oliver-vigilante · 10 years
"Not really" he said as he heard one of the police cars approaching "they used to follow us all around the city before being alliates" he stated and moved from the crime scene "let's go!".
Heroes || Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
"We have to wait for the cops" he said as he waited for them to arrive to get rid of them. "Good work today, kid" he stated as he kept his feet in one of the guys, smiling lightly at him.
Heroes || Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
"There, take this" Oliver instructed to Barry as he handed him a rope. "Tie them". He kept pointing at them and took a step further, looking around the place to see if by any chance there was someone else around. 
Heroes || Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
Oliver looked a bit surprised at the kid's idea, not knowing if it was going to work at all, but when it did, he smiled proudly at him. He then took the advantage of the moment and prepared his vow, pointing at the direction of the guys for the moment which arry stopped.running. 
Heroes || Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
Oliver landed near him, pointing the guy with one of his arrows "don't move" he said to the guy and looked at Barry, placing a hand on his shoulder "good job, kid" he stated before an armed couple appeared near them "shit" he cursed under his breath, knowing this had been too easy so far. 
Heroes || Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
"I am" he stated rather sharply as he looked around for a short cut "you can do it, kid. Focus on him and run like we did on training" he said and jumped back on earth, preparing himself for when Barry catches the guy since he couldn't run that fast. 
Heroes || Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
Oliver smiled softly as the kid looked at him. "Do you see him?" he asked as he jumped again, trying to focus on the guy that they were trying to catch. He didn't know how he made it to escape from them so fast, but maybe with Barry's habilities they could catch him anyways since no one was as fast as him.
Heroes || Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
Oliver stopped midway, looking around for the robber that seemed to be gone by now. He made a sign to Barry to follow him, thinking that maybe they could see him again from the roofs. "Come here, kid" he ordered as he jumped to the nearest one. 
Heroes || Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
Heroes || Barry & Oliver
He ran after him, trying to focus on his target as he tried to avoid all the civilians that were around at downtown. As he approached, he shot an arrow, failing at it at just hitting on a building. He cursed under his breath and tried to localize him again on the crowded street. Running through innocent people was maybe the best strategy he has seen so far that week.
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
He shook his head as he no longer saw him, walking again t one of the near buildings and changing for casual clother to be back at work as if nothing had happened.
Training Day II Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
He gave him a short nod "just warn me before" he stated as he walked around the place "and kid-" he said llooking at him now "never forget that you're a hero" he smiled and stopped walking.
Training Day II Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
"Past tomorrow?" he inquired as he looked at him "as soon as possible" he stated simply. "You can come with me if needed. You seem to be helpful in what we do in this city".
Training Day II Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
"They could do one for you if they actually did that one, ask them" he stated and approached him "those are your results, kid" he said handing the list to him, the speed, his times and how fast he ran. "Really impressive".
Training Day II Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
"Find another outfit for the next time" he said raising an eyebrow at him "from where you got that one, by the way?" he inquired as he looked at him.
Training Day II Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
"'With me?' is not like we're dating in secret or something" he said raising an eyebrow at him "She chose you as a plus one without even knowing you so well, why she wouldn't like to see you again, kid?" he stated standing next to him "going or not is up to you".
Training Day II Barry & Oliver
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oliver-vigilante · 10 years
"Want to see the others?" he said as he stopped "it's been nine months after all" he shrugged and walked near him "we could figure a name for you, or at least a provisory outfit" he said raising an eyebrow at him.
Training Day II Barry & Oliver
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