onceandfuturenerd · 10 months
Given that TOAFN has remained, shall we say…niche(?), throughout its 10 year run, you can take my advice with as much salt as you want. But I’ve been asked this question many times and the above is the only answer I feel confident giving.
Make a show you love and make it as good as you know how. You might do that and never have it hit big, because so much of what causes one thing to go viral and a similar thing to not is fully out of our control as individual artists. But if you don’t make something you love or do your best, then it definitely WONT hit big.
As someone who's starting on working a podcast what would be a granule of advice you'd be willing to share lol! :D
Write the thing you want to listen to. Don't release it until you would be happy to hear it yourself. Trust that you'll find the audience you were meant to have. They're out there
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
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Tagging a plurality of our fandom.
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
Me trying to explain Venmo to my early medieval ancestors: Yeah so I’ve got a machine in my pocket that can solve millions of math problems in a second. I tell that machine to send a message into Heaven, where we’ve built and placed other machines to read our pocket machine messages. The Heaven machine relays my message to my bank, telling it to send some money to my friend’s bank.
Them: Wait I’m lost. What’s a bank?
My medieval and ancient ancestors watching me trying to charge my laptop and connect to WiFi: Ah, yes, she must feed her magic mirror on the telluric current and summon the spirits of knowledge from the aether.
My ancestors watching me proceed to doomscroll on Twitter: Alas! She is beguiled by the cruel babblings of the demons within the mirror; soon she will descend into melancholy from the things she has witnessed.
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
This is too much. Our fans are so sweet. I'm already tearing up just from skimming the transcript - looking forward to letting the actual recordings absolutely wreck me when I'm in a good place for that. For now I'll just say that we never would have made it this far without the love and admiration you all have shown us.
Happy Ten Year Anniversary @onceandfuturenerd! A few of us over on the discord server put together an audio compilation of us talking about how much we love the podcast and what it means to us. There's a transcript below the cut that also has the names of who's speaking in each clip (unless they didn't specify it was okay for me to include their name).
Thank you so much for making this wonderful podcast, and congratulations on ten years!
Kat: I love most things about The Once and Future Nerd. The characters, the setting, the genre awareness, the humor. It’s my favourite podcast for a reason, and that’s saying something as I’ve listened to over a hundred. I remember listening to the show for the first time in late 2016, it was... Christmas concert season and I was walking back and forth pretty much exclusively between my dorm, rehearsal, class, and the dining hall. Um. But somehow, despite that very limited time, I managed to listen to all of The Once and Future Nerd over the course of approximately two days, and fell in love with it pretty much immediately. Um, at the time, all of book one was out, which was, uh, less than there is now, but still a significant amount of podcast to listen to over the course of 48 hours. Um. Aside from how wonderful I continue to find the podcast, The Once and Future Nerd has also allowed me to have access to a community I never would have had otherwise. After creating the discord to talk more about the show with a few other folks, I met some of my closest friends. As of sending this message, I have sent-- and I checked right before- before I did this-- in the server alone, 28,638 messages. That is not including direct messages to my friends, that is just directly in the server. Um, the server has also had a long-running Dungeons and Dragons game that’s been going since spring of 2019, and has had multiple bl- book clubs, including one that meets weekly has consistently since spring of 2020. It’s been one of the most fulfilling community experiences of my life, and it all ties back to The Once and Future Nerd. Creating stupid inside jokes like Gy’y Fy’ryy and Elves Have Fur and Antonin being the sexiest the character no matter what any polls say, he better win this last one, I swear... um, it’s been one of the great joys of my life over the last five years. Thank you so much for all the love and joy, humor, tears, and so much more that The Once and Future Nerd has brought to my life and to the lives of many others. The story’s been wonderful, y’all are wonderful, and I hope you continue for many years to come. Happy ten year anniversary.
