ofrisks · 6 years
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          a laugh fell from zia’s lips as the other described the incident that occurred previously. “didn’t scare you enough to move.”, she pointed out with a teasing smirk playing onto their features. his next string of words caused her nose to scrunch up a bit. “if i could sleep, don’t you think i would?”, she chimed. her tongue swiped across her lips before they sipped at their coffee again. “insomnia. and i’m already on medicine, that doesn’t work, so don’t bring up the doctor bullshit either.” then, she cocked her head to the side as she looked at him. “where are you from?”; sure, her new orleans accent was thick, but she couldn’t pinpoint his accent ( she was shit with accents ).
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           “ yeah, guess not. i mean no one actually confronted me about it, so i figured they couldn’t be too mad.” he spoke with a shrug gracing his shoulders. dallas put his hands up slightly in defeated, “ wasn’t gonna go into the doctor shit, but sorry that sucks.” he apologized before opening his bottle of water to take another sip. he was pretty used to having people ask him where he’s from since his accent made it impossible for him to even think about blending in with his new surrounding.“ i’m from a town that no one probably knows of in west texas. it’s completely different from anything you’d find in california. what about you, hm? you’ve got an accent to ya as well, thought about asking you at the party but forgot.” 
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ofrisks · 6 years
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iced coffee in hand , the blonde scanning the cafe for any place to park herself and enjoy the caffeinated beverage , before diving back into reality . with a sigh , it wasn’t a surprise that there was a serve lack of seats available ; so she made the executive decision that her desire for alone time would have to be put on the back burner . pursing her lips tightly together searching for what would cause her the least amount of annoyance . gaze finally lands on the brunet male typing away on his computer , an unsuspecting victim . quickly , elena makes her way over and slips into the chair . she could pretty much feel the distress radiating off the male and let it fester for a few minutes before the laptop shut .  “  i’m small and light on my feet , what can i say ?  plus there is no where else to sit , so i hope you don’t mind a little company  ”  perking up with her signature saccharine grin .  “  whatcha working on anyways , seemed real focused .  ”
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a big part of him wanted to say he did mind having company, but the thought of him actually opening his laptop once more to work on that damned essay was stopping him from vocalizing that. a hand slipped through his hair for a moment “ um yeah it’s pretty busy in here. i’ve been getting pretty nasty looks from people for the past hour for taking this table.” he shrugged slightly. “ uh, nothing really just this research review from my corporate law class. it’s a bitch if ‘m honest.” he spoke, entertaining his new found company after the initial shock had warn off of him. “ ‘m dallas by the way.” he introduced himself, because that was the proper nice thing to do right? 
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ofrisks · 6 years
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he didn’t necessarily plan on coming to the coffee shop ——— not that he didn’t like it, he actually enjoyed the strong scent of coffee & warm bread. it didn’t seem very crowded, but he did noticed a couple of people glaring silently at a familiar blonde at a large table. saint chuckles slightly as he makes his way over to dallas — just after ordering himself a coffee, of course — & seats himself down quietly. once dallas finally looks at him, he chokes on the sip of coffee he’s taking, laughing quietly. “  jesus, you’re really focused on your work, huh ?  ” he said, smiling gently, “  sorry i scared you, man. didn’t want to bother you, & the seat was open, so.  ”
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dallas felt himself relax a little when the familiarity hit and the whole shock subsided. the male shook his head, putting his elbows on the table and his head in his hands as the other laughed and brought up the topic he desperately wanted to escape from “ i don’t know what’s gonna happen first, this paper killing me or me killing this paper.” he mumured, letting out a sigh before finally looking at his friend. “ don’t apologize, it’s fine. i kind of needed a break from this anyways” he spoke motioning to his laptop before adding “ and now maybe people will stop giving me dirty looks because theirs actually another person sitting here besides me.”  
