panemonium · 4 years
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It had been a year and Esmerelda was not exactly sure how she felt if she was being honest. The year had been a whirlwind of expectation, surprises, and the odds had been in her favorite. A year previous she had stood there anxiously clutching her newborn daughter and praying her husband’s name wouldn’t be called at that reaping to take someone’s place. It had been two years and they had gotten Emerald Rosseau out of that games, so why were people still upset at Alex?
This year it was a very different as Sunela was currently running around the house toting around her stuff animal and getting her new dress dirty. Her ribbons already trailing out of her hair and all Esme could do was shake her head. No one would be watching a one year old today anyhow. Today they would watch their Victors parade across the stage and then be joined by two shiny new recruits. They would be proper recruits this year too.
“It’ll be a quick couple weeks,” Esme assured her husband as she placed a gentle kiss to his cheek. She hated both Sunela and her had to leave until the Games were over, but he could have come with them, but she knew he wouldn’t.
You see, the Capitol was a sore subject around their house. It was a place Esme had gone as a tribute which was scary, but it was also where she had gone back six months for the Victory Tour. It was also a place that her husband should have visited time and time again every year. Everyone in District One had been so sure that he would be crowned Victor of the Seventy-Third Hunger Games. Alas, Alexandrite Beryl had been blessed he was not the tribute for those games. Esme knew it then and she definitely knew it now there was no messing with the Rosseau family and their legacy. 
Yet, she could still feel some feelings lingering between the two of them with the ironic twist of fate they had been handle. Not that she could see the big deal with it. Her brother Brill had meant to be a tribute before his accident paralyzed him and he didn’t hold it against her. Whatever. It would be fine.
“Come on we’re going to be late,” she told them as she scooped up Sunela and placed her on her hip. The camera crews were already moving outside Esme could hear them. 
And just like that Esme walked outside to find the July heat lingering but not so oppressive you couldn’t breathe. Looking to her left she saw familiar faces of her neighbors who were getting more and more familiar to her. Cashmere and Gloss were down the street and the Rosseau’s had their own little corner in the best part of the village naturally. 
Instead Esme allowed her mind to wander to the tributes that were supposed to volunteer this year. She thought back to the files that had been dropped off at her house so there would be no surprises. The Academy handpicked their tributes and knew their strengths and weaknesses. They would be trained fighters and confident. Esme could work with that. She could she told herself.
Only she wished they had a class on how to be a good mentor. No worries, she would figure it out. She fit in here now and she would prove it. This point was only proven to her when she handed her daughter over to her husband and was greeted by her fellow District One Victor.
Smiling Esme fell into line behind Emerald Rosseau who was surprisingly on time and ready to go. Huh, things really were going to be as they should this year without any crazy outbursts or antics. One could hope anyhow...
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panemonium · 4 years
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Why change what works? Panem’s newest Victor shows up in golden fabrics, golden hued diamonds and sunela stones, sparkling embellishments, and a polished look fitting the queen she is becoming. The golden hues also allude back to Esmerelda’s own parade outfit the year before. The princess has come full circle and become a queen.
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panemonium · 4 years
Despite the circumstances he volunteered under, Jereme felt in his element. The prep area seemed crowded, but the male tribute relished it. He supposed the disarray made him thrilled for the pending parade. If that much activity occurred behind-the-scenes, the young man could only envision the flurry of excitement once One’s chariot emerged from the tunnel. He and Lux would be the first ones to have the center stage they rightfully deserved.
“Hi.” Jereme replied, arching his brow and eyeing Esme carefully. She was one of his mentors, yes, but the tribute could not help the skepticism clouding his mind. How much could she know to help him? He supposed Esme still possessed the high of being a new victor, but it hardly compared to sponsors who probably dealt with certain victors for years.
“Good, I’ve never really been one for small talk.” He agreed, crossing his arms and continuing to scrutinize Esme. “My wants, needs, and intentions? I can live with that long and will tell you anything you want to know, but I need YOU to answer a few questions first. Just how good do you think you’ll be at mentoring this year? Because I’m trying to bring home another win for our district and need someone who knows what they’re doing.”
