orangeenergy · 5 years
Examples of Affirmations
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Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels
Hello, everyone! How’s your week so far? It’s Friday night here and I am feeling happy and excited to spend my weekend with my loved ones. So, without further delay, here are a few ideas for affirmations which you can use to bless your daily lives (And yes, I will keep this post short :D )
For Love and Peace
 I am happy
 My mind is at peace
 I am calm and relaxed at all times
 My thoughts are under my control
I am surrounded by love
 I radiate love and peace
I have loving relationship with my wife/husband
I am at peace with the Universe
I love and accept myself
I am surrounded with loving people
I am loving and accepting of others
I trust the wisdom of my inner being
I am always connected with Divine Love
   For Prosperity and Success
I am getting wealthier every day
I study and learn fast
I have the perfect job
I am living in my dream house
I am successful in whatever I do
I always have enough money
Everything is getting better every day
For Health
My body is healthy
I have lots of energy and vitality
I can control my health
I can maintain my ideal weight
Obviously, you can tinker with these and come up with your own to exactly suit your personal goals and desires. Just remember to keep them positive, present tense, and passionate.
Well, off to weekend! Yay! Stay happy!
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orangeenergy · 5 years
How to Make Affirmations
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Photo by Binti Malu from Pexels
Remember that affirmations program the mind as you would program your computer. In the computing world there is an acronym: GIGO. It stands for: Garbage In, Garbage Out. This means that your computer can and will only respond to what is input into its system. If your machine is running cleanly, then you download and install a program and your computer crashes, it’s likely that the program had a virus. If you put garbage into a computer, you can expect to get garbage out.
So, how do we make affirmations?
Be Genuinely Positive
It is the same with the human mind. You cannot consistently program your mind with negativity and expect that good things will be the result. When you approach the affirmations process, you must make certain that you do so with a positive frame of mind. Making successful affirmations is far more than speaking a few words in a set order. You may speak ten different affirmations each morning and evening, but if you don’t really believe that the whole affirmation process can work, you will most likely follow each one with a negative thought or comment that screws up all your good work. For example:
You affirm: “I am a happy and successful person.”
You think: Yeah, buddy, in your dreams.
You affirm: “I am a wealthy individual.”
You think: Sure, once I win the lottery.
You affirm: “My mind is at peace with the world.”
You think: When I’m half-cut perhaps.
You get the idea. Making positive affirmations is not enough. You must believe them to be true to the exclusion of any and all counterproductive thoughts or feelings. Cynicism is a sure fire way to negate positive affirmations.
Use Positive Wording
Although it may seem silly even mentioning that positive affirmations should be positive, this is an essential part of framing a positive affirmation and refers to the specific words you choose. For example, to quit smoking, you should not say: “I don’t want to smoke any more.” Instead, you could try: “I am free from smoking”, or “I live a smoke-free, healthy life.” Your affirmations should be about what you desire to happen, not about what you don’t want to happen.
Use the Present Tense
We live our lives in the present moment. It may not seem that way when you are worrying about the future or regretting the past, but there is really nothing more than what is happening now. We hear people say that you have to live in the moment, and we understand the sense in doing so, but it remains a notoriously difficult practice to master.
However, in positive thinking and in positive affirmations especially, the present tense is paramount; if not your ability to actually live in the moment, certainly your willingness to accept its importance in reprogramming your mind.
Your mind works in the present tense. It knows no other way to think. We create a past for ourselves in our memories and the emotions attached to them. We build a future for ourselves with our hopes and desires, or fears and sorrows. But our mind lives in the now. This means that any negative thoughts about your past that you carry with you at this moment create your present. You are perpetuating your past. You know how this works. If you recall a very sad situation, even from many years ago, it can make you cry. Your mind is interpreting this memory as happening now, and creates an appropriate response. It cannot differentiate between what happened ten years ago and what happened ten seconds ago; it can only react to what is in your mind right now.
The upshot for your positive affirmations is that they must be phrased so that the mind can act upon them at this moment in time, therefore you must use the present tense.
