oc-smelting-pot · 6 years
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So as we all know I don’t stop making OCs. Perhaps for that one large few month break but I’m back with a new set of OCs. This is the unfortunate story of five sisters who didn’t ask to be made. This is the story of Underglow, Trickshot, Nightcall, Vice Drive and Stick Shift.
Five sisters cursed to be the spawns of Unicron, some try to defy their calling while some give into temptation.
The eldest of the sisters is Underglow, a F-15E Strike Eagle and a Kawasaki Ninja H2 SX triple changer. Underglow tried to set example to her two younger sisters Trickshot and Nightcall. The three were sparked from a Kaon hot spot during the golden age, all three aspiring to be medical professionals. They went to the Iaconian Institute of Medicine, Underglow studying under General Medicine to become a doctor. Shortly after graduating she ended up working at a small relinquishment clinic in the Dead End. Growing tense at her situation, she was one of the first of the three to begin participating in the Kaon riots. As soon as war broke out, she aligned herself with the Decepticons and worked as a brute rather than a field medic. She was quite a card on the playing field, the once compassionate doctor-turned-moral-less brute. Perhaps this was the Unicron blood that ran through her pumps that took the forefront. She was different, drastically different. She became a cunning strategist, a commander. A general. Quickly did she rise the ranks of the Decepticons. She fit their ideals to a T, it was like something in her turned the moment she rampaged through the streets during the first riots. A catalyst for something worse perhaps? She didn't quite know, but she wasn't so opposed to this now. She almost seemed to enjoy this newfound bloodlust. A far cry from the empathetic doctor she once tried to be. She was among the board of generals that reported to Megatron himself, among the top of the Decepticon hierarchy. There was only a few that beat her in rank and Starscream was one of them, even though she loathed the fool. Her early days in the war saw her among the frontliners, mowing down Autobots without remorse, however later into the war Underglow saw herself stepping back from the front lines and commanding troops instead of fighting alongside them.
The middle child of the three is Trickshot, a F-117 Nighthawk and Dodge Challenger triple changer. Trickshot was much more reserved than Underglow, she had a genuine passion of wanting to help others and prove that she wasn't some disposable from Kaon. She worked hard to earn a degree is surgery, hoping to because a surgeon and help those in need. What ended up happening was because of her place of origin, no hospital would offer her a position. So she decided to go back to school and learn forensics instead. There she, with the help of a former colleague from university, forged a fake resume to earn her a position among the senate's police force. She worked alongside those like Prowl, Chromedome and even Orion Pax in her time as a forensics investigator. However quickly was her file dug up and compared with those kept in a senate archive. She was quickly found out as a fraud and had to be discharged from her position. When the riots began she was hesitant, not wanting to stir up more trouble than she already caused with the senate. As rioting teetered into war, she aligned herself with the Autobots initially, acting as a field medic and working alongside an old classmate, Ratchet. For a while she was content with this, at least now she can help. However towards the peak of the war troops were running low. So she and many other non-combatants volunteered to fight for the cause. Trickshot wasn't a great fighter, but she was an amazing shot. She became a sniper, taking out figureheads from afar. For most of the war this is how she spent her time, sitting at vantage points shooting down Decepticons and raising siege on Kaon. It wasn't until she was captured along with many other scouts in an ambush that she was considered MIA. She figured Optimus and his Autobots would rescue her and countless scouts and soldiers that were captured. But he never came. Instead, Trickshot raised her own escape. Evacuating the last of the troops, Trickshot was caught by her sister Underglow. The two had an intense showdown but it ended up