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“Glad we can agree on that because I have had enough talk about the weather today.” Like home the Capitol citizens liked to talk about their Hunger Games and the weather. It was all kind of trite and boring if Esme was being honest. Though she wouldn’t mind if a storm swept in from the mountains or something like they did back home in District One.
Esme looked at Jereme a moment. “Yes, I am a new Victor but no one has more star power in the Capitol at the moment.” She was shiny and new and everyone wanted to be near her. “Not to mention I come from a long line of tough business people back home. I’ve learned plenty about doing business and driving a bargain to get what I want. This translate into you getting what you want,” Esme pointed out.
“Besides, who else here is willing to do whatever it takes to help you?” Esme told him because she knew after a while it seemed some of these Victors didn’t care. It was just something they did and they knew and accepted the odds. Platinum Rosseau helped when he liked you it appeared. “I also know what it’s like to get subpar help in the games,” Esme added. She had gotten sent exactly one silver parachute in the games which she chalked up to her mentors considering she had been a favorite, scored the highest in training, and wasn’t a complete idiot. “You may not want my help but I am not asking your permission. I am going to do everything I can.”
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panemonium · 4 years
────   getting looked at like a piece of prize pony was something titus would have to get used to  as everyone from reporters to mentors were sizing him up.  even the newest victor appeared to be checking him out,   likely to see how he would be of use to her tributes.  the better question would be what purpose they would serve him,  outside of the standard career stuff that was just to be expected.
“ as you would know.  congratulations on your victory by the way. ”   he said rather disingenuously.   “ but i prefer to earn my applause,   other wise it’s not as gratifying. ”  spoken as if his grandfather was speaking through him.   sometimes he couldn’t help himself after all the speeches he’d been on the receiving end of.   but his grandfather was right,   it was very rewarding.   “ i can handle myself. ”    could he ?  that would remain to be seen ,   “ but i think it’s safe to say,  i’ve already made an impression. ”
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“Thank you,” Esme said in an automatic response. It was just what she did because honestly, she heard it from nearly everyone she met. Not that she didn’t appreciate the thought at least because it didn’t even seem real a year later. “Well, then do something worth their applause.” Not that this man needed to be told this and being from District Two he was capable of great things.
She shrugged. “Reapings are only part of the impression but yes, probably true.” People paid attention to Districts One and Two because of their past history. It was one advantage tributes from there had over the others besides their training. “Then I look forward to seeing what you have in store because I know it won’t disappoint.” There was no need to lie about that.
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panemonium · 4 years
“yeah, i am,” flicker beamed at the woman, who flicker recognized as the woman who’d won the quell. “how’d you know?”
“wait, did you meet my mom and dad on the victory tour? they don’t like to take me with them when they do victor stuff, but i guess if i win this, they’ll have to!” she bounced on the balls of her feet almost absentmindedly as she spoke. “though i guess that assumes i will win, and we don’t really know that for certain yet.” she paused, realizing suddenly that she might be coming off as awfully arrogant, which really wasn’t the impression she’d planned to make. it wasn’t the impression either of her parents would’ve wanted her to make — she was pretty sure they wanted her to come off as sad and pathetic as possible to win sponsors, which flicker objected to — she wasn’t going to milk her brother’s death for that. it wasn’t the capitol’s. it was her private grief. 
“it’s nice to meet you, though. i’m flicker latier.”
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“I might have watched the Reapings a few times,” Esme admitted as she crinkled her nose. Truthfully, she wasn’t a tribute anymore but she wanted to be a decent mentor to her tributes and part of it is knowing who was fighting who. It was also a way for her to feel some kind of normalcy because nothing about this was normal. No where in the plans for her life had been being in the Hunger Games, being a Quell Victor, or being a mentor had ever crossed her mind. “But yes, I did meet them briefly on the tour.”
She nodded. “Well, if you do win they’ll have to let you go.” Honestly, she was surprised that they hadn’t allowed it. Sunela hadn’t been on the tour but the Capitol made sure she made an appearance at the Games this year o people could see this child Esme talked about constantly as a tribute. “Anything is possible,” Esme offered up diplomatically.
“It’s nice to meet you Flicker.” Esme told the girl. “I am not sure if I should congratulate you or say sorry, so don’t mind if I skip both. I find I just go with life being whatever it wants to be good or bad.”
