled towards him, but you didn't mind one bit.
HE actually confesses first! He even set the day up and everything! You came over, he made dinner and steered the conversation to make the confession flow, instead of just nervously blurting out his feelings. When you discuss the reality of your short life and if he's sure, he gently holds your hands and looks at you with a determined gaze. "My Dear, I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life."
He definitely becomes more protective. If anyone even DARES to insult-even LOOK at you the wrong way-he's blowing up on them. One pat from you and it's like it never happened. If they FLIRT with you-ohmygosh they better prepare their funeral. You have to drag him away and remind him that you chose HIM. He makes it up with his cooking and hugs.
What would trigger you remembering your past life is a specific move he repeats. The two of you are training, and he does a specfic move that only him and your past self knew. Suddenly, your head starts to hurt, becoming more unbearable until you pass out. When you wake up, you're surprised. Both at being reincarnated and remembering everything. When he comes in and sees you crying, he's nervous and asking what's wrong. "I remember everything..."
It takes him a moment to process what you just said, but the moment he does, and he sees that distinct look in your eyes, he embraces you. You're both holding each other for the rest of the day, just holed up in his room, with the both of you whispering apologies and words of comfort. His parents are told the next day, and they're happy about the news! They see how happy the two of you are and, for a moment, it reminds them of the old days.
Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors! Hope y'all enjoy!
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nieve2000 · 16 days
I know they aren't on the list but if possible could you write some Yin and Jin being siblings with reader headcanons?
Heck Yeah! 👍🏽
Genre: Platonic
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Yin and Jin
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With them, there's no shortage of trouble to get into and try to escape from, especially when it comes to MK. When the poor boy had become their target, you didn't know at first, but it seemed like harmless fun so you joined in. And when it was time to bail, it was you who usually had the escape plan. Regardless of how crazy it could get, it was a thrill! But don't worry, y'all prank each other too.
If you're their older sibling, you take care the more responsible tasks. Like making sure that plans actually work and don't kill anyone. Sometimes you'll dabble in the pranks they pull, but the other times, you'll let them do it on their own. You're so proud when they successfully pull a prank. You do scold them when they take it too far, and they're pouting the whole time.
If you're their younger sibling, then it's you following their footsteps. They try to be a good role model and teach you all the tricks they know, and when you pull it off, they're so proud. They boast about how adorable and smart their little sister is. They do baby you sometimes, but try not to at your request. It was worse when y'all were younger.
Now, if you're just a human who's chaotic like them and enjoy their schemes and company, they have officially adopted you. They'll show you off, talking about how their sibling is the coolest human in the world or that no one can best them! They don't make the rules, that's just how it is.
Regardless on if your older, younger or adopted, they're gonna be protective. If someone tries to engage a romantic conversation, they're pulling you away. They refuse to let you get with someone who looks like a bummer. That person's gotta make you really happy and treasure you above all else!
They're definitely your wingmen, and though they mess up sometimes, you appreciate how much they care. It is a bit worrying how they get when someone says something rude, since they'll prank the person without a break. They only stop if you ask or if the person apologizes. "Nobody messes with our sibling!"" Or they'll have to face our wrath!"
On a lighter note- While at home, y'all just chill out and talk, whether it be about pranks or what to that do, to just random stuff. Sometimes, you'll be playing games together or watching movies, eating snacks and sleeping. It's when the peaceful silence settles in and it's just the three of you, relaxing and enjoying each other's presence. The bond y'all have is so wholesome.
Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors!
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nieve2000 · 16 days
s/o who is a low tier demon who fell in love with redson and admires him enimes to lovers please and s/o's family is just worried cause the dbk family is more powerful than them
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Red Son
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You happened to meet him during one of your nightly strolls when y'all we're kids. He was beating up some thugs who dared challenge him. It amazed you how fast one can be, how intense his flames were, just how much power he had. When you spot each other, you're running away at the speed of light. He's confused, but doesn't give it much thought.
Until he sees you again...and again... Watching him with admiration as he beats his foes. And everytime he sees you or tries to talk, you run away. He doesn't get it! Why are coming to him and running as soon as he sees you!? He's gonna get you sooner or later and question you about it. You ask who he is and tell him how cool you think he is. "Of course! I, Red Son, belong to the Noble Bull Family! We surpass all who stand in our way!"
