one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
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Hello to all!
My name is Kyojuro Rengoku and I am the pillar of Flames!
Please feel free to talk to me about what keeps your heart ablaze!
My ask box and chat are always open, let’s have a good time!
//This is a role play account open to all.
//Mod is +18
//Any art, videos or pictures posted doesn’t belong to me unless credited like that. DM for removal or credit! None of the Kimetsu no Yaiba are mine, they belong to Koyoharu Gotouge-Sensei. Minors DNI in subjects NSFW
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
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local gremlin cat boy makes appearance late at night. like / reblog if you’d be down to interact with the best cat person ( he said what he said ) in bleach. loved by sam.
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
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i finally did it. ↻ or ♡ if you would be down to interact with a BLEACH-CENTRIC MULTIMUSE ft muses such as zangetsu, katen kyokotsu, halibel & others. (i have a wide and varied palette in bleach muses, sue me.) low activity, loved & cherished by sam.
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
Found out Tumblr is just doing that™️ so I'm slightly fucked until whatever it is gets fixed by staff, but apparently I'm not the only one with the problem so idk.
We do love it when the title and bio keep resetting for no fucking reason.
Anyone know what might be causing that?
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
We do love it when the title and bio keep resetting for no fucking reason.
Anyone know what might be causing that?
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
A silhouette stands on a rooftop, overlooking a bustling city almost glowing with its flashing lights and constant cacophony of sounds. Tokyo was always busy, but this time of year it was unparalleled, a constant shifting mass of bustling bodies making it almost impossible for the various different coloured cars to make much progress on the roads between the massive buildings with their flashing lights...
He stands on the edge of the roof, his head flicking from side to side as he watches the chaos below, giving a gentle, content hum as he observes those below with fascination. He's very clearly not used to seeing so much going on in one place, at least judging by the awestruck expression on his face... Perhaps that's why he doesn't notice the person coming up behind him...
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
Send me  ‘ ☃️ ‘  for my muse to find yours lost, shivering out in the cold
send me  ‘ ☃️ + ‘  for your muse to find mine
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
01:  A memory from your character’s childhood
02:  A memory from your character’s teenage years
03:  A memory from your character’s career
04:  A memory that your character cherishes
05:  A memory that your character wishes to erase  
06:  Something that makes your character angry
07:  Something that makes your character happy
08:  Something that makes your character laugh
09:  Something that frightens your character
10:  Something that turns your character on
11:  Describe your character’s childhood friend
12:  Describe your character’s parents
13:  Describe your character’s former lover
14:  Describe your character’s present best friend
15:  Describe your character’s worst enemy
16:  What your character does on a day of
17:  What kind of books your character reads
18:  What kind of music your character likes
19:  What your character does when they wake up
20:  What your character is like at social events
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
Send ✧ for me to make an open starter!
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
First Interaction Starters!
“Hey- Oh! Sorry, thought you were someone else.”
“Do I know you? Cause I’d like to.”
“Oh sorry! I was zoned out!”
“Ooo, that’s an awesome tattoo!”
“Ah crap, the door’s locked.”
“Woah, that’s a cool eye color.”
“Where the hell am I?”
“Ugh… I think I’m lost. Can you help me?”
“Well this is a fun way to meet new people.”
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Don’t you know to look before you cross a street?!”
“You lost or something?”
“Do you need some help?”
“You need something?”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be walking around this part of town alone.”
“Hi, I’ve heard so much about you.”
“I think you knew my parents.”
“Hey, you dropped this.”
“Oh goodness! I’m so sorry!”
“Um… Hello…”
“What are you looking at?”
“Hey aren’t you ____?”
“Well I didn’t expect this to happen today.”
“I don’t know you, but will you marry me?”
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
Emoji Asks ✨
I like some of the redesigned emojis, so decided to make one of these~ if you want, please send me some! 
🦊 - do you have a central truth or philosophy you try to live by? 
💃 - do you like to dance, or be active?
🥀 - what do you believe about love?
🍁 - what is your favorite season?
🌋 - are you the kind to suppress emotions, then have them boil over?
🔥 - what makes you passionate?
☄️ - how do you think the world will end?
🏵 - do you doodle designs on your things or skin?
🍉 - have you ever spit watermelon seeds at somebody?
💐 - do you try to ‘stop and smell the roses’?
🌓 - do you believe everybody has duality in their personality?
⚜️ - what would make the perfect day for you?
🤞 - do you have people that you’re close with?
🐉 - do you believe in astrology? If so, what does your sign say about you?
❄️ - if you could have powers over any element, which would it be?
💎 - what do you value? (maybe physical things, emotional things)
🦋 - if you could fly, where would you go?
🌊 - do you enjoy art? If so, what kind?
🌌 - if given the choice, would you go to live on Mars, or travel the universe?
🕊 - are you inclined to forgive people?
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
Send "This Match Will Get Red Hot!" for my muse's battle theme song!
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
Meme Quote Starters
Feel free to switch any pronouns or worda. M/N means “muse name”
“You are not a clown. You are the entire circus”
“Is four a lot?”
“So anyways I started blasting”
“That wasn’t very cash money of you”
“Peace was never an option”
You know, I’m something of an scientist myself”
“Let me guess…your home?”
“Wait. That’s illegal”
“They played us like a damn fiddle!”
“We’ve been tricked, We’ve been backstabbed and we’ve been quite possibly, bamboozled”
“No talk with me I angy”
“I want fuit gummy”
“You are the enemy of the people”
“He’s too dangerous to be kept alive”
“Am I a joke to you?”
“This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever”
“Why have you brought Jesus?”
“We have you four to one”
“Weapons are part of my religion”
“I’m gonna do what’s called a pro-gamer move”
“I don’t know, seems kind of gay to me”
“Ight imma head out”
“I’m about to end this mans whole career”
“Do you want to explode?”
“I don’t need sleep, I need answers”
“What’s wrong with people?”
“I have become more powerful than any Jedi”
“You weren’t supposed to do that”
“I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess”
“I diagnose you with dead”
“So you have chosen…death”
“Time for a fucking crusade”
“M/N, Analysis”
“That’s illegal, people can’t do that”
“You guys are getting paid?”
“Why are you running?”
“Something wrong I can feel it”
“I am therefore leaving for Napal, where I intend to live as a goat”
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
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Like/Reblog if you’re willing to interact with a Cinder Fall rp blog
[rules] [verse page]
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
Send “What Happened?!” To Find My Muse Bleeding
Alternatively, send “it’s just blood” for my muse to find your muse bleeding.
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
Send a Symbol for a Headcanon
👁 : How good is their sight?
👅 : What is your muse’s favorite taste?
👄 : How does your muse kiss?
💄 : Favorite color lipstick?
💍 : Does your muse like to wear jewelry?
🧠 : How smart is your muse?
👃 : What’s your muse’s favorite smell?
🗣 : Does your muse have an accent?
👥 : Is your muse an introvert or an extrovert?
💪 : How strong is your muse?
👊 : Would your muse win in a fist fight?
👾 : Does your muse play any games?
🌂 : What’s your muse’s favorite kind of weather?
🌊 : Does your muse like the ocean or dry land better?
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