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ofrisks · 6 years
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          a chuckle fell from seven’s lips before he began to shake his head, smile on his features. “i feel like this is going to turn into me making the pancakes and you just sitting there!”, he chimed with the smile still lingering on his features. his tongue swiped across his lips before his nose scrunched up slightly. “i can do a bodyroll!”, they laughed. seven hummed a bit with the next question before he shrugged his shoulders. of course he knew where he was going off to, but he wouldn’t say it. “just was going to go grab a bite to eat.”, they decided to say. “are you hungry at all?”
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           “ excuse me, i won’t just be sitting there. i’ll be doing the most important part you know making the pancake mix and while you’re busy flipping them i’ll supervise.” she stated in a matter-of-fact tone. she couldn’t not laugh at the others next words “ oh god, please never do a bodyroll i’d probably die of laughter.” she teased, shaking her head at the mere thought of it. “ um yeah actually, i could eat. honestly anything would be better than the nasty kale salad i’ve got in my fridge.”
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ofrisks · 6 years
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          as the male was attempting to explain how he was in the exact position he was, zia couldn’t help but to giggle. “just teasing, you know. no one cares that you took the table.”, they chimed. her eyebrow quirked up slightly; “space isn’t fun, though. i’m not a fan of it, really.”, she stated with a small shrug. “what am i doing here?”, zia questioned before a laugh fell from her lips. “believe it or not, i drink coffee to stay awake.”, she chimed before sipping at her coffee to further prove her point.
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            “ oh i’d beg to differ. there was this older lady bout an hour ago staring me down while i was at this table. it was terrifying if ‘m honest.” his slight southern accent wrapping around his words as he spoke, shaking his head at the memory of it. “ well then i guess ‘m not as fun as you are. sorry to disappoint.” he countered, mimicking her shrug. “ you know if you actually got a normal amount of sleep you wouldn’t need coffee to stay awake.” he was being a total hypocrite since he was practically known for pulling all nighters and using coffee as his last resort, but he didn’t really care. 
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ofrisks · 6 years
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      carter knew the coffee shop would be busy on her lunch break — it always was. but this was the only place in town that sold the best homemade croissant sandwiches and she was craving one today. placing her order, she fully intended on finding a seat to enjoy her brief meal before heading back to work, but it seemed like everyone and their dog was out enjoying the summer. spotting someone occupying a table with a few more chairs than they needed, she shifted over to them with a small smile on her glossy lips. “sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you,” she laughed when the male looked up just when she stopped. “do you mind if i sit? everywhere else is pretty full.”
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        “ no it’s okay, just wasn’t expectin’ to see anyone is all. your good.” he spoke softly after he recovered from the initial fright. “ and uh, yeah sure i mean wouldn’t just make you stand or anything i’ve got plenty of room.” he shrugged, the girl in front of him didn’t seem too suspicious unlike the older lady that had been eyeing him from across the room for the past hour, so he figure this couldn’t end or begin too badly. “ i’m dallas by the way.” he introduced himself with a small tight-lipped smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
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ofrisks · 6 years
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          he listened to her speak about why she needed him before he’s loudly sighing before a smile stretched across his features. “fine, fine. just because i can’t have pancakes all broken apart! i have to have the perfect shaped pancakes.”, he teased. when the other is speaking and explaining what song it is, his face instantly contorted in disgust without thought. “okay, so i might can help with the next dance!”, he chimed before he began to laugh. he listened to her next statement before nodding. “well i like watching you dance! you come up with really cool dances. much cooler than something i could make up.”, he pointed out with a small shrug. 
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          she did a little fist pump when he agreed to help her, smile wide on her lips as she responded. “ see i knew you’d come around eventually and you know since you have and i’m one of your favorite friends you might as well flip my pancakes too because i like them perfectly shaped as well.” she grinned and batted her eyelashes dramatically just for effect of course. “ oh please, promise me that you will because i think that’d be the best thing to see you actually dance seriously.” she chuckled softly at the thought of even bringing seven into the studio in the first place, but who knows maybe they might have some secret moves she doesn’t know about. “ well thanks, i mean i hope i’m decent at it since i’m going to uni for it, well kinda.” she shrugged, before looking up at him “ where were you off to anyways? you know before i literally ran into you?”