The Bull Family were feared by a lot of low tiered demons, but some were foolish enough to challenge them. Not your family though. They knew when to step back and accept defeat. Bull King could flick you away without using any strength, or toss you like a ragdoll. Princess Iron Fan could sweep her enemies away if she wanted too. Their son wielded FIRE. A powerful force that could not only knock you away, but hurt you to a terrible degree.
It does not help that your family are WATER users and you're STILL weak. Granted, your family's powers were used more for quick attacks and healing. But you wanted to strengthen the attack, to use your powers longer. But no matter how much you trained, and though you slowly gained a bit of progress, you couldn't catch up. Still, you tried to be optimistic about it!
When you finally gain enough confidence and meet him the next day, it's a bit awkward. You nervously challenge him with the promise to get one hit on him, so he decides to entertain you. You both fight and he kicks your butt, but you're not mad about it and leave with the promise to get him tomorrow. It gets him to chuckle, unbeknownst to you.
When you come home, all roughed up and tell them what happened, your parents voice their concern, saying that although you have water magic, your family doesn't have the strength to stand next to the Bull Family and that one wrong move could get you seriously hurt. But you tell them not to worry, and that you're just sparring with their son. It doesn't lessen their fears, but decide to trust your decision.
Red Son, on the other hand, admires how you keep coming back to challenge him. It gives him something else to do and helps him de-stress. He also likes how determined you are to get stronger and show him how tough you can be. How being defeated doesn't get you down. He sees potential in you, so he wants to help bring it out.
It becomes a thing you both begin to look forward to. Your parents still worry, but see how happy you've become, so they let you be. His parents let him be, since it seems to be productive for him. When you both meet, you save the greetings and spar first. Afterwards, you'll talk about new moves or family stuff. Sometimes, you'll get him to smile, laugh even, and it gets your heart going.
You had decided a long time ago that you'd never tell him your feelings, since you believed that his family wouldn't accept you-that HE wouldn't accept you. So when, through whatever means, he finds out, you're absolutely devastated and REFUSE to meet him anymore.
Your parents are shocked by his visit, but explain that you're not feeling well. And when they'll tell you of his visit, you're freaking out. Why would he visit!? Did he want to tell you to your face that you never had a chance with him? Nope! You're not gonna let that happen! You're gonna get stronger!
Eventually, he finds you training all alone and confronts you, challenging you to a duel. You accept, and after calling it a draw, he questions you about why you've been avoiding him and your feelings towards him. "If I got stronger, then I thought you and your family would accept me. I just... I just wanted to be good enough...for you..." Cue blush on Red Son's face and him stuttering that you are, which causes you to blush.
By the end of your nervous conversation, you're together. Your parents are still worried, but are more so happy for you. Red Son tries to soothe their worries and promises to keep you happy. His parents are neutral on it, not really having an opinion on you. After all, they haven't seen you in action, and they have high expectations. You plan on doing your best, and Red Son will be there with you every step of the way.
Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar errors!
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nieve2000 · 16 days
My One and Only
Genre: Romantic + Yandere + Bit of Angst
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: Yandere Tendencies, Death, Blood
Character(s): Sun Wukong-Monkey King
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The monkey beside you sighed, "This is the fifth time I've called out to you today. You okay?"
You nodded, "Yeah!"
You hoped he believed you.
Or just pretend to and simply move on.
But the doubtful look he gave you made your fake demeanor drop, and you sighed.
"Just been thinking about something..."
His brow raised, waiting for you to continue.
"You know that person I was talking to for the past few months?"
Unaware of him scooting closer, you simply scoffed, arms now crossed.
"Well, we were supposed to meet yesterday for our date, but the asshole stood me up!"
Wukong's expression grew blank as you continued.
"And they had the audacity to lie to my face about being busy with work, when in fact, they were sucking on someone else's face!"
Someone with a smaller face than you.
Smaller in general.
You pulled your knees to your face, letting out another sigh, "We weren't serious or anything, but I'd rather they just told me the truth."
You balled into yourself, "Not lie and go smooch some skinny girl who's cuter than me..."
One by one, tears fell down your face, and soft cries slipped past your lips.
You hated this.
Feeling this way.
Feeling unworthy of love.
It sucked.
You wanted to scream.
To cry.
But Wukong didn't deserve to hear you moan and groan about your love life.
