notlivingwithoutyou · 5 years
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
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Really hope that they do a book of Sylvanas. From what I have seen and the lore I have read there is a disappointing lack of development for what could otherwise be a nuanced character. Every time it looks like there will be some development, she seems to revert back to the archetypal pantomime villain.
Keep reading
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
Falling In
It taunted her for over a week.
A faded, tan envelope leaned lazily against the side of her designated, make-shift post-box in Miwana’s Longhouse. Rudi anxiously ground her teeth in thought. The rough corner of a new, amateurishly applied plate on the left side of her jaw dug into what remained of her bottom lip.
After the chaos caused by the fall of Lordaeron, many efforts had been made by the undead community to establish points of contact.  So many that had scrambled to escape the stormed city barely made it out - and few groups remained together.  All aiding mages had desperately created portals to the first city their minds had locked upon. There were so many faces Rudiania had yet to catch sight of.  So many new friends she had brought into her life now unaccounted for.  Therefor she hadn’t hesitated when Miwana offered her business as a meeting hub for the scattered Forsaken.  Of course Rudi’s pride had insisted she pay a small fee (which Miwana graciously accepted).
It wasn’t until later she realized - maybe she didn’t want to be so readily found.
Long nights of picking up guard shifts, building makeshift shelters, and brewing the mid-range healing items she was capable of for their allies had allowed a thought to take root.
She did not wish to fight for this “Queen” - a Queen that seemed to only have a hair’s breath of difference between herself and the royalty that had wrecked the city they had abandoned to plague.
So she had avoided the letter. If they were orders to regroup with the unit she had been lended to, she wanted no part of it. If it wasn’t? Well... if it wasn’t...
So she watched.  Whatever time she did not pledge to recovery efforts, she kept eyes on the Longhouse. If she had been declared AWOL surely they would have sent officers to correct the offense.  In this time of need every arm was needed.  After the week had passed, her very finger tips seemed to itch. Minutes to hours, hours to days.  Her eyes bore holes into the stationary from her place on the mat across the room.
Rudi soon gripped the corner of the nearby support beam and heaved herself to her feet with a grunt.  She couldn’t draw it out for long.  If she remained in the city to help her people, she would be brought to heel sooner or later.  That’s what she told herself as she crossed the floor to the rickety set of cubbyholes, removing her gauntlets.
A solid lump formed in her throat as she read the return address.  She tentatively broke the wax seal upon it’s back, as if it might have some goblin booby-trap.
I have sent many letters, in the hopes that one of them finds you. I have never before so cursed my powerlessness as I have now, hearing about the events at the Undercity while I was stationed at the Fjord, rotting away. I only wish I could have been there; I would have killed a thousand of them by myself to protect my home. What happened during the battle? I have heard rumors - horrible things - but I dare not believe them. Most rumors are lies, anyways.
I long to see you soon, now more than ever, to hold you in my arms again and know that not all is lost. I write these letters knowing that you are alive; there's no way you could die. You're tough as nails, and I don't know what I would do without you. I've sent these letters to every major city, in hopes that something can find you somewhere. You can direct your replies to the military office in Tranquillien, or better yet, find me there. I want to see you as soon as possible.
The edges of the parchment crumpled as her fingers clung desperately to the letter, the all familiar feeling of sludge-like ichor swelling into her eyes.
He hadn’t been there.  His unit hadn’t even been pulled from the frozen north.  A mixture of anger and relief went through her.  Ertrig had been spared.  If his unit hadn’t been recalled - how many others had not been pulled to protect Lordaeron: The Forsaken people’s capital, their home?  Had it been the Banshee’s intent to abandon the city from the beginning?
She shoved that line of thinking from her thoughts.  She had to bring her Captain up to date. She had to tell him what their Queen had done.  One hand fumbled the letter into a belt pouch while the other wiped at her face.  Her boots quickly carried her to her hawkstrider hitched outside.  She had a portal to pop through.
