official-nordhessen · 3 years
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official-nordhessen · 3 years
Got my eggs: boiled
My potatoes: cooked and peeled
My 7 different kinds of herbs: cut and mixed with Schmand & Quark and NOT BLENDED BECAUSE I MAY LIVE IN THE SOUTH NOW BUT I’M NOT THAT WEIRD AND FANCY
It’s Green Thursday, you know what that means:
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
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Nearly 200 German actors just came out via a manifesto in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, asserting their own queerness and making a big, concerted push for better representation in German media.
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
Hey Kids, kennt ihr noch den Song “Amsterdam” von Cora (ihr wisst schon “Allein in einer fremden Stadt, allein in Amsterdam”). Ich claime den jetzt als gay und zwar aus folgenden Gründen
Die beiden Sängerinnen von Cora sind lesbisch und miteinander verheiratet.
Im gesamten Text werden keine geschlechtsspezifischen Pronomen benutzt, sondern nur das Wort “du”.
Warum ist das lyrische Ich ausgerechnet allein in Amsterdam? Nein, nicht, weil das am besten zur Melodie passt. Amsterdam galt viele Jahre lang als Schwulenhauptstadt Europas.
Die verdammte Zeile “Regenbogengold haben wir gewollt”
Selbst das offizielle Musikvideo ist gay
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
Weiß jemand auf welcher Schule Jana aus Kassel war? 👀 Frage für einen Freund.
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
Hui, interessant!
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Brauche kurz mal Follower Wissen, weiß irgendwer was diese Flagge bedeuten soll? Da hing vorher eine eindeutig dem rechten Spektrum zuordbare Flagge, daher bin ich gerade sehr skeptisch
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
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Japanese hair stylist Sayaka on the street in Harajuku. In addition to her shaved hairstyle, she’s wearing a yellow Napapijri Skidoo jacket over a Chloe skirt, a vintage tote bag, Justine Clenquet jewelry, and Zara thigh high boots. Snap taken before the Tokyo lockdown. Full Look
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
Deutschland: Lockert fast alle Beschränkungen
Reproduktionsrate: Steigt wieder auf über 1
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
Die 2% beziehen sich darauf das 2% der Personen Hessen als Ergebnis hatten
Ah ja okay, lesen müsste man können....
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
2% Hessen, lol ja nur weil ich weiß dass es ‘nen Unterschied zwischen Kräppeln und Berlinern gibt. 
warum hab ich jemals gedacht dies wäre eine gute Idee
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
Höxter macht mal wieder Schlagzeilen...
The Apocalypse in Germany - Week 18
Dormagen: School has to close again after two days because the mother of a student tested positive for COVID-19.
Gütersloh: Man arrested because he coughed on other people in a supermarket on purpose.
Nordfriesland: Seven people illegally hold a barbecue without keeping their distance. At least three of them get infected with the corona virus.
Virologist Christian Drosten starts getting death threats.
Haste: Three people drink beer together in a clubhouse. Usually not news, but it’s illegal now and one of the has to pay a fine up to 3,000€.
Boris Palmer (mayor of Tübingen and known for saying controversial things): “We might be saving people who would be dead anyway in half a year.” He later apologized.
Höxter: Man doesn’t want to wear a mask and punches a bus driver in the face.
Gelsenkirchen: Man doesn’t want to wear a mask and breaks the hand of a police officer.
Leipzig: Tram stopped because a fare dodger told the ticket inspectors he was feeling cold.
Soldiers at Polish border fire two warning shots because a German citizen illegally entered Polish territory.
Wuppertal: Thieves steal over 8,000 masks from a food bank.
Playgrounds, museums, exhibitions, memorials, zoos and botanical gardens allowed to reopen under certain conditions.
Students living in France but attending school in Germany are allowed to cross the border again
FC Bayern donates 800 Sacher cakes to nursing homes.
Camera team attacked at protest.
