outfits-for-1d · 11 years
Who is Skylar Payne?!?! Like the model you used!?
I am sorry darling, I really can't find the children preferences anywhere, could you link me there? I don't remember how she looked like. 
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outfits-for-1d · 11 years
Guys I know we haven't been active properly for such a long time and I am very sorry about that. But I kind of feel like writing and creating so if you have any requests don't be shy and message us! xxxx - Sara x
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outfits-for-1d · 11 years
Hi babe can I have a link to any imagines or preferences please I really live you're writing
http://outfits-for-1d.tumblr.com/tagged/one-direction-outfits here you go love! :) and thank you so much! xxx - Sara x
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outfits-for-1d · 11 years
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For Shana :) On the beach with Niall Sorry darling, I am studying for my exams and have no time for doing imagines.. :/ hope you still enjoy the outfit though! xxx - Sara x Guys send me requests for absolutely anything! I am not able to do the imagines though :/ I am really sorry for that, but I can still do the outfits so send me personal requests or preferences or whatever! so what should I do next?
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outfits-for-1d · 11 years
hey could you please do a imagine with Niall my name is Shana where we bump into each other at the beach:)
yeah sure babe :)) xx - Sara x
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
Can you please make me an imagine? Name: Paula Boy: Liam Place: at a signing. Oh! And btw, I love this tumblah!! :*
Sure darling! :) - Sara x
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
Hi there :) I was wondering if I could get an outfit? I was thinking a walk in the park with Niall and it starts snowing or something like that? My name's Nia.
Sure babe! x - Sara x
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
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For Alena :)  It was another boring Friday you had to spend at work. The weather was quite nice and you could smell the spring coming.  You worked in little London bistro, which no one really knew about but it was one of the nicest places to be and eat. You worked there 4 times a week a and unfortunately, Friday was one of them.  It was around 1pm and the house strated to fill. It wasn't any crazy, you had just few stable costumers and sometimes other people showed up.  You were standing behind the bar, washing some glasses and talking to your other two colleagues who had a shift with you that day.  "Oh. My. God.!!!!" One of them yelled so loudly that you jumped and almost dropped one of the glasses. "There are boys from One Direction! Oh my god, right there!!!!" She was absolute freak but you were kind of used to this.  "What?" You said confused and looked around the room. There were 7 people, taking one table right in the corner and you knew these guys.  "Wow, really.." You said pretending excitment "So go ahead, they're yours..." You said and handed the menus to her.  "No, no, no, no, noo..." She protested, "I so can't do this, no!" She shook her head. "I will probably freak out or spill all their orders on them, just no.." You heard your boss yelling at you from the kitchen,  "Hey guys, We have full table on 6 and I haven't seen anyone go there yet!" You sighed and took the menus.  "I'll take it.." You pulled your little notebook and pen from your pocket and walked quickly to their table.  "Good afternoon, have you picked your drinks already?" You said politely and smiled at all of them and gave them the menus. There were 5 boys and 2 beautiful girls sitting, looking trough their drink list.  And one of the boys was just weirdly staring at you, like out of the words.  "Um yeeah.." The one with black hair and olive skin said. "Twice diet coke, twice water, twice beer and one normal coke for me.." everyone just nodded and you wrote everything down. The curly one on left still didn't look at you.  "Ok, I'll be right back.." You said and smiled.  You walked away and went for their drinks.  When you came back to their table, they were just in the midle of discussion. You gave them their drink and pulled out your little notebook for their orders.  "So, do you know what you want already?" you asked them.  "Harry wants your number." The one with brown messy hair said and everyone laughed and looked at the curly one. Guess, that one is Harry.  He was covering his face with his hands and you could see how he's endearingly emmbarrassed.  "I guess we ran out of that.." You added sarcastically and glanced at Harry. Everyone laughed even more.  After the 'funny joke' you made there, you wrote down their orders and went to give it to the kitchen.  *meanwhile at the table* "Man, she's soo hot!" Niall said and Harry just nodded.  "Yeah, I know right.. But Louis, you could keep that note for yourself really.."  "Sorry mate, I couldn't help it!" He said and laughed loudly.  "Are you gonna ask her out? Because if ya won't, I will.." Niall added.  "I don't know, she didn't look interested.." Harry sighed.  "Man, you have nothing to lose.." Liam said and poked harry to his shoulder.   With full hands of plates you made your way back to the table. But you noticed, that someone's missing.  You gave each of them their meal and put Harry's plate on his empty place. You went back to the place, when you saw Harry walking out of the man's room and walking towards you with cheeky smirk on his face.  You passed him when suddenly he grabed your arm.  "Wait a second.." He said. "I would really love to see you sometimes.." He smiled and blushed in such a cute way. He made you laugh.  "Well I am here every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday morning soo.." You said and tried to continue doing your work.  "Well, wait.." He stopped you again. "I meant, sometimes, when you're not working.." You smiled again. You teared piece of paper from your blog and witten your name and phone number on it.  "Here you are.." You said and handed it to him. He looked at it and smiled widely.  "Thank you Alena, you can definitely expect me to call." He said and headed back to his table.  When they all payed, and you've seen them left your phone rang.  "I miss your pretty face already... breakfast tomorrow? - Harry"
    - Sara x
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
Hey ;) Can you please make outfit+imagine for me? It would be really nice :) My name is Alena and the imagine would be about me meeting Harry at a restaurant where he is with the boys and their girlfriends and I'm working there? Thanks!!