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
gender neutral? no. gender agnostic. not sure I believe in gender and if it’s real I’m not sure I’m happy about it
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
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Knight - Requested 
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
My Dad died
That’s why I’m gone
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
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I made another comic
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
I feel adrift and I don’t know where to go
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
You know we’re in the dark timeline when Stephenie Meyer has minded her own damned business for years and J.K. Rowling keeps tumbling down the metaphorical steps of murdering her own universe and personal character in the public eye for everyone to see.
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
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Eluned Mac Carthaigh
Face Claim: Lena Heady
Voice Claim: Geena Davis
Pin Board
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
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The harvest-witches of Gilneas, or druids as they are more commonly known, were led by Celestine of the harvest. She referred to their order as the “keepers of the old ways”. With information passed down through the ages, they used their knowledge of nature to live off the land and to heal those who were sick. This order was often looked down upon by many of the more upper class citizens of the city. Their worship of nature was much different than the beliefs of the majority of Gilneans who followed the Church of the Holy Light. Their rituals and festivals caused many concerned citizens to come forward, eventually pushing the harvest-witches to the woods to live away from society.
This wasn’t the first time that the harvest-witches had faced hardships. From stories passed through generations, it’s stated that their order was almost  “driven to the edge of extinction once before". It is not know whether or not witch hunts may have occurred to cause this, but we do know that many of the followers chose to part with their pagan ways. Those who kept to the old ways did so in private, away from prying eyes.
As the seasons passed, Gilneas struggled more and more to feed its people. It wasn’t until the crops began to fail that things began to look really dire. It wouldn’t take long for the entire nation to fall due to starvation. Rather than sit back and watch many innocent people die, Celestine and many of the other harvest-witches reached out to help the failing crops. With their magic, they were able to heal the land by calling upon the earth’s blessing to restore the harvest, preventing the entire fall crops from failing. After this, the people of Gilneas became more accepting of their practices, and many farmers even picked up parts of the harvest-witch lifestyle to benefit their land.
Gilneans honor this event with a week long celebration at the beginning of fall. This serves as a reminder of their survival from the famine. During this time they give thanks for the blessing of the harvest. For this week-long event, families prepare large meals consisting of local wildlife and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Small gifts of baked bread, jars of jam or honey, and dried fruits may be handed out as tokens of thanks to local harvest-witches. In return for these gifts, the harvest-witches would bless the land to ensure that the crops would be prosperous the following year. Though no longer a nation, many Gilnean families still practice these traditions despite being scattered throughout Azeroth.
My Gilnean folklore series takes from in game lore and is mixed with my own headcanon to create a deeper backstory for writing/roleplay.
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
We all make mistakes in RP, reblog if it’s okay for your partners to politely message you if you have missed one of their rules or made a mistake about their character’s information
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
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k if sylvanas’s tears burned into her skin when she died then she definitely has a giant killing blow scar from frostmourne burned into her skin and about once a year she has her mages reapply the magical veil that hides it and, more importantly, re-masks the lingering scent of odd cold metal.  And then she’s gotta do one of these when they’re done
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
Next step?
I’m not sure what to do with my girl here.
The person that was basically my main RP partner, Ertrig’s writer, has seemingly abandoned the character. The whole group has moved on to another game even.
I want to keep RPing and writing Rudi. That means finding an RP guild but also I am unsure what do to with her current history. Should I just.. gut everything? Like her transfer to the Expedition didn’t happen?
Should I one sidedly write something where she walks away from the relationship? With all the events of the War of Thorns she is definitely under stress.  However given her outlook/how she’s decided to fight for this second chance at a happy life I don’t feel like that would be very true to her...
I thought maybe just - create another forsaken character but I have invested so much into Rudi.  :/  I feel like whatever I made would be a pale copy. And Rudi is already 111! Ooy!
I just dunno.
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
we’re watching the new season of queer eye and my dad is actually crying over the ep with the trans dude, like he’s talking about his top surgery and my dad is in tears going “when you sculpt marble the sculpture is already inside, you’re just getting rid of what isn’t part of it! he’s just getting rid of what isn’t part of him!”
so from my oldass 70 year old dad to all my trans followers, y'all are marble sculptures and you’re perfect
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notlivingwithoutyou · 6 years
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Look at me pretending to know what I’m doing
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