Let’s take the obvious example, and assume you want to be rich. You have three options as to how this is phrased:
Ø    The past tense – In this case you might say: “I always wanted to be rich.” Your mind takes this to mean that you did want to be rich but not any more, therefore it does not take the required actions to bring it about.
Ø    The future tense – In this case, you might say: “I will be a rich person.” This might seem the obvious choice because you are planning for your future, but this is also the wrong way to phrase your affirmations. Your mind interprets this as meaning that you will be rich in the future, but not now, so fails to take any action.
Ø    The present tense – In this scenario, you might say: “I am a rich person.” Don’t worry, your mind is not going to take issue with you on this because you may not actually have very much money; rather it will respond by attempting to create the circumstances to match the affirmation. You have, in effect, given your mind an order that must be acted upon now.
If this smacks of a little self-delusion, this is just something you have to cope with. You are programming your mind in the way it must be programmed. Clearly, you have to exercise a little caution here. Telling your mind you are rich does not instantly put money in the bank. If you see a Ferrari drive by, you can say: “That Ferrari is my car”, but that does not mean you should run to your bank and withdraw all your funds to put down a deposit at your local Ferrari dealership. Such behavior will obviously provoke immense panic on your part once you realize you now can’t buy a tin of beans for dinner, and thus it will work against your positive attitude.
Talking in the present tense is not about deluding yourself or ignoring your current reality; it is about giving your mind orders in the language it best understands.
Be Passionate
This almost goes without saying, because if you have heartfelt desires you should automatically be passionate about them. However, there may be times in your life when the burdens of the world are weighing on you and your affirmations take a knock. Your mood drops and you cannot summon the enthusiasm for even those people or things closest to your heart. Just remember that this can become a vicious circle, and the only way to break it is to replace your negativity with positive thoughts. Making the effort to repeat your affirmations passionately can help resurrect your mood in very little time.
Add Visualization and Other Senses
This may come naturally to some people who think in visual images, but it is something everyone should be practicing when they speak their positive affirmations. This is most effective when you have a little quiet time for your affirmations, so you can sit down and close your eyes and back up your words with your senses.
Let’s stick with the Ferrari example. Owning a Ferrari might represent the pinnacle of achievement for some people. It may be the only affirmation they utter, because they know that they will only come to own one through the attainment of riches generally.
So here’s the affirmation: “I own a Ferrari F430 Spider.” Naming the car makes it specific and personal and allows for a deeper emotional involvement. But to make this affirmation as powerful as possible, you should know what one looks like so you can visualize it and see yourself sitting in it; you should know what one sounds like; you should be able to smell the leather interior; you should be able to feel the vibrations from the engine.
Your intention must be to convince your mind that your affirmation is real in every detail, and this means bringing as many senses into play as possible.
Be Patient and Persevere
There is a saying: “Good things come to those who wait.” Affirmations do not produce immediate results, so be prepared for this. Unless you win the lottery, your dreams of instant riches are unrealistic. Depending on the desired outcome of your affirmation, you may be waiting days, weeks, months or years. Be patient and keep up with your affirmations.
As Often as Possible
Your affirmations need to be spoken regularly for them to be effective. This is where the analogy with computers ends. You program a computer once and it is all set up. Not so with affirmations. Affirmations work with repetition. In this respect, it is more akin to training a puppy. You get it to obey the command to sit, but the next time it is too interested in chewing your shoe. It is only with repetition that the penny finally drops and you achieve your desired results. The mind needs to be trained in exactly the same manner.
Your mind is prone to drifting and going its own sweet way. This is why so many people are at the mercy of their emotions and their thoughts; why their lives seem so out of control. The orders you give to your mind need to be given regularly. Could you train a dog by telling it to “Sit!” once a week? Equally, no matter how many times you told it, could you train a dog by telling it “I always wanted you to sit!”, or “You will sit tomorrow!”? The only way to do it is to speak in the present tense and repeat the order until the message gets through. This also highlights the importance of keeping your affirmations short and to the point. This makes them easier to remember and punchier.
