oncoplus · 3 years
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oncoplus · 3 years
Chemotherapy in Delhi
Chemotherapy is the sort of therapy. In which chemical drugs are used to kill cancer cells. It is an aggressive form of chemical drug. This therapy is usually used to kill the rapidly growing cells in the body, which is the root cause of cancer. On the other hand surgery and radiation therapy are used to destroying, damage, and remove cancer cells in a certain area. Chemotherapy works throughout the whole body. A doctor who is a specialist in cancer treatment is known as an Oncologist. There are three primary works of chemotherapy-cure, control, easily identify the symptoms of cancer. Cells in the following area can be adversely affected by chemotherapy-
•             Blood
•             Hair
•             Skin
•             Lining of your intestinal tract
Types of chemotherapy-
Alkylating agents: these affect the DNA kill the cancer cells at the different stages of the cancer cycle cells life.
Antimetabolites : these are the mimic proteins that the cells need to survive. When the cell consumes it, they offer no benefit, and the cell starves.
Plant alkaloids : these stop the cancer cells from growing and dividing.
Antitumoue antibiotics: these stop the cell from reproducing. This is different from the antibiotics people use for an infection.
Factor affecting the type of cancer and how it works-
•             The location, type, and the type of the cancer
•             Age, overall health, and existing medical condition.
Is chemotherapy treatment is painful?
No, chemotherapy is not a painful process. If you experience pain, contact the doctor taking care of you to check your IV line. An expectation may be this, there is a leakage and the drug gets into the cells.
How many rounds of chemotherapy is normal?
You may need four to get cycles to treat your cancer. A series of cycles is called a course. It can take to 3 to 6 months to get a cure. You may need more than one course to beat cancer.
Outlook after chemotherapy
Your doctor and cancer treatment team will regularly monitor the effectiveness of your treatments. These will include imaging techniques, blood tests, and may be possibly more. Your cancer treatment team can adjust your treatment at any time.
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oncoplus · 3 years
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oncoplus · 3 years
Blood cancer another name is hematologic cancer. It starts in the bone marrow where the blood produced. Blood cancer occurs when the blood abnormal cells start growing out of control and started to interrupt the normal cell blood functions, which fight with the infection and produce new blood cells. Here are three types of blood cancer –
1. Leukemia –This is the cancer of white cells or cells that become white cells. Leukemia prevents white blood cells from fighting infection from your body.
2. Lymphoma – this is the cancer of lymphatic system that is an important part of immune system. it affect the white blood cell. It is the most common form of blood cancer in adults.
3. Myeloma –this is the cancer of plasma cells, which are lymphocytes that makes antibodies to protect against infections. it affect your body ‘s immune system, leaving it susceptible to infection.
 Now is question is this how to recognize this disease, so here are some symptoms of blood cancer –
·         Fever
·         Chills
·         Fatigue
·         Weakness
·         Bone and joint pain
·         Weight loss
·         Easy bleeding or bruising
·         Frequent infections
·         Night sweats
·         Abdominal pain
 The risk factors of blood cancer-
·         Age
·         Smoking
·         Family history of blood cancer
·         HIV/AIDS
·         Solid organ transplant recipient
·         Certain type of infection
·         Compromised immune system
·         Exposure to certain chemicals
·         Exposure to radiation or certain type of chemotherapy
·         Personal history of certain blood cancer
·         Diet
 How to prevent the risk of blood cancer-
·         Adopt a healthy lifestyle
·         Maintain a balanced diet
·         Taking all the necessary safety measure
·         Avoiding getting exposed to the radiation
How is blood cancer diagnosed?
1.       Leukemia - your doctor will obtain a complete blood count test (CBC) which can identify abnormal level s of white blood cell relatives to red blood cell and platelets.
2.       Lymphoma- the doctor will need to perform a biopsy, which removes the small portion of tissue to be examined under a microscope. In some cases, your doctor may also order an X-ray, CT, and PET scan to detect swollen lymph nodes.
3.       Myeloma- doctor will order a CBC, or other blood or urine tests to detect chemical or proteins produced as a function of myeloma development .in some cases bone marrow biopsy, X-ray, MRI, PET and CT scans are used to confirm the presence and extent of the spread of myeloma.
What are the treatments of blood cancer?
Cancer treatment depends on the type of blood cancer you have, your age, how fast the cancer is processing in your body and whether the cancer has spread to other parts of your body. Because treatment of blood cancer vastly improved over the last decades, many type of blood cancers are now highly treatable.
Common treatments includes are following-
Chemotherapy- Anticancer drugs are introduced to the body to kill and halt the production of cancer cells.
Radiation therapy-this therapy used for cancer treatment uses high –energy rays to kill cancer cells.
Cancer surgery- this surgery treatment involves removing the affected lymph nodes to treat some lymphomas.
Immunotherapy- this therapy is used for activates the immune system to specifically kill cancer cells.
Can blood cancer kill us?
Every 9 minutes, someone in the U.S dies from blood cancer according to US specialist research.
