optimizemro · 1 year
IMDS Services | IMDS Support | MDS Validation | ComplianceXL
ComplianceXL strives to be a one-stop-shop for all supply chain compliance requirements, including consulting, training, software deployment, and data collection. We assist clients and all of their key internal and external stakeholders in meeting their obligations by implementing a transparent and well-structured compliance program. Our services extend beyond initial implementation - whether it is partial support or a full compliance management program. We also provide ongoing support services. For more details Visit:https://www.compliancexl.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Business Process Transformation | Business Change Management
OptimizeMRO is the Smart Solutions destination for MRO Services, powered by Enventure. We are focused on simplifying inventory optimization, enabling master data excellence, and energizing asset management for our clients. For more details Visit:https://www.optimizemro.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
CMMS Asset Management | ERP & EAM Support | OptimizeMRO
For every asset-intensive organization, it is essential to have effective enterprise systems (ERP Support, EAM, CMMS asset management) that serve as a central system of record, driving all transactions and ensuring all functional groups are able to make intelligent decisions, adhering to defined processes. From a maintenance perspective, the goals are centered on maximizing plant uptime and improving reliability service, whereas, for Supply chain, the goals may be for reducing inventory and lowering costs, without increasing risks. Our host of ERP and EAM/CMMS support services enable clients to implement, integrate, upgrade, or enhance their systems. Our deep expertise in master data management, supply chain optimization, maintenance, and reliability service ensures that you have a team that is not just technically competent but is domain experts as well. A key challenge most organizations face is in terms of quality of data within their ERP or EAM/ CMMS asset register systems. Our comprehensive set of MRO solutions deliver that very crucial piece – accurate Data within the ERP/EAM. We help you build well-structured Material Masters, Asset BOMs, SPIR records, or MRO/Spare Parts information with the most critical information set right to ensure the ERP/EAM system delivers the desired ROI. For clients who have legacy data, we also support MRO Data Cleansing and Enrichment, as well as MRO Data Classification to ensure the data is enhanced to ideal quality levels. OptimizeMRO is the Smart Solutions destination for MRO Services, powered by Enventure. We are focused on simplifying inventory optimization, enabling master data excellence, and energizing asset management for our clients. For more details Visit:https://www.optimizemro.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Master Data Classification | UNSPSC Classification | Master Data | Partlinq
Is your MRO material master data well classified? Is Spend Analytics giving you the insights you wanted? A comprehensive material master Data Classification system will lead to benefits in different areas, one of which is improved spend analytics. Most executives struggle with gaining insights into inefficient purchases, and root cause analysis usually points to poor data classification and analytics. The most popular product classification systems are UNSPSC Classification, eCl@ss, ETIM, MESC, etc., A well-classified materials database will enhance analytics, enabling you to derive supplier intelligence, identify cost-reducing areas, and gain insights into inventory movements, among other benefits. The most popular product classification systems are UNSPSC, eCl@ss, ETIM, MESC, etc., and we have extensive experience selecting and implementing the right system based on client requirements. We have the skills and tools necessary to efficiently classify materials and suppliers in a client’s master database using the master data classification system of their choice. In addition, we assist our clients in developing custom classification systems, in order to meet specific needs not covered by standard classification schemas. Furthermore, we assist clients with implementing multiple classification systems or mapping items across classifications such as eCl@ss to UNSPSC or the other way around. It is quite common for companies to request a mapping from UNSPSC to eCl@ss, or vice versa, since these two taxonomies are quite popular across industries. Managing and integrating product data efficiently and effectively across a broader range of companies in an upstream or downstream supply chain is possible when classifications are mapped accurately. Identifying the correct class for the material is essential in UNSPSC to eClass mapping, which is often done incorrectly by automated methods. It is crucial to analyze each material group intelligently before mapping to either classification system, to identify common description segments and patterns for synonymy. Partlinq™ by Enventure is an innovative Master Data Governance (MDG) platform that enables organizations to maintain master data quality through a Cloud-based solution.For more information Visit:https://partlinq.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Master Data Governance | MRO Data Governance | OptimizeMRO
Master data governance, Cleaning your MRO materials database as a one-time activity is really a tactical step and one half of the overall process; from a strategic perspective, you also need to think of how to maintain the data maintain integrity and consistency in the long term – develop a Master Data Governance Strategy The involvement of multiple stakeholders who have access to the data via multiple systems (such as ERP, CMMS or EAM systems) makes Master data governance quite a challenge since these systems are not designed with Master data governance as a top priority. With a large number of daily supply chain transactions, data quality decays quickly. Soon, the organization is analyzing and reporting KPIs based on incorrect data. Our MRO data governance solutions are designed to preserve data quality.
