nyseed · 1 year
This packet contains native wildflower seeds, suitable for New York City and the surrounding area. Sprinkle them in places you think could use more beauty - even a crack in the sidewalk will do. You'll be feeding NYC's 277 species of bees, too! Send us your photos and keep up to date at Instagram NY_SEED_
"Sunflowers and other weedy wildflowers colonize the wastelands and forgotten corners of the city and provide, at no cost, many of the same services that the cultivated plant communities do. In urban wastelands, they decorate what would otherwise be a desolate environment. But most city dwellers are blinded to their beauty by a more domesticated aesthetic. An unappreciated and neglected resource, their energy goes unharnessed." - Anne Whiston Spirn, The Granite Garden, 1984
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