paireddonation · 2 years
Considering Being a Living Donor? Here's What to Expect
Being a living donor is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. By donating a kidney, you can, quite literally, save a life. With the Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation’s kidney matching program, you can even help a loved one get a kidney by donating to someone else, even if you are not a match for your loved one.
  If you are considering this life-giving gift, you may be wondering what to expect from the process. Donation is possible if you have two healthy kidneys and are a match for the recipient, and you can also donate through our kidney exchange program even if you aren't a match for your loved one. You can function well with one kidney, and your donated kidney can give the recipient a new lease on life. Yet there are likely some questions about the process in your mind, so here is what you can expect.
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  What to Expect Before Surgery
About a week before surgery, you will go to a pre-surgical meeting with the recipient and both people’s family support. This meeting will explain the surgery and what to expect afterward. This is when you can have any specific questions answered.
  Before surgery you will need to plan for your recovery period. You will likely go home one or two days after surgery, but you will be under restrictions for at least the first three weeks while your body heals. If you participate in the APKD Donor Protection Program, you can get reimbursement for some or all of your lost wages during this time. You will likely need some help during this recovery period, so make plans for that before your surgery.
  The Procedure
On the day of your surgery, you will be carefully monitored at the hospital. The surgeon will make a couple of small incisions and fill the abdomen with air, and this will allow them to insert cameras to see the kidney. A small three- to seven-inch incision in the lower abdomen is used to remove the kidney. It is then taken directly to the recipient while your surgeon finishes your procedure and you move to the recovery room. The procedure itself lasts two to three hours.
  The Recovery
You will likely experience some pain during recovery. This is a major surgery, with an open incision. You will get pain management while you are in the hospital, and you will be sent home with medication to help you manage pain as well. While you are on pain medication, you need to rest and avoid driving.
  If you had to travel to the transplant center, your doctor may request that you stay close by. The Donor Protection Program can pay for travel expenses and hotel stays. Staying close will allow them to monitor your health and the function of your remaining kidney.
  Most kidney donors can return to regular activities two to four weeks after surgery. If you regularly play contact sports or have a highly strenuous job, your restrictions may be longer. You will need to visit the transplant center six months, 12 months and 24 months after your donation to have tests and bloodwork done.
  How The Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation Can Help
Throughout this process, the Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation offers donor support. Our Donor Protection Program will compensate you for many of the expenses of this process while also providing important insurance. Our paired donation program makes it easier to find a recipient who is a match. Reach out to APKD today to learn more about this program or to sign up on our kidney match registry, and take the first step toward saving a life through kidney donation.
Source URL :-  https://lifesay.net/considering-being-a-living-donor-heres-what-to-expect/
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paireddonation · 2 years
Browsing for the best Paired Donation | Paireddonation.org
Looking for a paired donation? Paireddonation.org is the finest location for paired donations. We assist beneficiaries and donors who are incompatible by making paired donations. To complete a kidney-paired donation effectively, the physiological and psychological well-being of living donors and applicants is our priority. Visit our site for more info.
Paired Donation
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paireddonation · 2 years
Renowned place for Paired Donation | Paireddonation.org
Finding a paired donation? Paireddonation.org is a type of organ donation in which two persons voluntarily donate their organs simultaneously. Before the transplant operation, the two family members must consent to be paired. Visit our site for more info.
Paired Donation
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paireddonation · 2 years
Avail of the best Kidney Exchange | Paireddonation.org
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Looking for the best place for kidney exchange? Paireddonation.org is an industry-leading platform that facilitates the kidney donation process. Several methods are available, such as a live kidney exchange and an autologous donation. Visit our site for more info.
kidney exchange
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paireddonation · 2 years
Shocking Statistics About Kidney Donation
Kidney Donation Statistics
Kidney donation is becoming increasingly important as more and more people need kidneys. Thankfully, this is a life-giving donation that can use living donors. But how common is the donation process? These statistics shed some light on the realities of kidney transplants in the United States
Need for Kidney Donors Continues Growing
These statistics show how important living donors and the paired donation program are in the kidney donation process:
Each month, 3,000 new kidney patients are added to the waiting list.
That’s an average of one person every 14 minutes.
Each day, 13 people die waiting for a kidney transplant.
Each year, around 3,700 people on the wait list become too sick to receive a kidney.
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Long Wait Lists Common
Kidney patients need donors that are a perfect kidney match, and this leads to long wait times. According to the National Kidney Foundation:
There are currently 100,791 kidney transplant patients waiting for kidneys.
In total, 121,678 people need organ transplants.
Kidney transplants are the most commonly needed organ donation.
The average wait time for kidney patients is 3.6 years.
There are around 17,000 kidney donations in the United States each year.