Underglow speaking to Trickshot, wholeheartedly, convincing her that the Autobots don't care about their soldiers. How Optimus left her to die. It instilled this cynicism in her and with slight hesitation, she gave herself in to Megatron and defected to the Decepticons. The younger of the three is Nightcall, a UH-60 Black Hawk and Yamaha YZF-R1. Nightcall being the youngest of the three meant she had much to live up to. Going to the same institute as her sisters, she had to compare grades, behavior, as well as being compared to her older sisters. However she didn't quite mind. She was studying to be an anesthesiologist after all. She tried to keep a cool and collected demeanor when interacting with other students, many noted she was quite quiet and introverted. However she was more or less freaking out on the inside hoping to make a good impression. Throughout her education however she could be considered the one with the best grades and most qualified for a position of her skillset. Yet those two little words that caused her sisters so much trouble plagued her as well. Of Kaon. This lead to a panic to the young bot, she didn't have herself together enough to make do with what she had. She banked all her time and shanix on this and she's being turned away at every door. What can she even do? Come the rescue of her eldest sister and she is now working as a pharmacist in the Dead End. She wouldn't say she enjoyed the job per say, but it did pay the bills and she can live with that. However the side comments she get leave much to be desired. Then came along the riots. She was a gentle femme at spark, with a spark of gold and the patience of a saint, she tried to participate in her own way, despite how quiet it may be. True she saw the light in the problem but she couldn't possibly commit arsony or any other kind of felony because of it. She supposed that was also her downfall. She initially aligned with the Autobots, acting as a field medic alongside her sister Trickshot. Early in the war Nightcall along with a few other medics were transferred to an Autobot stronghold on the otherside of the Rust Sea. There one of the most awful biological attacks seen in Cybertronian history would be held. Troops coming back from battle unknowingly carried a pathogen for an unknown plague. However quickly did it spread from troops to officers to medics. Everyone in the secluded camp had been infected and quickly wiped out. The affect of the virus was fast-acting, meaning it killed the host in minutes once it reached full incubation. There weren't many survivors that were recovered from the site before dying in Autobot hands. However one of the only survivors who actually survived the attack was Nightcall. Being an anesthesiologist as well as versed in medicine, she managed to delay the inevitable long enough to be discovered. But it wasn't Autobot troops that came to her rescue. She was picked up by her sister that lead an army to siege the Autobot camp. It didn't take much convincing to have Nightcall defect. Once taken under Decepticon wings, she was treated with a fast acting antidote, though it killed the virus, it didn't do much to fix the damage it had already caused. Ashamed of herself, she chose to hide her identity, using a full-face holo visor and mouth modifier. She prefers to work behind the scenes as a security and communications officer. Stellar cycles later, two sparklings were born from the dying hot spot of Kaon baring the same markings on their lips as their predecessors. Two of the last sparklings to be born from Kaon, they were named Vice Drive of Kaon and Stick Shift of Kaon. Vice Drive, the older of the siblings, is a Chevrolet Camaro 1SS and Kawasaki Versys 650 ABS triple changer. Initially finding herself lost in the vast ruins that was Kaon, she was found by an Autobot search team after they followed what seemed to be the sounds of a baby Cybertronian. They were right to assume so, though when they went back to see if the hot spot had any more, Stick Shift seemed to have disappear. Needless however, the scouts brought the sparkling back to Optimus Prime. Though the Prime met the youth with hesitation, this is war, this is no where to raise a child. They shouldn't have to live like this. However many of the troops that stood before him vowed to keep the sparkling safe, rather their hands then Megatron's. So