oscurolena · 1 year
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THE GLORY 더 글로리 (2022- ) Dir. Ahn Gil Ho
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oscurolena · 2 years
Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.
Josephine Hart, Damage (via wordsnquotes)
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oscurolena · 2 years
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Some days you really do feel like a disappointment….
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oscurolena · 2 years
I actually don’t need to control my anger. Everyone around me needs to control their habit of pissing me off.
(via amour-pourtoujours)
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oscurolena · 2 years
                                           don’t forget your pain,                                                it’s what makes you  s t r o n g e r .
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oscurolena · 2 years
Mason was feeling a bit off so he decided to treat himself a bit. Going to Golden Hour Lounge wasn’t a bad idea at all. He really liked it there and the people were very nice. The music was nice when he entered and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. He looked at the waitress, who look tired as hell and felt a bit sorry.
“Um, I am so sorry. Just gin and tonic if you don’t mind.”
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selena didn’t truly mean to sound snarky, but she has little patience left and just hoped that this customer wouldn’t tattle to her boss. forcing a smile on her lips as he stated his order, she grabbed a bottle of gin and filled the glass with ice. working on their drink, she heard a round of applause as the performer finished her song. “ can you imagine singing in front of so many people? i think i’d get stage fright, ” she supplied casually as she placed the drink in front of the male with a lime at the rime of the glass as garnish.
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oscurolena · 2 years
Cristian smiled seeing them hug, Victor loved his aunt, he was a very easy kid to get along with, but they could be a lot, not everyone liked kids so he was a little nervous the first time they meet.“Did you get the latte hearts?” He asked. “The town really went all out, everywhere you look you see hearts. I was going to take Victor to get his face painted if you want to join us.”
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selena hasn’t always been fond of kids but something about being an aunt melted her heart. and well—victor easily won her with his childish charm. shaking her head a little, a chuckle escaped her lips as she answered, “ nah—just a boring and predictable americano for me. that pink latte looked too sweet for my liking. and yeah—this place really went all out. seems like a tight knit community too. ” offering her hand for victor to take, she started walking towards the direction of the face painting booth. “ and what are we thinking for this cute little face?”
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oscurolena · 2 years
Celeste just rolled her eyes at the look the man shot her way and she instead focused on the bartender, a grin immediately pulling onto her lips, “It’s no problem. As a fellow bartender I know all too well the hassles of people who don’t know what to order and just sit there hemming and hawing before they wind up getting a beer or a margarita or something basic.” She shrugged as she said it before she pulled the drink towards herself and playfully toasted it towards the other woman, “Thanks. It’s nice to be on the other side for once and be the one being served.”
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cocking her brow with intrigue at the woman’s words, she remarked in a teasing manner, “ oh? you’re not gonna judge my bartending skills, are you?” this was not her first bartending gig and she was neither a newbie nor a pro, but some of her regulars could attest that she does make some mean drinks. folding her arms over the counter as she leaned forward towards the women, she grinned at her and asked with a little gleam in her eyes, “ so, which place should i be on the lookout for to try your drinks?”
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oscurolena · 2 years
Astrid followed the woman toward the empty table. Then as she sat down she listened to Selena’s question. Astrid was always a very happy person, she tried her best to be as optimistic as she could be. “Well, I started dancing school which is a bit stressful but fun! And…I met someone…”
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“ dancing school sounds fun and what kind of someone are we talking about here? someone you want to hit? ”  selena teased with a grin tugging her lips. she knew exactly what astrid was talking about, but it was fun to tease her a little bit. leaning against the chair as she took a swig from her drink. “ so—spill the tea.”
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oscurolena · 2 years
weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well:
chipotle order?
thoughts on veganism?
a specific color that gives you the ick?
mythical creature you think/believe is real?
favorite form of potato?
do you use a watch?
what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%?
first thing you’re doing in the purge?
do you think you’re dehydrated?
rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
your boba/tea order?
the veggie you dislike the most?
favorite disney princess movie?
a number that weirds you out?
do you have an emotional support water bottle?
do you wear jewelry?
which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
would you say you have good taste in music?
how’s your spice tolerance?
what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
last meal on earth?
preferred pasta noodle?
ask me anything !
leave an ask for the person you reblog it from!
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oscurolena · 2 years
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There was never a bad time for Cristian, especially when it was to family, he spend most of his childhood alone, and he wanted Victor to have more than he had. Seeing Selena Cristian smiled and the second Victor saw her he ran to hug her legs. “This is a good surprise.” he said, he was always happy to see Selena. “We’re looking for a gift for Victor girl friend.” he couldn’t help but a smirk appears as he imagine Rafael could hear him. “How about you?”
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victor caught the dark-haired femme by surprise, almost losing her balance as he came running to hug her legs. placing her hands over his shoulder as she returned the hug, selena greeted him with a huge smile. “ hey, big man--you’re just growing taller every time i see you. ” it had always just been her and her mom and as grateful as she was for her, there’s a warm feeling blooming in her chest at being an aunt. lena’s eyes widened comically as she looked from cristian to victor, “ girlfriend? man--you really are growing up way too fast. ” her eyes darted back to cristian as she let go of the boy. “ just grabbing some coffee and seeing what the hype is all about. ”
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oscurolena · 2 years
“You’re amazing.” She said giving the woman a warm smile as her cheeks turned red. Astrid was a simple person, she worked, went out, bought herself what she truly needed, and loved people, she absolutely loved people. She was genuine about her feelings since you could read it all over her face anyways so why bother to be a fake? “I would love that! I’ve got so much to tell you, and I believe it’s the same for you, girly!”