Nicole: What do I love about The Once and Future Nerd? This is going to sound weird, but I love how specific it is. The Once and Future Nerd is such a peculiar blend of genre and humor and social commentary, that it’s a near perfect filter for finding like-minded people. I’ve met some of my best friends through this podcast and I’m so grateful I found it back in 2016. At the time, it was so hard to find fantasy audio dramas, so I was immediately drawn to The Once and Future Nerd for that alone, uh, when I was trying to search for some. I really liked the concept, enough to make me listen until Monsters, because that’s the chapter that hooked me. I devoured the rest of book one after that, only pausing to sleep and attend lectures... and sometimes listening to it during lectures. Sorry, not sorry to my stats prof. If I had to pick a favourite moment, I would have to say Yllowyyn’s confrontation with Ry’y lo-Th’yyt in Bridges. I think that one is burned into my brain because I was a crowded train trying not to freak out at the time. This podcast means a lot to me as a source of connection with others and it’s just a plain fun story. Thank you, Zach and Christian and everyone who works so hard on it. It’s been going for ten years, and I don’t care if it takes ten more.
RJ: I found The Once and Future Nerd in February of 2017 as a depressed 18-year-old in my first year of university, and I think I listened to everything that had been released at that point in about a week? I love it because of the genre subversion and genre awareness, I love the characters, I love the way it challenges expectations and engages with complex topics with care... I really, really like listening to this podcast, but more than that, I like talking about this podcast. The main thing that makes me keep coming back to The Once and Future Nerd, keep listening, and that makes it important to me, is the community I’ve found in listening to it. I joined the discord server two days after it was created, and that remains the only fandom space where I’ve successfully made actually close online friends. To the point where the friendship has expanded beyond just our shared enjoyment of the podcast into just... being friends. It’s really great to get to know these people, to plan things like this anniversary event with them, to have things like a weekly book club, or collaborations on projects, or just conversations about silly and serious things related to the podcast, and unrelated to the podcast. And none of that would have happened without The Once and Future Nerd so, thank you. Thank you for being the reason that I know these people, thank you for being the reason that I have been inspired to make creative things, from fanart to videos to what have you, uh... I love your show so much, congratulations on ten years, and I can’t wait to hear what comes next.
Dirk: Hey, this is Dirk. Uh, I don’t remember when I started listening to this podcast, it was years ago-- but I do remember being immediately drawn in by the brief and tragic tale of Mr. Fluffy Toes. The mix of humor and sass and sincerity, it immediately struck me. As the story went on, I delighted in Nelson being shockingly genre-savvy about this fantasy world and, honestly? I really enjoyed the fact that the world at large ignored the kids at first. That’s not something you often get in portal fantasies. Uh, I’ve also always deeply enjoyed the queer representation and tongue-in-cheek political commentary... As if that wasn’t enough, you all gave me a chance to write for your podcast. I had so much fun with the Bailey sisters short, and with making up a whole-ass holiday! It was so much fun. And even though I had to recuse myself from the later plotline, I’m still here to listen to how it goes. My inability to write for it has absolutely no bearing on your grace and kindness to me, and even though I dread how it will make me feel because of my own personal issues, I know that I can trust whatever it turns out to be. Like so many pod- things in this podcast, it’s gonna be sensitive, sometimes funny, sometimes deeply tragic, or terrifying, and it will never punch down. Because that’s the kind of podcast you have made. Happy ten year anniversary, thank you so much for all that you’ve given us. And I hope you can continue making whatcha love for as long as you want to be making it. And like... Let’s be real. As long as you’re making this, we’re gonna be here for it, so... Thank you.
Oriana: I had the podcast recommended to me by a friend who was very active on the reddit at the time. I love that The Once and Future Nerd is not afraid to look long and hard at The Implications of a lot of fantasy tropes. I kept listening because I wanted to know what new ideas would be explored next. One of my favorite moments is the speech that Traft gives about how the Princes of Iorden do alchemy. The Once and Future Nerd is the first thing that I got to write for that has an established audience and... that was very cool. Thank you for everything.
Aja: Hey guys my name is Aja, and I just wanted to say congrats on ten years of a fantastic podcast. I started listening to The Once and Future Nerd back in 2017, 2016, not long after I’d gotten my bachelor’s degree from college and right as I was starting to realize that I wanted to go back to school to get my teaching degree. So it- it came at a really special time in my life. What kept me coming back over all these years is the fantastic character development, especially for the kids, uh, in the story, but also for everybody else, and I’ve also just really appreciated the, uh, subversion, I guess, of fantasy tropes. I think it’s kept the story really interesting and really relevant, and it’s- it’s so real, despite being a fantasy story, so. Thank you so much for all of your hard work, and I look forward to listening for... as long as you keep making this podcast. Thanks guys.