Saxony-Anhalt allowes groups of five to meet up
Thuringia allows funeral services in closed rooms again
Cologne Cathedral starts holding church services again
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
i dont know if any of you heard, but yesterday my mom passed away very suddenly. I am now on my own with all of our pets and a huge appartment. I feel so bad for asking, but if any of you would like to support me and my pets during this very difficult time, i have an amazon wishlist with supplies i need to feed and take care of my pets:
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
Ich wollte mal die erste Staffel Pokémon streamen, musste dann aber abbrechen weil die Synchronsprecher es PokéMOHN ausgesprochen haben... und ich glaube sogar in der Mehrzahl Pokémohne.... 
Wisst ihr was das schlimmste an der englischen Sprache ist?
Das sie Pokémon wie "Powkeymonn" aussprechen.
Ich nehme keine konstruktive Kritik an.
Ich habe Recht.
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official-nordhessen · 4 years
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How is it folks, nearly threw hands with a House today
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official-nordhessen · 5 years
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Für meine deutschen Follower, eine befreundete Person von mir wird vermisst, falls ihr was wisst, bitte meldet euch bei den angegebenen Nummern
Ich tagge mal ein paar deutschen Blogs die mir einfallen, vielleicht könntet ihr das auch rebloggen?
@langernameohnebedeutung @official-mutti @official-deutschtuerke @officialdorfkind @das-asoziale-netzwerk​ @unscharf-an-den-raendern​ 
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official-nordhessen · 5 years
SpringerLink has made all their published research in connection with COVID-19 free and public for everyone on their website:
As you’re probably aware, the coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, has now been found in countries all over the globe. This is an understandably disconcerting moment for many, but there are steps we can all take to help mitigate the effect on our communities.
COVID-19 is spreading, but misinformation and disinformation are spreading even faster. The most responsible thing you can do is protect yourself from both the disease and false information. Being prepared with facts and data instead of assumptions and fabrications will help inform how you can best prepare for COVID-19.
Here are some resources you can trust:
WHO provides daily updates surrounding COVID-19’s spread, infection rate, and general influence on our society. Their latest update given on March 3, 2020, details that there is a shortage of personal protective equipment for healthcare professionals. They also provide a very handy FAQ section, where you can learn more about how to protect yourself and your community. 
Every day Worldometer updates its website with the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in each country that has been affected. Worldometer has been rated one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association, and for good reason: it lists every single one of its regular sources here, and lists the source of every COVID-19 update at the bottom of the COVID-19 page. 
Your local health department will often have the most up-to-date information specific to your immediate area, including how to proceed if you believe you may be showing symptoms of the virus. If you live in the United States, you can find the contact information for your health department by visiting the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO).
There’s another thing about this news that a lot of places are not talking about: the toll on one’s mental health, especially if you are someone who struggles with anxiety. If you find your concerns about being prepared are crossing a line that affects your mental health, please consider reaching out to a loved one who can guide you to help, a mental health professional, or an organization set up to help those in need.
Here are a couple of organizations you can trust:
Crisis Text Line is free, 24/7 support. Just text 741741 from anywhere in the United States. The Crisis Text Line will connect you with a trained Crisis Counselor. 
National Alliance on Mental Health (@namiorg) offers free support and resources for those who are struggling. NAMI can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 am - 6 pm EST at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or by email at [email protected].
Take care of yourselves, Tumblr. Wash your hands well, practice keeping a safe distance from others, only wear a mask if you believe you are sick with COVID-19 symptoms and could infect others (or are immunocompromised yourself), and remember to fact check everything that you see. Head on over to @world-wide-what for a refresher on what fake news looks like and how it spreads. Pass those tips onto others when you see them accidentally spreading false information. 
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official-nordhessen · 5 years
Nazis und Nazi-Hipster errichten Straßensperren in Griechenland, schikanieren Helfer*innen und greifen Geflüchtete angreifen. Tut mir nicht leid, dass ihnen Antifaschist*innen dabei was entgegenzusetzen haben.
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