The Concept of Infinity
Definition of Inifinity – Bhaskaracharya’s Bijaganita 2.18
In Bijaganita, we find the following shlok
वधादौ वियत् खस्य खं खेन घाते खहारो भवेत् खेन भक्तश्च राशिः॥
vadhādau viyat khasya khaṃ khena ghāte khahāro bhavet khena bhaktaśca rāśiḥ॥
A zero results when multiplied by zero, a “khahara’’ (zero-divided, or infinity) results when a number is divided by zero.
Infinity further explained – Bhaskaracharya’s Bijaganita 2.20
अस्मिन् विकारः खहरे न
राशावपि प्रविष्टेष्वपि निःसृतेषु।
बहुष्वपि स्यात् लय-सृष्टिकाले
अनन्ते अच्युतेभूतगणेषु यद्वत्॥
asmin vikāraḥ khahare na rāśāvapi praviṣṭeṣvapi niḥsṛteṣu bahuṣvapi syāt laya – sṛṣṭikāle anante acyute bhūtagaṇeṣu yadvat
There is no change in the Khahara (infinity) by adding or subtracting, just like infinite immutable (Brahma or Viṣnu) which does not have any effect by the living beings entering or leaving it at the time of dissolution or creation of the world.
मात्रा को जोड़ने या घटाने से “खहर” (अनंत) में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता, जैसे अनंत अपरिवर्तनीय(ब्रह्म) का ये दुनिया के निर्माण तथा विघटन के समय जीवित प्राणियों के मृत्यु या जन्म से कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता।
Click here to read more: https://resanskrit.com/concept-infinity-bhaskaracharya/
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Sanskrit Quote on Signs of a Fool
मूर्खस्य पञ्च चिह्नानि गर्वो दुर्वचनं तथा ।
क्रोधश्च दृढवादश्च परवाक्येष्वनादरः ॥
Transliteration: mūrkhasya pañca cihnāni garvo durvacanaṃ tathā । krodhaśca dṛḍhavādaśca paravākyeṣvanādaraḥ ॥
English Translation: There are five signs of a fool; vanity, wicked conversation, anger, stubborn arguments, and a lack of respect for other people’s opinions.
Hindi Translation: मूर्ख के पाँच लक्षण हैं; घमंड, दुष्ट वार्तालाप, क्रोध, जिद्दी तर्क, और अन्य लोगों की राय के लिए सम्मान की कमी।
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Shree Krishna’s Sanskrit Quote on War
This Bhagavad Gita quote stands out the most, showing us a simple and effective way of fighting any battle. While Lord Krishna may have been referring to the situation in the Kurukshetra battle, trying to convince Arjuna to fight with all of his might. The teachings from this Bhagavad Gita quote can be applied to any situation, the world around us is made in such a way that nothing is earned without any struggle, every situation is nothing but a battle with the existing forces.
Indeed, when you are truly impervious to the external things you are in a much better position to deal with any situation. So let yourself be the same state of mind, be it a joy, sorrow or excitement. You can express excitement, sadness or grief, but deep down you should be strong like a rock. You can find other inferences of this Bhagavad Gita quote in Hindi on this site.
To read more click here: https://resanskrit.com/right-mindset-war-bhagavad-gita-quote/
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