palucca-lea · 2 years
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palucca-lea · 2 years
Glad I am not the only one thinking that....
It's Scarlett...Ana....Ana...Scarlett. BORINGGGGGGGG 😑
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palucca-lea · 3 years
A Starting Point’s Bridge USA Campus Conversations [ASP Chat 14.10.2] 
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palucca-lea · 3 years
I feel like what Mackie meant to say is that while the society is pushing for more representation (which is a good thing), the movie industry only chooses representation not for the representation but to reach the "more woke youth" inorder to make more money. So while for example gay people want to see gay couples on screen, big companys only do it to profit from it. I think that is what Mackie means with the LGBTQ+ community is exploting itself.
I am panromantic/asexual and as much as I'd love for people lile me to be represented in mainstream media, I want to be natural and not forced, so some already rich ass company can make money of it...
Me, a gay, wanting to see positive representation of myself in media:
Anthony Mackie:
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palucca-lea · 3 years
If you care more about what celebrities are saying about Palestine then what is actually happen to Palestine....reevaluate
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palucca-lea · 3 years
Me, an introvert, at parties full of strangers, trying to show how much I'm having fun
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palucca-lea · 4 years
Peek Bucky's amend list.... Why is that name on there... what did Bucky do to him, compared to what he did to Bucky in Civil war 🤔🤔
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palucca-lea · 4 years
White AMERICAN people at their finest. I am European and we use spices and Laurel leaves all the time for cooking. Don't pull us into this shit. 😂😂
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palucca-lea · 4 years
it’s anthony mackie o’clock, please bear with me. (long post).
(again, i mean no disrespect or hate towards any of the white actors and actresses in tfatws, including sebastian stan!!)
but i was reading through the interview that anthony mackie gave for variety magazine (2021) and there was one thing he said that, in light of recent comments and takes i have seen regarding the unequal consideration of sebastian stan and anthony mackie’s acting and characters in tfatws, really resonated with me.
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this? this is awful. this quote shows that not only does anthony mackie know that he is viewed in this light by critics and fans of the white actors whose fame he watched from the sidelines, it shows that this is normal for him. 
anthony mackie is so used to being sidelined and looked over that it is normal for him to feel like that.
anthony mackie went to juilliard. juilliard. the legendary performing arts school. he worked his way through project after project, was forced to watch his white costars’ celebrity rise from the sidelines of many of them, but kept acting and taking projects that were important to him (ie. the banker, shelter, detroit, the hate u give). he is a very talented actor with excellent range, an actor who tries to understand every character he portrays and works to the peak of his ability to play them accurately.
and it is evident that in the mcu, in the case of sam wilson, he has done a fantastic job. 
he took mcu sam wilson from a potentially two-dimensional cap sidekick to having a personality highly suggestive of the fleshed out, opinionated, reckless hero that he is in the comics, and that portrayal likely would not have come through in ca:tws and beyond from a lesser actor. 
mackie has also mentioned in interviews that one of his greatest concerns is that of the success of tfatws, because he has felt that if the show flops greatly the marvel executives are going to see his casting as nothing more than a mistake. 
that is also heartbreaking. he has done nothing to deserve feeling like that, yet he is so used to being kept in the shadows that that is honestly how he feels about his first lead in a major franchise. 
so i hope i don’t see everyone talking solely about sebastian stan’s acting. and completely glossing over the fact that even from the trailers and clips, anthony mackie has had a magnanimous presence in the show and in the story.
because that is already, unfortunately, happening.
this goes back to what some people had mentioned on my previous post that i had noticed as well, where. it was sebastian stan’s tag trending after the big tfatws content day, while mackie’s was not.
that’s absurd. mackie is the other lead of this show, not even cast in a side role this time, and he is still being sidelined by fans in favour of yet another white man. and sebastian is an excellent actor in his own right, yes, but nothing warrants ignoring anthony mackie’s presence in the show, as he is the other lead.
as fans, we have the ability and therefore the responsibility to make this the show where mackie can have faith that he truly is a main character and the lead in what is going to be a very successful tv show, not just a prop for yet another white man. 
we have the power to do that.
and mackie damn well deserves it.
i yield my time once more. <3
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palucca-lea · 4 years
Love this so much 🤣❤️
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palucca-lea · 4 years
First of all, I don't think there is anything hypocritical about realizing you have made a mistake at all! ❤️ And I get what you mean with conflicted. I do agree that Chris is a very handsome and attractive guy, but I do try to not word my attraction in the way it is shown in the post.
