olympianwonder · 3 years
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jean  understands  the  struggle  of  being  able  to  rely  on  others,  understands  the  feeling  of  having  to  constantly  remind  herself  that  she’s  not  alone  and  has  people  to  fall  back  on.  and  though  she  struggles  with  it  internally,  she  never  shows  it  externally,  wanting  remy  to  know  the  x-men  are  there  for  him.  “  sometimes  i  think  my  well  thought  out  nature  is  my  downfall.  that  it  makes  me  too  late.  ”  the  redhead  admits  with  a  light  him,  offering  the  other  a  small  smile.  and  though  she  knows  they  need  some  sort  of  plan  as  to  how  things  are  going  to  be  fixed  with  the  missing  mutants,  jean  is  exhausted  from  doing  so.  “  you’ll  be  the  first  person  i  call,  i  wouldn’t  want  you  missing  all  the  action.  ”  she  teases.  “  how  do  you  feel  about  getting  some  drinks?  ” 
@olympianwonder​ –  we’ll figure this out together. (Jean to Remy)
Working together might not have been something Remy was all that good at. He had only started to get into the habit of that upon joining the X-Men, and it still took a little reminding to make him remember that he was not only looking out for himself any more. “Oui, I hope we can.” He nodded at Jean. “You’re a lot better at t'inkin’ t'ings through dan I am. I usually just barge in an’ go from dere.” Remy smiled ruefully, knowing that had gotten him into trouble many times. But barging in would not solve the puzzle of the missing mutants, so they definitely needed to think. “Maybe jus’ let me know when we get t’ de point when I can blow somet'ing up, hein?”
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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this was exactly what gwen had been trying to avoid. she’d been trying to avoid traumatizing her friends further after everything that had happened. truthfully, she didn’t care if her sudden appearance broke whatever fucking fabric of reality that was happening but this? seeing someone she loved so deeply in both universes standing in front of her with tears in her eyes like she’s seeing a ghost? this was the heartbreak she didn’t want to cause. the use of her full name makes gwen stop in her tracks, turning around to look at her best friend, the girl who’d stood by her through thick and thin in her world and who she could only assume did the same with the gwen here. there were subtle differences between this mj and hers but the only thing that remained the same were the eyes; an ocean of blue that could paralyze anyone in their tracks, gwen included. the blonde’s swallowing the lump that’s formed in her throat, trying her best to find the right words to say if she could even muster any up. “mary-jane… there’s an explanation for this.”
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mary-jane  isn’t  sure  she’s  hurt  more  due  to  the  fact  that  her  best  friend  was  alive  once  more,  or  that  she  was  choosing  to  run  from  her  versus  face  her.  the  gwen  stacy  she  knows  would  never  run  from  anything,  and  it  angers  the  redhead  to  think  she’d  run  from  something  like  this.  the  death  of  her  friend  was  not  something  mj  took  lightly,  the  incident  not  only  tearing  their  friend  group  apart,  but  tearing  the  girl  apart  down  to  her  very  core.  changed  how  she  viewed  the  world,  how  she  behaved,  presented  herself.  losing  both  her  mother  and  her  best  friend  in  such  short  notice  was  hard  for  her,  so  to  see  the  blonde  in  front  of  her,  alive  again,  brings  emotions  that  the  woman  had  tried  to  keep  well  hidden  from  the  world.  and  she  can’t  help  but  blink  away  the  tears  that  threaten  to  spill,  eyes  burning  as  she  holds  back  a  sob.  hands  are  clenched  at  her  side,  curling  into  fists  and  she  can  feel  her  nails  digging  into  her  own  skin.  never  was  good  with  handling  emotions,  it’s  always  been  overwhelming  for  her.  and  she  can’t  help  the  dry  chuckle  that  leaves  her  lips  when  gwen  speaks,  a  mixture  of  anger  and  confusion  in  her  gaze.  “  yeah?  and  what’s  the  explanation  for  my  dead  best  friend  suddenly  coming  back  to  life  and  trying  to  run  and  hide  from  me?  i’d  love  to  hear  it.  ”   
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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Pietro realized his mistake and raised his hands in defense. “Sorry, my bad. Won’t happen again.” He was just so frustrated that MJ would find trouble the second he turned away… Was this how others felt about him when he did something too impulsive? “You didn’t get hurt this time, but you’re going after this stories alone, anything could happen. Even mutants are disappearing randomly.” MJ was fierce and way stronger than she should have to be, but she was still human. “I’m just suggesting that you use all your assets and keep yourself safe.” He didn’t mean to freak out, but he would feel less scared if Mary Jane gave him a call before going on those particularly risk gigs. She was way too independent to need his or anybody else’s help, but it wouldn’t hurt to have some backup. “If you let me know when those big crimes are happening, maybe just text me about it, I’ll cover you while you cover them. Nobody will see me unless I wanna be seen, it will take me less than five minutes to be there, and I can even get you to the place faster, you know?” He shrugged, trying to be practical about it. “Besides, if you’re short on news, I can always commit some crimes for you to report on. I already do it every thursday.”