As for exactly how many times to repeat your affirmations, the answer is as often as possible. You should always strive to do this in the morning and the evening out loud. These might be 5 to 10 minute sessions that really focus the mind. However, the time in the morning when you are still half-asleep in bed is also ideal because your brainwaves are still in alpha, which is considered the optimum brainwave activity for connection with the universe. During the day, of course there will be times when you are concentrating on other matters, but there will also be numerous opportunities when it is possible. Whenever your mind is free, put it to work with your affirmations. Even if you cannot speak out loud or close your eyes and engage your senses, repeat your affirmations mentally to yourself.
As far as possible, try to attain a relaxed mood during your affirmations. Stress and tension detract from your mind’s ability to focus.
Thank you for reading and feel free to share this message to the people you care about. Let’s talk about useful affirmations on my next post. 
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orangeenergy · 5 years
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If you’d like something done, do it now. 
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orangeenergy · 5 years
Happiness and Inner Peace
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Photo by Darwis Alwan from Pexels
Happiness is a long sought after-goal. It is the end of the rainbow. What does it take to be happy? Is it money? Clothes? Losing 10 lbs of weight? Is it by having a particular group of friends who likes you? 
Short answer: No. 
Happiness relies on having inner peace. It is about being satisfied with what you have, with who you are, with how life is going. I read a lot of spiritual texts and the message is always the same: believe that everything, every single thing that is happening in your life, happens for a reason. And that, sometimes, when it looks like this negative event, it turns out that it is an event that is for your benefit. It is about finding a happy space within yourself and finding the inner calm in you. 
It is about finding this stillness within you and taping into it as much as possible.  Sometimes, there is darkness outside and it is so hard to recall this inner peace. It is hard to do this, it is hard to remember, but inner peace never goes away: “Because here’s the thing. The stillness of which I am speaking will never leave you. And the reason for this is simple. It is what you are. The stillness that you feel when you open your heart and mind to it is your own stillness. It isn’t coming to you from some far-off deity or another…” (https://www.thehappyseeker.com)
So, the question remains: how do we remember to find this inner peace? 
First, you need to recognize those moments that bring inner peace into your daily life. What makes you happy? What calms you down? -- The scent of your baby’s hair, the orange sunshine, your favorite music, solitude... -- Whatever those moments are, you need to recognize them and bring them into your life in moments of troubles or difficulties. Go back to those moments and feel inner calmness and tranquility. 
It not that easy, though. You need to work on it. Once you have learned to recognize which moments bring you peace of mind, you need to turn your peace of mind into a habit. And yes, it is possible. 
To make all of these possible, you need to change few mental habits, practice meditation, and few other means that would help you improve concentration, be more patient, etc. 
So, cultivate this inner peace, find the path within you to settle your worries away, to inner bliss, to happiness. I wish you luck, happiness, peace, and love. 
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orangeenergy · 5 years
Home is the Happiest  and Safest Place in the World
“The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family.”—Thomas Jefferson.
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Photo by Michael Morse from Pexels
The world may be a dreary, dreadful, and dangerous place to venture into. There may be cut-throat competition in which survival of the mean, cunning, and bully only is possible.  It may not be a place for gentle, honest, and kind person like you.  It is full of people who would always try to take advantage of you and take away your happiness.  
You need a sanctuary from them. You need a place where there is love and care, understanding and compassion, give and take.  You need somebody who could guide and protect you.  You need somebody who could be equal partner in your joys and sorrows.  You need somebody upon whom you could shower your love and care.  You need a home and a family.
Parents sacrifice a lot and endure great hardships in up-bringing their children. They are selfless in their love and can even lay their lives for the protection of their children.  A spouse is a lifetime partner in your days of sunshine and rain. Brothers and sisters are your friends and supporters.  Your children are your lifetime fans who love you unconditionally.  The love, care, and support of family is a great happiness.  Blessed is the person who has got a family.  And who amongst us has not got one?  