Sure babe! :) - Sara x
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
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For Clara :) After endless winter and cold weather, it's finally sun shining outside so you and your friends decided to make your first picnic this year.  You took the blanket and made some ice tea and the girls took food.  It wasn't hard to decide, where to go because you already had your place in the park from previous days, you've spent there. When you sat down, you noticed 3 boys playing soccer few metres from you and one of them was just incredibly hot.  "Clara, I think that guy in the plaid shirt is checking you out.." One of your friends said and you inconspicuously turned around to see. As you turned around, you cought his eye and turned back quickly, all blushing.  "No, he's totally not..." you lied and laughed. "Yeah, totally.." Other friend added and they all laughed.  You continued talking and laughing about random things when suddenly, a ball flew to your blanket and made one big mess with all your food and splited ice tea on your jeans. 
You took the ball angrly and went to the place, where it came from. The hottie in the plaid shirt already ran to you quickly. 
"Oh my god, I am so sorry about that" He said, all laughing. "Well you should be!!" You yelled and kicked the ball really far. You play soccer in your school team and you are actually really good in it.  He just turned his eyes in the direction of the ball, amazed.  "Wow, let me said, I have never seen girl kick to the ball like that.." He said and smiled at you widely.  You just crossed you arms and looked away.  "Hey, I am really sorry about your jeans and that I probably destroyed your picnic.." He sounded more serious right now "Can I maybe invite you somewhere to prove, that I mean it?" He asked you and you just smiled ironically.  "Um, Yeah.. Why not, just don't split a drink on my jeans again, please." You said and took that offer because there was really something, that made you like this boy.  "Great!" He smiled. "I am Liam by the way.." He added.  "Clara.." you said and blushed because his beautiful eyes were piercing you.  "Well Clara, I will write you my number here..." He took your phone from your pocket and strated to type his phone number. "And you promise, that you will call me..." He gave you the phone back and you just nodded.  "Fine, I will" You laughed.  You both got back to your friends and you really called him that evening.  You met right the next day again and also the day after that. You could say, that he was never more in love, than he was with you.. - Sara x
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
can I have a liam imagine? My names Clara i have brown hair&eyes, I am 167cm (idk if that helps), i like sports mainly basketball&football, I really like to sing idk but could I please have one if you do thanx :)
I am sure I can do it hun! :) - Sara x
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
Hello babes! So I really miss how this blog used to be alive and full of new things.. And I also really miss writting! So I am accepting any ‘imagine and outfit requests’ you could think of! Just keep up with the rules we have which you find on the left side of our blog.. Thank you darlings! xxxx - Sara x
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
Summer Paris
Hey babes! So I've had some spare time so I thought I'll made some outfits for you! I hope you'll like it xx - Sara x Louis
If you have any requests or ideas for another inspired outfits let me know! Tell me any occasion and season and I will try my best. xxx So which one you like the most?
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
i know but what if i have to leave i dont want to leave you... *phone rings over and over again*-Niall
*smiles and grabs your phone* ill be fine. Answer it. *hands it to you*
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
just management dont worry princess-Niall
Why didn't you answer? It could be important.
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
*phone rings* *sighs* *checks my phone**tosses it back down*-Niall
*looks up at you* who was that?
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outfits-for-1d · 12 years
*pets your head bringing you closer to me* i love you-Niall
I love you too. *kisses your cheek*
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