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ofrisks · 6 years
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          zia was a frequent at the local coffee shops around town; after all, she needed something to get through most days since she rarely slept. however, while she was in line, her eyes fell onto a familiar face; instantly causing a smirk to pull onto her features. after getting her coffee, she walked over and sat onto the chair in front of him. she didn’t say anything, simply sipping on her coffee as she waited to see how long it would take him to notice. when he does look up, they had clearly given him a shock. “because i’m sneaky! like catwoman.”, she drawled with a hum. her tongue swiped across her lips as she looked at the other before a smirk pulled onto her features. “why are you here taking up a whole table?”, she teased.
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           dallas let out a sigh that he wasn’t sure if the main reason for it was out of relief that it wasn’t some lady with a noisy baby sitting across from him or because he was recalling the last time he had saw the other ( it was probably a bit of both if he was honest ). the brunette rolled his eyes with no real malicious intent as she referred to herself as catwoman and opened the bottle of water next to him, taking a sip before he even considered responding to them. “ it wasn’t that full  when i first got here and you know sometimes i just like my space.” he spoke nonchalantly with a subtle dig to when they first met, before shrugging his shoulders a little. “ but uh, what are you doing here?” 
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ofrisks · 6 years
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summer days , elena had no problem with the easy stroll from campus to saige’s ; so long as it wasn’t hot enough to melt off her makeup . the light breeze was just enough to beat the heat , the pace of her steps matching the beat of the song softly playing from her headphones . always traveling with that lingering paranoia of someone coming up behind her  ──  blame it on deep routed trust issues . petite frame easily wove around the oblivious pedestrians that were too busy playing whatever mobile game was the fad this week . using the brief pause in people to dig into the pocket of her jacket and pull out her phone , it was as if the other body came out of thin air , catching her in the shoulder . phone slipping from her talons , along with her bag and the others .  “  fucking really ,  ”  vexed timbre evident even under her breath , ignoring the apologetic claims . finally coming face to face with the figure she had collided with , her already sour mood only intensified .  “  yeah it was , fucking walk much .  ”  she snaps , tugging her bag over her shoulder once again , long tresses tossed onto her back .  “  no harm done , not like i would want you to make it up to me anyways .  ”
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as soon as naomi looked up to see who she had accidentally knocked into she immediately let out a not so subtle “ shoot.” that was honestly never suppose to leave her mouth in the first place. she slowly un-scrunched her eyes and un-furrowed her eyebrows to see the damaged she had created before letting out a sigh and finding the courage to speak up choosing to ignore the comment she was aggressively given “ uh, is your phone okay at least? not cracked or anything?” she questioned earnestly despite the fact that everything inside her was telling her to turn the other direction. “ elena, i was just trying to be nice, okay? there’s literally no need to be so hostile. just because we aren’t friends anymore doesn’t mean i’m just going to be rude to you all of a sudden, but i guess that’s your way of trying to get back at me or whatever which no offense or anything, but that’s kind of dumb.” 
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ofrisks · 6 years
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dallas had currently been sat at a table in a coffee shop with way more space than he needed typing away at this essay for what felt like days, but most definitely had only been a few hours. it was probably rude of him to take up a space with four chairs around the table when the place was so packed, but he never really intended to stop anyone from sitting at it with him. though the amount of stress that radiated off of him was probably what kept most people at arms length, his shoulders holding more tension than anything else as he shut his laptop as if to say fuck this. the brunette looked up only to be shocked by the fact that their was a person sitting in front of him that he hadn’t heard approach at all “ fuck.” he muttered, right hand going over his heart. “ you literally scared the shit out of me, didn’t hear you come up or anything.” 