It wasn't his problem.
You turned to apologize, but Wukong placed a hand on your shoulder. He pointed a sympathetic look your way, "Forget about that jerk."
He stood, stretching before speaking again, "We should have another marathon. That'll cheer you up!"
You wanted to deny, not really feeling up to it, but with the way Wukong was looking at you, you decided to stay, "Sure."
Maybe it's what you needed.
Some relaxation with a friend.
"Great! Let's go set it all up!"
And so, the two of you headed inside his home, him gathering some blankets and pillows, while you grabbed the snacks, even making a quick dish for the both of you to enjoy.
After gathering everything and getting comfy on the couch, you noticed that he had put on Monkey Cop. You gave him a 'are you serious' look, but he simply shrugged before you both settled in, along with a few of the monkeys.
Episode after episode, you could feel the subtle movement from your friend scooting closer, and though you opened your mouth to question him, he beat you to it.
"About that person from before-"
Unknowingly, a frown crossed your face.
"They don't deserve you. You're way too good for them."
You were a bit shocked.
Wukong wasn't really know for comforting those around him, with him being awkward about it all the time.
He took notice, stumbling over his words, but hearing him talk about how cool you were made you chuckle.
"Thanks Wukong."
"I'm only speaking the truth."
You shook your head, "No, I mean, for everything."
Fiddling with the blanket, you continued, "You're always listening to my problems, helping me out. I wish I could do the same for you..."
"You already do."
A soft blush flushed your cheeks, growing darker when Wukong pulled you into his side. You wanted to question him, but the warmth that radiated off of him felt so...peaceful.
Before you knew it, you had cuddled up to him, falling into a deep sleep.
His eyes couldn't help but trail to your face, brushing a few strands of hair from it.
How he wanted to hold it, squish your cheeks and kiss you all over, hold you in his arms and never let go.
But unfortunately, he had something to do.
He swiftly moved from his spot, making sure you didn't wake up before turning to his monkey friends.
"Make sure she stays comfortable."
They nodded before snuggling around you, some on your lap and shoulder.
He stayed still, waiting for any movement from you before taking light steps until outside the house. Wukong sighed before jumping on his cloud and flying off.
Wukong was pissed.
Your kind heart-
Your warm soul-
Your irresistible body-
It should all be his!
And yet, it's still not!
Maybe he'd have to crank up his affection with you.
But not too much-
After all, he didn't want to scare you!
The last thing he wanted was for you to fear him.
And although his patience is higher than it used to be, it's running thin with all these idiots around you.
Just like the one in front of him, tied to a chair and blindfolded by a random piece of cloth. Their arms and legs twisted in inhumane ways, a bone or two even sticking out as blood slid to the floor. The pool growing larger with every second that passed.
Humans were always such a mess to clean.
The only useful thing the human offered was a weapon for him to use, being a steel baseball bat in their home.
Wukong walked up to the person, circling around them before stopping behind them.
"You made the terrible mistake of interacting with my Peaches."
Their soft, muffled cries fell on deaf ears as the monkey raised the bat.
Oh, if looks could kill.
"Maybe if you had stayed away from them-"
The disembodied head fell, rolling and leaving a trail of red liquid before stopping. Blood gushed from the neck for a moment, but ceased after a second or two, slowly flowing down the body.
"You might have lived a little longer."
He looked at his hand in disgust, now having to worry about disposing this stupid human's body AND having to thoroughly wash himself of all the blood.
But he closed his eyes, and thought of you. Your cute face that would still be sleeping in his-
YOUR shared home.
It was only a matter of time before you moved in.
Maybe he could cause an accident in your home! Make it seem like someone broke in? A fire? Damage from the fights against demons? There were so many possibilities!
With a skip in his step, all he thought about while cleaning the mess, was of you and only you.
After all, you're his one and only.
And he wasn't going to let ANYONE take you away.
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nieve2000 · 16 days
When you spent months trying to get Macaque to calm down and trust you- and he does, but it's come to the point, during cuddles, he won't even let go to give you a pee break.
"Macaque, I just need—ow- to pee—"
"That- That doesn't eVEN—"
"You're ridiculous, you won't die."
"What if I did?"
After some convincing, he'll reluctantly let you leave his arms. You come back to him just staring at the sheets.
"What's going on in that empty head?'
"Shut up."
