onyourlcft · 3 years
“I guess so. If you’re saying your version of me isn’t around anymore.” he pointed out to the boy. “How did we?? Was it Thanos? Was everyone not able to save the world?” He questioned, though he wasn’t completely sure he wanted the answer. “Come on, kid. We’ll talk. Catch up. Apparently we have a lot of it to do. I want to get to know my son.” Clint had decided then. HE wasn’t going to turn his back on a kid that says he was his son. Worse case, he got conned by a kid into taking care of him. Or being robbed but unless this kid was going to steal his coffee or his one eyed lab mix, he wasn’t getting much. 
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“So you’re really from other Earth then?” Francis asked his father, or the other version of him, whatever it was, now more confused than upset. He nodded. “Well, then you’re really from other Earth for sure. The Avengers died on my Earth and the only ones that remained were Mr. Banner and Mr. Stark” he replied then shrug. “I was going to grab something to eat but sure, we can go to your home. Sure, I think we have a lot to tall or it seems”.
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onyourlcft · 3 years
“Morgan..” Pepper breathed out, shocked to see her daughter, holding on tight. She didn’t want to let her go, feeling tears drip down her face as she clung to the younger woman. “I can’t believe you’re here. Thank god.” She whispered. “Have you seen your father? He’s here.” 
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@onyourlcft​ (pepper potts)
“mom is that you?” she hugs her mother. the girl was shocked to see her here.  
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onyourlcft · 3 years
“I have all my memories, kid. All of them.” He pointed out, watching the younger man. “Alright. So you’re my kid. And you had to deal with Ultron? Jeez kid, back where I’m from, I handled that mess. Wouldn’t have ever sicced my kid on him. Had the Avengers.” He pointed out, looking around like he was expecting something to pop up and attack him. “So you’re my...” He took a deep breath, nodding. “Alright. I can cope with this. What are you doing right now? I live near here. Seems like we should go back to my place and discuss some things. Figure out what we share in memories or experiences.” 
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“Huh?” Francis said with a blink, feeling confused. “You’re from other Earth or your memories wipe out? I heard about this in this town” he asked his father and felt upset about it. “I’m Francis, I’m from a different timeline. I know is confusing but is true. Back home you taught me how to deal with Ultron” he said trying the best he could to sparkle a memory to his father. Not now that he finally could hug his father again he couldn’t recognize Francis. He left out the part where he lost his father due to Ultron’s revenge.
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onyourlcft · 3 years
“You look perfect, Buck.” Steve smiled, a fond look on his face as he looked over the other man. “We don’t have to do anything fancy. As long as it’s just the two of us. And no trouble.” Steve chuckled, approaching Bucky and reaching to hold his hand. “We could just sit here and talk and I’d be happy because it would be the two of us. But I am excited, for wherever the night takes us” He confessed. 
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Is It A Date? Bucky & Steve
.。.:*☆ “So…” Bucky was nervous, that much was for sure. Since Steve had been back in his life, and his memories were returning, it was sometimes hard for the White Wolf to cope. But, he was looking forward to their night together. Enough to even go to get a new haircut first.
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“Do I look good enough? I did consider more fancy clothes first, since it is a date, but, honestly, I felt a little odd wearing them.”
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onyourlcft · 3 years
“An office to do some work in?” She asked. “I may not be running Stark Inc anymore, but I like doing something, to keep my hands busy. My mind busy. I can’t just sit and be idle. Not the same as you with the suits and the tech, but I’m bored without anything to do at all.” She pointed out, moving to curl up with her husband, kissing his cheek. “And maybe a garden. Something pretty to look at but functional too?”
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Start Of A New Life - Tony & Pepper
.。.:*☆ Having Pepper back at his side had for sure helped a lot in order for Tony to heal. Sure, his hadn, it would never be the same again. At least not without the glove he was wearing. It was very similar to his Iron man suit, just less noticable, and was keeping his hand from shaking so he could hold a pen or a cup when wearing it.
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“You know I was thinking… this palce had been only mine for so long.” Because, well, there was no one around besides Tony. And he had no interest in meeting and other women, either. “But, we should make it ours again. So, you should tell me what you would like, okay? Like, maybe a pool on the rooftop, or something like that?”