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oncoplus · 3 years
FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.oncoplus.co.in/
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oncoplus · 3 years
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oncoplus · 3 years
Bone cancer treatment in Delhi
Bone cancer can be occurring in any bone in the body, but most commonly it affects the pelvis or the long bones. Like- arms, legs. Bone cancer is rare as compare to other type of cancers. It making up less than 1 percent as compare to other cancers. In fact, noncancerous bone tumors are much more common the cancerous ones. Some types of cancer occur primary in children and other affect mostly adults. Surgical treatment is common treatment for cancer but also chemotherapy and radiation may be utilized. Which treatment will be given to bone cancer patient it’s depend on type of bone cancer it may be surgical treatment, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Generally bone cancer is much easier to cure for a healthy person whose cancer has not spread. Bone pain caused by usually begins with tenderness in the affected bone. This gradually progress to a persistent ache or an ache that comes and goes. Which continues at night and when resting.  Here few Signs and symptoms of bone cancer-  Bone pain, swelling and tenderness near the affected area, weakened bone leading to fracture, fatigue, unintended weight loss.
Bone cancer diagnosed- the way of diagnosed bone cancer is to take a sample of affected bone area to the laboratory for testing. This is known as biopsy. A biopsy can determine which type of bone cancer do you have and what grade it is. Some laboratory blood tests help you to find bone sarcoma. People who have osteosarcoma or Ewing sarcoma may have higher alkaline phosphates and lactate dehydrogenises levels in blood.   MRI scans10 are often best for testing outlining a bone tumor. This is very helpful for looking at the brain and spinal cord. Now know about that food which helps you to get healthy from this disease- foods rich in calcium such as low fat dairy food like-milk, yogurt, cheese. Dark green leafy vegetables like- bok Choy,  broccoli, collard greens, and turnip greens, canned fish eaten with bones, or calcium-fortified .try to eat a calcium rich food at each meal. Generally patient with bone cancer turn to vitamins and supplements to reduce the side effects of cancer treatment.
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oncoplus · 3 years
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oncoplus · 3 years
A guide on Breast Cancer
A cancer forms cell in the breast that is breast cancer. Breast cancer start when the cells begin growing abnormally in the breast. These cell have the potential grow to out of control and invade the surrounding tissue. When this occurs this called the invasive breast cancer. Breast cancer occurs in female body and is also found in male body, but male are seen less often than girls. Breast cancer in man is a rare. That cancer develops in the breast tissue. Male also have breast tissue like female. Breast cancer occurring in men (male) is a rare case because it’s related to develop to the cells, glands or parts that store or product milk. The chance of arising breast cancer in men is 1 out of 900. Some warning symptoms of breast cancer is –new lump in the breast or underarm, thickening or swelling in the breast, irritation or dimpling of breast skin, redness or flaky skin in the nipple, pulling in the nipple, pain in the nipple area ,nipple discharge other than breast milk including blood, some change in the shape and size of the breast, pain in some area of the breast .
 How the breast cancer develop in the men? The development of breast cancer in the men or women is similar. The breast of the men is similar to a girl before the adolescence. During the adolescence women body start to produce more breast tissue along with fat but men naturally do not. Cancer always starts at the cellular stage. When new and healthy cells are develop to replace the old cells. But due to disturbance in the DNA when new cells are start to made, sometimes cells are growing out of control and begins to new cells abnormally which make the reason of developing of cancer .these can be either  benigns (non- cancerous),or malignant(cancerous). There is some risk factor of developing breast cancer and breast cancer can be control and protect by ourselves by reducing these habits – overweight- being overweight is the common risk factor of breast cancer having the more fat tissues refers to having a high level estrogen .which ultimately leads to a higher risk of cancer. Diet- who eat the healthy diet ti the daily routine life .they ultimately reduce the risk of breast cancer .we should eat the healthy and fat free diet in our daily food routine. Alcohol consumption – cancer specialist and latest researchers tell that the high risk of breast cancer if the alcohol consumption in body is high. Exposure to estrogen- if you are take drugs related to estrogen. Then you are likely to get breast cancer and we can say it you are at the risk.
There are also some risk factor is which we cannot control like –Older age- age is the main risk factor which cannot control. In men most breast cancer found at the age of 50 or older. Genetic mutations – inherited changes or mutation to certain genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2, men with these changes in the genes have a high chance of getting breast cancer. Personal or family history of Breast cancer –if you have already diagnosis with breast cancer then you most likely to get it again, if your family member like father, mother, sibling  have a link with breast cancer then your chances are raised. Liver disease-having disease related to liver such as cirrhosis or klinefelter syndrome which increases the female hormones the female hormone like estrogen in your body increases the chance of breast cancer. Radiation therapy-having radiation therapy on chest or around in childhood or adulthood can also increase the chance of breast cancer.for more deatail:https://www.oncoplus.co.in/breast-cancer-in-men-heres-how-it-happens/
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oncoplus · 3 years
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website : https://www.oncoplus.co.in/
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oncoplus · 3 years
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for more details :  https://www.oncoplus.co.in/
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