You are born into a family and grow up within a family.  A family not only provides comfort, enjoyment, and security, but it also gives emotional and spiritual bliss.  In fact, one may find so much happiness within family that he may not need to search it outside it. The love and care of parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, wife or husband, sustain us.  Though love is one and the same, yet the love of each is so different too.  A family may extend beyond these immediate relations and may include grandparents, grandchildren, in-laws, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, and other relatives.
Can all the money of the world buy the love and affection of one’s parents?  Can one be happy without them?  How much enjoyment and happiness do they bring to our lives?  Similar is the case with brothers and sisters, spouse, and children.  
Our family is our greatest source of happiness. Whether you are a single parent, a child living under the care of foster parents, a grandchild living with grandparents -- those people living with you under the same roof who shower you with love and care, those people who keep you safe and warm, they are your family -- you have a family.   
Bertrand Russell said, ‘I have found the happiness of parenthood greater than any other that I have experienced.’  Home is indeed the happiest place in the world because it is where your family is -- it is where love is. 
When you kiss your child, don’t you get a kiss in return?
When you hug your sister, don’t you get a hug in return?
When you love your spouse, don’t you get love in return?
Let’s not take our family for granted. Let’s not forget to visit our old folks. When you feel lost and lonely, remember that you can always find your way back home. Remember that you have a family who’s always waiting for you.
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orangeenergy · 5 years
The Positive Mindset Diet
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Photo by: Pixabay from Pexels
Are you constantly bombarded by thoughts of negativity? Plagued by feelings of insecurity? Do you see everything negatively? The reason for this lies deep within your heart. You are what you mentally and spiritually eat. If a person drinks alcohol on a daily basis, odds are their body will be affected in some way. They may have liver issues, develop cancer or incur some other type of health problem directly related to the amount of alcohol they have consumed. In the same way, a person who constantly feeds themselves negative thoughts will simply turn into a negative person.
This is the time to go on a diet -- A diet of positive attitude mindset. You have to literally stop feeding your mind negative things. Ask yourself is this thought negative or positive or negative? What do negative thoughts look like? Well, they start with can't rather than can, no as opposed to yes, won’t and not will.  The problem in our society  has become that our thoughts have taken us captive. We have begun to let our thoughts control us.
A great way to know what we are negative about is to ask those people who are closest to us. You can ask your spouse or someone you trust who really knows you how they would rate your attitude on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being super positive and 1 super negative. Ask this person to be totally honest with you. You will benefit from their honesty even if it causes you pain. Ask this person what it is that you specifically say that they perceive as negative.
Write down what they say and look at the actual words. Now is the time to be honest with yourself. Those words are a reflection of what is inside you. They are who you are. The great thing is that you can change. It is as simple as making a choice to do so. You must decide to replace the thoughts of negativity with optimism. Exert effort to insert these new positive thoughts in your mind. You will begin to notice a positive change taking place in your life. Your family, friends, and co-workers will all notice it as well.
The items which are causing negativity in your life could very well be the news, movies, constantly replaying tragedy in your mind, and the list could go on. These things should be eliminated if you want your new mental health regimen to be a success.
How about those who have lost their loved ones? I do believe that someone needs time to grieve over the passing of a loved one. However, if a person constantly replays this negative event in his mind, it might lead to depression. We should learn to close chapters in our lives and move on to the next one. This is not easy and can only be done by making a decision to proceed with your own life, no matter how hard this may be.
You can do it. You do not have to stay as who you were in the past. You can be different in the future. The choice is yours and I know you will make the right one.
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orangeenergy · 5 years
What are Affirmations
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Photo by Renato Abati from Pexels
Affirmations are a powerful ingredient in positive thinking. They are not statements that you wish to be true; they are statements that you must believe are true.
Affirmations are positive statements describing a desired condition in your life. That condition may not yet exist, but the affirmation is spoken as though it does. A simple example might be: “I am at peace with my life.” This is repeated several times on a daily basis, out loud or mentally, the aim being to program the subconscious mind into producing the desired outcome. They must be sincerely felt, and spoken in the present tense with conviction and enthusiasm.
