owentando · 1 year
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When I die,look for me in flower fields.
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owentando · 1 year
I want to write something profound.
Something that makes you go
"wait what...oh...woah"
#writing #literature #poetry #art
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owentando · 1 year
I'm so tired of grieving.
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owentando · 1 year
TatuBantu is dead. He was murdered. My family keeps dying of unnatural causes. I'm so tired of grieving.
The man who nursed us back to health when Tata died and we had COVID. He has died. He was murded. He died alone and scared in his office.
He's dead. Murded. He won't be there to Teach me piano or talk to me and advise me. He's gone.
Another one of my father's is dead.
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owentando · 1 year
I am Her.
I am Her harsh words,
Her broken dreams,
And Her painful past.
I am Her pain,
Her sorrow,
And Her anger.
I am the embodiment of all her failures,
And the opportunities she's missed.
I am.. soley because she is.
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owentando · 1 year
I couldn't have worded it better
ADHD and unattainable perfectionism had a baby and called it 'chaotic academia'
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owentando · 1 year
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scenery from my favorite game: skyrim✨
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owentando · 1 year
the feminine, the masculine, the artistic urge to stare at the paintings until they make you hallucinate, to read poems until they seep inside your soul, to write such words that hold the power to shatter a person's heart and fill the void at the same time.
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owentando · 1 year
Black women are just too beautiful
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Beverly Peele for Versace Spring 1992
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