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panemonium · 4 years
the second garrett stepped off the train from twelve, he wanted to turn around. he wasn’t happy to be there, and he didn’t think he ever would be.
of course, it was beautiful, he wouldn’t deny that. certainly more attractive then anything back in twelve. walking through the golden halls of the tribute tower, he felt more than out of place. he genuinely couldn’t believe his wife had grown up here. mary, where was she now? hopefully somewhere with michael, george, todd, and eliza . eliza had been here just last year. was she with her mother now?
his thoughts are interrupted by someone tapping his shoulder and asking a question, which he totally missed. “sorry, what?”
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The thing about little girls were that they were full of life and energy. It was already getting late but Sunela refused to go to sleep. Esme had hoped taking her for a spin in her stroller would help after the excitement of the day but it hadn’t seemed to work. Instead the little brunette took the first chance they stopped (which happened to be to wait for the elevator) to stand up and run.
“I am sorry,” Esme said with a small smile as she ran up to the man who seemed to have caught the one-year old’s attention. “She apparently wants to say hi to everyone today.” Which surprised her but it was better than her being extra shy and scared of everyone. “And not go to bed...”
“Are you new?” Esme asked trying to rack her brain for where she had seen this man before. His face was familiar from somewhere and it had to be from the Capitol, right?
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panemonium · 4 years
@thqstarter​ status:  open​ location:   the city circle event:   tribute parade
𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍 !     it was finally starting to set in.  the names had been called,  the chariots had made their journey through the city circle    &  more importantly,   the scent of blood was finally in the air.  it was a joyous occasion  nay  monumental,   for titus finally felt like all that he had worked for was coming to fruition as the crowd cheered for him,  validating all he had done to get here.  now the official journey for glory  &  gold had begun,  oh how it tasted sweet  ── but not quite as sweet as the deep red beverage he’d been handed as he stepped off the chariots.  he wasn’t sure if it was alcohol  or just a berry flavoured juice he’d acquired,  but he liked it none the less.  the dark red liquid sat on his lips like the very blood he could already smell.   it felt right !   this was a life he could get used to  &  he intended to do just that.   so,  looked up at the person opposite him, helmet tucket under his shoulder,  he raised his glass with  a smile.
“  there’s nothing like the roar of a crowd to make you feel alive ! “  he took a sip from the cup,  the liquid tinting his lips red as he flashed his teeth,    “ really gets the blood  pumping, don’t you agree ? ”
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Esme had to stop a moment when she looked at he male tribute from District Two. Her mind was already assessing his usefulness to her tributes and whether or not they would want to work with her own. Did she trust him? Definitely not but she certainly didn’t want him against Luxana or Jereme either. He looked dreadfully creepy with his red teeth.
“It’s one way of feeling alive,” Esme pointed out diplomatically. “District Two isn’t exactly small, don’t you have crowds back home?” They had their fair share of Victors and achievements to celebrate back there. “Though I have to admit they’re kind of a strong drink might want to wait till after the Parade and you’ve made your impression to start celebrating?”
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panemonium · 4 years
flicker had slipped out of the clutches of her escort and left the suite as soon as she’d been able — she just couldn’t sit there with her father’s stony silence and her mother’s nervous energy that manifested as her pacing in circles around the living area, which was going to drive flicker mad if she had to watch it for any longer. unfortunately, she was in such a rush to get some space from the oppressive energy of the district three suite that she collided directly with someone walking the opposite direction.
“oh, shit, are you okay? i’m so sorry; i didn’t see you there!”
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location / tribute tower. open starter / @thqstarter​
Esme fought back the urge to point out she was better before being ran into but no harm had been done. It wasn’t like she had been carrying her daughter or anything of value, just her sketchbook which now laid on the floor.
“Clearly,” she pointed out as she bent down to pick the book off the floor. “But I am fine, thank you.” Esme told her as she stood back up and found herself face to face with the girl standing before her. Considering her age she had to be one of the tributes but she wasn’t hungry enough or dirty enough to be one from the outer Districts. Although she looked familiar enough...
“You’re from District Three are you not?”
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panemonium · 4 years
Esme couldn’t help but think it was a bit odd to be one this side of the table when at this time last year she was sitting there getting ready for her own parade. It had been the easiest part of the games in hindsight. Sure you had to smile and wave and long as you weren’t afraid of crowds it was no big deal. Now she was curious as to what the plan was for after the parade which was why she found herself sauntering into the District One prep area.
