nothinglost1976 · 2 years
"Many times. When I was old enough to understand I had a crush was the start. When I realized it was more than a crush, it was far more often ." @scribedhorror
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@nothinglost1976​ || meme || accepting I mean…KIND OF (I mean it isn’t really a surprise lmao)
“How many times? When?”
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“Details! I need all the details.”
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
prompts to celebrate valentine’s day, with options for romantic or platonic. even the enemies can have some valentine’s fun.  ‘my muse’ meaning receiver’s muse! can also reverse if you’d like. 
🌷 to kiss my muse
💖 to confess attraction to my muse 
🍫 to give my muse a box of chocolates
🌹 to give my muse flowers
🧸 to give my muse a giant teddy bear
🍷 to invite my muse to dinner 
✨ to go stargazing with my muse
☕ for our muses to have coffee together
🌈 for our muses to dance together
🌼 for my muse to compliment your muse
🥀 for my muse to confess a secret
🍒 for your muse to tie a cherry stem with their tongue
🦢 for my muse to talk about someone they love 
🔪 for my muse to threaten your muse 
🖤 for my muse to reject your muse
                                                            — ♥ —
“Be my valentine?”
“Would you be so kind as to fall in love with me?”
“Darling, you’re the one I want.”
“This is no time for confessing.“
“You know, darling, you bring out the worst in me.”
“If you’re free tonight, maybe we could spend some time together.”
“I know I’ve kissed you before, but I didn’t do it right. Can I try again?”
“I hate Valentine’s Day.” 
“I love you— ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
“You have my whole heart.”
“I hope I never lose you.”
“All the good in me is because of you.“
“If I could give you the moon, I would.”
“Eat your heart out.”
“We both have our rabid hearts.”
“I thought maybe we would kiss tonight.”
“You’re not the person I wanted to see today.”
“I love everybody because I love you.” 
“Do you want company?”
“Nobody fucks me like me.”
“Can we always be this close?”
“Please don’t say you love me.”
“I once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden.” 
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
Valentines Day Starters
Romantic Words
“Will you be my valentine?”
“Time goes by, but you’re just as gorgeous and exciting to me as the day we met.”
“I made reservations for us for that restaurant you're always talking about”
“A good man is hard to find so I consider myself very luck to have found a great one”
“You're my happiness, you're my rock, you're my everything. Happy Valentines day”
"My favorite thing to do is anything and everything with you, I love you."
“Tonight is all about us and only us”
Romantic Actions
Muse A gives muse B a bouquet of fresh flowers
Muse A gives muse B a box of chocolate/candy
Muse A gives muse B a massage
Muse A gives muse B a plush teddy bear
Muse A gives muse B a handmade valentines day card
Muse A surprises muse B by laying naked on their bed
Platonic Words
“Who needs romantic valentines, I love you and because of that you're my valentine"
“I got you flowers because they're nice and I thought you'd like them"
“Wanna just down champagne and watch bad romcoms with me?”
“You know, valentines day really goes hard with their colors, love some good reds and pinks together”
“Valentines day is old hat, this year it's all about Palentines day.”
“If we pretend to be a couple we can get a discount on supper tonight.”
Bitter Words
"Love is in the air, so I’m holding my breath.”
“One day in Feburary isn't something to celebrate”
“Valentines day is a stupid holiday just made up by card companies to make people feel like shit for not buying their partner worthless crap”
“The only thing I'm celebrating this 14th is my cat's birthday”
“Love isn't real, life isn't a Hallmark Original Movie”
“God I hate seeing couples so damn happy, you know it won't even last either so what's the point?"
“I'm more excited for tomorrow when I'll get heavily discounted chocolate”
"You can celebrate your stupid love any day you like, and you don't need a special day for it."
