Joseph looked at Mister Negative with a confused expression until he heard that it did have something to do with the bitch that he had once called his lover. He shot Kyoko a glare but was surprised when he noticed that she seemed remorseful, something that he'd never seen her do before. He wasn't entirely sure if this was just an act to make Negative feel sorry about pulling him in on whatever this was but he was intrigued by the way the other male was speaking.
"What did she do and just how badly do you want to get your revenge? I know that if my students or employer saw me here I'd be out of a job but this bitch has ruined to many lives and I will happily help you if you have any ideas on how to take care of her." Joseph's words were full of venom as he thought of all the possibilities.
"There won't be a need..." Kyoko started but trailed off when she realized that there was no reasoning with the other crime lord.
"What have we done to offend thee?" (reverse!Joseph and reverse!Kyoko to Mister Negative)
Mister Negative looked between the professor and the mob boss and a faint sigh escaped him. Although one hadn't really 'offended' him he thought as if involving him would make things a little more interesting. As he circled the duo he took a breath before pointing his sword towards the woman known as Lancer.
"You know exactly what you did. But since your former lover is here maybe I should explain what happened so he can understand why I would like him to assist me with what is to come." He finally said as he glanced at the other male.
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A Lesson to Remember
The sound of the rain pounding against the windows of the half office half lab would have drove the professor mad if he hadn't been lost in thought as he worked on modifying a certain project he'd been working on before nearly losing his job thanks to a unfortunate string of events that had been set off by his former lover. He hummed softly as he input his password into the laptop sitting on his desk and quickly pulled up the revised blueprints for the project in question before getting up from his chair and moving the laptop closer towards the edge of the desk closest to the lab portion of his office.
"Okay, if I add a secondary power source it should keep a better charge then I won't be kidnapped again or have to rely on 'The Octopus' and 'The Spider team' again. Everyone would probably assume this is based on pride if they found out about this but it's not. I'm not entirely sure what this was stemmed from originally but now it's out of the need to want to protect my students, my colleagues or rather my friends and my family." He thought aloud to himself as he began to work.
As he was about to put the finishing touches on the secondary power source and test it out to see how well it would work the lights began to flicker and a faint string of curses escaped the professor. He backed away from his project and rushed back to his desk before quickly saving the blueprints, a couple seconds later the room went dark.
Powers out, strange I didn't think the storm was getting that bad. Perhaps the breaker overloaded... no if that was the case the emergency power would have activated. Is someone or something attacking the school again? Damn it this is really bad, I gotta make sure the others are okay... maybe they have some idea of what is going on. He thought as he walked towards the door at a brisk pace. He forced his door open and stepped out in to the darkened hallway hoping someone would know what the hell was going on.
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The Darkest Deception
There was a momentary silence as Joseph watched the woman approached the table he'd been sitting at with some of his colleagues. He shifted in his seat as she got closer before finally getting up from his seat and walked towards her with a small smile.
"Hello Kyoko, it's been awhile. Did you finally decided to give up the whole crime lord thing or are you here to threaten me and my family again?" He questioned in a hiss that was rather contradictive to his expression.
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Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
"Mr. Parker this is the fourth time you've been late to my class, care to make up another excuse as to why you're late this time or are you going to take a seat so we can start class?" Joseph questioned as he glanced towards the door. However his expression changed when he noticed that the student in question had some rather visible bruises.
"Mr. Parker... can I speak with after class?"
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A Lesson in Multiverse Travel
"So what you're saying is you can travel to other dimensions whenever you please? Well unless you can prove it to me otherwise how can I be sure you aren't lying to me to make yourself look smarter. Also if you aren't lying then why stay in this dimension, I'm sure there must be infinet dimensions that could have fit your needs."
Joseph looked at Medic with a raised brow and took a breath slightly. He knew he must of sounded like an asshole but it just seemed like a crazy story from some old fart.
"Wait is this just a test?"
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Return of The Octopus
Joseph had been looking over his lesson plans for the upcoming week when he heard a knock on the door. He glanced up from his lesson plans and towards the door before sighing softly and placing the papers down on his desk. He pushed himself out of his seat and walked over to the door before opening it up a crack.
