ohmyninja · 7 months
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essere ferrari © vittoria vanigli
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ohmyninja · 2 years
*sobbing as I repeatedly press the kudos button and it just keeps saying I've already left kudos*
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ohmyninja · 2 years
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Chris Evans Is PEOPLE’s 2022 Sexiest Man Alive
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ohmyninja · 2 years
tewkesbury x enola x sherlock scenes.
all I’m asking for.
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ohmyninja · 2 years
I love the fact that Daemon unlike all the others wants to make Rhaenyra understand that, although she is a "woman-grown", she can still be in control of herself and her being.
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Viserys still sees her as a "just a girl" (most likely because for a father a daughter is never old enough) and as a political pawn so he forces her into that role that is tight for her.
Alicent sees her as what she couldn't be so with jealousy, which is why she reacts badly to the virginity argument, because Rhaenyra could choose her lover.
Otto sees it as an obstacle to be eliminated and to do so he uses any means possible.
Only Daemon sees Rhaenyra for what she is, a young woman discovering her being. I love that he explain her that marriage is a duty but that marriage doesn't preclude to find pleasure elsewhere.
"Marriage is a duty... Yes. But that doesn't stop us from doing what we want. From fucking who we want."
I love the fact that he wants to free her from labels, free her in general and make her discover her sexuality.
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Then I believe that everyone is free to interpret their relationship as they want, I personally do not think that he is using her to get to the throne indeed I believe that he is really fond of her and this scares him because it is a situation out of his control. I believe that his:
"I want Rhaenyra. I'll take her as she is, and we'd her in the tradition of uor house."
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is an explanation of Daemon's feelings.
And above all I find it amazing when Viserys exclaims that no one will want Rhaenyra in marriage since she is no longer a maiden, Daemon replies that he does not care what the Lords think, because for him Rhaenyra is not a trophy to be exhibited, but a person, and that the fact that she is no longer a maiden says nothing about the woman that Rhaenyra really is.
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Daemon and Rhaenyra are two sides of the same coin just as Viserys points out.
"Daemon and Rhaenyra shared the blood of the Dragon. They are restless and chaotic."
Them holding hands❤️
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ohmyninja · 2 years
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ohmyninja · 2 years
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON #1.03 - “the second of his name”
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ohmyninja · 2 years
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MATT SMITH as DAEMON TARGARYEN in HOUSE OF THE DRAGON (2022-) S01E03 | “Second of His Name”
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ohmyninja · 2 years
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON (2022-) 1.02 “The Rogue Prince”
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ohmyninja · 2 years
reblog if you wear glasses. too many mutuals don't know they have glasses wearers in their midsts
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ohmyninja · 2 years
House of the Dragon (S1E1)
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ohmyninja · 2 years
sam wilson deserves better
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ohmyninja · 2 years
they're saving my life
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ohmyninja · 2 years
what all do you have in the wip folder?
Here's what I got:
The Edwina/Prince Nikolas Angelovsky fic that I've just started
Francesca/John/Michael poly fic in which John doesn't die
I'm Your National Anthem which is a Kate/Anthony modern American political AU
as certain dark things are to be loved, about Selina Bridgerton and the Bridgerton next-gen
The Courtship of Charlotte Bridgerton
1846, which is the sequel to The Courtship of Charlotte Bridgerton and about the next-gen, specifically Anthony and Kate's kids
do not go gentle into that senior year (just rage), my Kathony prep school AU
she's not in the attic anymore, which is kinda based off do not go gentle
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ohmyninja · 2 years
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ohmyninja · 2 years
Ok so idea! I haven’t thought about it that much though!
James and Alice have been friends since childhood, and they both have feelings for each other but don’t know it (I know it’s classic and probably boring) . During a game of quidditch, James accidentally confessed his feelings. Idk what next though! Thank you for responding!
Hi there! So this is my first James Sirius x Alice Longbottom II fic, and I think they’re absolutely adorable! I don’t write a ton of next gen, but I hope you like it! (I had to throw in a Hinny flashback, too!)
Deja vu
Summer days like today were James Sirius’ favorite. Everyone was gathered at the Burrow for a surprise fortieth birthday party for his dad. There were enough cousins and then some to play a full seven on seven quidditch match. The Longbottoms and Scamanders were there, too. Not that Lorcan and Lysander contributed much. They were more interested in searching the garden for nargles or something than playing quidditch.
But Nev and Hannah’s daughter Alice was there, and was currently playing beater alongside him. It was all James could do to keep his head in the game because Alice was proving to be extremely distracting. She had no idea he'd fancied her for the better part of a year, and he had no idea how to broach the subject with her. Not that he was going to do it today. No, certainly not. It’d be much safer when they got back to school. Well, maybe not much safer, considering her dad was the Herbology professor. 
James was pulled out of his daydream as Alice was shouting his name. Bloody hell, a bludger was headed right for him. He really needed to focus on the match.
“Quick, at Roxie!” she shouted.
Roxanne was on Dominique’s heel and it was a dead race for the snitch. James’ swung his bat and it collided full force with the bludger. He watched as it soared close enough to whiz by Rox’s head and distract her for the split second Dominique needed to catch the snitch.
Everyone on his team and all the parents who were spectating erupted into cheers and laughter as they flew back down to the ground. It was an amazing catch that Dominique would have never made if James hadn’t distracted Roxanne with the bludger. If only it was a true quidditch match at school! 
James could barely focus with all the commotion happening until he saw Alice running toward him to congratulate him.
“We won! We won!” she cried as she threw her arms around him. 
Before James had any clue what he was doing he reciprocated her hug, but instead of keeping it friendly like his brain told him to do, his lips had somehow found hers and he was kissing her full on the mouth. That was not the way he ever planned to tell her he fancied her.
When he pulled away, his face was giving off a ‘deer in the headlights’ look and he didn’t know what to say. He thought it was just the rush of blood to his head that made all sound disappear, but he quickly realized the entire field was completely silent. Everyone was no doubt gaping at them.
“I—uh…” he sputtered.
“I fancy you, too, if that’s what you’re trying to say,” Alice said quietly enough so only James could hear.
“You do? Really?” James was completely dumbfounded.
“Well, yeah, but I don’t think I would have chosen this moment to tell—er, I mean, show—you how I felt,” she blushed.
“Brilliant! So do you wanna—”
“OI!” his Uncle Ron called. “If you’re going to kiss her, that’s fine and all, but did you have to steal your dad and mum’s first kiss?”
All the adults broke out into laughter and James was suddenly mortified. He should have known! How many times had the Weasley clan reminisced about that particular story?
Even Alice was laughing. “It’s okay,” she said. “It was perfect. And the answer to your question is yes.”
“Bloody brilliant!” James said as the rest of their team descended on them and the celebration reignited full force.
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ohmyninja · 2 years
adam carlsen            aaron blackford                 joshua templeman
                          🤝                                   🤝            love at first interaction & pining for YEARS
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