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
slavery starters
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
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stan and eddie are the sports playing power couple of derry
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
morning after starters
“  last night was nice.  ” “  lets do this again some time.  ” “  i’ll leave my number.  ” “  i gotta go, sorry.  ” “  can’t you at least stay for breakfast?  ” “  i’ll make coffee—don’t go anywhere.  ” “  next time, maybe i’ll buy you dinner first.  ” “  if we do this again you better buy me dinner first.  ” “  i don’t think my legs work again yet.  ” “  i don’t wanna get up.  ” “  no don’t move, it’s too cold outside the covers.  ” “  there’s no way i can hide these marks…  ” “  this was probably a mistake.  ” “  this can’t happen again.  ” “  you always say that, and yet we wind up right back here.  ” “  are you watching me sleep?  ” “  you look cute all frazzled like this.  ” “  why are you looking at me like that?  ” “  keep kissing me like that and we’re gonna end up back in bed.  ” “  something wrong? ” “  i’d stay if i could, i promise.  ” “  so if i put my number in your phone, you actually gonna text me? ” “  i made breakfast.  ” “  how do you take your coffee?  ” “  fuck! i’m late—  ” “  did you turn the alarm off?  ” “  if you don’t turn that alarm off i’m gonna throw it out the window.  ” “  i can’t find my shirt.  ” “  babe, we slept in.  ” “  i know you’re awake.  ” “  i’ll stay.  ” “  why don’t you stay?  ” “  i like waking up with you.  ” “  i like having you here at night.  ” “  you know, if you moved in we wouldn’t keep having to say goodbye like this.  ” “  so when are we gonna actually go on a real date?  ” “  do i smell bacon?  ” “  you made pancakes?  ” “  come on, come back to bed.  ” “  you weren’t there when i woke up.  ” “  i thought you left.  ” “  do you want me to go?  ” “  just let me sleep for five more minutes.  ” “  you’re really beautiful/handsome. even if you drool.  ” “  you talk in your sleep, ya know.  ”  
ACTIONS:  1. for one muse to surprise the other with breakfast in bed 2. for our muses to go another round in the morning 3. for your muse to join mine in the shower while getting ready for the day 4. for one muse to stop the other from trying to sneak away 5. for one muse to invite the other to spend the rest of the day with them  6. for one muse to convince the other to stay in bed the rest of the day 7. for our muses to have sex in the kitchen instead of finishing breakfast 8. for our muses to spoon 9. for one muse to wake up with morning wood  10. for one muse to wake the other up with oral  11. for lazy morning sex  12. for one muse to wake the other because they’re having a nightmare  13. for one muse to distract the other from getting ready by kissing/groping them 14. for one muse to kick the other out of their home  15. for our muses to wake with no recollection of the night before  
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
quotes from fantasy books that inspire adventurous plots and relationships.
“The truth is what I make it. I could set this world on fire and call it rain.”
“I told you to hide your heart once. You should have listened.”
“The gods rule us still. They have come down from the stars. And they are no longer kind.”
“In the fairy tales, the poor girl smiles when she becomes a princess. Right now, I don’t know if I’ll ever smile again.”
“To look powerful is to be powerful.”
“You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That’s what scares you most.”
“I’d be the greatest fool in the world to let you go alone.”
“These days, I am very glad to be a mortal, and to only have to endure this life once. These days, I don’t envy you at all.”
“I used to wish I had a chance to see it all- and hated that I never would.”
“I have known many kings in my life. And it was a rare man indeed who asked for help when he needed it, who would put aside pride.”
“Do you believe monsters are born, or made?”
“There is a better world out there. And I have seen it.”
Here’s a lesson for you Weapons Master: Give me real men to fight. Then maybe I’ll bother trying.“
“To the people who look at the stars and wish.”
“To the stars who listen— and the dreams that are answered.”
“He thinks he’ll be remembered as the villain in the story. But I forgot to tell him that the villain is usually the person who locks up the maiden and throws away the key. He was the one who let me out.”
“When you spend so long trapped in darkness, you find that the darkness begins to stare back.”
“There are good days and hard days for me—even now. Don’t let the hard days win.”
“I am broken and healing, but every piece of my heart belong to you.”
“Only you can decide what breaks you, Cursebreaker. Only you.”
“We need hope, or else we cannot endure.”
“Remember that you are a wolf. And you cannot be caged.”
“It’s a rare person to face who they are and not run from it - not be broken by it.”
“What we think to be our greatest weakness can sometimes be our biggest strength.”
“Many atrocities, have been done in the name of the greater good.”
“You will lose what you value most, so treasure it while you can.”
