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This is a quick note to tell anyone who might be interested that I will eventually play again Waylon, however I am moving him to my multimuse at @choruscaelum !
He is already in the Canon muse list, however I still need to add his infos. He’s not officially open/active again, but he is one of the few that will come next (I am slowly adding active muse).
So yeah, you can find me there if you want!
(Oh, and obviously, I won’t be checking Waylon’s blog anymore!)
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So, this unplanned hiatus made me realize that RP has been pulling a lot of energy from me, and that guilt tended to keep me thinking “I’ll catch up” instead of genuine inspiration. I genuinely thought I would soon return to Waylon, but instead I’ve found out the muse is... just not there. It’s not even that I have too many threads, because I don’t. But it’s simply that as much as I do love the interactions I have, my inspiration for this blog left.
I’m very thankfuly for the people that followed me, for the interactions I’ve had; but sadly I know it’s time for me to officially close this blog. I don’t believe I will return to RP here either, so if you wish to find me still (or want to keep an eye on Waylon), you can find me on my fanfic blog @chrisemrysblog (where Waylon’s fanfic is linked or will be if I haven’t added it yet) and my writer blog @homeofwriter (where you’ll find what are my original works)!
Thank you for the patience when I was still thinking I would come back, adn thank you for this small journey ♥♥
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theycallmemrgluskin replied to your post: So here’s the thing, summer heat had made me...
//oh I feel you there on the heat. Australia just started spring and its more like summer then anything right now. All the more do take your time my dear :)
Its crazy how heart keeps coming and going, we’re in fall and some days it feels like we’re back in summer, while on others it’s cold. Makes it more likely to get sick if not careful, though so far I avoided that XD Thanks ♥
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So here’s the thing, summer heat had made me unable to be productive, and I had obviously planned to get back to things in september. Except things happened, like paperworks, and then long story short, lots of stress trying to help a friend.
I’m tentatively saying everything that had been stressing me the past month has for the most part resolved, but there’s also how I can expect myself to need to take it easy.
Basically, what I’m saying is that I want to return on Waylon, but I have zero idea when it will be. Could be during this week, could be next month. I didn’t want to be absent without explanation though, and to show that I hadn’t left this blog.
I only have in my drafts @theycallmemrgluskin @splenda-daddy-blaire  and @echoes-within-darkness so thank you for your patience, I sure hope Waylon soon write for you ♥ Anything else, wasn’t my turn, unless I missed it, I will assume them to take a while or dropped, with how I’m not as active as I wish, I’m not going to prode about threads (and that’s also why I haven’t really offered starters or plots for new followers/mutuals).
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Well, obviously, soon enough is later that I planned. September turned out energy consumming for me, and while I don’t have many threads to reply to, Waylon is rather... lazy.
I can’t make any promise, but know I am thinking of replying to what I owe, probably not this week though, so anytime after this coming weekend. It’s slightly dependent on whether or not I catch up on another blog, I might focus there first, or I might first do Waylon’s.
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Hi, hello, just some words of news since I haven’t been very active here!
So part of my attention went into a new blog, although I did plan to do stuff on Waylon since I didn’t take too many threads. Except I kind of got heatstroke some days ago and while I got better by the next day physically, I think my mind needed more time to recover.
The weather cooled down finally, and I feel good now, so I should be able to reply to threads soon enough. Just know I do lurk around, checking my inbox/IM!
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Now Waylon is so very tempted. So, so tempted.
Okay but half awake Waylon enters the break room they both tend to hide in, ruffles Jeremy’s hairs when he passes by to the vender, then freezes in front of vender when his brain catch up on what he just did.
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(Fun fact: I read “my job is a jackass” at first but I totally knew he meant Jeremy and I was like “Now Jeremy is his job?” XD)
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Me: *lurks for a bit and scroll through dash* Also Me: *thinks about writing something*
Waylon: What if we drabble about post game me wrecking someone? Me being shadow controller badass you know?