"Otto? Don't you have something better that you could be doing, like grading papers or something important like helping perfect the project for this year's Stark expo? Don't get me wrong it's nice to see that good ol' Max decided to give you your job back as well but... I'm kinda busy."
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Like or Reblog this for a starter with Teacher!Hammerhead
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Teacher AU (the differences between it and MSM 2017 Canon)
Most things are the same but there are certain differences that I should point out.
Gwen keeps her powers after the spider island incident and Spider-Man, Spider-girl, Kid Arachnid and Ghost Spider basically become the spider team.
Otto Octavius doesn't get manipulated by Norman Osborn and doesn't become Doc Ock... he does become a hero known as The Octopus although he does end up losing his job at Horizon.
Norman is still a dick but he tries to be a good father for Harry's sake... even though it ends up being what gets him killed.
Harry and Peter are dating and Gwen and Anya are as well.
(Hammerhead or rather Joseph Martello and my OC Kyoko or rather Lancer swap places in a way.) Joseph is a teacher at Horizon High who gets framed for a string of thefts and a killing that turns out to actually be the work of the cold hearted and sadistic mob boss known as Lancer. He nearly loses his job but after the Spider team and the Octopus find evidence proving his innocence he finally let's it slip that he had been married to Lancer but a few years into the marriage he realized that she'd been manipulating him.
Their son Tully (in this au he's 16 by the way) ends up with Joseph and is torn between following in his mother's footsteps or following his dreams and becoming a writer.
Miles tutors Tully when he's not helping the Spider team save New York.
The coffee shop where Harry and Peter met up at is basically a hangout for all of New Yorks up and coming superheroes and the occasional Villain who needs a break from villainy for a little bit... so in a way it is sort of neutral ground.
Max Modell is married to a brilliant scientist who loves and truly cares about his husband and his well-being.
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"Five hours ago I found out that my former best friend's mind had been trapped in our school project while that Asshole Otto Octavius ran about in his body. I know it wasn't technically Peter's fault but still... if he'd only told me that someone had put a bounty on his head... maybe this could have been avoided."
Kyosuke hated that things had turned out this way but perhaps it was inevitable. Although he always thought it would be due to the family business and not because he least favorite teacher had taken over his former friend's body.
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"Oh well no use crying over the past, I have important work to do. I need to make sure that diamond is the real thing before I steal it... or else that shadow amplifier I've been working on might end up unusable. If that's the case then all that work I put into it will have been for not."
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"Of course it matters, if the person in charge of looking over the kids can't be trusted then how do you expect them to follow the rules and keep the kids safe?"She questioned in response before sighing softly as she felt him wrap his arm around her waist. A faint hint of a blush began to cross her features as she heard the other thing he had said and she gently elbowed him.
"If memory serves me correctly you're the one who suggested having another child after that conversation with Tully three years ago. Although I can't deny that I had always wanted a daughter and I can't imagine not having her in our lives... she such a good girl... how did we come to deserve such an angel?" A faint hint of a hum escaped her before she went quite for a moment as she heard her boss finally pick up.
"Max I'm sorry to call you at such odd time but I need a favor. My babysitter's other job called her in to take the night shift and Kyosuke is on a date with his girlfriend... so in short... would it be possible for you to look after Tully and Antonia for a few hours? I know it's an odd favor but you're the first person who popped into my head when I was thinking of possible people to ask..."
"Today's your birthday darling, you deserve a night off so why don't we get a babysitter and then do something special just the two of us?" (Hammerhead) @fuil-agus-rosan
A faint hint of a blush began to creep onto her features as she looked at her lover with a small smile. It had seemed like ages since they had last done something ‘special’ together and she was ready to break the wait.
“That sounds like a plan dearest. I could ask Isabella to watch the kids and then we got the night to do whatever the hell we please. How about we go get dinner then we go somewhere and have a little ‘fun’ if you catch my drift?”
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"Who else would I be talking about you masked freak? Of course I was talkin' about Spider-Man. Oh really now, you've never met him... well consider yourself one of the lucky few who haven't had the displeasure of crossing paths with him. You better not be lyin' to me about that or I'll make you wish you'd never been born kid." Hammerhead snapped before raising a brow slightly when he heard that he was looking for information. Just what was this masked creature looking for?
"Slow it down a little will ya, for all you know I might not even have any information worth your time. But outta curiosity what kinda info are you expecting to get outta me?"