Master Data Governance is delivered via our Partlinq® MDG platform, which serves as a central platform for users across the organization. The platform is provided as a managed service. You can be confident that you have professionals managing your data quality, avoiding the risks of inconsistent data corrupting the system. Our ISO 8000-certified data specialists will also enable you to implement data taxonomy and data quality policies, across multiple data systems and assure that you maintain control of your catalogs. OptimizeMRO is the Smart Solutions destination for MRO Services, powered by Enventure. We are focused on simplifying inventory optimization, enabling master data excellence, and energizing asset management for our clients. For more details Visit:https://www.optimizemro.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Data Transformation | Business transformation | OptimizeMRO
OptimizeMRO is an end-to-end data transformation solution allows organizations to transform, enrich and analyse their data across the functions to set your business up for success.
One of the first business functions to benefit from significant technology upgrades was supply chain management, as the systems are designed to provide insights based on the data inputted into ERP / EAM systems. In general, these systems focus on streamlining transactional activities such as planning, supporting major operations such as warehouse management, and improving decision-making analysis.
Data-driven supply chain transformations can help you achieve more accurate and consistent forecasts, offer faster responses to customer demands, improve inventory management, and reduce costs. It is not just about transforming the data; but about transforming your entire supply chain by combining all the people, processes, and technology involved in getting information to where it needs to go.
OptimizeMRO is the Smart Solutions destination for MRO Services, powered by Enventure. We are focused on simplifying inventory optimization, enabling master data excellence, and energizing asset management for our clients. For more details Visit:https://www.optimizemro.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Procurement strategy |Procurement Cost Reduction| OptimizeMRO
Effective procurement strategies reduce procurement costs and improve efficiency, improving an organization’s competitive advantage. The absence of a procurement strategy, however, can result in an organization spending more time and money than necessary on goods and services.
We serve as a fresh set of eyes for our clients, to open their eyes to various opportunities for procurement cost reduction, and this goes through multiple stages, right from consulting and implementation to ongoing support.
At any given time today there could be an industry that is doing well or doing badly, for various reasons; and most executives will tell you their key challenge is ‘costs’ across the supply chain. Most organizations have already done the standard steps that can produce quick cost reduction benefits, including supplier renegotiations. But the key question is: What are the low hanging fruits that the organization is not seeing?
The goal for every organization is to intelligently reduce costs without creating an unwelcome level of risk. Every company has opportunities for optimizing procurement and inventory costs in order to reduce MRO costs. You only need to identify them, uncover them, and implement changes fast enough to deliver tangible savings. In order to reduce MRO costs, we take a multifaceted approach, balancing benefits versus risks. Various areas can contribute to savings, including reductions in the cost of sourcing, lower procurement overheads, efficient supplier rationalization, lower-cost alternative sourcing, improved vendor contract management, and reduced inventory carrying costs.
To learn more about how OptimizeMRO can enable you to reduce costs and improve bottom-lines for you with effective procurement cost reduction strategies, speak to one of our Supply Chain Consultants today!
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optimizemro · 1 year
Digital Transformation | Digital supply chain | OptimizeMRO
Enhancing productivity and optimizing costs are very desirable and high priority goals towards improving the efficiency of operations, reliability, and inventory management. Today, all organizations must run leaner, be agile and responsive to customers and stakeholders, and make strategic decisions based on data and analytics. By embracing and leading digital transformation within their own function, asset-intensive organizations have significant potential to become a market leader.
By embedding technologies across businesses, digital transformation can drive fundamental change leading to increased efficiency, improved business agility, and ultimately, better stakeholder relationships.
Different companies have different needs when it comes to digital transformation. Besides organizational and operational changes, there is also a cultural change involved. Organizations must continuously challenge their existing business practices to find better solutions. Fundamentally, business transformation has been focused on creating affordable products and increasing operations digitally to maximize business growth.
OptimizeMRO is the Smart Solutions destination for MRO Services, powered by Enventure. We are focused on simplifying inventory optimization, enabling master data excellence, and energizing asset management for our clients. For more details Visit:https://www.optimizemro.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
MRO Crib Crawl Services | Partlinq
A storeroom manager’s top priority is to make sure that the right spare part is available when needed and without overstocking MRO spare parts. This may sound simple, but often, the big challenge is that the systems (ERP, CMMS, EAM) tell a different story than store reality. In other cases, there are spare parts in the store, but there is no matching part in the ERP/CMMS system. So in reality, it is not even known that the item is in stock. The solution to this tangle is MRO Crib Crawl services.