"Am I handsome?"
"The most handsome in the world."
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nieve2000 · 16 days
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'looks like someone's annoyed >;)'
( @emelinstriker gave me motivation to draw again while @theweepingegg suggested and I quote "share your simpness to the world~" and I thought about it...you know what? why the heck not? it's my drawings, so what if I want to share it to the world? I have more btw so keep an eye out ;) just slowy turning them into digital drawings to satisfy myself and bring back that groove. Thank You U.U you guys are amazing people for inspiring me, hands down)
Triad Au rightfully belongs to the amazing @novelcain
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nieve2000 · 16 days
👑🧡 Wukong and Macaque x fem reader — Cuddle HCs 💜🌙
Genres: Romance, Fluff || she/her pronouns for reader || No warnings needed
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˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁⋆˚。⋆୨👑🌙୧⋆˚。⋆✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧. ݁₊ ⊹
- Wukong is absolutely needy when it comes to cuddles. He loves the feeling of having you wrapped up in his arms, it brings him a lot of comfort to feel your warmth
- Macaque enjoys them, but has a hard time admitting that he does. He'll act like you're convincing him into it, even if in reality he's been waiting for you to ask all day
- "Geez, fine, princess. If you really want em that badly, then come here"
- The two definitely turn it competitive and compare who gets more attention than the other. They get into little bragging matches about it and everything
- "Well I had her for over an hour!"
"So? She was with me all day yesterday"
"I was busy! I had to train the kid"
"Sure, Great Sage, whatever makes you feel better"
- They get extra clingy to try and make up the difference if they think one is getting more than the other. It's not uncommon to have then randomly plop down on either side of you, both ready to ask for attention
- Wukong likes to cuddle by wrapping his arms around you, fully feeling you against his body. He loves nuzzling into your neck or shoulder, always looking to wrap you up in his embrace as much as possible
- Macaque is more the type to let you lean on him, though he will give an arm to wrap around your waist or shoulders too. He let's his tail wrap around you the most, keeping you close to him with a firm hold on your hip
- Wukong complains a lot if you try to get up before he's ready to let go. He groans and whines if you get up too early and follows behind you when you do get up since he's still feeling clingy
- Macaque tries to use more sly tactics to keep you laying down. Just subtle teasing and flirting, he likes using his charm to woo you back into his embrace. If that doesn't work then you got a grumpy monkey following you around with a tail around your waist
- They ask for it in different ways but they both want cuddles the second you come home and always before bed. They're the same amount of clingy in the early mornings too
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nieve2000 · 16 days
Dating them, except they're a monkey
Characters: Sun Wukong, Macaque, MK (brooo where's the yellow text) Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral Warnings: Nothing, just fluff! ...
Sun Wukong
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surprisingly he's a little awkward at the beginning of the relationship
i'm gonna assume you're the first mortal he's ever dated. so, he doesn't know what to do since you're much more vulnerable than he is
very cuddly, like suuuupper touch starved. he'll cling to you like you'd disappear if he lets go. it gets to the point where you start to smell like him
speaking of that, he is BEGGING you to wear his cape. if you've fallen asleep, guess what's going on you, the cape
later on into the relationship, he opens up more about the utter amount of guilt in him about literally everything he's done
if you give him enough encouragement, he might try to close the gap in his and macaque's relationship and maybe they'll be friends again. who knows?
