oliviademom-blog · 5 years
You don't know what pure happiness is
Yes I do, pure happiness is when your furchild curls up beside you in bed and goes to sleep. It is like a heartwarming experience, its like being trusted to hold some sort of china cup
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oliviademom-blog · 5 years
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Photos taken moment before disaster
In the new rp chat I have with my friends I plan to kill of this bby. I mean, it will help a character progress, and character development, but it just... It hurts to know Imma kill a pure bby
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oliviademom-blog · 5 years
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"I was left alone... By the only person I trusted... She just left me, by myself!"
Sad bby gurl
Facts about her
She the youngest of the Dark Elements 23,000 years
Like Delilah she does have some relation to some creature. For her its a Banshee, a creature that wails in the late night to early morning hours about a death to come.
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oliviademom-blog · 5 years
Also Tyrian from RWBY. Like
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Look at him.
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Every fandom has that ONE garbage hobo man that everyone loves it is a FACT
Venom: Eddie Brock
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Dude spends most of the movie in this raggedy ass hoodie and exudes big hobo energy. What can I say, he’s great.
Detroit Become Human: Gavin Reed
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This man was just a garbage asshole throughout the whole game and the fandom said “we want that one” and gave him a boyfriend and an actual personality.
Camp Camp: Dirty Kevin
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Literally just a drug dealing background character. Everyone loves him? Why?
Sander Sides: Remus
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Look at him. Actual garbage man. Big stinky rat energy.
Feel free to add on.
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oliviademom-blog · 5 years
Casual conversations
Vienna: casually reading
Cristalis: Hey!
Vienna: What do you want?
Cristalis: Waterfall is the opposite of Firefly
Vienna: No its not- wait.... Oh shit you right
Cristalis: laughing as she leaves the room, leaving a confused Vienna behind.
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oliviademom-blog · 5 years
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"Divide them, plant a seed of distrust in their heart, then tear and rip them apart."
Delilah is the oldest out of the Dark Elements
28,000 years old
Unlike the Pure Elements, the Dark Elements can be/have parts of monstrous creatures. Delilah is part Grim Siren, a being that like a siren, feeds off of negativity, by luring people into her trap.
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oliviademom-blog · 5 years
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"I am not as harsh as I seem. I may sometimes give the harsh truth, but I, over all am the exact opposite."
Facts about her
She is the oldest out of the Pure Elements
28,000 years old
Being the Pure Element of knowledge she has the ability to predict the future, but can shut off that ability at her will. She can always tell how a person is feeling, and its pretty hard to get a lie past her, because she knew what you did.
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oliviademom-blog · 5 years
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Destruction, Chaos, Vengeance, and Depression
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oliviademom-blog · 5 years
The Elements
Long, long ago, there were the elements.
The Pure Elements
The Dark Elements.
Among the dark elements was Chaos, Depression, Destruction, and Vengeance.
But one day, Vengance felt something change within her, she felt as if she was doing something wrong... So she went to the Pure Elements, with a request.
At the gates she was met with the Pure Element of Strength. Strength asked her why she wad at their gate, and Vengance answered "I have a request for the element of Knowledge." Strength pondered on letting the dark element in, and agreed. She brought Vengeance to Knowlage, who looked down upon her.
"What brings you here?" Knowledge asked. "Is it possible for me to become a Pure Element?" Vengeance asked, making the room go quiet. No one else had ever asked for such of a request. Even Knowledge was having a hard time answering.
"Yes." She answered. "Then may I please become one. I no longer wish to hurt, I wish to help..." Vengeance bowed down on her knee, waiting for Knowledge's blessing. "Very well." She answered.
Over time, Vengance trained, and changed her ways, and had finally done so. She then returned to Knowledge, who gave her a warm greeting.
"You have proven yourself worthy of becoming a Pure Element. You will now become the element of Karma... Good and Bad karma." Knowledge spoke, granting Vengeance's wish. She felt a weight lifted off her shoulders, the darkness that seemed to radiate off of her floated away, making her feel light on her feet.
She was now free of the darkness that welled up within her. She was a Pure Element
If you pay close enough attention you can tell I based this off of somethings
Such as
The four maidens from RWBY
And some Servamp
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oliviademom-blog · 5 years
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Nathanel. And then E-boy Nathanel
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oliviademom-blog · 5 years
I just noticed something
Y'all say ppl who shit in school bathrooms r brave and strong... But people who are stronger r people who hand there foot off the side of the bed. Now that's some will power right there to not be afraid to hang yo foot off the side of the bed.
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