pandoraspuxis · 7 years
Dom.inic Sherw.ood is the only good option for Jace that will ever be. No one respects Jace as much. No one in the fucking world respects Alec as much as Dominic either. If it wasn’t for Dom, Matt’s portrayal would be shit because poor boy can barely act. But yuo know, keep focusin on your hatred of him instead of seeing that without him the show wouldn’t have been renewed and Alec would be terribly acted as has been pointed out from the beginning. Every single professional has said that the only moments Matt shines is when sharing screen with Dominic. But sure, whatever.
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
TO answer any question on the matter: Yes, MAtt and Dom are still best friends. Those of you who think they don’t get along are heavily stupid. No one, not even Harry that you love to put above everyone else in that concept of friendship, gets to touch Matt. Dom does. Matt lets Dom touch him when he hates to be touched. He lets him hug him, when he hates to be approached in that way. Dom and Matt are best friends. And it’s time you accept it. You want to cancel Dom? DO IT, but you can’t erase him from MAtt’s life. So instead of acting and putting shit all over, you should simply cancel the whole cast. Because listen: the only one there that isn’t close to anyone (except maybe Isaiah) is Harry. Dom is pretty much everyone’s friend or best friend. And Domberto and Sherdario are pretty much a mix and not just a comercial brand to sell a canon ship that’s forced by the scripts. Dominic Sherwood is the only one, only one who brings the most in most actors on that show. Literally, the only one with whom Matt actually looks decent while acting. Stop trying to make them do it.
And while I’m at it: Isaiah Mustafa is far more friends with Dominic Sherwood than the paratri whether you want to accept it or not. He’s the one that makes him laugh the most, with whom he can be the prankster he is, and with whom he feels more comfortable outside, as you can tell when you look at their behind the scenes stuff. Harry Shum Jr is pretty much fed up by your stupidity, he doesn’t like your actions. He doesn’t like your opinions. He doesn’t like what you do against any member of the cast in his name. Neither does Matt, who fucking told you a week before it all burnt out and you just went all over your heads again against his friends. But of course, you claim to be fans of one or the other or both and you are just selfish people without a fucking life.
Respect their friendships.
Respect their fucking friendships.
If you don’t want to be judged over your own friendships don’t do that to them. And please, stop wishing their deaths or for them to kill themselves you fucking monsters.
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
I don’t hate women, I love women. But Sarah is been acting out terribly. Her whole twitterline is her being petty over the smallest things, reacting badly at everything. Meanwhile Dom is always coming (or was always) coming on her defense when fans attacked her. 
Plus really, seriously, like ffs, for real, he cheats on her on may and they don’t break up after 4 months? suuuuure jaaaaan
Sarah is so clearly petty. Like sure, gurl, he cheated on you. What a coincidence. Wow, so believable. But of course, half of you are ready to buy it because you’ve already doomed him to hell. Well, those with two fingers of brain won’t go around accepting anything without proof nor condemning everyone. How much can I hate this no forgiveness policy that millenials practise so much.
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
Sarah is so clearly petty. Like sure, gurl, he cheated on you. What a coincidence. Wow, so believable. But of course, half of you are ready to buy it because you’ve already doomed him to hell. Well, those with two fingers of brain won’t go around accepting anything without proof nor condemning everyone. How much can I hate this no forgiveness policy that millenials practise so much.
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
happy birthday to Dominic Sherwood, an imperfect man who doesn’t deserve the hate he gets. A guy who’s shown far more virtues than one mistake that people choose to focus on like it’s a big thorn on their shoe. Happy Birthday to the one man who I’ve been loving for 4 years now.
And if it itches you, scratch you and ignore him, it’s better than being bitter and unforgiving, that way you can’t be ever happy.
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
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In the following link you will find 1060 icons of Aaron Jakubenko from The Shannara Chronicles season one. They’re unedited since I made them just by cropping caps with imgur. Quality is mostly low for which I apologise but I made them for myself so ... Anyway, they’re shitty but if you want to use them feel free to do so. You may find some of them completely useless since there are some ass icons because I’m obsessed with his booty
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
Shitty show in your opinion if you don't understand how adaptations work you're not allowed to call it shitty. The show is far better adapted than the movie was and is worth a lot more respect than you all give it. One can love the books and the show all together without having to feel guilty for it. If they made a tid show it'll be just as amazing. You don't like? Fine. To each their own. But refrain from calling it shitty just ecause you don't get what adapting means.
Can there be an Infernal Devices movies or TV show and we have Cassie writing the script so I know no one will be able to mess up my children
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
call me petty but helping someone that told me to kill myself once over a ship is not precisely on my priority list no matter how hurt they might be
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
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Tessa Gray - Jem Carstairs- Will Herondale Edit
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
do you know THEY do have the rights for TID and TDA right? freeform has the rights for the characters hene mentioning tessa
Can there be an Infernal Devices movies or TV show and we have Cassie writing the script so I know no one will be able to mess up my children
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
Cole Sprouse would never allow such thing. He's a producer behind the curtain. He's said he doesn't like Jug's as ace and so he's not going to be so. And he's a racist so don't expect much respect to that.
