“You and Dani…Oh, Luc, I’m so sorry.” She reached over to take her hand, giving it a small squeeze. “How–Why–” Roxanne cut herself off both times, not exactly sure what to ask. “When did this happen?”
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“It was a couple of weeks ago. Things just... weren’t working anymore I guess.” Lucy let out a humorless laugh and held on to Roxanne’s hand, appreciating the contact. 
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The words startled her. She knew, or she hoped, Lucy didn’t honestly want her mind to be completely blank. “Luc,” she started gingerly. “What’s wrong? And I mean what’s really wrong–and don’t tell me there isn’t anything wrong, I think we’re way past that excuse.”
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Lucy sighed and looked down at her hands. She had been too candid in her words. And too thoughtless. Her mind might have as well been blank for how well she used it. “Dani and I broke up. And I just... I miss her.” 
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Her smile faded slightly. She understood a wandering mind, but it wasn’t always a pleasant thing. “I-I don’t know…I think you’re always thinking about something. A blank mind is different than a wandering mind, right?”
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“I wonder what its like to have a blank mind. I imagine it must be really relaxing to not have to think about things and just be.” Lucy hummed a little at the idea. “Do you think it’s possible? Maybe there’s some sort of potion...”
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“You don’t have to apologize, Luc.” She smiled, reaching across the table to gently place her hand on her cousin’s arm. “I get it. Is everything okay?”
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“Yeah, everything’s alright Rox. Just... thinking.” Lucy shrugged and covered her cousin’s hand with her own, giving it a squeeze. “It’s still thinking when your mind just sort of wanders right? Or is there another word for it?”
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Fabia smiled, glad to see Lucy. She had wanted to visit sooner, but it had been her thought that had she gone through such a trauma, she would have preferred to be alone with her family, or perhaps one or two friends. “Oh, it’s good. A little quieter, now, without the back to school rush and all that. But people always need wands, so I suppose we’ll be fine.” she said, shrugging. “Do you have a job?”
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“It feels weird not to be going back. But at least it’s not affect you guys too much.” It would have been her final year at Hogwarts had the school not closed down. Instead, the end of her school days had come much sooner than she’d expected. “Yeah, I’ve been working with Luna and Rolf.” 
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“What?” Roxanne looked at the other person, but became slightly uncomfortable at their staring. She reached up and twirled a curl around her finger, shrugging. “I got tired of using those straightening spells and potions.”
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“Oh, no. I really like it actually.” Lucy gave Roxanne a sheepish little smile. “Sorry. I sort of zoned out on you. I promise that I wasn’t trying to stare or be rude or anything. Sorry Rox. Forgive me?”
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Lucy struggled with the Kneazle in her arms, wincing as the cat’s claws raked against the skin of her arms. The Kneazle was normally well-behaved but had rarely been exposed to large crowds, which Lucy was taking to be the cause of the out of ordinary behavior. It didn’t seem to be stressed out or fearful. In fact, she was pretty sure that the creature just wanted attention from every witch or wizard they passed. 
The cat gave a particularly violent squirm, unbalancing Lucy as she tried to counter it’s movements and sending her stumbling into wall, barely managing to avoid colliding into another girl by a couple inches. “Sorry about that!” Lucy gasped. “He’s not mean, I promise. He just wants some attention and is refusing to take no for an answer.”
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Fabia laughed at herself, blushing a little. “Right, of course. I thought—I don’t know what I thought.” she said, shaking her head. At her request Fabia nodded and stepped into the room, smiling at Lucy once she entered and holding out the plate she had been given. “I figured that perhaps you weren’t hungry but…well your dad said you might be. It’s very good.”
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Taking the plate from Fabia’s hands, Lucy moved to sit back down on the bed. It was sweet of Fabia to bring her up food and the gesture made Lucy’s heart ache a bit. “Thank you.” Setting the plate on her lap, she started to pick at the food. “It’s nice to see you. Feels like it’s been ages since the last time. How are things going at the wand shop?”
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Fabia had been somewhat surprised not to find Lucy at the dinner table when she and her family had arrived; her mother had assured her that the other Hufflepuff was at home. Still she didn’t say anything about it—- or much of anything at all, as she politely ate her meal and smiled at the appropriate moments, occasionally answering a question posed to her by somebody else at the table. Lucy had been through so much that it was hardly fair, she supposed, to expect her to be very social.
She’d immediately agreed to Mr.Weasley’s request to take a plate up to Lucy. “It’s her favorite.” he had said, just a tinge of sadness in his voice. Fabia suspected that the grown-ups wanted to talk privately. She knocked on the door quietly, her voice slightly hesitant. “Lucy? It’s, um, it’s Fabia. Ollivander.” she said, unsure if the girl even knew that her parents had company. “I brought you dinner.”