The process of crib crawl involves inspecting, identifying, and counting the stock of items (parts, SKUs, materials) in a storeroom (or warehouse) of a Plant, Manufacturing unit, factory, repair center, or any other location.
The need for crib crawl Due to gaps in updating legacy information, migrations, stock transfers, data entry errors, etc., system data may lack accurate stock information. The availability of stock information is critical for Maintenance, Supply Chain, and Procurement functions. To ensure the right part is available at the right time, it is imperative to know what they carry and the number of parts they have in stock. This will help avoid overstocking MRO parts. By using a crib crawl service, an asset-intensive organization can create an updated and accurate baseline for the inventory position which further leads to cost reduction and higher plant reliability. Partlinq™ by Enventure is an innovative Master Data Governance (MDG) platform that enables organizations to maintain master data quality through a Cloud-based solution.For more information Visit:https://partlinq.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Sustainability in MRO - OptimizeMRO
We at OptimizeMRO understand the importance of sustainability for organizations to remain committed to making a long-term contribution to society and the environment. Sustainability in MRO Materials impacts their procurement and sourcing practices and identifies opportunities to reduce waste, conserve resources, and reduce their carbon footprint.
Our Approach to Sustainable MRO Material Management As part of our service, our team of experts will assess your current procurement and sourcing practices, identify opportunities for improvement, and develop a sustainable plan that aligns with your values and goals.
Embracing sustainability in MRO goes beyond procurement and sourcing and encompasses the entire MRO process, from initial planning to end-of-life disposal. OptimizeMRO believes that sustainable MRO practices minimize environmental impact, reduce waste, and conserve resources.
Our Services for Sustainable MRO Material Management Some of the ways in which we support implementation of sustainability best practices for MRO materials are:
Environmental Impact Assessment: Our team will evaluate all aspects of your MRO materials procurement and sourcing practices, including raw material sourcing, transportation, and disposal. Our analysis will identify areas for improvement in your current practices in terms of their environmental impact. Sustainable Sourcing & Procurement: As part of our sustainability strategy, we’ll help identify suppliers that prioritize sustainability. In terms of sustainable sourcing and procurement of your MRO materials, our experts deliver a tailored strategy to meet your organization’s specific needs. OptimizeMRO is the Smart Solutions destination for MRO Services, powered by Enventure. We are focused on simplifying inventory optimization, enabling master data excellence, and energizing asset management for our clients. For more details Visit:https://www.optimizemro.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Procurement Support Outsourcing | OptimizeMRO
Companies world over have realized the value in outsourcing tasks which are not core to their business, as it helps them focus on their strategic objectives. Procurement Support Outsourcing is one such area, where key transactional procurement activities can be easily handled by an expert third-party provider like OptimizeMRO.
We offer a variety of customized procurement support solutions, to meet clients’ specific needs and guarantee a high level of efficiency in the procurement and supply chain management process. Most of the transactional work involved in the procurement process are very system driven, can be well defined and measurable with clear KPI metrics. This removes any element of ambiguity and hence becomes an ideal candidate for outsourcing. Opting for procurement outsourcing can give your team the time and energy to focus on their core functions and meet strategic objectives.
Some of the typical sourcing and procurement support tasks which can be outsourced are:
Strategic Sourcing Support:
Alternate part / vendor identification
RFI / RFQ support
Bid management, quote equalization
Category management
Vendor qualification & onboarding
Contract and Performance management
Supplier quality monitoring
Spend Management
Our Procurement Support Outsourcing professionals can help ensure your procurement department is lean and efficient by ensuring materials are delivered on time and reducing overhead costs. We have purchase specialists with experience on a variety of ERP systems, including SAP, Oracle, Infor, and Maximo, and have worked with suppliers around the world on various commodities.
OptimizeMRO is the Smart Solutions destination for MRO Services, powered by Enventure. We are focused on simplifying inventory optimization, enabling master data excellence, and energizing asset management for our clients. For more details Visit:https://www.optimizemro.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Our MRO Data Cleansing and Enrichment service is designed to provide your organization a complete and accurate MRO database. We consolidate data from multiple systems – EAM, ERP, CMMS – to review what data is relevant to the business, and then do a cleaning and enrichment exercise to ensure a golden database is created. Through this database, you can de-duplicate and categorize accurately, and provide detailed descriptions to assist informed decision-making. The database also offers spend analytics and business intelligence, which can be extremely useful for maximizing MRO spend while taking into account risk factors and asset criticality factors.