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ofrisks · 6 years
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          the male laughed at her words as he shook his head. “you’re quite tiny.”; he’s just tall, but he would argue against it to anyone. “it didn’t! but it hurt my heart and therefore, i need to be mended.”, he pointed out. plus he just really enjoyed pancakes. he hummed before shrugging his shoulders. “help you? isn’t this supposed to be your apology to me?”, he teased with a smile across his features. he listened to her words before nodding along as if he understood; he didn’t, he didn’t dance or anything like that; but he still nodded along to give her the support. he hummed a bit as she shrugged his shoulders. “what’s the song? maybe you can show me what you have so far and i can help! i don’t know the names of any moves but i can do my best.”, he explained before cocking his head slightly to the side as he looked at her.
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        “ whatever makes you happy, giant.” naomi rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, no malicious intent behind either of those actions probably more fond than anything. “ oh wow, what type of person would i be to just let you go around brokenhearted because of something i did.” she laughed, “ yes, help me! i know it’s supposed to be my apology for you, but listen i’m awful at flipping pancakes so if you want them in one piece i’m gonna need your help or else i’m afraid your heart won’t be too happy.” she countered teasingly. naomi knew that seven didn’t really know anything about dance or choreographing for that matter, but she more than appreciated the thought of him trying to help her despite it and if it made some slight butterflies appear in the pit of her stomach then.. “ it’s this song called no excuses by meghan trainor. i’ve been working with a bunch of middle school girls and they’ve been dying for me to teach them something cool to it.” she shook her head at the thought of the constant begging she’s endured for months. “ and i guess your pretty cool, so if it gets your approval then maybe they’ll like it too.”
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ofrisks · 6 years
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“You gotta have a fault, come on!”
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ofrisks · 6 years
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leo was calmly walking down the street admiring everything. he was always thinking about how lucky he was to be alive and how much fun and beautiful the world was when, suddenly, there was someone knocking him down. “woah!” he let out as he used his hands to stop himself from falling face first. he then looked up to see who had been responsible for it only to find a beautiful and worried girl looking at him. “it’s okay!” he chuckled, thinking about how funny it must’ve looked and got up as he rubbed his hands together to get the dust of the pavement off of his hands. “yeah, i’m fine, don’t sweat on it-” he started out until something caught his attention, “wait– how would you make it up to me if i weren’t? just to know if i ‘am’ or ‘not’ okay.” he teased.
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naomi’s face had been riddled with concern when she had notice that she had completely knocked him over. it wasn’t until the other clarified that he was in fact alright did she let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding “ oh well, i’m glad your alright. sorry about that, i’ve been told many of times to pay attention to whats in front of me but i guess i’ll never learn.” she chuckled softly, not being able to help the slightly fond roll of her eyes at his next words “ well i wouldn’t get too excited if i were you stranger, but i could offer you a drink maybe, alcoholic or not you can decide and possibly my company.” she offered, smile present on her lips before she spoke up again “ my names naomi by the way, what was yours? or do you prefer that i keep calling you stranger?”
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ofrisks · 6 years
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          to be fair, seven saw it coming  l o n g  before it happened. while naomi was completely unaware of the world around her, seven was simply watching her. he found it quite humorous how lost she would get in the world; it made him jealous that she could feel such a thing without the need of any substance. but then she’s knocking into him and it only caused him to chuckle as she’s seemingly scrambling to make sure he’s alright. “i’m fine. you are tiny! didn’t hurt.”, he teased with a smile. “you can make it up to me in the form of pancakes!”, he decided with the same smile across his features. “you should pay attention, though. don’t wanna run into some people around here. not everyone is nice, you know.”, he chimed with a small shrug.