Aster: The Once and Future Nerd is one on an ever-growing list of podcasts that I deeply love despite being upwards of a year behind on, and every time I am able to get back to listening to it, I am in awe of the incredible world that it shows. And a special thanks to the podcast for finally, really, dragging me down into the incredible world of audio drama fandoms.
Person 8: Well, first of all congrats on ten years, that is a tremendously long time to work on a project, and it’s an excellent project to have been worked on. I’ve loved the podcast for... a while. I’m not quite as into it as I used to be, but I still listen to the episodes whenever they come out. Uh... I first listened to the podcast all the way back in, I believe 2016? Uh, when I was in college. One of my friends was listening to it at a DnD session and I heard just one clip of it-- I think it was the scene where Regan had a threesome with the barkeep and his partner? I don’t remember exactly what happened in that scene but, uh... [laughs] it was interesting enough to draw my attention, and I talked to my friend about what the podcast was about, and I decided to go ahead listen to it, and so I listened to it. It hit all the right notes for me. I really loved the emphasis on diversity, and the science that went into it. I thought the science... um, the way science and magic integrated in the show was really fantastic and clever. You know, I really loved the characters. I think I listened to the entire podcast, up until the beginning of covid, about... three or four times through, and then since the pandemic when everything’s slowed down I’ve only listened to it another couple times since then. But, even though it’s no longer quite my main fandom or anything... But I think that I’m going to continue listening to it for as long as it comes out. Even if it’s never my big passion, it’s gonna be one of those quiet, comfortable, familiar things that will be a thread woven throughout the path of the rest of my life. Or not the rest of my life, but, you know, a good portion of it. However long- however much longer it goes, um. But, yeah, uh, congrats again on ten years of The Once and Future Nerd, and thank you for creating it. It’s really fantastic, I love it so much.
Rachel: So I found The Once and Future Nerd shortly after the pandemic started. A friend reached out to me who, um, I had met in college, and she asked to connect and we started calling every week, and we eventually started listening to this podcast together because she was already a fan, and she thought I would love it-- she was totally right. Um [small laugh], and we listened to this for almost a year, almost like a book club. Um, and we talked about it, and we got deep into the themes which was really enriching for me, that’s one of my passions, I got a degree in it. Uh, in, um, literature, so just picking apart stories and I-I was- I’ve always been impressed by how crunchy it is. How the characters feel fleshed out and stood apart from each other, and how so many tropes you think you understand and then you guys subverted them. Um. And then, while I don’t listen to The Once and Future Nerd right now, I have other podcasts that I do listen to, and before listening to The Once and Future Nerd with Kat I was not a podcast person. So, because of this podcast I actually have maintained a friendship, and I’ve gained a whole new ways to access stories, and it’s been pretty marvellous. And I’ve loved that a lot. So I’d like to thank the creators for those two sparks of joy in my life.
Kellie: Congrats on ten years! Um. I have not been listening to The Once and Future Nerd for ten years, I’ve been listening more like the past, like, one and half or so years, um, and I am so glad that I started listening. This podcast means a lot to me, it is one of my favourites, and not only is it just individually enjoyable for me, it’s also brought me closer to a lot of people, um, the existence of the podcast itself has brought me into a community that I value so deeply, and brought me close to so many people who I just love and adore. So, I mean, you know, obviously you’re doing something really right if, uh, you’re bringing people close together for lifetime friendships, uh, by making, you know, content. And that’s amazing in and of itself. But also, just, the podcast itself is so good. I mean, first of all, it’s great quality, it’s, you know, these... these wonderful little stories that are so, so gay. [laughs] And that analyze interesting topics in a really nuanced way. I can’t express the appreciation that I have for the way that y’all talk about these topics cause they’re always- they’re handled so well. Um. So, instead... [laughs] so instead of trying to express that, um, I will instead express that I just love how... I love when Arlene and Gwen are gay. Like, that’s just great. You know? It’s fantastic. And they’re so, so gay, and it’s so, so wonderful every single time. [sighs] And also Regan is just so hot. You know? Like. Uh, I... [sighs] Good for her, you know? Good for her. And good for y’all for- for having this podcast be- be going on for so long and still going strong. It’s- it’s so much fun and I’m so excited to keep listening to it. I’m not all the way caught up! But I’m working on it and I’m r- just enjoying every moment along the way. Thank you for what you do, cause what you do is so great. It’s incredible. Thank you.