This whole conflict is a bit of a double standard in Hollywood IMO. It's not okay for interviewers (male or female) to sexualize women and they are considered brave if they clap back at an interviewer, but at the same time it is completely ok to ask Evans or Hemsworth what their work out is or if they could touch their biceps and shit like that and if they were to clap back they would probably be considered rude. I think the line needs to be drawn where extreme feminism turns into sexism or at least disrespecting equality. I know establishing female rights is important now more than ever, considering women struggle harder then men in these industries and life in general, but I also believe that we need to push society towards equality. And that means not sexualizing neither women nor men.
Just my 2 cents on the matter...
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So I saw this thread scrolling through instagram and I felt like such a hypocrite for agreeing when I have been one of those people that have sexualised men. In particular Chris Evans.
I see so many people on here (that also really like him) doing the same, so I didn't think much of it. They seem like good people.
But it's not really all that different as when men do it to women, right?
I know that if I saw the same kinda comments used to thirst for a woman, I'd be kinda idk? Annoyed? Disgusted?
So I don't know. I'm not gonna use this to criticize people, because that would be hypocritical of me. But I was wondering if other people are or aren't conflicted about it and would like to give their two cents. Like, where do we draw the line?
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palucca-lea · 4 years
Baby Blues Masterlist
Summary: Chris and Alex have just brought a bubbly baby boy into the world. Now they have to face the most challenging year of their lives.
Chris Evans x Black Reader, OFC!Alex
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
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palucca-lea · 4 years
Ooo someone uploded!! 💜
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palucca-lea · 4 years
German Media has reported that Daniel and his wife welcomed their second son so Yay for that~
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palucca-lea · 4 years
Sebastian bedankt sich ganz süß bei seiner Mutter. Sie ist so hübsch und er war so ein süßer kleiner Junge. Heute hat er mir drei mal das Herz erwärmt!
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palucca-lea · 4 years
let's talk sebastian stan.
i wasn't going to make my own post about my thoughts on the whole sebastian drama because other people were already doing a good enough job, but man, with this flare up and the probable worsening of it since seb's birthday is tomorrow, i can't stay silent any longer.
warning: this is long and i barely proof-read it.
so many things are already blown out of proportion so here is the story again, for anyone who managed to miss it: sebastian was spotted by paparazzi twice in ibiza with a woman (alejandra onieva), and the pictures suggest that they're romantically involved (unconfirmed whether or not they're in an actual relationship). fans reacted by being upset he's travelled and isn't wearing a mask in said pictures (this was a whole other issue, which is semi-fair, although worth noting that these pictures also showed they were not in a crowded area and were mostly alone, save for a few employees on the yacht they were on - the "club" he was also seen in without a mask is almost definitely a restaurant, or a combination of the two at least, because they're literally seated around a table with food and drinks...), and also started trying to figure out who she was. it didn't take long for them to find her instagram, and it didn't take much longer after that until someone had gone through all of her own posts as well posts she has been tagged in, and found a picture from 2018 in which her and a friend were dressed in traditional clothing, captioned “ASIAN NIGHTS" (the post has since been deleted). things escalated from here, with fans commenting on the post to say it is offensive, which resulted in them being blocked - so others joined in, spamming her comment section as well as sebastian's and i think even who people assumed was his pr manager (esmerelda brajovic), sending dm's and creating posts of their own about the issue. these people were then blocked by alejandra too, as well as sebastian and esmerelda, and alejandra restricted comments on her posts. this started the trending hashtag "SebastianStanIsOverParty" and all the conflict that followed. there has been radio silence from sebastian since this all kicked off, which is making fans even angrier, now labelling him as a racist, racist-apologist, because he isn't addressing the situation.
