okayymelanie · 10 years
SO i just updated my plots page (you know you wanna take a look here you go) and i wouD LOVEEEEEEEEE TO PLOT WITH ALL THE NEW PEOPLE <3 you can like this and ill message you or you can message me or we can exchanges aims basICALLY WHATEVER YOU FEEL COMFY WITH IM OKAY WITH <3 <3
also my name is nikki hi lol
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text sent to mel
ryan: isn't it a bit late? and it might take me a while to get to yours
ryan: promise?
mel: doesnt have to be tonight, whenever you feel up for it. the movies aren't going anywhere :)
mel: of course
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text sent to mel
ryan: yeah so..i didn't go to the concert obviously.
ryan: you're the only person i have now
mel: that fucking sucks
mel: you should come over and we can watch a movie or something to get your mind off of him
mel: dont worry, im not going anywhere
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text sent to mel
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text sent to mel
ryan: i'm ok. i'll live.
ryan: we did stuff...
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text sent to mel
ryan: i will, if there's going to be a next time. i don't enjoy feeling like this
ryan: no. no, just leave him alone.
ryan: i should have known, you know? he's so above being with a nerd, i was just a toy
mel: and i dont like seeing you like this :(
mel: what did he do to you??
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text sent to mel
ryan: yeah
ryan: please don't say i told you so
mel: i wont, but next time you should listen to the advice your melanie gives you
mel: do i need to like get naomi and beat him up or something
mel: i cant take him but the both of us can
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text sent to mel
ryan: i can see why you disliked /him/
mel: that could be a number of people but im going to guess leo?
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text sent to mel
ryan: have you ever been disappointed by someone?
mel: tons of times
mel: whats going on?
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text @ jaxON
jaxon: uhhh has anyone seen like a dog...running around
melie: wheres your dog jax?
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okayymelanie · 10 years
Hey guys! Sorry I wasn't on today, I haven't been feeling very great, but I'll make sure to hop on tomorrow and plot with everyone!
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text @ anyone
sasha: ms stevens had a meltdown because... I actually don't know why I wasn't paying that much attention
melie: SERIOUSLY? dammit! that would have been awesome to see
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okayymelanie · 10 years
@ryanjude: @meliec you took my yellow crayon first let's not forget
@meliec: @ryanjude I needed to draw the sun what was I supposed to do??
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okayymelanie · 10 years
text @ anyone
melie: not making it to school today [that sick gave emoji] mind telling me what i miss?
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okayymelanie · 10 years
@ryanjude: @meliec she's over it now but like, she thought you were a bully. i don't really know how her mind works tbh...
@meliec: @ryanjude you stole my big eraser whos the really bully here
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okayymelanie · 10 years
@ryanjude: @meliec that's why my mom wanted me to stop playing with you at recess. She hated making me sit outside until all the sand was gone.
@meliec: @ryanjude tell your mom she is a wonderful lady and im sorry for ruining her sons hair
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okayymelanie · 10 years
@ryanjude: @meliec figured I should tell you since we're being honest and stuff
@meliec: @ryanjude I remember I used to put sand from the sandbox in your hair a lot im sorry :/
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