that's how she was raised, among war and rubble with joint cusody of most of the Autobot fleet. However the older the got the quicker she had to mature. She had to learn about death, grieving, sacrifice and betrayal. A lot for a young child to get used to so fast. The moment she was old enough to form her own trains of thought, many of the older generals of the Autobot cause tried to urge Optimus Prime to let her make use of herself, to have her fight like the rest of them. Optimus being the way that he is was quite hesitant, she was still so young and to send her out to battle? He couldn't possibly do that to a child. Ratchet was quick to interject, stating they could always use more medics in the field. Forming a quick plan, Optimus place the care of Vice Drive in Ratchet's hands, where he taught her everything there was to know about medicine. She was a natural, she stayed focus and knew what she was doing. In no time was she patching up bots in timely manners like it was no big deal. Though Ratchet was proud of her to say the least, he couldn't help noticing the similarities between her and one of his old colleagues. Vice Drive stayed with the Autobot cause, helping when she could and being proud of it. All until Cybertron's lights went out. She was launched into space with many other bots where she spent deca cycles until she received transmissions from Earth. Landing into the organic planet, her beacon was quickly met with hostility as Decepticon grunts tried to make waste of her. However what was left of Team Prime came to her rescue, and that is where she plans to stay. Now, the younger of the twins was Stick Shift. A Hover Jump Jet and Yamaha MT-10 triple changer, Stick Shift was quite peculiar than all five of her siblings before her. The moment she was sparked the young Stick Shift found herself hiding in the shadows. Having been barely missed by the gaze of the Autobot scouts, Stick Shift went to quick work to the overall plan that had her sparked in the first place. Stick Shift always knew, deep down, she was made for a reason. All of her siblings were. They were instilled with a tiny bit of impurity that caused them rejection as many of Primus's children. As Stick Shift got older, hiding amongst the shadows and plotting, she heard voices, not of many, but one voice. One that compelled her to do many things she didn't think to try. Many that convinced of things she didn't understand. The voice spoke to her, it rumbled through her chassis and into her processor. It felt like it came from within her. There was many things she was told, in fact. Among those was the thought that she was a rejection of Primus, a mistake child that shouldn't have been sparked. She bore the mark on her lower lip, a single black stripe. She was told the blood of Unicron runs through her veins, that she was touched in her spark by darkness, blood that coursed through her circuitry and decided her fate. Because of this she was not allowed into the All-Spark where Primus lays, she was essentially immortal. As was all her siblings before her. They were lost causes however, they didn't yield to Unicron's will, he couldn't reach them. But Stick Shift, he could. She was a one-bot cult, of sorts. Believing that Unicron will end this war once and for all and achieve what he sought to do in the first place, devouring all who called themselves creations of Primus. Only those who abandoned the false god would be spared. Or so she thought at least. Cycles did he scheme and set up her maker's resurgence. When Cybertron went dark, she stole a Decepticon escape pod, from a now abandoned Kaon. Arriving on Earth, the crust in which encased her master, she set to try and bring her reckoning on both the Autobots and Decepticons. However she didn't reall get this chance as Megatron seemed to have gotten to that before her. He tried to bind himself to Unicron forcefully, she could feel it. As she was essentially Unicron's presence outside his tomb. Even though Megatron and Optimus stood together to 'destroy' Unicron before he could destroy Earth, Unicron was not 'truly' dead, no. He still had an asset that lived, an asset that he lives through. Contacting both the Autobot's Base and the Nemesis, she relayed but one cryptic message. "You may think you have defeated him. But you only made but a roadblock for his resurgence. He is not dead. Unicron lives."