Only around 5,500 of those came from living donors.
The Anatomy of a Kidney Donor
Most healthy adults can be kidney donors, but not all are willing. What does a kidney donor typically look like? Here’s the breakdown:
The majority of living donors are between the ages of 35 and 49.
Females are more likely to donate than males.
The majority of donors are Caucasian.
Non-related donors are the most common type of donor, followed by full siblings.
The Anatomy of a Recipient
What does the average kidney recipient look like? Here’s a breakdown:
The majority of recipients are between the ages of 50 and 64.
The 35 to 49 age demographic is a close second.
More men need kidneys than women.
Caucasians are more likely to need a kidney than other ethnicities.
Do you want to help lower these numbers? Become a living donor through the kidney exchange process with help from the Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation today.
Source Url :-  https://fabsswing.com/shocking-statistics-about-kidney-donation/
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paireddonation · 2 years
Appropriate place for Living Donor | Paireddonation.org
Browsing for the living donor? Paireddonation.org is a well-known resource for finding a living donor. It is a surgical process taken from a living person and given to someone whose organ is no longer functioning correctly. The most frequent living gift, kidney transplantation, saves thousands of lives each year. Visit our site for more info.
Living Donor
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paireddonation · 2 years
Appropriate place for Kidney Match | Paireddonation.org
Finding the kidney match? Paireddonation.org is a famous location for finding a kidney match in challenging circumstances. Additionally, our kidney surgery specialists deal with buying and transplanting kidneys from compatible living donors. We're here to make the process of becoming an organ donor as simple as possible for you. Visit our site for more info.
Kidney Match
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paireddonation · 2 years
Renowned place for Paired Donation | Paireddonation.org
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We are offering the best services of paired donation? Paireddonation.org, we provide a service related to paired donation. Our experts aim to satisfy our customers through this initiative. Individuals can obtain a transplant from a living donor rather than spending years on the waiting list for a deceased donor. Visit our site for more info.
Paired Donation
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paireddonation · 2 years
Healthy Holidays for Kidney Transplant Recipients
The first year after receiving a kidney transplant is full of changes. As you adjust to medication routines and a life free of dialysis, there are many new experiences to face. One of those is navigating the holiday season with newfound freedom and health. Yet even though you have a new lease on life with your kidney transplant, you will still need to use caution as you enter the holiday season and its many potential health pitfalls. Here are some strategies to help.
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Be Considerate of Germs
As a transplant patient, you must remain vigilant about germs. Your immune system is now compromised, and as a result, you need to use caution to avoid unnecessary exposure to illness. Does this mean you can’t enjoy holiday parties and family events? No, but it does mean you should do so carefully.
When you are going to visit family, ask them if anyone has been recently ill. Practice good hand-washing, and make sure you keep up with all of your medications. Consider forgoing handshakes and hugs if someone has been ill recently or you suspect they are not practicing good hand hygiene.
Pay Attention to Nutrition
One of the biggest risks of the holiday season comes not from germs, but rather from the food on your plate. This is the season when people are willing to over-indulge in treats and less-than-healthy food options. As a kidney transplant patient, you do need to be mindful of what you are eating. Healthy choices will support your new kidneys, and allowing yourself to eat too much puts you at risk for obesity, which can put unnecessary strain on your kidneys.
Here are some strategies that will help you enjoy holiday foods without unnecessary risk:
Choose small servings of those items you truly love
Pass on items you don’t care for.
Keep to a regular eating schedule, as skipping meals will cause you to eat more.
Keep holiday goodies out of sight, so they are not constantly on your mind.
Choose a healthy snack before holiday events so you do not eat more than you should of the less healthy options.
In addition to these tips, remember that sodium and potassium can be hard on your body as a transplant patient. If you eat too much sodium, you may retain fluids. If you eat too much potassium, you could strain your heart. Watch for and put limits on foods with these ingredients.
Finally, make sure you are drinking the right amount of water. While it is allowable to have other beverages, too, don’t neglect water, which is essential to your health.
It is unreasonable to think you won’t have some treats this holiday season, but don’t go overboard. Your goal is to come out from the holidays without unnecessary medical intervention, so go into these events with a plan for your health.
Learn More about the Paired Donation Program
If you are not a kidney transplant recipient but are on the waiting list to become one, the kidney exchange program through the Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation could help. Reach out to your transplant team to learn more about this program, and see how you can find a kidney match with a living donor through this innovative software program. Perhaps this holiday season could be the season when you receive your life-giving transplant.
Source URL :- https://sites.google.com/view/paireddonation/home
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paireddonation · 2 years
How Software Improves the Kidney Paired Donation Program
In the United States alone, over one in seven people have chronic kidney disease. Many of those people will end up in need of a kidney transplant to save their lives.