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Lucy looked over towards the door as the knock echoed through the silent room. She’d hidden herself away in her room as soon as the Ollivander’s had arrived for dinner. While she’d always liked the other family, she hadn’t been up for sitting through an entire meal while trying to dodge questions and her father’s gaze. As soon as Lucy heard Fabia’s voice, she crossed the room and pulled the door open. Fabia was too nice to ignore. “Our families have been friends since before I was born Fabia. I know your name, I promise.” Nudging the door open more, she made a small gesture. “Do you want to come in?”
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“Secret talent, you know,” Bristol joked right back with a shrug before laughing as they spun in a circle. “Well I mean… that’s good for her, yeah? But it kinda sucks that you don’t get to see her much. Maybe I need to owl her, get her out for once. You’re obviously invited, and Colin and Serena and Lexington. We’ll just have a nice relaxing evening of fun. She can’t really say no to that.”
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“Yeah, it is good for her and I’m happy because I know she worked really hard for it. But I do miss seeing her.” Lucy grinned at the suggestion. “That does sound nice. Though those three are usually a bit too wild for me.”
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“You know what I mean, Lucy,” Daniella said, her voice sounding more exasperated than she’d intended. But she was losing patience. And she’d never been very good at masking how annoyed she was, anyway.
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Lucy dropped her gaze from Daniella’s. “I don’t see what it matters.” She said stiffly, her arms crossing over her chest. “It’s in the past. There’s no point in bringing it up. It won’t change anything.”
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Daniella was noticeably taken aback by Lucy’s words, and her mouth gaped open for a moment. It wasn’t like the other to snap so easily. But, as Daniella considered it, she had been through a lot. Although her not sharing exactly what ‘a lot’ entailed was part of the problem. “Maybe I would if you’d actually talk to me,” she replied, the statement coming out more hurt than accusatory. Daniella herself wasn’t a big talker, but there came a point when the silence grew deafening.
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“What are you talking about? I do talk to you. We talk all the time.” Lucy argued, feeling her defensiveness spike. She knew what Daniella was implying but she still couldn’t bring herself to talk about what had happened. Not with Daniella or anyone else. Even her family couldn’t be trusted with the information. “I came over here to see you didn’t I?”
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Daniella’s eyes were drawn towards Lucy even as she felt the uncomfortableness settle in. Her mind wandered, as it often did, to the one question she always wanted to ask but never could. The thought that had been nagging her since Lucy had returned. What exactly had happened to her? Lucy never wanted to talk about it and as understanding as Daniella tried to be, she still wanted to know. To help. To catch the bastards that had done this to her girlfriend and make them pay.
Still, she never asked. But her patience was wearing dangerously thin. She wasn’t sure how long she could keep this up. The silence continued but Daniella didn’t look away from Lucy. It felt as though she was both at a loss for words and filled with too many words to choose the right ones.
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“Will you stop staring at me like I’m some sort of exhibit and say something?” Lucy snapped, harsher than she’d intended. She had gotten so sick and tired of being stared at. By people that passed her on the street, by her family, and the face that constantly haunted her nightmares. It was like she was some sort of mobile freak show and it had begun to grate at her already distressed nerves. 
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“Ah… Now that would have been a laugh. Merlin, I haven’t seen Molly in forever; how is she?” Surely doing something important, Bristol guessed. The blonde shook her head as Lucy turned the question on her, “Nah, I didn’t come with anyone. Why would I when I know I’ll be finding people like you?”
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“I didn’t know you were a seer.” Lucy joked with a laugh, taking the blonde’s hand and spinning them in a quick circle. “She’s alright, I supposed. Since she moved into her apartment I don’t see her as much anymore. But she’s probably really invested in work.”
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“Oh, I’ve got plenty of hours,” Daniella said, running a hand through her hair. In truth it was almost too many hours. The money was good, and she was glad to be helping her mother out with the bills, but working so much was taking a toll on her. Particularly when it wasn’t exactly what she had hoped to be doing after getting out of school.
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“That’s good.” Lucy said, not sure of what else she should say. She remained quiet, feeling an uncomfortable awkwardness settle over them and the conversation. This hadn’t happened to them before. 
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“Oh good, I definitely prefer nothing happening. Just thought I’d give you the option.” Bristol grinned, unable to really stop smiling thanks to the alcohol coursing through her system and the fun atmosphere of the bar. “Are you here with anyone?”
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“No, there isn’t really anyone for me to go to these kind of things with anymore. Unless I want to try to drag Molly along.” And Lucy doubted that her sister would want to attend this sort of event, regardless of how much Lucy begged her. “Are you here with someone?”
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Bristol wasn’t sloppily drunk, but it was quite obvious she’d had a fair share of drinks at the point. Still, it didn’t escape her that her partner had not had anything, which was one of the reasons she’d chosen her to dance with. “Well… that I can’t promise but I’ll do my absolute best not to! And if I do, you’re allowed to… well, I dunno what, but you can get me back for it. now dance!”
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Lucy laughed and started to move in time with the music. “I’m not going to do anything to you if you step on my feet. That would be mean. And tonight is about having fun!” She might be staying sober, but the energy of the crowd was definitely contagious and she’d been caught up in the excitement.
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