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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An off-world colonist, Specter and those apart of her colony effort left Cybertron shortly before the war started. However Specter was one of the few to return to Cybertron upon hearing word that a war broke out between Autobots and Decepticons over the Minicons. Specter couldn’t agree with either side, she learned from a few Minicons that they didn’t want to be used as weapons for war or world domination. This resonated with Specter as her colony didn’t want to hurt any living species but coincide with them to show that their species wasn’t as violent as prejudices were. Specter vowed to find and save the minicons, take them back to the hidden colony world that Cybertron all forgot.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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A blind space shuttle, Gradivus had her optics removed due to an accident in an energon mine. However she refused to have her optics replaced to show as a reminder to people of what the council forced her and many other bots to endure as simple workers and miners. She aligned herself with the Decepticons in the early days of the riots, abandoning her post and joining those who were going to fight against the council. She’s good friends with Arc Flash, a Kaon gladiator who she met while rioting in Iacon. The two saw eye to eye in terms of their physical state and the state of those around them. They loathe the council for just letting them live a life like this and swear they’ll make a planet where they won’t have to endure pain and suffering.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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T-Vii was one of the various bots who spoke out against the functionist government in her universe. She was an activist, leading riots and groups to try and overthrow the government. However because of her outspoken behavior and her brashness, she had her head replaced with a council-grade flathead television. Without her ability to spread her words of activism and justice and becoming property of the council, she didn’t know what she could do. T-Vii’s refusal to become the council’s poster child was so strong that she physically crashed and rebooted her processor and made it so her screen displayed a blank test card rather than actual words. Due to this she has resorted to learning sign language in order to communicate with her fellow activists. Despite the dire state she was put in she refuses to let the council win and will continue to speak against their tyranny, even if she can’t exactly speak.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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A reporter first and foremost, Netique is always caught up on the latest news and gossips. Her want to show the world genuine news outweighs any self-preservation instincts she has. She’ll dive first into Decepticons if it meant getting the latest scoop on what’s happening with Cybertron and it’s politics. The Elite Guard is quite wary of her, seeing as they want to avoid mass hysteria at all costs. However no amount of gate keeping with keep Netique from the truth. Some say she might be a Decepticon sympathizer since she’s not an Autobot. However Netique will tell you she’s nothing but a true neutral with only eyes for the news.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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An experiment made by Shockwave, Redline is a neutral with no memory of what their primary objective is or what faction they even belong too. In reality they were programmed with a kill protocol that can only be activated by a specific phrase of words. Although only Megatron and Shockwave know this trigger, some rumors say the words are thrown around in everyday conversation, however if the right sequence is spoken in her vicinity, she’ll unlock her objective and decimate the Autobots from within.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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Though the red eyes might convince you otherwise, Splicer is indeed a neutral. She was at some point an Autobot, a Decepticon as well. Splicer has been all over the war. Originally a weapon constructed early on during the Galatea Project, Splicer was handled by many Decepticons in the early days of the war. However the Decepticons never treated her like a con, only an object. It was this neglect that had her defect to the Autobots, where she bonded with Sonata and became one of her cassettes alongside Paradiso and Cadenza. During the war she was a significant help, having knocked down many cons in the early cycles of the war. However eventually her hostfemme and her fellow cassette grew tired of the war. So the three except for Cadenza jettisoned off-world to avoid the war any further.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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Formerly a spy for the Autobots, Paradiso adopted her cassette altmode to form a symbiotic relationship with their hostfemme Sonata. Paradiso is a deer with large antlers. One of her eyes acted as a spy glass and using this spy glass Paradiso did all kinds of covert spy missions in a similar fashion to the Decepticon Laserbeak. Although Paradiso was quiet with most people she talked to, she tended to confide to Sonata about her true feelings about her war. Although she was happy with the progress she’s made for the Autobots, she thought this war was pointless. At the root of it all they wanted to overthrow the senate, yet they couldn’t agree to do just that and instead fought each other to the point where their planet started to decay. Realizing the heavy consequences of their actions, Paradiso along with Splicer and their hostfemme jettisoned off world in pursue of a temporary home.