Kidney donation is unique in that it is one of the few types of organ donation that can come from a living person. Many people who are in need of a donated kidney will have family members or friends more than willing to donate, but who are not good matches.
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The paired kidney donation program takes pairs of in-need recipients and willing donors and allows them to swap with one another. The first donor donates to the second recipient, while the second recipient's willing donor matches with the first recipient, allowing both people to get kidneys and both donors to be able to donate.
While paired donation does help more people find a living donor, it still creates matching challenges. Software is now helping create additional matches by implementing a pool of interested donors and needy recipients, so more successful matches occur.
The Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation – A Solution to a Complex Problem
Paired donation is effective, but it still relies on a significant amount of chance. The donor and recipient pair must work with a kidney donation team that knows the other donor and recipient pair they will pair with. Finding this pairing is not always easy. Software provides a solution to this problem.
The Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation, led by Alvin Roth, created an algorithm that matches donors and recipients to help people waiting for a kidney transplant find a matching donor more quickly.
The APKD algorithm uses a complex scoring rubric that a team of healthcare providers created. This rubric helps find highly successful matches and improves the chances of a kidney match. Through this program, paired donation matches can be made much more quickly, and lives are being saved.
Helping Living Donors and Kidney Recipients at the Same Time
Each year, around 100,000 people find themselves in need of a kidney, yet only 17,000 of those people will find a match. Thousands of those who need donors have friends or family who are willing to be a living donor, and they want the satisfaction that comes from saving a life through kidney donation. The paired donation program allows both of these parties to reach their goal, one to save a life, and one to get a life-saving organ donation.
Transplant Teams Can Join the Transplant Network to Become Part of the Solution
The APKD software is making a difference in the kidney transplant world, and transplant teams can help by joining the network. By adding donors and recipients to the database, transplant centers can help increase the number of kidney exchange matches, giving more living donors the chance to give life, while helping secure a donation for the people they care about at the same time.
The Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation is leading the way in helping people find life-saving kidney matches. Whether you are in need of a kidney, are wanting to donate or are a medical provider who works with kidney transplants, APKD’s software could be the solution you need.
Source Url :-  https://toppostng.com/how-software-improves-the-kidney-paired-donation-program/
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paireddonation · 2 years
Appropriate place for the  Paired Donation Program | Paireddonation.org
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Excellent the paired donation program? Paireddonation.org is a superficial program for paired donation. We aid you in making paired, or in pairs, donations to organizations that have undergone proper checks so that you can better understand your donation and change the world. Visit our site for more info.
paired donation program
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paireddonation · 2 years
Searching for the Kidney Match | Paireddonation.org
Explore the kidney match? Paireddonation.org provides kidneys that are available from both live and deceased donors. You can help save a life by using our staff of skilled kidney donors. We offer each pair of kidney transplants that enables the recipient to be compatible with another pair or several pairs. Visit our website to learn more.
Kidney Match
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paireddonation · 2 years
Searching for the Kidney Match | Paireddonation.org
Explore the kidney match? Paireddonation.org provides kidneys that are available from both live and deceased donors. You can help save a life by using our staff of skilled kidney donors. We offer each pair of kidney transplants that enables the recipient to be compatible with another pair or several pairs. Visit our website to learn more.
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paireddonation · 2 years
Take a advantage of the Living Donor | Paireddonation.org
Discover the finest living donor? Paireddonation.org is a leading platform for getting the living donor. One of a living donor's two kidneys can be donated, Our professional's surgery is to extract a healthy kidney from a living donor, so it can be transplanted into someone whose kidneys are no longer functioning correctly. Visit our site for more info.
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paireddonation · 2 years
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Appropriate place for the Paired Donation Program | Paireddonation.org
Excellent the paired donation program? Paireddonation.org is a superficial program for paired donation. We aid you in making paired, or in pairs, donations to organizations that have undergone proper checks so that you can better understand your donation and change the world. Visit our site for more info.
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paireddonation · 2 years
Avail of the best Paired Donation | Paireddonation.org
Finding the paired donation? Paireddonation.org is a type of organ donation in which two people simultaneously agree to donate their organs. The two people may be family members and must agree to be paired before the transplant surgery. Visit our site for more information.
Paired Donation
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paireddonation · 2 years
Curiosity for  the Kidney Match | Paireddonation.org
Browsing the kidney match? Paireddonation.org, here we offer kidneys available from living and deceased donors combined. Our team of expert kidney donors allows you to save a life. We provide each pair of kidney transplants which helps to be compatible with the recipient in another pair or multiple pairs. Visit our site for more info.
Kidney Match
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