Person 11: The Once and Future Nerd. Um. What it means to me. So I had really bad migraines a couple years ago. Uh, to the point of, I had to blindfold myself for days and weeks at a time, uh, in order to avoid a debilitating migraine. And, um, so I found myself suddenly having to navigate the world without being able to see. The worst part of it was the boredom because I couldn’t read fanfiction, I couldn’t, uh, do most of my crafting hobbies, I couldn’t play video games. Um, obviously there are, you know, ways that people can do those things while blind, but I did not have any of those accommodations at the time. And so I started listening to podcasts, and I found The Once and Future Nerd and while listening to it, sitting in my room, by myself, uh, blind and in pain, The Once and Future Nerd took me away from my loneliness and my boredom and my pain and, you know, kind of, uh, saved my life. Uh, because I had something to help me get through a difficult period of my life, and, um. On top of that, you know, I-I love how much care and thought the crew and the cast and everyone involved puts into the story, um, in terms of being, like, sensitive about topics and as well as, like, trying to, um, provide good representation for, uh, marginalized voices, and um. I just. God, I love this podcast so much. Thank you, thank you so much for everything y’all do. The Once and Future Nerd is... I-I recommend it to everyone I know, even if they don’t like podcasts because I-I really think it’s that good. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Sen: I love this podcast for its tapestry of fantasy tropes, the funny takes, and the moments of awesome. For multifaceted, diverse characters that I hadn’t encountered in other mediums before, and [sighs] well, for a gorgeous sound design that brings it all together. I found this podcast back in the middle of 2018. I was in a really, really bad place then, I was failing my classes, um, due to depression and anxiety for which I had begun taking medications too, which was not easy to adjust to. I just- I couldn’t concentrate on anything at all. So, I ended up searching for, uh, podcasts, and specifically what I would do back then is I would read the scripts and then I’d decide to listen to the whole thing later, you know. I read the first two episodes, then I just decided fuck it. I’m gonna listen. This podcast, and a few others, they were what got me through a really difficult time, but, you know, what made me keep listening then after that was just that it keeps on getting better. Personally, my favourite moment in TOaFN is, uh, episode three of I’ve Been Working on the Whale Road. Because, okay, yes, there are the pilot- uh, pirates, and there is Maddy Groves, but then there is also Bryce’s death. An ignoble death, nobly done. I get emotional thinking about it, but I think the way that Bryce died, it touches you, I think. And I think that... that balance between the humor and the silliness and the sincerity, and the love, I think, uh, it’s always- it touches you. I love this show for its emphasis on storytelling, the words “people are the stories they tell, power is who gets to tell those stories” th-they’re ingrained in my mind at this point. I resonate with the philosophy so much, and I’m so grateful to this show for getting me through tough times and for teaching me things about storytelling, about myself. And for the people that I have met through this show. In the discord server, the long-running DnD game, um, those people that, like, I got close to, and the book club folks, er, that I get to chat with on occasion. They make me laugh and they make me smile and I can confide in them, they’re always there and... I just- I- Thank you so much, for giving me all of that.
CJ: Congrats on ten years!
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
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Happy 10 Years of The Once and Future Nerd!
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
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Iorden's Sexiest Man Alive
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
Regan would post TikToks of her throwing produce in the air and cutting it in half midair with a single unsheathe movement like an anime swordsman.