“Hello,” she said easily as she gave Jereme a smile. Esme knew she was a new Victor but at least she wasn’t the same age as the tributes, it had to give her some credibility. She had found it hard last year to take Emerald seriously even if she had grown up around the games and had more experience than most gave her credit for.
“Look, I am going to save you the small talk.” It was a waste of both their time. “I know you can handle the parade so how about we talk about the after? This is the time to be honest about your wants, needs, and intentions.” Why beat around the bush? “If you hate your District partner, want to be in the Career Pack or not, now is the time to tell me. Can you live with that?”
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panemonium · 4 years
“That’s because we’ve had the same idiot dressing us up for the better part of four decades.” There were few people on this planet that she held the same level of contempt towards as she did District Seven’s stylist – the woman was ( in Johanna’s incredibly well-informed opinion ) quite awful at her job, and yet she kept coming back every year, making a mockery of the district and refusing to indulge in any new ideas. Of course, Johanna thought that what the tributes wore was, by far, the least important part of their strategy, but she still became irritated each and every year when her tributes were paraded out dressed as wood.
“There’s plenty of other options.” She says, shaking her head resolutely. “There’s, you know – ” Johanna falters, fumbling for an idea and coming up blank before huffing in annoyance, “Whatever. It’s not my job to come up with the ideas, you’d just think there’d be someone in the Capitol with more than five braincells who’d be up to the task. Then again… that might be a bit of a tall order considering the talent they have to boast around here.”
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“The whole thing is morbid.” She mutters. It still surprised her at times how desensitised many of the tributes ( hell, even the victors ) from the career districts tended to be to the sheer brutality of the Games. Though her time as a tribute and now a mentor had certainly hardened Johanna to the whole thing, she still saw the Games for exactly what they were – horrific. Pretty decorations and glamorous outfits wouldn’t distract from that reality. “Nothing we can do about it though, hm? Besides watch these kids march off to their deaths year after year. At least one of them will be lucky enough to survive – like you.”
“Time to retire then,” Esme pointed out. “I mean clearly your stylist is not very good if they’ve never been promoted.” Everyone wanted the Career Districts and while some never made it that far, most at least moved up a District or Two from where they started. “I admit I would love to see them do something with the concept of the shade. Play on the greens and the darker colors that interwind in the shade of all the beautiful trees.” It was what Esme had noticed most on her short tribute to District Seven a few months ago for the Victory Tour.
She shook her head because she knew as well as Johanna there wasn’t anything they were going to do to stop it or it would have been done by now. “We all have our roles to play, I guess.” She added diplomatically. Not that Esme wanted people to die, especially now that she was a mother herself, but she knew thinking otherwise would put her own family in danger of an unfortunate accident.
“I wouldn’t say that,” Esme pointed out because Seventy-Four did not have a crowned Victor. “Someone had to survive, mine as well be me.” It wasn’t like she was bad at her job. Esme knew what was expected of her and what the Capitol wanted. It was why District One was one of their favorites.
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panemonium · 4 years
Birch beamed at the little girl even though she did not want to look at him in any way, shape, or form. “I’m sure she is just getting used to the world. Soon enough, she will hear my voice and be super excited to talk to me.” He listened to her talk about her husband and her family plans. It sounded like she had such a solid support at home. Not many Victors did, especially because they were often teens when they won. While he wouldn’t call Esme lucky, Birch was happy for her. “Hopefully you will bring your partner around sometime. I’ve been called sunshine on multiple occasions, so I think it would be fun to see what happens with all that brightness.” 
His smile dropped a fraction at the question, not because Esme asked it, but more because he had always worried about that for Oakley. Changing Districts did not happen. But considering who they were, they were given the opportunity to live as a family most of the year. 
“No, it’s okay. I understand why you ask that. Why a lot of people ask. She works with her tributes, with her other mentors, with all the capability she can. It’s not like she doesn’t know what Eight is like or what it is like being a tribute from somewhere other than the Career Districts.” Birch shrugged, running his prosthetic through his hair. “It’s been a good few years and I think everything has settled. She’s never showed any favour towards tribute other than her own. Though, when your tributes are gone, it’s hard not to want to see your spouse have a win.” 
