nikkilyz · 3 years
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I know I haven't showed Fallon and Pierce in a while because I've been working on setting up the story for the next generation but here they are! I'm hoping for some more Fallon and Pierce content in the near future but the next generation isn't far away!
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nikkilyz · 3 years
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[Upon arriving, Delia noticed Kory seemed pretty down.]
Delia: What's up? You look like someone just shot your puppy. Kory: [Laughs] Nothing, nothing. I'm just thinking.
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Delia: Well that's dangerous. Kory: Oh shush! [He'd laugh] Come on, take a seat.
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[Delia sits next to him and he shyly takes her hand.]
Kory: I wanted to explain to you why I left, why I left you completely in the dark.
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Kory: To put it simply, we were moving. We moved to Oasis Springs and you know how far that is.. I was too scared to see you upset, so I just never said anything. I realise now that it was just an easier way out for me, and so much worse for you.
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Delia: But you're here now, that's all that matters.
[She wrapped her arms around him, something he used to do to her to make her feel okay.]
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[Suddenly, he pulled her in for a kiss. At first she was shocked, but soon she relaxed herself.]
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[After spending around an hour talking and catching up, Kory grabbed her hand and pulled her up.]
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Delia: Where are we going? Kory: Well I said I'd show you around Windenburg, didn't I? [He smiled.]
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Kory: And Delia... I promise never to leave you again.
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nikkilyz · 3 years
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Delia's favourite part of being one of the most popular girl in school is the parties she gets to go to! I mean who can blame her with college boys like that?
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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Stranger: Excuse me, miss? Delia: Hm? [Delia turned around to find a very familiar face staring at her, one she never thought she'd see again.]
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Delia: KORY!
[Immediately overcome with joy, she wrapped her arms around him.]
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Kory: I've missed you like crazy.
[He kissed her lightly on the cheek, something he's wanted to do for years.]
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Delia: I've missed you too. Kory: Could we possibly go out tomorrow? That is, if you don't have a date for Valentine's day? I just thought we could catch up.
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[Flustered, Delia looked away.]
Delia: I'd like that.
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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There's nothing Delia enjoys more than a day on the ice, the feeling of freedom takes her back to her childhood. But unbeknownst to Delia, there's a stranger watching her every move, her every spin. Watching the delicate details of her routine in awe.
Now who's done that before...?
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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Though time slips away from us, memories do not...
Delia never knew why Kory stopped showing up to skating lessons. She never knew why he stopped going to their secret spot in Windenburg.
All she knows is that she hasn't seen him in years, and has no reason to believe she ever will again.
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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Welcome Elliot Delgato! We don't like showing off our babies until they can at least walk, so here he is! We're so happy to have him as our last addition to the family - Fallon
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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Delia: Where is this place? Kory: This is where I go when I can't think straight. Nobody knows it really exists, which is perfect. Delia: So why are we here? Kory: To dance. [He smiled at her]
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Delia: But I've never danced with anyone before, you know this. Kory: You taught me how to skate, so I'm simply just returning the favour!
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Delia: Is there anything I can do to not make me look like a baby horse just learning how to walk?
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Kory: Just look at me. You're focusing too much on your feet.
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Delia: Kory? Kory: Hm? Delia: What does the rest of Windenburg look like?
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Kory: Well I guess I'll have to show you one day, it's gorgeous.
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[The two danced into the night, talking for hours upon hours. An unspoken attraction formed between the two, but who would be the first to confess?]
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[PART 2 OF 2]
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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[Delia was sat in her room, crying. She oh so loved to dance yet nobody had asked her to the last dance of middle school. She wasn't going.]
[She hears her door open and footsteps coming towards her. She looks up and Kory sits next to her, placing his hand on hers but not making eye contact.]
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D: How'd you get in here? [She stared in disbelief - Kory had never been to her house before.]
K: Your mom let me in. Now what's this I hear about you not going to the dance?
D: Just that. I'm not going. No date means no dancing, and no dancing means it's no fun.
K: Get dressed for the dance.
D: Wh- you just heard me say I'm not going.
[He turned to face her.]
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K: Just trust me. Be ready for the dance at 6.
[Kory smiled before getting up and leaving again, leaving Delia confused and worried.]
(PART 1 OF 2)
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(PART 1 OF 2)
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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Last bun in the oven! Can't wait to know what gender they'll be, I guess we need to start picking baby names! - Fallon
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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[Delia loves ice skating, it's her passion, her drive. It's the one thing she can do to feel free. She started skating around two years ago, getting a private coach and everything.]
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Kory: [Mutters] I wish I could do that...
[Delia notices the boy staring, and decides to talk with him.]
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Delia: Can I help you at all?
K: How did you learn to skate like that?
D: Um well I started having lessons around two years ago from a private coach. I'd recommend you get one too if you want to skate!
K: I'd love to skate, could you help me with the basics?
D: Of course! Let's head over to the other rink, this one is for advanced skaters.
[The two head over to the other rink, it was empty, perfect!]
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[Kory gets on the ice and immediately falls over]
K: See? I'm hopeless at this!
D: Come on, hold onto me.
[Delia helps him up and he slowly but surely begins to gain his confidence and balance]
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K: Look at me! I'm doing it!
D: [Laughs] You are! See, I knew you had it in you.
[The two skate around for hours, growing closer and closer as friends]
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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Ahh family time, how... Competitive? It sure is when you have a toddler fighting someone over a controller. Pierce swears he would've won if Elyse wasn't in his way, and Fallon's just happy enough to have her victory!
Meet the kids! Delia is that sleepy one on the right, and the sleepy one on the left is Nathan. Our girl front and centre is Elyse, she can be a little grabby when it comes to something she wants, but I think you got that.
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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Fun? No. Stressful? Yes. Worth it? Definitely.
Finally! Fallon and Pierce have their own place, their own space. No more parents, no more siblings. Just the two of them. For now.
(I'm so sorry for the quick story progression! I started this tumblr after Fallon had moved out, I had to quickly get something for Gen 1. As of right now, they have three kids. I'll introduce them in my next post!)
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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While the kids are away the parents will... Clean. But that's fine with Edeline! She enjoys making the house spotless, Mathias on the other hand-
Well let's just say he isn't so keen, he gets all the "fun" jobs.
Never mind, at least they had a chance to take a cute picture together!
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nikkilyz · 4 years
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Welcome to the Davenport Legacy! It's not a challenge really, just me attempting to have a large family tree with individual stories! (Top left: Anya Davenport, Top right: Fallon Davenport, Bottom left: Edeline Davenport, Middle: Levi Davenport, Bottom right: Mathias Davenport).
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