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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A wanderess sailing across the galaxy, Sonata is one of the various frames to grant symbiotic relations between those around her. Sonata is a hostfemme for cassette-cons such as Paradiso, Splicer and formerly the now famous music artist, Cadenza. A gentle bot, Sonata wanted nothing but to bring music to the world. She was gentle with her words and movements and was quite the sweetheart to those she meets. However when the war broke out, Sonata’s symbiotic relationship with the cassettes Paradiso and Splicer were highly valued by Autobot troops. Alongside the soldier Blaster, Sonata and her cassettes were used for covert ops against the similarly tactical Decepticon Soundwave. However shortly after her recruitment, Sonata and her cassettes ran and assumed their roles as neutrals, realizing they did not want to contribute to this pointless war.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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A sixchanger constructed during the war, Crowe along with her fellow Decepticon giants were considered the scourge of the Autobots’ existence. Crowe was one of the more malevolent of the behemoths. While her fellow sixchanger would go on a rampage haphazardly, Crowe was much more calm in her approach. Some would say she was much more crueler than Rapture would ever be. While Rapture granted a quick death, Crowe knew how to make it hurt. She’d let her victims suffer until their sparks slowly faded. Sometimes her victims wouldn’t even offline and by the time they were recovered, they were just a husk of their former frame. She took extreme pleasure in this pain she caused. Some say she was a torturer in all sense of the word. She just loved to make things hurt. And with her unreading visor which seemed to follow your every move, her deafening silence a stark contrast to the similar sadist Tarn, she was truly a terrifying adversary to ever encounter.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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Sister to Modem, the two bots looked one and the same and acted similarly, until the outbreak of the war. During the war, Apache was picked as one of the few cons to undergo the triple changer program. Originally her sister Modem was too attend but shortly after the disaster that was Blitzwing and his trine, all applicants were thus relieved from the procedure. However news didn’t travel fast enough to cancel Apache’s operation. Shortly after she came back from the operation she was noticeably… Different. She seemed a lot more apathetic and unfeeling. After the Triple Changer incidents, Apache and her sister were tasked with acting as hacker distractions for Shockwave and his infiltration efforts.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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Twin of Apache, Modem is a Decepticon hacker, using Longarm as a leeway to access Autobot files. Aside from retrieving information on the Elite Guard as well as the stability of Cybertron’s economy, Modem and her sister Apache act as a distraction to relieve any suspicion on Shockwave/Longarm. Their main goal is to redirect any attention given to Shockwave from any important personnel. With Autobots preoccupied with this supposed group of Decepticon hackers, nobody would have time to suspect Longarm of betrayal and treason. At least, that’s what the plan was. Modem and Apache played too close to comfort and ended up having their base of operations raided by Elite Guard soldiers. They’re currently on the run to hide from Autobot reinforcements.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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alright this girl has a LOOOONG story so i’m putting it under the cut  👌
A minibot forged before the war, Trickshot wasn’t regarded as anyone extraordinary. Just another citizen living quietly under the functionist rule, she didn’t think she could do anything against her corrupt government due to her small size, so she just let the bigger guys handle it for her. When the war broke out initially, Trickshot jettisoned off world with the rest of the NAILs to avoid the fight. Hiding on a small planet outside of Cybertron’s solar system, Trickshot made friends with the natives of said world. She became a farm hand for one of the elders of the native’s village. She was content with this position but something felt… Wrong. She felt wrong just ignoring the call of her own people dying to save her world. To change her world. Using an old radio that she fixed to capture lose radio signals of the war, she kept a bit in touch with the outside world. However still intimidated by the size of everyone else, she knew she was powerless to even fight in the war if she wanted to. Cycles past of Trickshot’s monotonous labor on the farms until one day, a ship crashed out of the sky nearby. Inspecting the vessel, she saw the symbol of the Autobots, who she heard were the ‘good guys’ in this war. Dragging out the large bot from her ship. She brought the other back to her living quarters and tried to reboot her system that shut down due to the traumatic impact. After successfully rebooting the other’s systems, Trickshot explained that she crash landed on a planet 470 kliks outside of Cybertron’s solar system. The other introduced herself as Shaakra, a lone mnemosurgeon from the institute who was secretly conspiring against the senate way before the war. The two quickly became acquainted with and Shaakra ended up helping around the farm while waiting for her ship to be repaired. The two became fast