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Esme had to laugh. “Give her another year and she will probably talk all our ears off.” Sunela knew a few words but she was still finding her voice. Not that Esme was in a hurry because she wanted to enjoy these days before they were gone. “One of these years I will get him to come,” she assured Birch. “I think it’s still hard for him in a way because he was supposed to be a tribute and a Victor.” It was ironic how the tables had flipped from what they were supposed to be. “I am selfishly glad he back out of volunteering a few years ago. Let’s face it, no one had a chance next to a Rosseau.” Esme had been relieved the moment she heard Emerald’s name get read that Alex hadn’t volunteered. She understood why Platinum was so jealous and angry he tried to kill the smallest Rosseau in the bloodbath. No sponsor or District One mentor would give you the time of the day when one of their own was in the games. It was a certain death sentence to any male tribute that went in with her.
She nodded content it worked for them because they both seemed like nice people. “I am glad it works for her. District One would never have it.” They would see it as the ultimate betrayal and never talk to a mentor that swap out. Loyalties ran deep in a District like One for better or worse. “It’s not fair trust me, I know. My husband didn’t volunteer and he’s still blacklisted in District One.” It made her frown but things had gotten better since her Victory. Alex didn’t have to work but he still worked at the Academy anyhow.
Esme nodded because she understood the sentiment. She wanted District One to be victorious again but she doubted it would happen. They had crowned the last two Victors and no one won three games in a row. “So, tell me, do you bring your children every year or leave them with family?” Seemed some Victors did and others did not. 
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panemonium · 4 years
WHO: Johanna & Open WHERE: Backstage WHEN: Tribute Parade
Johanna ( quite rightfully ) hated the tribute parade. District Seven’s stylist had been dressing their tributes in the same frightful tree costumes for almost four decades at this point – each and every year thinking that they’d managed to stumble upon something genius and groundbreaking. Unfortunately, each and every year, the Capitol morons seemed to eat it up, giggling and gawking at the children from the tree district – something just foreign enough for them to find it interesting year after year.
So, no, she wasn’t looking forward to seeing what their stylist had cooked up this year.
Instead, she lingered around in the prep area, eyeing the tributes from the other districts as she circled slowly – she figured she should at least make an effort to show her face at the parade ( if she was only doing so because Blight insisted she try and be more personable so as not to scare away potential sponsors like she did every other year, that was nobody’s business but her own ). Like any other year, she refused to get her hopes up too much about her tributes ( especially this year ), but she figured they at least deserved for her to try her best – plus, she liked how much Snow seemed to hate it whenever Seven brought home a Victor.
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“Pretty morbid, isn’t it?” She says, catching the eye of the closest person, “Parading them out like fucking prized pigs getting ready for slaughter? ‘Hey! You might die soon, but at least you get to wear a pretty outfit and wave to crowds of adoring fans before you do so.’ Well, most of them get pretty outfits. Twenty bucks says my kids are dressed like trees again.” 
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Esme turned to find herself standing next to Johanna Mason from District Seven. Her games had been one for the records book and she had changed the way they studied the games. To be honest, Esme had kind of looked up to her as a strong bad ass woman because she knew she could never be that. Perhaps she kind of was a bit of that person considering she had won the Hunger Games last year.
“I have never known District Seven not to be trees...” She admitted and she had studied the games intensely as a student. “I mean though what else could they be if they weren’t trees?” Not that she was a stylist or creatively inclined in that way.
She nodded. “It kinda is. I guess I never realized it before last year.” Or even before right now when she was there as a mentor. Last year all she had wanted to do was survive and see her daughter one more time.
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panemonium · 4 years
Birch was somewhat pleased to see the look of confusion on the reporter’s face as he whisked away the newest Victor from the clutches of the media. He was sure there would be some sort of story about how Ten and One might be working together, but considering the two tributes from there that volunteered this year, he wasn’t quite sure that was an option. 
When the reporter was out of earshot and almost out of view, Birch could focus on the two important people in front of him. He looked at the little girl, knowing about her, but never getting to see her up close. He gave Esme’s baby a big grin, patting her stuffed animal with his finger. 