We carry out such mental programming every day whether we know it or not; the trick is to make this programming conscious and positive. The alternative is to be unaware that we are issuing negative affirmations to ourselves. If you have ever made a mistake and muttered “I am such an idiot”, you have given yourself a negative affirmation. The problem is that any negative affirmation you give enters your subconscious mind and has a harmful effect – it creates your reality.
Why Make An Affirmation?
Personal Goals
Positive affirmations are made because you want to achieve something. That may be more money, a new car, a bigger house, a better job, more success, or, on a more personal level, love, health, happiness or peace. We all have such desires – we would be strange if we didn’t. But these outcomes can sometimes seem so far beyond our grasp that we do not really dare to think that they could be ours for the asking. Instead, we focus on how far away from our desired outcomes we are, and negative affirmations become our mantra.
Ø    We desire to be wealthy, so we think: I’m never going to be rich.
Ø    We want that promotion, so we think: It’s bound to go to someone else.
Ø    We want love in our life, so we think: No one’s going to love me.
We are thinking about the things we want, but from a negative perspective. If this is true, then there should be no doubt as to why it is a good idea to flip the coin and start talking positively. It is not as though we are being forced to start doing something we aren’t doing already, or that is in any way laborious. How much effort does it take to say one sentence to yourself? And wouldn’t it be nice to speak to yourself in positive terms for a change?
Be Careful What You Wish For …
You will doubtless have heard this saying in the past. In full, it says: “Be careful what you wish for; you may just get it.”
This may appear an odd saying, because who in their right mind would wish for negative things to happen? Unfortunately, too many of us are thinking negative thoughts every day. Look at the examples above – how it is so easy to have a positive desire that is expressed in a negative way. Take the example of your desire for a promotion. Instead of repeating to yourself: “The promotion is mine”, you think: It’s bound to go to someone else. Perhaps this is a means of protecting yourself from disappointment, but what you are actually doing is repeating a negative affirmation. Your subconscious is receiving the message that you will not be promoted, and it interprets this as an order. You may think that your subconscious cannot affect the decision made by your boss, but your negativity comes through loud and clear. Your boss may be looking at you and feel reluctant to promote you because they sense you are not the positive person they want in a position of increased power.
So you fail to win the promotion largely because you have been thinking you won’t, and your boss has picked up on something negative that they don’t like. Although you didn’t actually wish that you would fail, you helped make it happen because failure was the dominant thought in your mind. The above saying may speak of wishes, but it more correctly refers to thoughts that are uppermost in your mind for the majority of the time. In other words: “Be careful what you think of; you may just get it.”
The results that are manifested in your life can be directly affected by the thoughts in your head, and the affirmations you give to yourself.
The PMA/NMA Coin
Another good reason to create positive affirmations for yourself is because it is so simple to do. As already mentioned, that does not mean it is necessarily an easy process to carry out – which will be dealt with in the next chapter – but it is certainly a simple process to understand.  
In positive thinking, your mental attitude is often referred to as a coin. It’s an apt description. You have two forms of mental attitude: a positive mental attitude (PMA), and a negative mental attitude (NMA). Just like the heads and tails of a coin. And just like a coin, it can be flipped very easily and it will never come to rest on its edge. This means there is no third option of a neutral mental attitude. It is either positive or it is negative.
When something is so easy to understand, there is very little reason to simply stare at your coin and leave it lying there with its NMA side upwards. Whenever you notice that you are feeling negative, or you catch yourself making a negative comment to yourself, make a conscious effort to flip the coin to its PMA side, and counter the negative thought with a positive affirmation. As wonderfully complex as your mind is, it does not have the capability to focus on more than one thought at any one time. If you are thinking a negative thought, you can instantly dismiss it by bringing a positive thought to mind.
Controlling and Understanding the Subconscious Mind
This is a useful life-skill, and affirmations can help forge closer links between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.