Riverdale could have taken the route of having Archie and Valerie together, Betty and Veronica together, and talked about Jughead being aro/ace. This would have one of the the white male leads with a beautiful black girl, a lesbian couple, and a very strong aro/ace icon and actually make this show groundbreaking, different, and interesting in the end, but instead they decided to just have two straight, white couples instead.
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
I’d like to address the following: Stop reducing Jalec to labels such as racism, incest or abuse. First of all, just because 1 of every 100 jalec shippers criticizes Magnus for his ethnicity doesn’t mean all shippers do. Second of all, almost all jalec shippers ship malec, so no one criticises EVER at Magnus. Third: most jalec shippers ship jalec as a mid-ship, i.e. a ship that should have happened BEFORE their respective endgames so to solve issues and close cycles. 
Fourth: it isn’t incest. Yes, a Herondale married a Lightwood in the 1800s, but the connecting genes are more deluded than anything. Yes, Maryse and Robert took Jace in but they NEVER treated Jace as their own son (bookwise and showwise), Jace was taken like a child they took in, was he loved? Yes. Did Jace see them as family? No. Jace doesn’t understand the concept of family much until he faces it through Clary, and showwise, once Alec yells at him to tell him they are his family. Jace said to Clary “they are like my brother and sister”. LIKE not an absolute. And it is his way of telling Clary Izzy and I are nothing and I’m single ;). One Alec’s side it is the fucking same, it isn’t until that moment that he switches the chip. He never saw Jace as a brother, his guilt wasn’t because he wa his brother it was because a) he was a man and b) he was his parabatai and best friend. He felt the guilt that comes with falling in love with someone of your own gender, as those who have experience this know. IT isn’t an easy moment, you find yourself not fitting what the overall community tells you it’s normal (for a boy to like girls, for a girl to like boys). His feelings for Jace are a sexuality struggle, not a familiar one.
Yes, they’re calling each other brothers now. Now that they’ve moved on Jace has moved on with the idea of his father as his only family. He’s assumed the Lightwoods are the closest he’s had to a family, and he’s finally seeing it now. But remember one thing: when two people are together, the family of your loved one is also your family. And Alec is calling Jace brother because he’s finally moving on (and because his mother, Maryse, who took him in, acted as if she had turned her back on him), moving on what he feels for Jace which isn’t yet erased regardless of Magnus (first episode, parabatai lost, Malec date to point out minor points where his feelings for Jace were addressed). 
That doesn’t mean they completely see each other as siblings. And more importnatly: it doesn’t erase that there was a moment where they didn’t. Where Alec who first saw Jace as a kid, had already made hearteyes at him. It was then when he developed his crush for him. He fell in love later, but he already liked Jace as more than a friend when he was 12 and Jace 11 (which let me remind you, that’s not childhood but the beginning of teenage for boys and when feelings begin to develop). 
Just because Alec is with Magnus, Jace wo’t stop being Alec’s first love. Just because they’ve moved on CANONLY with their feelings (apparently, at least, since EVERYONE minimally logical accepts Alec still has feelings for Jace) doesn’t erase whath appened before. And Jalec shippers, WE ship Jalec:
Platonically: Always, never going to stop. They love each other in a deeper way than romantic love or familiar love. They’re parabatai. That will never cease, even in death, they’ll be ruined at the lose of the other. No matter how much you butthurts try to erase this.
Romantically: Season 1 and before. And in all those settings where fics are done, where rps are done, the romantic feelings were reciprocate and thus they actually developed a relationship. Or those aus in which Magnus and Alec break up (like it’s going to happen because their break up is canon) and Alec solves his feelings for Jace and they are however briefly and try out because AUs are to be experienced and experimented
Lastly, but not least important: STOP BRINGING INCEST INTO THE POOL WHEN YOU SHIP WINCEST WHO IS 100% INCEST AND 100% BIOLOGICAL INCEST. Unlike These two, the Winchester ARE and SEE each other as siblings as family. Ship what you want, but stop telling people to stop shiping what YOU don’t approve for idiotic reasons (or well, for morals that can’t separate fiction from reality or the idea that absolutely everything done in fantasy romanticizes it)
Also, remember what I?m saying here: 80% of Malec shippers ship JAlec. And 80% of Jalec shippers ship Malec. Why? Because Alec’s feelings matter. What Alec felt for Jace matters, and the idea of a world where he didn’t have to struggle with rejection and never had to feel not enough or not good until Magnus appears (and even after Magnus appers because he’s immortal and has been wth even more people than Jace has) matters. Alec and his feelings for Jace matter. And all the possilbities for his different ways of achieving happiness matter
Also, really, it isn’t racism. It isn’t choosing the white over the asian, it is choosing Alec’s first choice as a possibility. Maybe SOME do it out of racism. But surely NOT ALL. 
Long Live Jalec. Long Live Malec. Long Live Clace. Long live CANON AND NON-CANON RELATIONSHIPS THAT RESPECT CHARACTERS TRAITS. If you want to attack shippers, go to those that ship Alec with females erasing his sexuality. Or those that place Magnus asexual erasing his bisexuality. Or those that rule63!Magnus and still ship her with Alec. 