“There’s nothing worse than waiting and not knowing what’ll happen to you. Your own imagination can be crueler than any captor.”
“If your eyes weren’t open, you wouldn’t know the difference between dreaming and waking.”
“Don’t touch any of my weapons without my permission.”
“I figured all your classes were stuff like Slaughter 101 and Beheading for Beginners.”
I knew Greater Demons were meant to be ugly, but no one ever warned me about the smell.“
“Then let the world know that my first act of freedom was to help my friends.”
“It is a symbol - and symbols will always wield power of their own.”
There are worse fates than death, you know.”
“Look toward where it hurts the most. That’s always where the answers are.”
“Believe in yourself and you will find a way. But remember, darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good.”
“There are no safe choices. Only other choices.”
“I’m sorry, [ Name ]. But we can’t live in the light all of the time. You have to take whatever light you can hold into the dark with you.”
“Women who have power are always feared.”
“But without that spark of anger, without destruction, there can be no rebirth.”
“You don’t notice the light without a bit of shadow.”
“[ Name ] feels like a country I want to travel—vast, dangerous, and unknown.”
“One can never go back. One always has to move forward.”
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! a collection of sentence starters and prompts to inspire holiday/wintery interactions. trigger warnings for mentions of food and drink. 
❝ are you really playing christmas music already? it’s barely november! ❞
❝ come on, get in the spirit! dance with me. ❞ 
❝ if we’re having turkey for thanksgiving dinner, i’m not eating. the bird always looks at me funny and i’m not eating stuffing that’s been stuffed up a butt. ❞ 
❝ are you going to come sledding with us? it’ll be fun! ❞
❝ we can put up the christmas lights tonight! ❞
❝ i don’t want to be a grinch, but untangling lights isn’t exactly my favorite pastime. ❞
❝ let’s wear matching ugly christmas sweaters to the party! ❞ 
❝ do you think this eggnog is spiked? ❞ 
❝ don’t tell anyone, but, i spiked the eggnog. ❞ 
❝ you’re who i want to kiss at midnight on new year’s eve. ❞
❝ pucker up! you got caught under the mistletoe. ❞
❝ i didn’t know what to get you. i hope you like it. ❞ 
❝ you got me [insert gift here]? i love it. ❞
❝ please tell me that’s not a puppy yipping from the box… ❞
❝ isn’t it a little cliche to get engaged on christmas? ❞ 
❝ we always watch grandma got run over by a reindeer. it’s tradition! ❞
❝ i was sucking on this candy cane and accidentally made a weapon… ❞
❝ did you remember to get carrots to leave out for the reindeer? ❞
❝ i loved christmas as a kid, but i haven’t felt the magic in a long time… ❞
❝ do you want to bake cookies with me? ❞
SEND A WORD FOR A PROMPT. add + REVERSE to switch up who does what.
[ SKATES ] for sender and receiver to go ice skating.
[ COCOA ] for sender and receiver to get hot chocolate at a winter festival.
[ FESTIVAL ] for sender and receiver to go to a winter carnival. 
[ ICE ] for receiver to slip on some ice while walking with sender. 
[ FROSTY ] for sender and receiver to build a snowman.
[ ANGEL ] for sender and receiver to make snow angels.
[ MISTLETOE ] for sender and receiver to find themselves under the mistletoe.
[ TREE ] for sender and receiver to decorate the christmas tree. 
[ PRESENTS ] for receiver to open a present from sender. (bonus points for saying what the present is.) 
[ GRINCH ] for receiver’s reaction to sender not being in the holiday spirit. 
[ KITCHEN ] for sender and receiver to make a mess in the kitchen while cooking the holiday feast.
[ MIDNIGHT ] for sender to kiss receiver at midnight on new year’s eve. 
[ TIMES SQUARE ] for sender and receiver to watch the ball drop.
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
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“i didn’t go to the moon, i went much further - for time is the longest distance between two places”
the glass menagerie by tennessee williams / it chapter two dir. andrés muschietti
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
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hello, mr. perfectly fine
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
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Timothée Chalamet as Elio Perlman CALL ME BY YOUR NAME (2017)
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
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Some staniel appreciation
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
stranger  things  season  one  (  2016 -  )  sentence  starters ↪  joyce  byers  edition.  alter  as  you  see  fit
“where the hell are they?”