(These absolutely function as lesbian thirst traps and she knows it. Girls would comment shit like “wish she would cleave my grapefruit in twain tbqh” and she’d just reply with “😉” Guys would comment the same and get blocked.)
jen in 2023 would have a tiktok channel where she filmed herself doing makeup while talking about gossip at school. billy would also have a tiktok channel but his only followers would be from his school. nelson would be deep into reddit and be snooty about not being on tiktok because he doesn’t trust the algorithms.
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
Love working in audio but tbh freq lament the fact that we can’t depict the exact facepalm gesture @lamentable-comedy has captured here.
Sept 13: 2013 Things Billy Does Unironically
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Is Gangnam Style technically from 2012? Yes. But it was still popular enough in 2013 that Billy would absolutely still be referencing it.
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
There is still time to post memes you think Nelson would have made in 2013.
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
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Monday: cringefail 2013 memes Nelson would make if he had internet access when they got to Iorden
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
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i'm working on something for wednesday so i don't have much time to make memes, but here's my best shot at today's prompt
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
Sexy Poll Sunday: The Final Sexy Poll
Taking the winners from the official sexy bracket (1), the re-seeded creator discussion, RJ's rage post, and the Official Greg Poll Rematch, please vote on the ultimate sexy character.
Propaganda for your choice is encouraged and will be reblogged.
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
Feels a little gauche to RB this but we're so flattered that fans are doing it and want to maximize visibility for them.
P.S. God I feel so humbled but also so old 💀💀💀💀💀
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@onceandfuturenerd is turning 10! We've organized an event to celebrate / lightly roast.
More detailed prompts / re-listed for ease of access are under the cut. Link to join the discord is here to participate in the secret project.
Post your submissions with the hashtag #TOAFNPeriodPiece.
Sunday, September 10: Sexy Poll Sunday. The event starts with us posting a Final Sexy Poll with all four winners of previous sexy polls. Fanart for your preferred candidate is encouraged.
Monday, September 11: Cringefail 2013 memes Nelson's made / would make. These can relate to 2013 things or Once and Future Nerd content.
Tuesday, September 12: What would the kids be like if TOAFN was set in 2023? Also known as "The kids but Gen Z." Would Jen be a TikTok star? Would Billy hit the griddy? Up to you.
Wednesday, September 13: 2013 things Billy says without irony. #SwagYOLO
Thursday, September 14: Then & Now: What were you like in 2013 versus today? This could be a text description, some comparative photos, or something else! Show off how much your art has improved or how much taller you've gotten! A decade is a long time.
Friday, September 15: 2013 Fashion Friday. Please find the best fashion moments from 2013 and either make some fanart or just post photos of them.
Saturday, September 16: Songs that could be on Jen's iPhone. Fall of 2013 is the latest these songs can be from. Is she a Swiftie? Up to you.
Sunday, September 17: Sincere fanworks. Less roasty and more open than the other prompts.
Monday, September 18: Secret project! Details on the discord. This is the actual anniversary.
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
im a little bit mad at BG3's character creator, yes its really unique and detailed in ways that most games have never offered before but youre basically stuck with a preset face to colour in. games have let you fully customise faces since fucking 2005. why cant i choose my nose or eyebrows.
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
Do you think it’s because they DESPERATELY wanted to avoid bespoke genital options and they knew if they had sliders for everything else the lack of genital sliders would be really conspicuous?
im a little bit mad at BG3's character creator, yes its really unique and detailed in ways that most games have never offered before but youre basically stuck with a preset face to colour in. games have let you fully customise faces since fucking 2005. why cant i choose my nose or eyebrows.
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onceandfuturenerd · 1 year
hi! i'm broke and trying to get my shit together so i can shape up and get a new apartment. i am a 25-year-old black lesbian freelance writer in henderson, nevada who specializes in audio drama but covers a multitude of topics in my spare time.
i have a patreon, ko-fi, and do review commissions for anyone who wants me to check out and give my honest opinion on their ambitious independent fiction podcasts. reviews have been my real passion as of late as it generates some great traffic for the blog and is something of my main source of income at the moment.
the best way to contact me is via email but i'm also on twitter and, well, here. but emails just feel so much more professional, don't they?
i like to think i'm pretty smart but i'm pretty pink as well so help a girl out.
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