Also, about abuse. Yes, book Jalec can be seen as abusive. As well as Malec, Clace, Sizzy, and basically every relationship there, since abuse is part of the teen atmosphere of all those relationships in the books. But not showwise. And most of Jalec shippers are show shippers. Because the show and Dom and Matt made it that wy. Because Dom and Matt’s chemistry is extremely good and undeniable, and for once, TWO MALE ACTORS AND TWO MALE CHARACTERS CAN BE SHIPPED BECAUSE THEIR SEXUALITIES MATCH (Jace might identify as straight, but he’s just as bisexual as Magnus is and no matter how much you fight it, it is the truth, and ending with Clary doesn’t erase that possiblity, no straight man on earth mentions homoerotism like he does to Simon after the biting, no straight man on earth feels offended because he’s not seen like the prettiest by another male, and no straight man looks at Simon Lewis the way he does). FOR YEARS I’VE SEEN CLEAR STRAIGHT CHARACTERS BEING SHIPPED JUST BECAUSE OF THE CHEMISTRY OF THEIR ACTORS, AND THERE WAS NO WAY OF JUSTIFYING IT SO PEOPLE KEPT CREATING AND MAKING UP HEADCANONS, BUT JALEC HAS ALL THE CHANCES TO HAVE EVER HAPPENED IF ONLY CC WASN’T SO ANTI-LGBTA (”but she has gay ships and ...”Yes, she does, and she had them out of presence the moment they got together, we never saw Magnus and Alec, it was all secret escapes, and when they kissed publically she had them leaving on vacation so to have them out, and on the new books i’m seeing the exact same thing except maybe with a bit more fanservice so showing them more not to mention all those rumors that say she’s planning on killing Alec). 
And im sorry for that last paragraph, it looks messy, but I can’t avoid my passive-aggressiveness towards CC. Even if I am indifferent towards her, I’ll never forget the abusive elements nor the fact that she chose to NOT explore same sex parabatai but is doing it with a straight one. 
AGAIN: If you don’t ship Jalec is fine. If you don’t ship Malec is fine (weird, but fine). what isn’t fine is telling people to not ship things that are respectful in the way they ship it. Yes, again, some aren’t. Some Malec shippers are really disrespectful towards any other shipper (such as Clace shippers when it doesn’t affect Malec). Some Jalec shippers are really disrespectful towards Malec ones. But not all. 
Shipwars begin with you take the voice of those that want to fight. Most shippers don’t want shipwars. Most shippers want respect and peace and most shippers don’t have a ship, they have an ARMADA. I have one. I ship Malec, I ship Jalec, I ship Clace, I basically ship everything on that show romantically (specifically talking about the show now) but Alec and Clary and Izzy and Jace (and well, a few more, like Luke and Clary or Magnus and Clary, I can’t ship those for many many reasons but hey if you do *shrugs* i don’t mind). 
So, really, let people ship what they want. You don’t like Jalec? Then don’t check the tag. Blacklist it, ignore it. Like everyone does. This place is filled with teenagers and adults alike, and sometimes, Adults behave more like teenagers than the teens do. So, seriously: you don’t like it, you don’t check it. That’s all.
Stop attacking. Stop insulting. Stop calling shippers sick for shipping something you don’t approve.
P.S. If you’re going to comment on how it is incest, again, seriously, check the character’s point of view and not YOURS, that i the most important aspect, check the character’s point of view. And if you still think it is incest, well, let me tell you one thing: incest isn’t as bad as it is painted, it’s just a morality topic, a topic that was brought as negative in the fight of classes as it was what high classes used to keep their money just like celibacy in church appeared only to protect the church’s patrimony and not as part of any religious call.
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pandoraspuxis · 8 years
Trigger warnings for people seeing the new Power Rangers movie:
- Racial jokes, used liberally to showcase how DIVERSE the cast is - One of the rangers shares naked pictures of a student in school and gets angry when they face consequences for it, at end of movie gets retribution against victim for BEING A VICTIM and is told to get over the guilt of committing what is a sex crime and just LIVE THEIR BEST LIFE - Implication that if you are LGBT, you are a freak - Implication that if you are on the spectrum, you are a freak - Implication that if you are poor or low class, you are a freak - Fucked up non-con, almost rape scene between Rita Repulsa and the yellow ranger rife with implied girl on girl sexual abuse - Gay/Autistic stereotypes - gay woman is a Latina suspected drug user (suspected being her parents imply it because she won’t tell them that she’s gay?? wtf writers??) and Autistic character is black Sheldon - Autistic guy magically recovers from Autism through the powers of friendship???
what the fuck did I just watch.
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pandoraspuxis · 8 years
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pandoraspuxis · 8 years
Can you all haters leave the jalec ship tag? morei mportantly, if you don’t ship them romantically can you fucking use a different shiptag? or more importantly, STOP BASHING ON IT?
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pandoraspuxis · 8 years
If you feel like starting a new war, do something more productive and fuck a cactus.
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