wukong cherishes you more than anything in this entire world, and he's gonna make sure the world knows that (you're included in that)
he's also uber protective because you're a mortal and can die very easily. the only way to fix that is if he makes you immortal with one of those peaches
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this is a SLOW BURN, but worth is in the end
he'll have some big trouble trying to let you in near the beginning of the relationship. in a way he's still trying to fight his feelings for you, despite you accepting him for who he is
although he's trying to get better, his thoughts still tell him he's not worthy of someone like you, it's not an uncommon thought when the whole world has pushed you aside or used you
when he sees that you're not like the others (ha) he'll warm up to the idea of being loved and loving you
he's not as touchy-feely as wukong, but he'll rest his head in your lap while you scratch behind his ears
he'll quietly purr but if you bring it up, he won't admit it
if you can't sleep, he'll tell you a little story using his shadow lantern (it's about your relationship with the names changed lol)
in a way, he's even more protective than wukong since you're the one that lit up his world. no one is gonna take that away from him
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it's weird but he's the least awkward when getting into a relationship with you...actually it depends on when that happens
if we're talking about early in the show, then he's more nervous because wow he just pulled you and you're hot
it we're talking about post-trauma, then he's nervous because he's got the world on his shoulders and doesn't know how to let you in
You're also dealing with monkey boy shenanigans. bro is tripping into you constantly because of either walking with or without a tail
MK is also getting you little trinkets of your favorite things or a cool rock he found. he's like a cross between a penguin and a crow
if he has a rough day he'll just cling to you like velcro and let out this big content huff while you watch monkey cop or something
Pigsy loves you, Tang ADORES you. he is making wedding plans for y'all and you aren't even engaged yet
Whenever you come home, MK runs up to you like a dog and drowns you in hugs and kisses, even if you're holding groceries. you lost a lot of eggs because of that (rip soldier)
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nieve2000 · 16 days
Hello! I love your headcannons! What are your headcannons for when S/O is gravely injured? Like, the S/O is fighting against some demons along with MK, Wukong and Macaque and they get very seriously injured, to the point of passing out. What would their reactions be?
Wukong, Macaque, and MK With a Gravely Injured S/O
(This one took a bit, sorry about that!)
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Oh, he is livid.
He shouts at MK to take you somewhere safe, as far away from his location as the boy could go.
“Get them out of here kid, get them help! I’ll handle this!”
He needs to beat some sense into this bastard, right here and right now.
Uses almost every single one of his powers to strike the demon, soon enough scaring them off into never hurting you or even going near you again.
Grabs them by the collar as they fall to the ground, bearing his fangs as speaks through his teeth. 
“If I see you even stand close to that mortal ever again, I will not hesitate to kill you next time…”
Eventually travels back to you and MK on his cloud, finding the both of you in your apartment as the noodle boy patches you up.
He sends MK home, ensuring you’ll be ok.
“Don’t worry bud, they’ll be fine. Get some rest, ya earned it.”
He sits down next to you on the couch as he lays your head in his lap.
His fingers intertwine with your hair, his other hand caressing your face as you rest from the intensity of your wounds.
He stays like this for quite some time, maybe even hours as he does not dare to move a muscle.
His heart skips a beat as you shift awake, smiling up at him as you regain consciousness.
He smiles back at you, it might have been the fact you were still a bit tired but you swear you could see small tears in his eyes.
“Peaches, oh thank Gods! It’s ok! You’re ok, you’re safe…”
He wants nothing more than to scoop you up in his arms and cover your gorgeous face in kisses but does not want to move you when you’re in pain.
Soon enough when you’re ready to move he does just that, laying you on his chest as he presses soft kisses all over your face.
He holds you close as if you were about to disappear any second, you’re guessing he really was scared today -which is super rare.-
“I love you, oh I love you so much. I’m so glad you’re ok.”
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His first instinct is to get you the hell out of there. 
As soon as his six ears hear your breath falter, he pulls you through into the shadows and gets you both out of the fight.
“Damnit, damnit, damnit! You're going to be okay sweet cheeks, don’t close your eyes on me. Keep those gorgeous eyes open.”
He falls into his living room with you in his arms, frantically kissing your forehead as he sets you down on the couch. 
He’s scrambling through his dojo to find stuff to patch up your wounds, he doesn’t have much because, well, he’s immortal.
After patching you up, –which is sloppily done by his shaking fingers–, he leaves you alone to rest.
“Gods damnit!” He punches a hole through the wall of the dojo, taking his rage out on the crumbling drywall. 
He needs to direct his anger towards something else before the entire building falls.
And luckily for him, he has just the target.
Oh, the demon didn’t win like they thought they did, not even close.
As soon as Macaque sees they let their guard down, he emerges from the shadows to summon his smoke monster.
It grabs the demon within its giant grasp as it forces them into the gravel below, crushing them with its sheer force.
“So! Do you really think you got away with hurting that mortal? Big mistake on your part…”
After beating the demon to a pulp, he travels back to you through the shadows.
You open your eyes to see him land on the living room floor, his ears perking up from the sound of your breath hitching as he rushes to your side. 
You smile up at him through your pain, your bandages wrapped a little too tight.
“Macaque? I love you and appreciate it so much but you tied these a little too tight…”
He blinks in surprise as he reapplies the white strips on your wounds, smiling as he kisses your nose.