people have been trying to pin sebastian as a racist since they were dissatisfied with his "late" involvement in posting about BLM. they harassed him until he posted, and even then were still giving snide comments along the lines of "looks like bullying works", "thanks for the bare minimum, priviledged white man", etc. others were demanding he donate money, and after it was revealed he did in fact donate $10,000 to a charity, he was once again met with comments such "the rich white man finally opened his purse" and others telling him to keep donating (which isn't necessarily bad but just the phrasing was often rude).
i think it's quite a reach to deem him racist just because he didn't post much and was late to join in. who knows if he was even using social media? maybe he didn't feel it was his place to speak when others were doing better? maybe he didn't feel educated enough to post the right things so took some time to read through information before deciding what to say and where to donate? coming from my experience (i know i'm not a celebrity and don't have a massive platform, but we're both still human beings), i felt totally overwhelmed when deciding what to post out of fear i say something wrong, or share something wrong, or misinterpret... the list goes on. i was battling with pretty bad anxiety at the time and posting on social media in general caused me a lot of distress, let alone the thought of someone yelling at me to post and donate and calling me names if i don't comply. seb himself has said before that he tries not to look at instagram much, so who knows, maybe he feels the same about it. i'll acknowledge i could be wrong in this and maybe he didn't post because he didn't care, as many are claiming, but they have about as much evidence for their assumptions as i do.
so people went on to further connect his low level of involvement here, to him now being associated with a woman who was guilty of cultural appropriation, in order to further pin him as a racist. this situation got ridiculous.
i'm not saying to excuse alejandra - she caused offence, she should apologise. simple. i won't argue with anyone wanting to hold her accountable. but sebastian? you really want him to apologise for something she did two years ago, probably before they even knew each other? it is nothing to do with him. maybe (and i mean maybe) if it was posted in the time since they've been spotted together, he would have more responsibility to comment on it, but he probably didn't even know she did it. like, i assume, almost definitely, he had no idea the post existed - he doesn't even follow her on instagram.
i can't even imagine what an apology from him would sound like without finding it ridiculous. like, "hey guys, so sorry about my girlfriend posting an insensitive picture two years ago, i didn't know her back and then and she is genuinely sorry after i spoke to her about it"? no, because then people will probably attack him for defending her - they're already claiming he's defending her when he literally hasn't said anything. i think it could be fair to say he's ignoring her wrongdoing, but he isn't defending it. either that or he'll get hit with those "took you long enough" comments again.
or, "hey guys, thank you for pointing out alejandra's racist behaviour, we've now broken up because of it so thanks"? again, no, because then it will feed into this strange narrative that fans always know what is best for their fave, that they must always bring their attention to wrong-doings of people in their life, and it will inevitably just lead to a repeat of this situation somewhere down the line. they are (usually) grown adults who do not need their fans to filter through their friends' and family's social media to find out what kind of person they are - they can do that through human, in-person interaction. people can grow, maybe alejandra has too.
a lot of people are also trying to pin sebastian based on the "people he surrounds himself with" and i just... sigh. the examples i've seen are his ex-PA, ex-girlfriend, and his trainer. so, you've found about three people sebastian has been associated with and that automatically makes him share all of their beliefs and mirrors their behaviour? as far as i'm aware, he fired said PA after finding out about things they've done/said, he broke up with said girlfriend (although cannot confirm it was because of this), and the worst i've heard about don saladino is that he is allegedly a trump supporter? i'm sorry, but have you not heard sebastian making jokes expressing his dislike of trump? don may be a friend to him but it's still work-related - sebastian won't have actively chosen to work with him (or his assistant, for that matter, they would have been hired for him), and so what if they get along? i have work-friends who i get along with because we spend a lot of time together, but we share different beliefs. it's called being civil, might be worth looking up and learning!