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"  WELL  YEAH,  BUT,  I'M  not  a  mutant.  so  those  people  want  nothing  to  do  with  me.  i’m  the  best  type  of  person  to  go  in  there.  ”  she  points  out  with  a  raised  brow.  it  only  made  sense  to  her.  she  didn’t  have  any  powers,  any  special  gifts  that  would  make  her  stand  out  in  the  crowd.  she  was  human,  and  the  only  threat  she  had  were  her  smarts  and  her  courage.  and  though  she  understands  pietros  frustrations,  she’s  not  about  to  put  an  actual  target  in  danger.  “  i’m  not  gonna  run  the  chance  of  you  or  anyone  else  getting  taken!  i’d  never  be  able  to  live  with  myself  if  that  happened.  ”   and  she  couldn’t  allow  her  pride  nor  her  ego  to  be  bruised  by  accepting  help,  she’d  grown  up  looking  over  her  shoulder  her  whole  life.  stays  silent  as  he  speaks,  lips  pulling  down  into  a  slight  frown.  “  i’m  sorry,  i  didn’t  know  it’d  worry  you  so  much.  ”  she  does  feel  guilty  for  worrying  them,  just  trying  to  be  as  much  help  as  she  can  for  those  who  are  in  danger.  parts  her  lips  to  speak  but  is  quick  to  close  them  after  a  moment.  her  hands  falling  to  rest  in  her  lap.  she  knows  asking  for  help  isn’t  bad,  so,  after  a  long  moment  of  silence  she  musters  up  the  smallest  smile.  “  i  have  a  lead  on  an  abandoned  warehouse  if...  you  wanna  help  me.  ”
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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“it is my pleasure, it’s nice to have a chance to relax and free my mind a bit.” the witch smiled towards her friend, taking a sip from her own chai tea as her gaze wandered across the different floral arrangements the garden held. she turned back to jean and noticed her smile begin to falter, nodding in agreement. “i understand, if i let my thoughts get the better of me i feel i would snap again.” there was slight hesitation in her tone, memories of a place wanda didn’t want to find herself in again flashed through her mind. knowing what was happening with the disappearances and the worry she felt for her own family only made her heart beat faster and she quickly took a sip of her drink to try to calm herself. no, she wasn’t holding up well and she wasn’t about to open up to just anyone; but there was so much the two mutants shared, the similar experiences they both had. it was different with jean. “i have been better. i feel a little hopeless, i try to do what i can to help but somehow i just seem to make it worse.” with a prolonged sigh, she turned to jean with a faint smile. “but i am so sorry, jean. it must be so difficult for you all in the mansion.”