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onyourlcft · 3 years
Clint was glad that he had his hearing aids in, though he still had to glance away from the robbers to listen to what Diana had to say. “They never do. No matter how much you try.” He shook his head. “I’m just glad that they at least gave me time to finish my coffee this morning. I don’t do well decaf.” He said with a smirk. 
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@onyourlcft​ || Diana for Clint
.。.:*☆ “They have tried to rob this bank for the third time already now….” Diana sighed as she looked down at the small group of men. 
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“You would think they would learn it, at some point. But, obviously not… Anyway, thank you for your help. I didn’t even notice one of them was trying to run while the others were busy distracting me.”
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onyourlcft · 3 years
"It sounds nice. I’ve never been somewhere so...open about it all. Where I came from you had to hide. And even being in this time for as long as I have, it’s still strange to adjust. Sounds like the exact thing that could be fun, though, I have to admit.” 
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@onyourlcft (Anyone)
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 “I heard there is a karaoke night at the local gay club and I am so down. Can you imagine a group of gay theater nerds, drunk, singing Rent? I am ready.”
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onyourlcft · 3 years
“Sorry to tell you, but this isn’t a nightmare. It’s real. Confusing and very, very real. But the good thing is, it’s all going to be okay.” Danny had no way of knowing that, but it didn’t stop him from saying it out loud anyways. “My name’s Danny. What’s yours?” He was trying to calm her down, keep her from panicking. 
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@onyourlcft​ (any) 
“There is no way this is real. I must be dreaming . yep dreaming a nightmare. When i wake up i will be back in my Apartment”
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onyourlcft · 3 years
.。.:*☆ “You could cut the vegetables?” Karen was usually cooking all by herself, that was true. But, she also didn’t wanted Frank to feel left out. Not when she finally came to see him. “I do not know, to be all honest with you. There are still so many questions in my head. But it is better. Mean… i do at least finally know who I am, right?”
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“Vegetables. I can do that.” He drawled, moving towards the kitchen, setting up an area to cut whatever he was ordered to cut. “Knowing is better than not.” He agreed, looking over at her. “I’m just glad Matt ain’t here. Now I put a name to this nightmare face. I’m not scared of Red. Just...don’t need the judgement. And I know it’s going to come.” He pointed out to her, sighing and looking over at her. “He’s gonna show up one day. I can feel it in my bones. And this thing we got? It’s all going to go away because he’s going to convince you that I’m nothing but trouble.” He knew it was coming and he felt bad that he was dumping that on her. 
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onyourlcft · 3 years
Clint felt the arms around him before he could process what was actually going on. “How?” He managed to get out, not quite sure. “I...” He stared at the younger man, confusion all over his face. “This is some sort of trick.” he decided. “I don’t know how but it’s a trick.” He shook his head, stiffening. He had seen too many things that screwed with his head. 
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@onyourlcft​ (or other blog Clint might be)
Francis wasn’t expecting anything from home besides Azari. And he missed not just his team but his father in special. He was the one that taught him almost anything about archery and everything in general. Was weird not having them around and he felt lonely, though with Azari around. He wasn’t even paying attention when bumped up to someone else chest. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t saw you around and-” he was cut off after seeing the familiar face and he was surprised but then his smile lift up.
“Dad? Dad!” he said giving the man a bear hug.
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onyourlcft · 3 years
.。.:*☆ There were so many things Tony wanted to tell Pepper. So many things he wanted to ask her. Just, he was worried it would burst their little bubble of happiness. And that everything would just get complicated again. “Oh, nothing fancy. Just tinkering around a bit, I swear.” Which was harder since one of his hands got destroyed by the gauntlet. In a way that Tony could barely move his fingers now.
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“Just as long as you’re careful. I can’t...” she shook her head, watching him carefully, hands trailing over his jaw. “I can’t lose you, Tony. So you have to be careful. Please.” She practically begged, watching her husband and wishing she would be able to relax and think about life without worrying if Tony was going to wake up in the morning. She wanted to just know that her family, her life, was safe for once. "Give me good news, please." 