“i will see you tonight.”
“i told you this a thousand times!”
“i can’t believe you, sometimes.”
“i have been waiting here over an hour.”
“he has nothing to do with this.”
“what about the other time?”
“anybody home?”
“i changed my mind.”
“who the hell is this?”
“i know i haven’t been there for you.”
“‘i just feel bad. i don’t even barely know what’s going on with you.”
“you can’t do this to yourself.”
“this was not your fault.”
“i feel it in my heart.”
“you have to trust me on this, okay?”
“i can’t eat.”
“i don’t want you to go alone.”
“you’re saying that’s not weird?”
“who would do that?”
“it was not a prank.”
“you think i’m - i’m making this up?”
“oh, come on! you’re wasting your time.”
“i heard something else.”
“just tell me where you are, honey.”
“can you show him what you showed me?”
“something is going on here!”
“maybe if i get more lamps …”
“okay, i’m sorry.”
“uh, you wanna come in?”
“we’re having electrical problems.”
“she shouldn’t be here.”
“i need you to leave.”
“okay, baby, talk to me.”
“what should i do?”
“no, you don’t understand.”
“it was almost human, but it wasn’t.”
“it had these long arms and it didn’t have a face.”
“you’re talking about grief. this is different.”
“i swear to you, i know what i saw.”
“i understand, but god - i need you to believe me. please.”
“just go home, [name].”
“i know it sounds crazy. i sound crazy! you think i don’t know that?”
“i don’t care if anyone believes me!”
“i am not gonna stop looking for him until i find him and bring him home.”
“tell me where you are.”
“i need you to hide.”
“our hands were almost touching.”
“don’t look at me like that.”
“you never cared about him. you never did!”
“i can’t believe i fell for this.”
“oh brother, i have not needed you for a long time!”
“don’t you dare.”
“what the hell is going on, [name]?”
“look, we gotta go through this again.”
“you didn’t say there was a drawing.”
“was it a good drawing?”
“you may have seen him on the news.”
“that could’ve been covered up.”
“what, you’re sorry? that is not good enough, [name]!”
“that’s not even close. that’s not even in the ballpark.”
“this is not yours to fix alone.”
“you act like you’re all alone out there in the world, but you’re not.”
“you’re not alone.”
“you’re a very brave girl. you know that, don’t you?”
“thank you.”
“listen, i am gonna be there with you the whole time.”
“if it ever gets too scary … you just let me know, okay?”
“it’s okay. it’s okay.”
“i got you. don’t be afraid. i’m right here with you.”
“you tell him i’m coming.”
“just hold on a little longer.”
“you did so good.”
“it’s in the woods behind our house.”
“are you kidding me?”
“i’m going!”
“i know who you are. i know what you’ve done.”
“you left him in that place to die!”
“now you’re asking for my help?”
“go to hell.”
“what is this?”
“honey, just breathe.”
“is that my house?”
“this way.”
“he’s not breathing. he’s not breathing!”
“i love you so much. i love you more than anything in the world.”
“please, please come back to me.”
“i need you to wake up now. i need you to breathe.”
“hi, sweetheart.”
“oh, this is just so overcooked.”
“the potatoes are runny.”
“hey, no more snooping.”
“we’ll have to see, won’t we?”
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
who wants a bite of me?
listen babe, nothing is as it seems.
god, you sound like you want to wear her skin.
do you think I did too much?
do you want me to push her in the pool? do you want me to light her hair on fire?
you look incredible tonight.
how could you do this to me?
baby, come on. I would never do this.
channel that anger into getting what you want.
why would he do this to me?
I hated myself for letting my guard down.
peaking in high school is cringe.
you have a really weird energy.
I don’t need your pity.
you insufferable cunt! I know you did this!
I don’t even do cocaine!
you think I framed you?
do you still not want my pity?
I know what it’s like to get screwed over by someone you thought you could trust.
you really had that pent-up, huh?
you look like you want a grilled cheese. let’s get you a grilled cheese.