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IS  HAPPY  TO  HEAR  that  her  friend  is  able  to  relax  for  even  a  moment  as  the  two  stroll  through  the  paths  of  the  mansions  garden.  they  always  brought  a  calming  sense  when  walking  through  them.  jean  knows  the  situation  at  hand  isn’t  easy  for  any  of  them,  and  with  all  wanda  has  went  through,  jean  can  only  imagine  how  it  must  feel.  offers  the  other  a  gentle  smile  as  she  speaks,  fingers  reaching  to  gently  squeeze  wanda’s  shoulders.  “  you’re  not  alone  this  time,  wanda.  ”  the  feeling  of  having  no  one  to  turn  to  being  something  jean  has  grown  all  too  familiar  with  over  the  years.  many  times  her  own  mind  breaking  because  of  it,  succumbing  to  things  jean  would  never  discuss  with  anyone,  not  even  scott  most  times.  it’s  shameful  for  her,  what  she’s  done,  but  she  knows  wanda  was  someone  who  would  never  judge  her,  that  she  was  one  of,  if  not  the  only  person  who  understood  her.  they  understood  each  other.  “  we’re  both  not  alone  this  time.  ”  returns  the  faint  smile  after  she  takes  a  sip  of  her  drink.  “  i  can’t  lie,  things  are...  rather  tense  at  the  mansion,  and  i’m  not  sure  if  keeping  us  all  under  the  same  roof  is  a  good  thing  or  not,  but  it’s  tough  for  all  mutants.  none  of  us  can  seem  to  catch  a  break.  ”  
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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“They’re going to tell some kind of story whether you like it or not, wouldn’t you rather we make sure it’s true?” 
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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Nikki Giovanni, from “Mirrors”
[Text ID: … but It Cannot Be A Mistake to have cared … It Cannot Be An Error to have tried … It Cannot Be Incorrect to have loved]
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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Deepika Padukone for Chopard, 2021.
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olympianwonder · 3 years
" everything's falling apart. " (for Cassie)
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THE  BLONDE  ISN'T  SURE  what  to  say  at  first,  lips  pulling  into  a  sympathetic  frown  as  she  places  a  gentle  hand  on  the  others  shoulder.  even  after  years  of  doing  so,  cassie’s  never  felt  she  was  the  greatest  at  comforting  others  and  truthfully?  she  didn’t  know  what  to  say.  it’s  not  like  pietro  was  wrong,  everything  around  them  seemingly  did  feel  like  it  was  falling  apart  and  she’s  not  sure  how  to  fix  it.  and  she  cant,  not  really,  but  she  wants  to.  “  don’t  talk  like  that,  pietro.  ”  tries  to  give  him  a  reassuring  grin  but  it  doesn’t  match  her  gaze.  the  amazon  is  just  as  afraid  as  the  rest  of  them,  the  fear  of  not  knowing  who’s  next  always  a  thought  in  the  back  of  her  mind.  “  we’re  gonna  fix  this,  i’m  sure  of  it.  the  justice  league  and  the  x-men  know  what  they’re  doing,  and  with  the  help  of  the  avengers  and  a  little  bit  of  trust,  i’m  sure  we’ll  get  this  sorted  out  soon.  ” 
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olympianwonder · 3 years
𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑩𝑼𝑻 𝑽𝑼𝑳𝑵𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑩𝑳𝑬 .    ( soft  angst  starters.   )
❛  i  can’t  do  this  without  you .  ❜ ❛  it’s  not  safe  for  people  to  see  us  together .  ❜ ❛  please  don’t  leave  me  alone .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  want  to  know .  ❜ ❛  just  go .   get  out  of  here ,   go .  ❜ ❛  i  can’t  even  trust  myself ,   anymore .  ❜ ❛  there’s  nothing  left  for  me  here .  ❜ ❛  i  still  need  you .  ❜ ❛  i  only  wanted  to  help .  ❜ ❛  why  are  you  doing  this ?  ❜ ❛  tell  me  it’s  not  true .   please .  ❜ ❛  i  have  to  do  this  alone .  ❜ ❛  how  did  you  get  this  scar ?  ❜ ❛  you  don’t  have  to  tell  me .  ❜ ❛  don’t  yell  at  me .  ❜ ❛  i  never  meant  to  hurt  you .  ❜ ❛  things  are  getting  bad  again .  ❜ ❛  you  should  go .  ❜ ❛  you’ve  said  enough .  ❜ ❛  how  dare  you ?  ❜ ❛  why  are  you  still  here ?  ❜ ❛  you  deserve  better .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  want  to  talk  about  it .  ❜ ❛  how  can  i  fix  this ?  ❜ ❛  why  do  you  hate  me ?  ❜ ❛  i  just  want  to  feel  something .  ❜ ❛  don’t  lie  to  me .  ❜ ❛  did  you  ever  care  about  me ?  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  regret  any  of  it .   not  a  single  thing .  ❜ ❛  how  could  you  say  that ?  ❜ ❛  i  never  asked  for  this .  ❜ ❛  this  isn’t  you .  ❜ ❛  i  need  to  go .   i  can’t  be  here .  ❜ ❛  what’s  that  supposed  to  mean ?  ❜ ❛  i’m  not  sober  enough  to  talk  about  this .  ❜ ❛  thank  you  for  being  gentle  with  me .  ❜ ❛  how  can  i  possibly  trust  you ?   after  all  you’ve  done ?  ❜ ❛  don’t  run  away  from  this .  ❜ ❛  you  don’t  understand .  ❜ ❛  please ,  i  can’t  do  this  right  now .  ❜ ❛  can  you  forgive  me ?  ❜
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olympianwonder · 3 years
[drunk text] Omf g you need to get over here now I think I’m dyin — cassie from step
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[  ✉  →  steph ♥.  ]  :  steph...  are  you  and  tim  up  to  trouble?  i  just  got  the  EXACT  same  text  from  him  at  the  exact  same  time  you  sent  this. 