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finishing the drink she concocted for her, she grabbed a bottle of beer for herself as she called out to the other bartender. “ hey--can you cover for me? i’ll just take a ten-minute break. ” motioning towards an empty table, she told astrid, “ let’s go over there and you can tell me all about it. ” making her way towards the vacant table, she placed their drinks on the surface as she perched herself on the stool. “ now, what’s got you all so smiley? i believe this is good news? ”
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oscurolena · 2 years
closed starter for @cristian-valdes / location: the market.
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the place was decorated with everything heart shaped and this was definitely not the type of festival that was meant for her. call her a little bitter, but she has given up on love and she’s only dating to date and have fun. the idea of finding the one seemed ridiculous at this age now. but since she was here, she might as well get a cup of coffee that would keep her awake later in her shift at the lounge. grabbing an iced americano on the pop up stall of driftwood coffee shop, she spotted some familiar faces nearby. the dark-haired femme hesitated for a little before approaching the two since she wasn’t sure if it was a good time. nonetheless, she ended up catching their eyes as she crossed the distance between them. “ hey--what are you guys doing here? ” she asked them a little awkwardly, still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that this was her older brother and nephew.
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oscurolena · 2 years
Between tediously submitting applications to places she was way underqualified for and unpacking the remaining boxes that cluttered her apartment’s living room the day had been a long one for the new resident. She decided that in a effort to keep her morale high she was going to reward herself for the effort she put forth. 
Standing at the bar of the Golden Hour Lounge her hands laid folded upon the bar top as she thought of what to order. She was taken back for a second but the bartender rushing her. “I’ve been here all but two seconds. Slow your roll there.” She mused with a sarcastic laugh, her southern accent shining through. As soon as the words slipped past her lips she thought it best not to argue with the one pouring your drinks. “sorry, that sounded a lot funnier in my head than it did rude.” she apologized, knowing some make take her sarcasm as hostility than satirical. “I’ll take a lemon drop please.”
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two seconds in what universe is what she would have quipped in if she was not in her job and the other was not a paying customer. working in customer service meant that she really had to hold her tongue, especially since sarcasm doesn’t seem to work on all customer. however, it seemed like that wasn’t the case with the woman in front of her. “ you can be rude all you want and i’m sure they’ll say that you were still right, ” selena retorted with a chuckle, but there was no real malice in her voice. grabbing the ingredients for the cocktail, she poured them into the shaker to mix the drink carefully. “ long night? ” she prompted conversationally since most of those who comes here to drink alone are either looking for someone else to talk to or simply had a rough day. then there’s also those who simply cannot sleep without having at least one drink, but that’s another story.
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oscurolena · 2 years
Lottie nodded, she still didn’t enjoy the feeling of being the person in a bar ordering a coke but she was getting more used to it as time went on. She smiled as the woman said that she would serve her, though Lottie still felt like she was being a pain. The old Lottie wouldn’t have been bothered by that one bit, in fact she’d rather enjoyed putting others out, but now that she worked in customer service she certainly saw the other side. “No no I’m good. Sorry for wasting your time earlier,” she said, referencing her lack of attention when it came to ordering.
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it was not that usual for her to be serving non-alcoholic drinks at the bar, but there was always that one or two person in her shift who sometimes just want a sparkling drink. nonetheless, she was not about to question the client’s order. “ it’s fine. i was just getting a little antsy and can’t wait for those five minutes to be over-- ” admitted the dark-haired bartender with a chuckle. as much as she loved having a job, she also couldn’t wait to go home and just listen to an audiobook until she falls asleep. “ anyway, i don’t think i’ve seen you around here before. not a regular, are you? ”
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oscurolena · 2 years
Selena was a very beautiful, graceful, and kind woman. Astrid loved her so much and even considered her a friend. “Aw, look at you making me blush already? You’re going for the big tip tonightttt” Astrid yelled with small giggles. “Would you be so kind as make me a very sweet cocktail? I am feeling very sweet tonight.” She said smiling “How about you? Will you drink and talk with me? Do you have some time?”
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“ i’m just telling the truth, doll, ” she hummed in response as she began to mix her potion, deciding on a strawberry daiquiri and making it extra sweet for astrid. truth be told was that selena doesn’t easily warm up to people, but there was something about the younger blonde that made her fond. perhaps, it was the genuineness she could sense in her and in some sense, it simply made her want to protect her like an older sister would. “ let me finish your drink then i can take a ten minute break. how was your night in oasis? busy as usual? ”
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oscurolena · 2 years
Working at a bar herself, Celeste knew all too well how annoying people could be when they didn’t know what they wanted and just…sat there, being self-centered and taking their time. It was, at the very least, inconsiderate. But she wasn’t about to say that aloud at work when she needed her job. But right now she wasn’t at work–and given that it was a rare night that she actually had off, she wasn’t going to waste it either. “Hey, while this dude is taking his sweet ass time, can I get double rum and coke?” She called out, rolling her eyes before a smirk tugged onto her lips, “In fact, add a shot onto my order and give it to him since clearly he needs something.”
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the guy was simply taking too long to order and selena was more than happy to accommodate the distraction provided by another customer. focusing her attention on the femme instead, she shot them a smile and nodded her head before going to mix the concoction. once she was done, she slid the drink with the three shots of rum towards the indecisive customer. “ courtesy of the pretty lady over there, ” she noted, nodding towards the direction of the femme before moving into her direction to place the drink in front of her. “ thank for the save. this one’s on the house. ” not that she’s sure if she’s allowed to do that, but who’s gonna know, right?
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