“Heh, sorry about that starshine. Glad you’re ok…”
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You don’t think you’ve ever seen your bright bubbly boyfriend so angry.
In fact, he is beyond furious.
To the point, he turns into his monkey form and beats the demon into a pulp. 
Pigsy and Sandy were helping you stand as you stared at the sight in front of you, MK glowing a bright gold color as the two flew through the sky so fast you couldn’t keep your eyes up with them.
At one point, the demon tried to teleport away but MK was two steps ahead as he reached his arm out and grabbed them by the collar.
“Hey! Who– Said– I– Was– Done with you yet!”
He was throwing the demon around the mountains in between his words, finally, the demon was defeated as Mk ran up to you.
“(Name)! Oh, please be ok!” He wraps his arms around you, earning a gasp of pain from you.
“Careful kid, they’re hurt bad…” Pigsy put his hands up to warn your worried boyfriend.
“Right, right. Come on, let’s get them home.”
MK scooped you up in his arms as he carried you to your apartment, using the key that you gave him to set you down on the couch.
“Stay here, I’ll get you some bandages.”
He kissed your forehead as he left the room, coming back with white gauze and a waterproof marker.
You raised your eyebrow at the marker, earning a small smile from him as he slightly laughed.
“I was gonna draw on your bandages, add a little happy touch to the sadness!”
You laughed softly, nodding at the idea.
“Sounds fun, let's do it.”
He beamed as he applied the white strips, drawing various doodles on your bandages such as a doodle of the two of you kissing, one of the Monkey King (of course), and little hearts and stars everywhere.
You smiled as he held up his phone camera to you so you could see, giving him a kiss on the cheek, “Thank you babes, I look so colorful!’
His cheeks flushed red as he kissed your cheeks several times in return, “Of course, I think you look goood! I’m so glad you’re feeling better sweetie”
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nieve2000 · 16 days
hii, may I request macaque, wukong, and MK (seperately) x reader who likes to put ribbon bows on their tails? Thought it would be a cute idea ^_^
Hii!! Thank you so much for the request, this is such a cute thing to think about! I hope you enjoy! EDIT: I FORGOT TO WRITE MK IN THIS AS WELL, IM SO SORRY 😭
Macaque, Mk & Wukong With an S/O who likes to decorate their tails!
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Wukong is most certainly confused by your strange habit
If you were to ask him to put a ribbon or bow on his tail, he'd give you a strange look
"A bow? Well... uh, sure bud!"
It doesn't really match his whole "Great Sage Equal to Heaven" schtick in his opinion
What would formidable enemies think if he went into battle with a cutesy bow on his tail??
His monkeys most certainly make fun of him for it, much to his dismay
He wouldn't wear it if he was about to go into battle or leave his mountain at first, because if his monkeys make fun of it who knows who else will do the same?
Eventually he'll warm up to it
If you tie a little orange ribbon at the end of his tail trust and believe he will be working it with pride
"Oooh, I like this color! Goes well with my fur,"
He'd start longingly staring at the sweet ribbons you tie on his tail whenever you're not around and he misses you because they remind him of you
He'll start wearing them out in public with a bit less shame, happily flicking his tail in peoples faces
"Look! My partner gave it to me, isn't it so cute?"
And he'll start wearing them in battles too!
Having a little piece of you there with him gives him just a little bit of an extra boost and reminds him of all of the things he's fighting for
Now he likes to think they go well with his personality
"Great Sage Equal to Heaven" whos not afraid to have a bit of a cutesy accessory while he kicks butt
If you're more sneaky with their placement though, that's a whole other story
He's out enjoying a nice bowl of noodles with his favorite mentor, only mentor honestly, and he hears them chuckle and point at his tail while uttering the words "Nice bow Monkey Princess,"
His face goes bright red and he quickly curls his tail around his leg to hide the thoughtfully tied ribbon from view
"Yeah, so what?! Maybe I was just feelin' a bit more elegant today, you ever think about that?"
But as soon as he bids Mk adieu he's right at your doorstep with his arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his face
An embarrassed scolding is in order for you, that's for sure
"Hun, you know I love you, but you can't just tie ribbons on my tail like that! Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was when my mentor called me a princess?!"