[  ✉  →  steph ♥.  ]  :  you  guys  better  not  be  getting  drunk  without  me...  i’m  gonna  be  real  butt  hurt  if  u  did  >:00 
[  ✉  →  steph ♥.  ]  :  you  know  what,  both  of  you  stay  put  i’ll  be  over  there  asap.  cassie  to  the  rescue! 
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olympianwonder · 3 years
[text] You don’t need this shit. - roy to cassie !
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[  ✉  →  roy h.  ]  :  what else am i supposed to do? everyone around me thinks i’m just a kid, no matter what i do. when i’m NOT.
[  ✉  →  roy h.  ]  :  i’m tired of having to prove myself over and over again, i dunno what else to do roy. i just wanna be seen as good of a leader as diana or donna :// 
[  ✉  →  roy h.  ]  :  it sucks.
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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(  @winterircn​​  )  gaze  is  focused  on  her  laptop  as  she  types  away  at  the  new  tip  someone  had  sent  her,  happy  to  see  that  her  tip  line  was  getting  good  use!  it’d  been  quiet  the  past  few  days  as  far  as  information  goes,  so  to  keep  herself  busy  and  out  of  the  house  she’s  been  applying  for  gigs  and  doing  photo  shoots  to  further  her  modeling  career.  and  she  doesn’t  notice  the  man  at  first,  glancing  up  to  take  a  look  at  the  time  as  it’s  well  into  the  night  before  doing  a  double  take  to  see  tony  stark  in  front  of  her.  “  oh,  uh  mr.  stark  hey!  ”  offers  a  smile  but  can’t  help  the  confused  look  she  gives  the  other.  no  offense  to  the  business  man  but  she  didn’t  expect  him  to  be  hanging  out  in  a  small  cafe  tucked  into  the  streets  of  downtown.  “  didn’t  expect  to  see  you  here.  ”  doesn’t  mean  to  be  blunt  but  it’s  simply  part  of  her  nature,  never  being  one  to  beat  around  the  bush.  “  what  uh,  what  are  you  doing  here?  ” 
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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(  @siltedmemories​​  )  it’s  day  3  of  practically  no  sleep  as  jean  skims  through  the  new  documents  that  were  released  earlier  in  the  evening.  it  seemed  every  day  there  were  new  disappearances,  new  leads,  new  information  but  it  all  lead  to  the  same  thing;  nothing.  she’d  read  through  countless  pages  of  information  yet  nothing  seemed  to  lead  to  anything,  and  it  frustrates  her.  so  many  people  were  working  on  this  yet  none  of  them  were  able  to  solve  anything.  it  keeps  her  awake  at  night,  and  it  doesn’t  help  that  the  only  time  she  does  sleep,  she’s  haunted  by  familiar  nightmares,  and  doesn’t  allow  herself  to  sleep  longer  than  a  few  minutes  in  fear  of  losing  control  when  asleep.  familiar  feeling  that  trickles  down  her  spine  is  what  pulls  her  from  her  thoughts,  heavy  sigh  falling  from  her  lips.  she  feels  him  before  he  even  enters,  chest  growing  heavy  as  green  hues  focus  on  the  pale  moon dimly  glowing  outside  the  window.  it’s  no  lie  she’s  tried  avoiding  both  him  and  the  situation  ever  since  she’s  come  back,  still  unsure  of  how  to  handle  all  that’s  happened,  and  she’s  not  sure  she  ever  will.  doesn’t  turn  to  him  as  she  hears  him  enter,  instead  turns  the  page  to  the  next  report,  air  around  them  heavy  as  she  speaks.  “  can’t  sleep?  ” 
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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watching cass go on to take the mantle that donna once held so close to her heart was once odd but rewarding. it had been the natural older sister moment watching proudly as she went on to lead her own team across the country while donna kicked back with the titans still unable to resolve some lingering tension from her younger years. “ richard is that you? “ donna jokes, hands removing the younger girls from her eyes. “ miss you kicking ass without me? no way. “