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Why Whyyyy Time out and mister Nea fucking Campbell stop giving him ideas
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I saw this on the dash at some point and decided to do it~
I kind of love it a lot? My mind goes “that’s about right” about fitting how I picture Waylon so I say that’s a good visual!
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thecacklingfox replied to your post: Hi, hello, just some words of news since I haven’t...
It’s totally fine fam, it happens to the best of us! <3 Jeremy’s still lurking around as the douchecanoe he is, so take the time you need and of course we’ll keep RPing soon enough c:
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I can tell Way is looking forward to seeing if Mr Blaire can handle his alcohol, I have a feeling the small wait is making him even more mischevious~
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Hi, hello, just some words of news since I haven’t been very active here!
So part of my attention went into a new blog, although I did plan to do stuff on Waylon since I didn’t take too many threads. Except I kind of got heatstroke some days ago and while I got better by the next day physically, I think my mind needed more time to recover.
The weather cooled down finally, and I feel good now, so I should be able to reply to threads soon enough. Just know I do lurk around, checking my inbox/IM!
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Do you like to get high?
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So fun fact, since Waylon has never left Mount Massive in truth, he doesn’t have much experience in some things. He has gotten drunk before, but high? Nope. False memory wise, he has a false one of trying out in high school, and the thing is, his memory of it might be false but the reaction in it would be true.
Basically, just like drinking, he isn’t affected until he suddenly is, so one second he is fine, and the next he feels all hyper and see weird stuff. He finds it fun, but he also doesn’t really like it, or at least doesn’t like the idea of people seeing him like this. He doesn’t quite like that his mind isn’t quite here, too, especially as he tends to be honest about what he sees and how he feels.
So Waylon doesn’t like it, but at the same time, finds it fun.
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“You had to expend on it all, Chris.”
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Ask incredibly invasive questions about the character! The writer will answer and the character will react to having their private information made public.
submitted by anonymous.
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Link: https://uquiz.com/nsYXgV?embed=False
The Anti-Hero
A central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes. They often fail many times and are known to be flawed. Opposite of the Tragic hero, you often do things out of selfishness so you can advance and grow as an individual. This is often done unconsciously. When people ask for favors, you expect rewards in return. Your personality can be seen as complicated and you often can through a cycle of moods in a matter of what seems like seconds. You're seen as typically aggressive and full of emotion. There would be times where it seems like you are completely calm and then at a flip of coin be upset about something. You have a lot on your mind 24/7 and it's hard for you to handle. Sometimes your attempts at showing you care can backfire, since you often get too into the emotional aspect of the situation.
(I’m laughing so much right now, I never expected to get “anti hero” for Waylon, but I don’t think I could have replied to each question in any other way so, apparently Waylon is an anti hero)
Tagged by @echoes-within-darkness
Takking: @wlrdr @walridernightmares @theycallmemrgluskin @splenda-daddy-blaire if you want to~~
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REPOST. DON’T REBLOG. post TEN characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as and might bring back, then tag ten people to do the same.  ( If you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can. Feel free to go over ten, too. )
Currently playing:
1) Mika (my Lavellan Inquisitor from Dragon Age Inquisition) 2) Waylon Park (Outlast) 3) Aryn 4) My hybrids OCs (summarized, Kameron the angel-spirit, Rei the vampire-werewolf, Ryuuma the demon-shinigami-dragon, and Yuki the all-species) 5) Tenebrae (my Incarnation of Darkness OC) with his friends as side muses 6) Canon AU Allen (and Nea) from DGM to come 7) A Natsume (Natsume Yuujinshou) and Shiro (Skyrim-DA crossover OC) that are pretty much 1x1
Have Played/Might bring back
MANY I think I’ve had maybe… 10 or so muses I have played since I started. So I’ll just mention the ones I might bring back
7) Satoshi from Pokemon (canon au where he’s forced in TR, that one is “definitely bringing him back when I feel ready to”) 8) Yuuri Shibuya (Kyo Kara Maoh, although not sure I’ll bring him back) 9) Merlin (BBC Merlin, I kind of want to bring him back one day)
Want to play but probably never will
I tend to end up rping any character I feel a want to rp, although a few days ago I would have replied “Allen” (literally the first time I’ve had a deep want but I felt like I couldn’t, though now I’m working on it).