also, like, what about all the other people sebastian is "surrounded" by? all his co-workers who have nothing bad to say about him? all the fans who have met and conversed with him? try looking at his friend group that has stood for 10+ years? media may create a false sense of who he is close to, or spends a lot of time with - unless you know him personally, you do not know anything about his private life.
many fans are still mad he hasn't posted on social media and it's really about time they get over it. i held my breath for the first few days after the uproar thinking he would say something, but it's pretty clear now he's avoiding social media altogether - maybe to never return. i know i wouldn't if i'd had people starting an "RIP" hashtag about me, telling me to kill myself, and doxxing me. he's said in fairly recent interviews that he tries not to use instagram very much, and has pretty strong opinions on how crazy the internet is. i share the same view as a lot of others - i hope he doesn't come back, for his sake. rude fans don't deserve it, and his loyal fans will support him no watter what, even if that means he pulls back from interracting with us.
i don't believe anybody actually wants an apology, they just want something to continue attacking him for.
stop expecting anything from him. you're bashing his image based on unrealistic standards and expectations you made up - he's not perfect, and has never claimed to be, often even rejecting the compliment when fans say it to him. he's tried to make it clear that he has flaws, and it's not his fault people decided not to listen to him and if you really do want to stop supporting him, go for it, but the best thing you can do is just stop talking about him altogether - consider taking up a hobby if the best thing you can do with your time is tweet about your hatred for someone who did something you disagree with. don't shove your opinion down other people's throats, and don't bully others who want to continue supporting him.
this was extremely long, i'm sorry, i just have so many opinions on this whole situation, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, but i had to get it out of my system! i don't have twitter otherwise i would tweet this too - if you think this is good enough to share, then go for it, but please only use it respectfully and don't get too mean with others who disagree with anything said here! fighting fire with fire never works.
p.s. (i can't stop myself lol) i still don't believe it was sebastian blocking fans. he's inactive on social media and returns just to block people? that doesn't sound very believable. or, if it was him, it was under the recommendation of his pr team if it wasn't them, themselves, who did it. and who knows what was actually being sent? i've seen people show screenshots of what they claim they only commented, but there's no way of telling if they sent rude messages too. i'm not accusing anyone of doing so, it's just a thought. some people have also said that it was actually just an instagram function that restricts people from and stops them from spamming.
p.p.s. sorry if my telling of the story is incorrect in any way! that would be kind of ironic wouldn't it... it's hard trying to remember everything that has happened!
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palucca-lea · 4 years
I just saw this as well and it shocked me.
While I do think Alejandra should be held accountable for her mistakes, harrasment is not the right way. And I still believe that in the end, it's not about defending Asians or other cultures, it's about systematically breaking her down because she has something they do not have: Sebastian.
Jealousy is the only plausible explanation for this behaviour in my opinion, which is sad because instead of digging up dirt about someone from 2 or 3 years ago you could invest your energy in other sectors that need activism RIGHT NOW: BLM, Climate Change, Upcoming Elections, Beirut, Stopping the dictatorship in Belarus to name a few....
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So Seb's (rumoured/possible) girlfriend posted earlier today and immediately her comments were filled with a coordinated spamming attempt. I make no defence of Alejandra's actions - it's insensitive to wear another culture's traditional dress as a costume. But what the fuck is the point of this? What are you actually hoping to achieve? In what way does this help marginalised people who are effected by cultural appropriation? Is this a sensitive and mature way to deal with something that offended people, or is this just repeatedly throwing it into their faces, trivialising it and making it a meme? What part of this is going to make her learn and get better? What possible positive outcome could this have? She's just going to block you for spamming her comments, and then you'll use her rightfully blocking you as further ammunition, and the cycle continues...
And almost all anonymous, private accounts without their faces and names attached so we can't judge their words and actions and 'hold them accountable' like they claim they're doing to her.
The fact that they've been sitting waiting for over a month, organising how they're going to spam her comments, is honestly so embarrassing. Imagine how much energy you could have put into genuine social justice, into educating yourself and others, into sharing resources, into becoming a better person. Instead we get...this.
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