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CASSIE  OFTEN  TIMES  feels  that  she  doesn’t  live  up  to  the  name  given  to  her,  knowing  there  could  only  ever  be  one  donna  troy.   but  she  reminds  herself  this  is  her  own  story  and  her  own  chance  to  make  a  legacy.  “  i  dunno  if  i  should  be  honored  or  offended  by  that  statement.  ”  walks  around  to  greet  her  sister  face  to  face.  it  was  good  to  see  her,  and  she  can’t  help  the  grin  that  forms.  “  awe  come  on,  d.  y’know  it’s  never  the  same  if  you’re  not  by  my  side!  "
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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(¸.• ♛ → a small smile was on her lips, looking at the blonde. “no need to thank me, i’m happy to hang out with you, cassie.” besides, she also needs the break and doing this wasn’t like an obligation or anything like that, she enjoys spending time with her friends. “not yet..but i was thinking like some casual dress, i love those.”
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SPENDING  TIME  WITH  friends  was  always  difficult  when  living  the  life  of  a  superhero,  there  was  hardly  any  time  to  see  those  outside  of  your  team  so  cassie  appreciates  the  other  being  here.  “  how  are  things  going  for  you?  it’s  been  a  minute  since  we  spoke.  ”  continues  to  comb  through  the  isles  of  clothing,  nodding  at  karas  words.  “  what  about  this  one?  ”  pulls  out  a  simple  purple  flowy  dress.  “  i  think  it’d  look  perfect  on  you!  ” 
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olympianwonder · 3 years
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Jean had a point, of course she did. Pietro didn’t mind putting himself in danger, but he had no intention of dragging others with him. “Okay, Miss Grey, I’ll refrain from doing anything too… me.” He gave in, not affected by the sharpness in her voice. “It’s just hard to stay still when any of us could go at any moment. How’s the morale at the mansion, anyway?” The Xavier mansion sure had the highest number of mutants per area in town, and Pietro was no idea how they were all taking it. Lots of superpowerful, strong headed, stressed people in one place was rarely a good idea, but somehow it seemed to work for the X-Men. It was quite impressive. “You guys must be keeping tabs on everyone, right? Noticed any patterns yet?” As far as Pietro knew, the disappearances seemed random. The only thing they had in common is that they were mutants. That didn’t help them to figure out a suspect, or a motive, or a way to prevent new cases.
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"  ONLY  MY  STUDENTS  call  me  ms.  grey,  you  can  just  call  me  jean,  pietro.  "  and  his  next  few  words  don't  please  her.  was  never  fond  of  those  who  seemed  to  throw  themselves  around  so  carelessly,  even  if  sometimes  she  herself  did  the  same  thing.  "  they  seem  to  prefer  people  who  aren't  in  groups,  so  running  off  by  yourself  only  puts  you  at  more  risk.  and  your  sister  doesn't  deserve  to  go  through  that.  "  knows  the  maximoff  twins  have  already  suffered  enough  as  is,  and  jean  isn't  sure  she'll  be  able  to  handle  another  loss  to  the  x-men.  folds  her  arms  across  her  chest,  and  he's  not  exactly  wrong.  scott,  emma,  and  herself  were  doing  everything  they  could  to  figure  out  what's  happening,  but  coming  up  empty  handed  helped  no  one.  "  no,  we've  yet  to  discover  anything  that  we  don't  already  know.  we're  just  as  frustrated  as  you,  i  promise.  "
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