Eventually he relents and you two end up in a hug, his go-to when reassuring you that he's not mad or he's sorry
"Just don't do it without telling me. Next time I could be faced with Macaque, and you know how he is."
All in all it takes him a bit of time to warm up to it, but after that he'll flaunt them, and you, with confidence
Macaque is a lot more reluctant than his sunny counterpart
He has a tough bad boy image to uphold, why on Earth would he let you bedazzle him with your silly ribbons and bows?
"A bow? No thanks darlin'."
It takes lots of begging and whining before he caves in, and even then he refuses to go out in them
You couldn't waterboard the information out of him, but when you finish carefully tying up the little red ribbon on the end of his tail he's in love
It goes well with his cape and adds a sort of air of sophistication onto his overall demeanor
It's probably just the inner drama queen in him speaking but it makes him feel weirdly fancy and extravagant
But again, he's not going to tell you that
He won't protest as much when you tie them on
Will suggest different colors and ways to tie the ribbons
"Why don't we try purple this time? No it's not because I care about what it looks like- it was just a suggestion!"
Sometimes he tries to put them on himself because he's embarrassed to ask you, but he quickly figured out that he cannot tie bows for the life of him
And even if he learns, they're just not the same as yours
He will eventually come around to the idea of wearing them in public
He keeps his ribbon clad tail hidden beneath his cape most of the time unless he's feeling particularly confident or he wants to show it off on purpose
If anyone has the gall to try and make fun of it he's quick to shoot them down
"Yeah I have a bow on my tail, my partner gave it to me. Aww, don't tell me you don't have a partner of your own? Is that why you think you're funny? Because you don't have anyone at home to tell you you're not?"
He warms up to the idea so much that he begins to regularly ask you to decorate his tail with multiple bows and ribbons
One time, as a silly joke, you tied a particularly big red bow at the base of his tail and jokingly told him he looked like a show cat
It was a funny joke, but Macaque really really liked it
So much so that he wore it regularly, asking you to tie it on for him every time he went out
If you were to be sneaky and tie it on his tail without him knowing well..
He's actually not that upset
He's hanging out with Mei, probably the one he likes and relates to the most out of everyone, when she giggles and points at his tail, calling him 'coquette' or something
He's not sure what that term means, but he does find the fact that a little pink bow being tied on his tail without his knowledge to be amusing
Just for funsies he keeps it on all day
If and when he decides to go visit the culprit, which he knows is you, he playfully chides you
"Alright sugarplum, you know I have an image to uphold! You can't just slip little pretty pink bows on my tail without my permission!"
Once you two have had a good laugh he just chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead
All in all he really likes the bows that you decorate him with and takes it as a sign of affection, but it takes a long time for him to be open about it
Mk in his monkey form is certainly.. something
He can't quite control himself in that form yet, but that isn't to say that he's constantly violent
He just doesn't know his own strength
With his monkey form more stern and serious, he doesn't hold back, he's blunt
And, completely unrelated, his voice is like two octaves deeper
He's scared he might hurt you, or the people he cares about, so he rarely ever uses it unless he's in battle or training
In hopes of making him more comfortable and as a way of letting him know that you're okay with this side of himself, you began tying bows on the end of his tail
He's not sure how to feel about the idea at first
"Tying.. bows? Sure, I guess.."
He doesn't know if you don't take him seriously or if you're just trying to be sweet
He's still getting used to having a tail, so sometimes it gets caught on things, which will occasionally lead to your ribbons getting torn
It makes him feel horrible for some reason, and he's always presenting the torn fabric to you like it's the remains of a dead soldier or something
"I'm so sorry. It was an accident, I promise,"
He's not against wearing them out in public (not that he ever goes in public with his monkey form)
If it's after a battle and someone were to say anything about his bow he'd hardly care
"Looks like we got a funny guy over here everyone!"
And everyone in the vicinity glares at them
Much like his mentor, he slowly starts seeing the bows less as just some silly accessory on his tail and more as a subtle reminder of you
Whenever he's in his monkey form he makes sure to come to you for a bow
"I'm feeling kinda red-ish today, what do you think?"
Your plan works, and he starts feeling better about his over powered simian side
You love him no matter what, freakishly strong or just a silly delivery boy, and the bows are just a testament to that
All in all, he finds them adorable, and what they represent fuel him to fully embrace this side of himself in order to protect the people he cares about
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