I thought you were gonna put out a hit on me or something.
okay, I’ll just go fuck myself.
to be honest, I’m still recovering.
I just want to say how sorry I am for what happened to you last year.
oh, I’m sorry ‘school house rock’, are you dragging my sentence structure right now?
we won’t get caught, that’s the whole point.
I don’t want to make her pay. I want to burn her to the ground.
you’re giving off some serious glenn close in fatal attraction energy right now.
I can ruin her in my sleep.
I’m Frankenstein, and you’re Frankenstein’s bad bitch.
your new vibe is high-status cunt.
sometimes you have to pretend to be someone else to get what you want.
oh my god, don’t be so dramatic.
you called me a human birkenstock.
I’ve always been very intrigued by what you do here.
my ex-girlfriend is mad that I hooked up with my ex-boyfriend.
make revenge mommy proud.
are you stalking me?
I like your shirt. did it come with a bag of granola and a matching pair of Tevas?
what are you doing here?
that’s the exciting part of getting to know someone; you’re a mystery until you’re not.
the orgy usually starts around sundown.
can we talk about it, please?
well, we’re not having sex. you can go fuck yourself.
tell me something nobody knows about you.
I’m interesting, and you want to impress me.
what do you want to be?
we’re all just performing.
this feels illegal.
I want her to hit me with her Tesla and then reverse back over me.
I want her to stuff me like a taxidermy doll and then mount me on her wall like a prize.
I want her to hide my body in the woods and then start the search party trying to find me.
I am so proud of you. this is going to be the best night ever.
I feel like a little butterfly!
it’s called double assurance, sweetie. look it up.
are you on mushrooms?
your instincts were right.
you know you don’t have to be brave with me.
this sucks. it’s allowed to suck.
do you think I’ll feel better?
I’m just so angry all the time.
sometimes it just hurts to exist, you know?
I just want to feel normal again.
I like you; you’re just like me.
I didn’t know you were an artist.
rude… but fair.
don’t equate your worth to some archaic idea of what the best means.
can I say something that might make you very uncomfortable?
I’m shocked! this is shocking news!
we’re casting spells tonight, bitch.
ban men!
get in there and eat that ass, is what I’m saying!
don’t do that! don’t pity me, and definitely don’t touch me!
I lost everything! fucking everything!
they need to feel the consequences of what they did to me.
they have to pay. all of them.
I feel like I’m being eaten alive from the inside, actually.
do you ever look around and just think, how did I get here?
all this shit, it’s just armour.
I really like you. I wanna tell you everything.
everything I thought I hated was exactly what I always wanted.
what’s going on in that head of yours?
I just need a little distraction from all the stress.
can’t we put all this ugliness aside?
I think you handled that very well.
nice entrance.
what do you think you’re doing?
you don’t even answer my texts!
those people do not care about you.
they’re not your friends.
oh my god, you’re pathetic.
none of this is real!
are you any different from them?
are you sure? there’s never been any evidence.
I mean this from the bottom of my heart: fuck you.
did you overhear that?
you said some pretty messed up stuff out there.
someone was probably messing with you.
from the bottom of my heart, I wish you nothing but the worst for the rest of your miserable fucking existence.
I love your ear balls.
sleep with one eye open, bitch.
I’ve had the upper hand the entire time.
you made this pretty easy, I gotta say.
you’ll never get away with this.
I didn’t eat. I didn’t sleep anymore.
where does this game end?
there is nothing else you can take away from me.
I’m going to make sure that you’re stuck with your pain forever, because I am stuck with mine.
if you want to ruin me, go ahead. I’m not helping you.
I promise I can explain.
I had no choice!
do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?
I really wanted this to work, but it just doesn’t.
I was deciding between this and elsa, but I kind of thought you weren’t an elsa person, although you are a frigid bitch.
I’m sorry that I hit you with my car.
there’s nothing vapid people love more than making other peoples’ tragedies about them.
don’t cry. it’s alright.
I wish it could have been different.
what should have felt exhilarating just felt rotten.
how did you know I’d be here?
I miss you.
it shouldn’t have taken an accident for me to realize that, and I’m sorry.
I think you’re lucky.
I don’t feel free. I feel like I got hit by a car.