friends and talked about what has happened in the war and what was actually going on. The two would sit late at night to listen to Trickshot’s radio and try and keep up with the battles. On their down time, Shaakra offered to teach Trickshot how to fight, which the other passed on at first, mentioning that with her size, no amount of combat would save her in the case of a Decepticon ambush. Shaakra, who refused to kneel to match Trickshot’s height, looked down at the other, but address her as an equal. She spoke of something that Trickshot would never forget and holds true to this day. What she said, she told Trickshot that no matter how small she is, no matter how weak she thought herself, even the littlest of things can cause a big impact on any situation. No matter how small a feat it is, it could be enough to change the course of the war for the better. It was those words that changed a new outlook for Trickshot. The young minibot began to learn how to fight. Melee combat, long ranged combat. It was through this training Trickshot found out she was fairly good with a sniper rifle. One day on the farm while picking up crops, Decepticons finally tracked down two Cybetronian life signs to the planet. The cons began to try and seize control of the planet, slaughtering it’s natives and tearing down it’s villages. Right before her eyes, the people who accepted her and helped her were being crushed under the pedes of the enemy. A new feeling washed over Trickshot. Different from the feeling of vulnerability and uselessness she felt. Any last bit of doubt she had in herself burnt away in an inferno that lit her spark. She was angry. She wasn’t going to let these Decepticons kill this village. By the time the Decepticons had come to her side, Shaakra had already jettisoned off planet due to a call from an Autobot-sanctioned region. Alone to defend the planet’s people, the minibot wielded the sniper rifle gifted to her by Shaakra and struck down each Decepticon one by one. Each con she killed had a similar sign of injury. It became her calling card. A pullet through the optic and right into the brain module. Shortly after the incursion, Shaakra returned with news of an Autobot camp recruiting. However despite her feeling of guilt for leaving the remaining survivors on their own, they ensured Trickshot that her talents would be much better used to defend her own planet, rather than theirs. Wishing the natives fair well, Trickshot was taken to the Autobot camp, where she would bid her adieu to Shaakra one last time, as the mnemosurgeon took off to expand across more space. Trickshot quickly became recognized as an Autobot soldier in no time and throughout the rest of the war she would be regarded as the most lethal sniper to have ever graced Cybertron.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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“what is your reason for joining the elite guard?”
“cute boys*” (*read: optimus prime)
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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how to be in the elite guard: step 1, put up with sentinel’s shit
step 2: fail step 1
to be fair he had it coming, aegis hates being looked down on.
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
there’s my goirl
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10) TF OCtober: A Stranger’s OC
@oc-smelting-pot has a super cute OC named Showtime!
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oc-smelting-pot · 7 years
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A gifted Mnemosurgeon, Shaakra was recruited by the senate to work in the Institute. Although Shaakra was less than assuming, she worked without a problem. Some say she could get through ten patients through a joor, she was skilled and quick and knew her way around a processor. Which earned her the nickname Cortex among the Institute. However the morning Shaakra worked the more she began to see the true colors of the Senate. Her most requested services among the senate was her ability to perform shadowplay on a bot’s processor. Due to her position in the Institute and her favoritism among the Senate, Shaakra was able to look deeper into the conspiracies surrounding their government. These conspiracies, the planned murders, the empurata of another senator, they all struck something wrong in Shaakra. She just wanted to help others, not doom them to silence. It was this realization that Shaakra began working behind curtains within the Insititute. Working within the Senate to expose them. She assumed the persona Shrike, who leaked information little by little to the public using a public forum. When the Senate caught wind of these allegations, they stormed the Institute in pursuit of this allegator. However they were unable to tie pins to any of the surgeons and nurses within the Insititute. The more Shaakra leaked, the more obvious her involvement became. So she resorted to whatever means necessary to preserve her chassis. She began performing Shadowplay on her fellow surgeons, the ones who saw no regard for other life. She rearranged their memories, even implanting fake ones and a sense of urgency to frame them for the forum. And it worked. Every time the Senate raided the Institute, her guinea would be taken instead of her. It came to the point where the Senate had to shut down the Institute for various reasons and thus relieving all Mnemosurgeons of their posts temporarily. No longer tied to her work, Shaakra devoted her time fully to exposing the Senate. She was considered a saint among Decepticons for exposing the functionists for who they were. However one day Shrike disappeared from the face of the planet, and nobody knows where she’s gone since.
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