Managed Services offered by Partlinq include MRO Data Cleansing and Enrichment for Mining, Oil & Gas, Food and Beverage, Pharma, and Chemical industries. For asset-intensive organizations, improving the MRO supply chain process is vital for increasing plant uptime and reliability. The key is to have the right part available at the right time, and not to purchase on a whim or have excessive inventory. Partlinq™ by Enventure is an innovative Master Data Governance (MDG) platform that enables organizations to maintain master data quality through a Cloud-based solution.For more information Visit:https://partlinq.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Business Process Transformation | Business Change Management
Business Process Transformation | Business Change Management At OptimizeMRO, we believe that our expertise lies in transforming businesses – by leveraging our deep industry knowledge and expertise of best practices, we help enterprises identify and transform their business processes to reduce costs and increase efficiencies. Plan for success It is critical for organizations to make smarter decisions about where to focus their resources by giving them the power to transform their business operations, better align processes across functions and make data-driven decisions for success. Delivering optimized processes across the enterprise helps reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve sustainability. Our experts can transform your company’s view of its own operations for an improved bottom line. Business Process Transformation Model To start the transformation process, you must understand the context and drivers, by finding answers to these questions:
What are the external factors influencing your organization’s business – social, regulatory, macroeconomic, etc? What kind of experience do your suppliers, vendors, and customers expect from you? Do we meet those expectations? What are the major business risks and what are the steps taken to monitor and mitigate those risks? Does the organization harness and expand the knowledge of internal SMEs? OptimizeMRO is the Smart Solutions destination for MRO Services, powered by Enventure. We are focused on simplifying inventory optimization, enabling master data excellence, and energizing asset management for our clients. For more details Visit:https://www.optimizemro.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
The MRO Data Cleansing and Enrichment service is designed to provide your organization with an integrated and accurate database of MRO parts (Material Master). In this process, we consolidate data from multiple systems (EAM, ERP, CMMS) at the client’s end, review what data is relevant to today’s business, and then do a cleansing and enrichment exercise to ensure that a golden database is created. Using this database, you will be able to duplicate and classify accurately, and provide detailed descriptions that support internal decision making. Also, the database provides spend analytics as well as business intelligence, which can be very helpful for maximizing MRO spend while taking risk and criticality factors into account.
OptimizeMRO is the Smart Solutions destination for MRO Services, powered by Enventure. We are focused on simplifying inventory optimization, enabling master data excellence, and energizing asset management for our clients. For more details Visit:https://www.optimizemro.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Data Governance Program In Improving And Enhancing Wrench Time & Asset Management System
OptimizeMRO is the Smart Solutions destination for MRO Services, powered by Enventure. We are focused on simplifying inventory optimization, enabling master data excellence, and energizing asset management for our clients. For more details Visit:https://www.optimizemro.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
Our MRO Data Cleansing and Enrichment service is designed to provide your organization a complete and accurate MRO database. We consolidate data from multiple systems – EAM, ERP, CMMS – to review what data is relevant to the business, and then do a cleaning and enrichment exercise to ensure a golden database is created. Through this database, you can de-duplicate and categorize accurately, and provide detailed descriptions to assist informed decision-making. The database also offers spend analytics and business intelligence, which can be extremely useful for maximizing MRO spend while taking into account risk factors and asset criticality factors.
Partlinq™ by Enventure is an innovative Master Data Governance (MDG) platform that enables organizations to maintain master data quality through a Cloud-based solution.For more information Visit:https://partlinq.com/
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optimizemro · 1 year
MRO Data Governance | Master Data Management Software | Partlinq
The cloud-based platform, Partlinq™, allows organizations to implement a centralized MRO data governance system based on technology to enforce quality standards and maintain the quality of their MRO data. Partlinq’s platform takes advantage of our two decades of Expertise in Master Data Excellence, the MRO commodity expertise, our industry-based experience, and our proprietary technologies to offer our clients a truly unique and affordable solution.
With a efficient MDG program, data integrity is guaranteed across ERP and EAM/CMMS systems, which enhances decision-making intelligence for plant operations, equipment maintenance, inventory management, and reliability engineering.
Partlinq™ that integrates with most major ERP and EAM systems such as SAP, Oracle, IBM Maximo, and many more. In today’s global business environment, the multilingual capabilities of Partlinq MDG™ make it more valuable and acceptable to asset-intensive organizations worldwide.
By combining our managed service model with the master data management software Partlinq™ platform, organizations can gain control over their inventory, ensure the availability of the right MRO part at the right time, and implement an effective MRO master data governance framework.
Partlinq™ by Enventure is an innovative Master Data Governance (MDG) platform that enables organizations to maintain master data quality through a Cloud-based solution.For more information Visit:https://partlinq.com/
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