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            she was honestly glad to have been able to look up and spot seven, rather than anyone else. truthfully she thought this situation would only end up with someone cussing her out and flipping her off, so she was beyond relieved that it didn’t turn out that way. “ what do you mean? i am not tiny, i’m average human sized and can definitely pack some punch thank you. you on the other hand are just freakishly tall.” she spoke with mock offense though the smile she had been fighting broke through not even half way through her defending herself. “ what i still i have to make it up to you? thought i didn’t even hurt you, sev ! ” she spoke, smile still very much present as she raised an eyebrow “ although, i guess if you wanted to come over and help me make some pancakes i wouldn’t fight you on it.” she offered, readjusting her bag on her shoulder “ and yeah maybe i should be paying attention, but this freakin’ song has been driving me nuts. i can’t finish the dance i started for it, so i figured i’d just listen to it over and over again until i thought of something. but hey, at least i ran into you instead of well.. anyone else.” 
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ofrisks · 6 years
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naomi had always had this unconscious habit of zoning out while she listened to music, her brain focusing her thoughts on building a choreographed routine in her head instead of practically anything else. this time wasn’t any different, the girl had been on her way back from teaching a class music blaring through her headphones as she subtly swayed every now and again on her walk home. naomi was pretty aware of how bizarre she probably looked, seeing as she was still in her workout clothes and socks ( yes, just socks her sneakers had an unfortunate accident and there was no way she was walking the streets in her ballet flats ) but it didn’t really bother her that much. it wasn’t until her daze caused her to accidentally collide into someone did she snap back into reality “ i am so sorry, oh my gosh.” she spoke probably a little louder than needed since music was still being blasted into her ears. the girl reached down to pick up the dance bag that had been knocked off her shoulder due to the incident and took out her headphones “ sorry that was definitely my fault wasn’t paying the slightest bit of attention.” her tone apologetic and at a normal volume this time as her eyes raised to meet the victim of her clumsiness “ are you alright ? no potential bruises or anything to be found, right? because if there is i’ll definitely make it up to you i swear.” 
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ofrisks · 6 years
 this is the other  moody loml DALLAS HENDERSON. pls like this or just hmu if you wanna plot a thing with him ! below i’m gonna drop some info about him because i have not been able to write his full bio yet so if you wanna see a few things about him and maybe some possible connections click the read more  !!
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‣「 NIALL HORAN 」 —  have you heard from 「 DALLAS HENDERSON 」 lately? the 「 TWENTY TWO 」 year old has been living in greystone for 「 ONE YEAR 」, and 「HE’S」 known as 「 THE POLYMATH 」. i heard that they identify as 「 BISEXUAL 」 and 「 CISGENDERED 」. if you ask anyone around town, they’d say 「 DALLAS HENDERSON」 reminds them of 「PULLING ALL NIGHTERS TO STUDY FOR FINALS, CRUMPLED PAPER BARELY MISSING THE TRASH CAN & EMPTY COFFEE CUPS 」. they live in 「 GREYSTONE CREST 」, currently 「 GOES TO UNIVERSITY OF GREYSTONE WITH AN MAJOR IN PRE-LAW ( CORPORATE LAW)  」, and 「 WORKS PART-TIME」 at 「 AXL RECORDS 」. a fact about them that not many people know is 「 HE’S BEEN IN FOSTER CARE SINCE HE WAS SIX AND HAS NEVER HAD A STABLE HOME UNTIL NOW.  」. 
 he’s bounced back and forth between multiple different foster homes his whole life.
his parents had never really been around to take care of him.  his mother being constantly put in and out of rehab for her drug addiction ( though when he was younger they had a decent relationship despite that ) and his father wanted nothing to do with either of them when he first found out his baby momma was pregnant
his family and how he was raised is a v touchy topic for him that he wont discuss unless your close to him. 
his mother was the only reason he actually ended up moving to california once he was legally old enough to live by himself. he knew she was currently at a rehabilitation center near greystone and though he’d rather have gone to Harvard or Penn State he chose UOG because it was near her and he could visit often. 
  he basically spent his whole life focusing on anything but what was right in front of him so that’s pretty much  why he’s so smart and has quiet a few talents under his belt
he was able to grab a full ride to the university making almost perfect grades all through high school
 when you first meet him he’s not he’s pretty guarded but never really rude unless he’s provoked though if you get to know him well enough he’s just a lovable smart bean that has been through some things.