I give up. I’m done.
show everybody what a bad bitch looks like.
I created you, and I can just as easily destroy you.
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.
we can’t erase what we did to each other, but I don’t want to hurt you anymore.
you might be the only real friend I’ve ever had.
I will regret what I did to you forever.
I’m sorry…. for everything.
did you just enter doing a slow clap, you cliché piece of shit?
you really are the devil.
I thought we had a whole will-they, won’t-they thing going on.
where are you going with this?
I know all your secrets now.
no one would’ve given a shit about you if it wasn’t for me.
why the fuck are you laughing?
goddamn do I love you right now.
I think we might be fucked-up soulmates.
you are a very lucky girl.
fuck you. we’re over.
I think you should leave.
I don’t want to be that person anymore.
everything you’ve done, everything that’s happened to you, has brought you to this moment.
fuck figuring out who you’re meant to be. stay lost as long as you can.
I wanted to do something cute, like a grand gesture.
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
…good morning.
…where it hurts.
…where it doesn’t hurt.
…on a falling tear.
…to shut them up.
…in secrecy.
…in public.
…in joy.
…in grief.
…to distract.
…as encouragement.
…for luck.
…on a scar.
…on a place of insecurity.
…in a rush of adrenaline.
…in relief.
…in danger.
…as a ‘yes’.
…as an apology.
…as a suggestion.
…as a lie.
…as a promise.
…as comfort.
…after a small rejection.
…to wake yours up.
…to pretend.
…to gain something.
…to give up control.
…without a motive.
…because yours is running out of time.
…because mine is.
…because the world is ending.
…because the world is saved.
…out of pride.
…out of greed.
…out of lust.
…out of anger.
…out of envy or jealousy.
…out of spite.
…out of habit.
…out of necessity.
…out of love.
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
&. 𝐡𝐢𝐭 ‘𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  more  angsty  dialogue  prompts  to  devastate  your  writing  partners.  metaphorically.  feel  free  to  change  how  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ you’re a weapon, and weapons don’t weep. ❜
❛ you can’t save everyone. ❜
❛ it should have been you. ❜
❛ did i do good? ❜
❛ i’m sorry that i can’t save you. ❜
❛ wait for me, will you? ❜
❛ i can’t lose you again! ❜
❛ you were dead, i saw you die. ❜
❛ we won’t forget each other, right? ❜
❛ i’m real. i’m here. ❜
❛ you already know how this will end. ❜
❛ it’s always my fault, isn’t it? ❜
❛ i don’t want to go. ❜
❛ can you remember how you died? ❜
❛ i love you, but you’re not mine. ❜
❛ have you ever lost someone? ❜
❛ i didn’t ask to get made. ❜
❛ you’re as beautiful as the day i lost you. ❜
❛ i never meant to hurt you. ❜
❛ is it really you? ❜
❛ their blood is on your hands. ❜
❛ it would have been better to die. ❜
❛ i’m not ready to lose you yet. ❜
❛ i wish i met you sooner. ❜
❛ let’s just stay here. grow old. ❜
❛ you’re the first friend i ever had. ❜
❛ i told you not to fall in love with me. ❜
❛ you always push people away. i just thought you’d never do it to me. ❜
❛ everyone i’ve cared about has either died or left me. except for you. ❜
❛ i know i have a heart because i can feel it breaking. ❜
❛ they’re not coming back. ❜
❛ i’m sorry, have we met? ❜
❛ in my dreams, we’re still together. ❜
❛ you’re the one good thing left in this world. ❜
❛ i hate the way that i don’t hate you. ❜
❛ it’s okay. you can let go. ❜
❛ you mean nothing to me. ❜
❛ we’re on our own now. ❜
❛ you can’t kill me, i’m not alive. ❜
❛ it wasn’t supposed to end like this. ❜
❛ do you remember when we first met? ❜
❛ we’ll see each other again. ❜
❛ there’s nothing you could have done. ❜
❛ we did it. we won. ❜
❛ let’s not go back. not ever. ❜
❛ thanks for playing with me. ❜
❛ why does it feel like this is goodbye? ❜
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nothinglost1976 · 2 years
some flirty memes
“  like my shirt?  it’s made with boyfriend/girlfriend material.  ”
“  do you like raisins?  how would you feel about a date?  ”