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onyourlcft · 3 years
.。.:*☆ “So, that means….” Maybe Bucks should not hesitate so much. It was not only that he didn’t trust himself anymore. But also that he had grown very pessimistic, without really any control over his life. But then… he had alswys been there. Steve had always been there. never letting Bucky down, even during his darkest hours.
“You do…” He swallowed down the lump in his throat. The touch was unexpected, but felt good. “You do love me, as well?”
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Steve softened even more, looking at Bucky and feeling his heart swell in a way he couldn’t ever remember. Of course his memory wasn’t great, but what he did remember was all centered around Bucky and everything they were to each other. “I do love you, Bucky. I lost everything else but I don’t think I could ever lose that.” He smiled at the other man, holding out a hand for him to come closer. “What do you say we go on a date?” He offered with a sappy grin. 
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onyourlcft · 3 years
“Flyboy? Please tell me that’s not the nickname that’s going to stick?” he laughed, shaking his head. “There’s gotta be something better.” He knew he’d accept it anyways, not that he was going to say that out loud. “I can’t think of any place else I’d rather be than drink with you. Absolutely let’s do it.” He smiled at her and turned in the direction of the nearest bar he was aware of. 
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@onyourlcft​ || Ahsoka for Sam
.。.:*☆ “Hey flyboy!” Ahsoka had not seen Sam since the events during the camping trip. But, she had been too worried about Anakin and his family with everything that had been going on there.
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“How about we grab a drink together, hm? Unless you already have someone else you want to spend the night with.”
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onyourlcft · 3 years
@soulcfthcstars​ || For Tony
“You know when I was considering retiring? Not exactly what I had in mind. Separated away from the company but also so many of our friends and family. No way to get home. So tell me, what’s going on in that brain of yours? What are you working on now?” She didn’t normally pry into Tony’s thoughts normally but she had little to do except worrying about what trouble he was getting up to.
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onyourlcft · 3 years
.。.:*☆ “I did not forget about you, no. I was just trying to… adapt, I guess.” A small smile showed up on her lips as karen stepped inside. “And then I felt bad, because you are very much going through the same, for sure. So, I decided to come by and cook something for us. Unless… you have other plans for tonight already, maybe?”
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“I don’t have any other plans, I promise.” He nodded, closing the door behind her. “What did you plan on cooking? Any chance I could help? Or am I doomed to just uselessly stand there and watch you do all the work.” He offered the barest hint of a smile. “Did it help? To get the space to adapt?” He questioned, honestly hopeful that she had gotten the answers he needed. 
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onyourlcft · 3 years
.。.:*☆ “That’s easy for you to say.” Bucky had never been exactly good with feelings. And, being so long under the control of HYDRA did not exactly help, either.
“See, Steve, I know we never talked about this…. because I never thought there would be a chance to. Not when you loved Peggy. But…. I do not know when it started. Maybe it was always there. But, I have feelings for you, Steve….” Damn. He couldn’t do it, could he? Bucky felt like an idiot standing there.
 “I…. care for you. More that I would care for a friend, usually. You know what I mean?”
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“It’s how I feel. I don’t know everything about the past, but I know that I want you around.” He promised the other man. He listened to everything Bucky said and melted a little, a soft smile on his face. “Bucky, I can’t remember everything yet. But I know that you’re important to me. More than a friend is important to me. More than anything else is important to me.” He stepped closer, reaching to brush a strand of Bucky’s hair out of his eyes. “I know what you mean and I’m there with you.” 
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onyourlcft · 3 years
Frank wasn’t sure how to handle this. So he threw himself into work. Training his new protege, working as much and as often as he could, forgetting everything that was starting to bubble up and the feelings he had for Karen most of all. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do or feel here. And then he heard the door. Opening the door he offered Karen a smile. “Good to see you. Started to feel like maybe ya forgot about me?” He teased, stepping aside for her to enter. 
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@onyourlcft​ || Karen for Frank
.。.:*☆ Karen knew it was not fair. After what had happened during their campingtrip, she had been hiding in her apartment for several days. Laying in her bed and just staring at the cailing most of the time.
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Now, when feeling she could somehow handle the memories coming back, she decided to visit Frank. Packed with everything to cook a nice dinner for them, she knocked on his door, hoping for him to actually be home.
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