he’s got a bit of a southern accent that’s a bit strong when he first wakes up or when he’s about to go to bed ( lol but his sleep schedule is so messed up bc of all the time he spends studying late at night. )
also he’s pretty loyal if you’ve shown that he can fully trust you.
enemies : someone who just constantly rubs him the wrong way 
best bud : give my son a best friend that he can actually be open with and just himself without have all those walls up please and thanks
drinking buddy 
drug dealer ( i’ll go in more details if your interested! ) 
unrequited thing 
old friend 
bad influence 
current or ex fling
coworkers at axl 
 i’m legit down for anything just hmu!
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ofrisks · 6 years
hey what’s up my name’s taylor ! i’m twenty, cst and use she/her pronouns ! and this is one of the loml’s NAOMI TATE. pls like this or just hmu if you wanna plot a thing with her! below i’m gonna drop some info about her because i have not been able to write her full bio yet so if you wanna see a few things about her and maybe some possible connections click the read more  !!
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「 LEIGH-ANNE PINNOCK 」—  have you heard from 「 NAOMI TATE 」 lately? the 「 TWENTY-ONE 」 year old has been living in greystone for 「 TWO YEARS」, and 「SHE’S 」 known as 「 THE PHILANTHROPIST 」. i heard that they identify as 「 HETEROSEXUAL 」 and 「 CISGENDERED 」. if you ask anyone around town, they’d say 「 NAOMI TATE 」 reminds them of 「 THE CALM AFTER THE STORM,  SHED OF LIGHT PEAKING THROUGH A CLOUDY SKY & HOT CHOCOLATE ON A COLD DAY 」. they live in 「GREYSTONE CREST 」, currently 「GOES TO UNIVERSITY OF GREYSTONE WITH A MAJOR IN PRE-MED & MINOR IN DANCE  」, and 「 WORKS PART-TIME 」 as 「 A DANCE TEACHER FOR LITTLE KIDS 」. a fact about them that not many people know is 「 SHE’S AN AMAZING DANCER BUT COULDN’T PURSUE IT BECAUSE HER PARENTS SAY IT WONT PAY THE BILLS 」 
naomi’s always been one to look out for other rather than herself. it’s kind of ingrained in her at this point. 
she’s got the kindest heart and will support anyone 110% if you’ve been kind to her in return, but if you cross her she’s extremely defensive and even if you manage to have her forgive you she won’t ever forget. 
naomi is a phenomenal dancer, she’s been doing it since a young age and it’s become something she’s extremely passionate about and wanted to pursue but her parents were like nah and so that’s why she majors in pre-med
basically her parents care about her but it’s highkey overbearing, she’s never been able to really spread her wings until she moved here but even now it’s still a little tough
she’s not terribly upset about being pre-med because it’d allow her the opportunity to become a pediatrician ( which fulfills her other desire to take care of people and make sure there alright and things) 
she’s a little bit too trusting for her own good, it’s probably one of biggest downfalls tbh 
connections ??? 
 someones soft spot / positive influence ; someone she’s always looking out for and vice versa. they’ve become really good friends despite their obvious differences ( open )
besties ; they’re just v close and tell each other everything pretty much ( open )
bad influence ; someone who basically wants to corrupt my innocent child ( open )
ex boyfriend ; could be on good terms or bad terms we could go more in depth when we plot !  ( open )
study buddy ; there always at each other’s place encouraging one another ( open ) 
unrequited crush ; maybe she’s gotta thing for them or they’ve got a thing for her  ( open )
ex friend ; maybe her caring ways were too much and they kind of split off and it’s tense whenever they see each other. ( open ) 
confident ; basically they just have gotten used to coming to each other to talk about things when life gets a little too rough  ( open )
enemies ; maybe they had done something to cross her?? or the other way around ( open )
flirtasionship ; they go back in forward flirting but both of them swears that it doesn’t mean anything ( open )
i’m legit open to anything just hit me up!!
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