Once you start making your positive affirmations and you begin to see that they are working, you have proven your ability to control a part of yourself that remains out of reach to so many other people. Your subconscious mind is like the registry of your computer. A computer’s registry is its database that stores configuration settings and options. Most people have a vague idea it’s there, some may realize what it does, but very few will be able to open it up and start deleting or adjusting any of its keys or values because they won’t know what anything in there means.
You need to understand that it is possible to adjust your subconscious mind, and positive affirmations are the way to do this. It is how you can clear out all the redundant and harmful data your subconscious stores, and allow you to know exactly why you may be behaving in a certain way in a certain situation. When a computer is behaving oddly or sluggishly, it is often a muddled and messed up registry that’s responsible. Even when you delete a program, there will usually be remnants of it remaining in the registry. Your aim with positive affirmations is to reprogram your subconscious, and to continue to clear out any negative traces that remain from your previous way of thinking.
Positive affirmations help you become more in tune with how your subconscious operates, and why you may respond poorly in certain circumstances. The more you program your mind positively, the more easily you will recognize negative activity and be able to jump on it and delete it. Equally, you will find that you are far more tuned into the whispering of your subconscious mind that often bring answers to difficult dilemmas in your life.
Overcoming Bad Habits
Depending on how they are phrased, affirmations can create good or bad habits. You may start out with affirmations that relate to some grand goals, such as a better career, or a more peaceful life, but don’t forget that affirmations can be applied to any area of your life. They can be used to help control your weight, to quit smoking, to cut back on the booze, so stop biting your fingernails. You name the habit, and a positive affirmation can be phrased to deal with it.
Increased Confidence
Positive affirmations have a knock-on effect beyond the result named in the affirmation. As your life gradually improves, you will feel a sense of growing confidence, whether or not you have ever phrased an affirmation regarding a boost in your confidence levels. This is the natural consequence of personal achievement. Your outlook on life changes and your self-image is transformed. You create a virtuous circle where a vicious one may have existed before.
Better Physical Health
Again, this will be a side-effect of positive affirmations even when you have not phrased one that relates directly to your health. Negative emotions are draining on the psyche, and this can have a debilitating effect on your physical well-being. Negativity causes you to feel lethargic, and can cause genuine physical illness. Where positive affirmations can make you feel at ease, negative thoughts and habits cause you dis-ease. This is why people develop psychosomatic illnesses.
Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma), and an illness of this sort therefore involves both the mind and the body. You will have heard the phrase “sick with worry”. It is entirely possible to make yourself ill through stressful thoughts. Some physical diseases are thought to be particularly affected by mental factors such as stress and anxiety. Psoriasis, eczema, stomach ulcers, IBS, high blood pressure, and heart disease, for example, are all aggravated by negative thoughts. In fact, there is a mental aspect to every physical disease in how we react to it and cope with it.
Positive affirmations can improve your health in three ways: Firstly, your mindset is healthier overall with a positive mental attitude, thus your immune system is stronger; secondly, a specific affirmation can be phrased to augment your health and counter illness appearing; thirdly, they can be used to speed recovery if you do get ill.
Happier Relationships
Positive affirmations create better relationships, as other people instinctively respond better to positive vibes and success. This can affect every type of relationship in your life – with your partner, your kids, your relatives, friends, acquaintances, strangers, work colleagues, and your boss.
Again, this is an area that will naturally improve as your affirmations take effect, even if they have not been targeted at your relationships. You are far more likely to be successful if you have created a more attractive aura for yourself through positive affirmations.
Because Everything Begins in Mind
This is the truth that underpins positive affirmations, and positive thinking generally. This is the concept that must be accepted if you are to truly embrace the possibility that positive affirmations can improve your life and bring success.
The easiest way to verify this statement is to simply look around you right now. Apart from Nature, everything you can see started life as a thought in the mind of a human being. The clothes you wear, the car you drive, the street you drive along, the house you live in, the TV you watch, the books you read, the computer you work at, the chair you sit in, the company you work for, everything started out as an idea in mind.
That should make you think. The power of your mind to invent and achieve is practically limitless.
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