“  if i could rearrange the alphabet i’d put ‘u’ and ‘i’ together.  ”
“ are you a parking ticket? ‘cause you’ve got fine written all over you.  ”
“ tell me,  do you believe in love at first sight?  or should i walk by you again?  ”
“ it’s a good thing i have my library card ‘cause i’m checkin’ you out.  ” 
“  i was feeling a little off today but you’ve turned me on again.  ”
“  any chance you have an extra heart? mine’s been stolen.  ”
“  they say nothing lasts forever so— wanna be my nothing? ”
“  could you help me?  i think there’s something wrong with my phone.  see,  it doesn’t have your number in it.  ”
“  someone better call god.  looks like he’s missing his prettiest angel.  ”
“  you must be so exhausted from running through my mind all night.  ”
“  did the sun just come out? oh no,  that’s just your smile.  ”
“  if you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber.  ”
“  i was wondering if you’re an artist because you’re definitely drawing me in.  ”
“  would you help me hold this it’s really heavy— ”  *offers out hand*
“  you know.  that does look good on you.  but i think it’d look better on my floor.  ”
“  you’re the most captivating person i’ve ever met.  ”
“  i dunno what it is about you…you just.  you’re like a sun.  you make everything so warm and bright.  ” 
“  i swear you have the most beautiful smile i’ve ever seen.  ”
“  i swear you have the most handsome smile i’ve ever seen.  ”
“  you’ve never looked more ravishing.  ”
“  is that a new dress?  i like it.  looks wonderful on you.  ”
“  is that a new suit?  i like it.  looks wonderful on you.  ”
“  i like it when you wear that.  ”
“  here,  i got you some flowers.  your favorites.  ”
“  wow—  that is definitely your color.  ”
“  are you sure you’re not hiding wings and a halo around here somewhere?  ”
“  i don’t think there’s a person in the world who compares to you.  ”
“  you have my full attention.  you always do.  ” 
“ don’t you know?  i’ll always come when you call.  ”
“  i’ll be waiting.  when you’re ready to admit you want me.  ”
“  sorry— i don’t mean to stare.  you just look…radiant.  ”
“  come on,  just one drink?  ”
“  tell me,  your perfect date.  anything you’d like.  nothing out of the question.  i’ll do it. i’ll make it a night you never forget.  ”
“  if you give me a chance,  i’ll treat you the way you’ve always deserved.  ”
“  if you let me hold your heart i promise to be gentle with it.  ”
“  see that’s the problem,  you’ve already got my heart.  i just hope i get to have yours too.  ”
“  oh,  i’ll always be waiting for you.  ”
“  i just feel drawn to you.  can’t really explain it.  ”
“  why do you keep looking at me like that?  ”
“  i just like watching you.  ”
“  you get this little dimple when you smile.  sometimes i just want to kiss it.  ”
“  stop being so cute it’s fucking distracting.  ”
“  surely you must know what you do to me.  ”
“  if you don’t quit looking at me like that i’m not gonna be able to keep my hands to myself.  or my lips for that matter. ”
“   i’m not gonna sit here and play games to figure out what you desire.  tell me everything you wish the people who lost you had noticed.  then give me a chance to be the one who remembers it all.  ”
“  you’re just too adorable i can’t stand it.  ”
“  oh,  the things i’d do with you… ”
“  well,  are you gonna make the first move or shall i? ”
“  i like beautiful things.  maybe that’s why i like you so much.  ”
“  careful,  you keep this up i might just fall in love with you.  ”
“  i’ll never get tired of seeing that smile.  ”
“  i’d do anything just to make you laugh like that again.  ”
“  trust me.  the way i feel about you is like nothing i’ve ever felt before.  ”
“  i don’t want to make you mine. i want to be yours.  i already am.  just a matter of whether or not you’ll keep me.  ”
“   no— don’t look at me like that.  you know i can’t resist it.  ”
“  did you wear that just for me?  ”
“  i wore it just for you!  ”
“  you’re everything i’ve ever wanted.  and so much more.  ”
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