numerous-keys-blog · 8 years
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I don’t even know why I spent so long on this it looks like crapoly lol
(admin trademarked)
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numerous-keys-blog · 8 years
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So I made a GIF of  Ōra Hoshi, Another neighbor you get to know. She is a blind lady who really hates Ear-buds/ Earphones and/or Headphones.
She wanted to be an Astronomer but seeing as she can’t see the stars that dream died rather quickly.
You can ask her questions seeing as she lives next to you. (Apt.76)
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numerous-keys-blog · 8 years
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Landlord: I’m sure that store has plenty of things to eat and stuff. Go there whenever you want...
(Admin Sienna)
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numerous-keys-blog · 8 years
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Landlord: Your curiosity might just be the right thing to liven things up around here.
(Feel free to ask away to any of the characters you have seen or any on the characters you have yet to see!)
(Admin Sienna)
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numerous-keys-blog · 8 years
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Alrighty since Trademarked fell asleep here’s what she had to offer us ^^.
Four more precious babies on the rise!
I hope you’ll like them as much as we did! Also the intro is thiiiiiiis close to being done. working on it as we speak (or type or read or whatever ^^’)
There is an extra baby coming to the scene by me but they are not ready yet so just chill will ya?
Don’t forget you key!
(Admin Sienna)
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numerous-keys-blog · 8 years
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Working on an Intro post! So we can sort of start storylines and stuff
(Backgrounds are a pain, especially rooms ^^’)
(Admin Sienna)
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numerous-keys-blog · 8 years
Lllloooolllll -dingding
blocked, reported
(Admin Trademarked)
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numerous-keys-blog · 8 years
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Hey! These are some of the residents in the apartment that you’ll get to know! (and hopefully love!)
The first four are mine, admin trademarked will add hers later. We have had them for a while so they are pretty much fleshed out enough for your questions to make an impact on their lives ^^. So don’t be shy and ask questions! You’ll meet more of them as we move on ( we hope to have at least 8 members all together.) 
Don’t forget your keys!
-Admin Sienna
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numerous-keys-blog · 8 years
Hello and welcome to a blog about keys, locks and supernatural beings (oooOOO0O0OOO). Also, OCs. And numerous prompts because we are unoriginal. We look forward to making something kinda good. Hope you enjoy as much we did. Or a little less is okay.
Idk, follow pls. We will start updating soon. <3
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