opinionsofafool-blog · 12 years
Hey, hey, hey there best friend of mine. Try and smile today for me.
aww, dammit man...okay okay, just for you 
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opinionsofafool-blog · 12 years
Dear humanity
you're all a bunch of twats and I hope you die
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opinionsofafool-blog · 12 years
Hi, I'm obama, and I've got this shit in the bag 
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opinionsofafool-blog · 12 years
People bitching about people posting things on the internet.
Shut the fuck up. Nobody gives a shit about what you think. Nobody cares if you don't want some "mental images" or some stupid shit. I'll be honest, I don't want the mental image of you living, but I have to deal with it, don't I? 
But hey, I guess the internet is the place where moronic people like yourselves can thrive and prosper, right? You certainly can't do it in real life. 
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opinionsofafool-blog · 12 years
I might get to see my baby on my birthday!
Woo! :DDDD 
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opinionsofafool-blog · 12 years
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opinionsofafool-blog · 12 years
I thought I would be fine. I thought I would be fine! I wasn't fine.  
Late last night, spudstud gave me the link to this Japanese short film. It’s ten minutes long and I snapped photos of my face while watching it.
Let’s just say I cried quite a bit.
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About a minute in and I was already welling up.
Here come the lip trembles! This isn’t looking too good.
Okay it looks like I’m taking control of my emotions wait what just happened
Oh boy. Here come the waterworks.
(wistful siiiiiiigh)
Dear heavens what is this touching film (touches temple and sighs some more)
Ruh-roh here come the dribbles. This is why you should always have kleenex handy.
Cool kids don’t cry. Cool kids don’t cry. Cool kids don’t cry.
LOOK AT MY FACE LOOK AT ME WEEP (I added a moustache to cover the snot because it was gross)
Wipe your nose again, Ched. It’s over.
What did I just watch
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opinionsofafool-blog · 12 years
I love me some Heather, yes I dooo <3
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opinionsofafool-blog · 12 years
Just a little something~
Yesterday was just so amazing. I’m so happy that I can see him outside of school again. It makes me really happy knowing that my mom is willing to understand Chris and I’s relationship now, and letting me see him again. I’m also really happy that both Chris and I can forgive each other for all the stupid shit we’ve done in our pasts. I’m extremely thankful to have him back in my life. I knew there was a part of me missing and I’m so glad that I’m whole again. ♥
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opinionsofafool-blog · 13 years
Everybody else won, and I lost. That's pretty damn common for me I guess. 
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opinionsofafool-blog · 13 years
I guess the pills at least make me feel nothing. I guess feeling numb is better than being upset, or depressed, or angry, or something. 
That happiness thing still seems to be rather fucking elusive though. 
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opinionsofafool-blog · 13 years
So I lost most of my friends in the span of 10 minutes today. And now I have nowhere to go at school, no one to be or identify with. I hate pretty much everyone else so making new friends is not an option. Now my weekends will involve doing nothing constantly. I get extremely depressed when I'm stuck inside my house for days. There's not a single chance I have to do anything about any of this. My backpack is finally completely broken. I'm still doing terrible in school. I still hate the very fiber of my being, but I think I'm better than almost everyone else as well. I don't understand how my mind works, and I wish everything could just stop existing.
So please, someone remind me, why am I still alive? 
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opinionsofafool-blog · 13 years
Toy Story 3
Makes me cry like a bitch. 
Like a fucking bitch. 
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opinionsofafool-blog · 13 years
Can you imagine the sound it would make, landing on that? 
It's terrifying 
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opinionsofafool-blog · 13 years
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opinionsofafool-blog · 13 years
I fucking love Tyler, The Creator
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opinionsofafool-blog · 13 years
Why does facial hair make everything funnier
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