Tagged: Stolen~ Tagging: Anyone that wants to do it~
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It was obvious in the way Eddie looked at Waylon that he was clearly concerned for the others well being. Whether that be for his own little game or his true self being seen for once, it wasn’t entirely clear nor was it in Eddies brain as he let Waylon take a moment, nodding his head slightly in reply. Until Waylon was back to his feet did Eddie smile softly again but his walk was far more slower now.
“I have plenty of food and water, it will help I’m sure. The buzzing goes away after a while” Eddie stated in a softer and sweeter tone. He knew the feeling but didn’t want to let on that he knew it exactly.
After the machine it was the only thing Eddie could hear or feel, this tightness inside his head, blurred vision and this odd buzzing sound like as if something was trying to burst out of his head.
“Plus I’m sure you want to get out of those cloths and clean up a bit, I can offer to make something for you to wear around for a while, and there are plenty of rooms to rest up in and claim as your own” Eddie said just adding the sugar on the cake with a humble smile. Not a single bit about it seemed sinister or dark, just the way Eddie had been planning on playing this all out.
Waylon offered a small smile, the pain and buzzing was still there, but it had lessened now that the programmer had gotten a grip of himself. “I’m sure it will. I’ve gotten used to it, but it’s worse when my body is weaker.” Or when it caught him by surprise.
He didn’t seem to realize he had admitted that this wasn’t the first time it happened, or if he did, he didn’t seem to mind. However, Waylon did keep quiet about some of the things he knew to be different, like his false memories, and the growing sensation that he had never meant to be a staff member.
“Oh, you bet I want to.” Waylon agreed, before blinking. “Make clothes? You can make clothes?” For the first time, there was a wide, happy smile on the man’s face. “I’d love that!”
He felt silly for not noticing before, but now that his eyes had been drawn to check over Eddie again, it felt obvious the clothes had been handmade. He had to admit they looked nice, taking into account the lack of good material Waylon guessed Eddie had to work around. Unless the asylum had a closet full of materials somewhere.
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“See me… See me… Not sure… Not… Sure. Not sure…” He repeated softly. It was part of his mental condition to repeat some things people said. Not an easy thing to explain to others. Leslie liked how gentle Waylon was being. Considering that it was a rarity even from the staff. He decided to move out further. Feeling slightly safer than just a moment ago.
Leslie slowly nodded. “I can… See things… Others… Can’t. Sometimes.” He confessed. Again his voice was soft. “You… You don’t look… Like them.” By them the youth meant the hospital staff and the patients. No this person looked like someone entirely new. Maybe they could be trusted. He would just have to see. “My… Name is… Leslie Withers. I… I hope… We can… Be friends. Oh and… Be careful of… Shadows. They… They are alive.”
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Waylon let the other express himself patiently, not blind to how the youth-from how he sounded-stayed unmoving for now. It was a kind of wariness Waylon himself had developped because of all the variants he had to navigate around; and a part of him wondered if it meant this young man also had to escape danger.
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“Them?” Waylon repeated in a questionning tone, growing aware that the surroundings were not familiar. He might not have gone around all parts of Mount Massive, but he had gotten a good idea of how the buildings were, and this place... didn’t feel like Mount Massive.
So who knew who were these them?
“Nice to meet you, Leslie. My name’s Waylon Park.” Not willing to startle Leslie by coming closer without asking, the programmer decided to just sit on the ground crossed legs. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be around, and if I’ll be able to come back... But while I’m here, I’d like to be your friend.”
A small frown formed on Waylon’s face at the mention of shadows, gaze drifting around. It nudged at his mind, how Leslie referred to them as alive, yet he didn’t feel afraid. Not about the shadows that had been acting on their own around him, if he was honest. Yes, he had noticed by now.
“Don’t worry, Leslie. Some of them are... my friend, I guess. They won’t hurt me, and they won’t hurt you.”
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