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There was a moment of hesitation as Hammerhead looked down at the deer like creature standing in front of him. He took a breath and leaned forwards in his seat to get a better look at the stranger.
"Let me guess, you're a friend of that web slinger. Do all you hero types enjoy breaking and entering when things are to peaceful or is it just what kids these days are into?"
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A faint sigh escaped her lips when she heard Isabella was busy but then a small smile crossed her features as she thought over the other possible candidates for a babysitter. She hesitated for a moment before pulling out her cell phone and began to scroll through her contacts.
"After the whole Dragon Age incident I'm gonna have to pass on William. Ruruka has a wedding to go to tonight and probably won't be home until tomorrow morning. I don't think Max has anything important to do so I'll call him. I know I can trust him and he's good with kids or at least he seems to be." She replied with a small hum as she pulled up her boss's number.
"Hopefully he picks up or we'll have to settle for putting Kyosuke in charge. It's been far too long since we've had some time to ourselves since we had Antonia and I think we honestly deserve it."
"Today's your birthday darling, you deserve a night off so why don't we get a babysitter and then do something special just the two of us?" (Hammerhead) @fuil-agus-rosan
A faint hint of a blush began to creep onto her features as she looked at her lover with a small smile. It had seemed like ages since they had last done something ‘special’ together and she was ready to break the wait.
“That sounds like a plan dearest. I could ask Isabella to watch the kids and then we got the night to do whatever the hell we please. How about we go get dinner then we go somewhere and have a little ‘fun’ if you catch my drift?”
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"Today's your birthday darling, you deserve a night off so why don't we get a babysitter and then do something special just the two of us?" (Hammerhead) @fuil-agus-rosan
A faint hint of a blush began to creep onto her features as she looked at her lover with a small smile. It had seemed like ages since they had last done something 'special' together and she was ready to break the wait.
"That sounds like a plan dearest. I could ask Isabella to watch the kids and then we got the night to do whatever the hell we please. How about we go get dinner then we go somewhere and have a little 'fun' if you catch my drift?"
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"Happy birthday Kyoko, it's nice to see that you've become an even bigger bitch than the last time we crossed paths." (From one very drunk Caroline Cordovin, also happy birthday as well Chris)
"Oh yeah? Well I thought annoying old gremlins like yourself didn't celebrate birthdays after you hit a certain age. I may be a bitch but at least I don't have a stick stuck so far up my ass that people could confuse me for a popsicle or maybe a bitchsicle in your case. Oh and if possible can I please get a word with whoever let you near alcohol because clearly they weren't thinking."
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"Happy birthday Kyoko, I hope you have a great day and I hope we'll be seeing you and Hammerhead tonight for dinner." (Nightmarionette)
"Thanks Melody, I'm having a good day so far but there's no way of knowing how the rest of the day could go. All I know is that as soon as I get off work I'm going to take a shower, kick off my shoes and watch a movie. Well of course we're still on for dinner tonight."
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@nightmarionett-was-here continued from asked
Just hearing her response caused him to want to take back what he had just said. Even though she didn't look sad he could tell from just her tone alone that she was and as he thought about what she'd said he ended up pulling her into a hug.
"Babe I thought you meant you were going to have it sooner than that, in six months we'll... we'll be in a better way than we are now and we'll be able to take care of the kid. If you want I could take a few extra jobs here and there to help with our financial situation while you're on leave. I have a feeling that we'll be able to give our child the best life possible."
He wasn't entirely confident when he said that but that didn't mean he couldn't hope he was right. He hesitated for a moment before kissing her forehead softly.
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"Happy birthday professor Shimura I hope you have a wonderful day." (Uaithne {in his msm 2017 verse where he's a student at Horizon High who's secretly a hero})
Kyoko couldn't help but smile when she noticed the young man approaching her desk. She took a breath and put down the papers she'd been looking at.
"Today has actually been pretty good by normal standards. No giant lizards or aliens have been destroying the city, no crazed civilians in robotic suits trying to destroy the school, no villains attempting to steal our class project and well you probably get the idea. By the way... isn't it also your big day as well? How does it feel to be one year older than you were, because trust me kid after you get outta school the years seem to fly by like it was nothing."
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