“Don’t worry ‘bout it. I am always ready to rescue someone from the media. I remember after I won, it was constant questions about my prosthetic and my love life. And even now, they ask constantly about my kids. I know the want to keep it all under wraps.” As they rounded the corner, he gave Esme a smile. “I’m Birch, by the way. Don’t think we’ve officially met. From Ten, you might’ve meet my wife Oakley, who’s from Eight.”
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Esme couldn’t help but laugh as Sunela buried her head in her shoulder. “She’s a little shy. Something she does not get from either one of her parents.” She admitted with a laugh. Esme wasn’t the most outgoing person but she had never been one to shy away from people and Alex, well, Alex was the most out going person she had ever met. It was the one thing that had drawn her to him. “Her dad is literal sunshine.”
She nodded. “I can’t say they want to know much about my love life except when they can expect baby number two.” They said it like was that simple and it was easy for them because they didn’t have to have another baby. “To be honest, I wasn’t ready to have baby number one. Baby number two definitely will not be anytime soon.” It had been a complete surprise but the best one of her life.
“Anyhow, it’s nice to meet you Birch.” She told him with a smile. “Okay, I have to ask how that works? Doesn’t seem like the Capitol is too keen on people switching Districts. How does it work with the tributes too? I wouldn’t trust someone that was basically not from my District anymore.” Esme realized how intrusive her questions were. “You know, never mind. It was horribly rude and I have met Oakley once and she’s very lovely. Definitely someone to inspire everyone else around her to be better.”
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panemonium · 4 years
Somehow Birch had ended up back in the main lobby of the Tower. The girls wanted to catch up with their Mom and Birch was not included in that. Paisley said she had things to discuss with Oakley that didn’t involve him. So, he ended up kicked out, wandering around like a lost puppy. 
His feet took him across the lobby to the little café where he ordered himself a hot chocolate and mingled with all those deemed worthy to enter these hallowed halls. Just as he drained his cup to halfway he saw that a reporter had made their way into the hall, past the doors that were supposed to keep them out. They descended on the nearest person and Birch could almost hear the call for help, even though he couldn’t hear anything. 
With a little bit of hot chocolate on his upper lip, he tapped the person on the shoulder and smiled sweetly at the reporter, before looking intently at the person. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about important Games matters. Do you mind stepping away for a little bit?” His gaze lifted to the reporter and their microphone. “I’m sure you understand. Happy Hunger Games!” 
Birch turned and hoped that the person would take the way out he offered. 
OPEN // @thqstarter​
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Esmerelda balanced the tiny body on her hip as she tried to get the reporter to back off a little bit. If she was being honest she hadn’t wanted to bring Sunela to the Capitol because she hated to think her husband was home alone in District One. Not that he probably minded because he was allowed to be bachelor again for a few weeks. As much as she would have missed her daughter it wasn’t like she had ton of time to spend with her when she should be working. Last thing she wanted was for people to think she was a bad Victor before she even started.
“Right, I nearly forgot about that.” She told Birch with a smile she hoped passed for genuine. Sure she knew he was and about his arena, but she didn’t think she had much chance to speak with him before now. However, she figured it was good to let the press speculate what someone from District Ten and One could have to talk about that’s so important.
“If you don’t mind,” she told the reporter as she took the now filled cup of juice off the counter and handed it back to the little girl who had to shuffle her stuffed giraffe to grab the cup. “I owe you one for that,” Esme told Birch.
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panemonium · 4 years
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Polished and poise, Esmerelda Beryl completed her Victory Tour as one would expect of a District One Victor. She said the right things, waved, and was gracious. It was also teased that Esme’s new jewelry line would be debuted with the opening of the 76th Annual Hunger Games.
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panemonium · 4 years
Lincoln yearned to agree with Esmerelda, but he became tongue-tied. What motive would the Capitol have to harm some of Panem’s most elite citizens? Yet, the Capitol managed to damage them repeatedly with the trauma their games inflicted. “No, you’re right. I guess I’ll always be a guy from Four at heart. The food’s too rich, and there isn’t enough shellfish around. They have pretty weird tastes in the Capitol.” He finally uttered after clearing his throat.  
I am okay. His brow furrowed at that. Unsure if she simply increased her guard that evening, Lincoln admired her for it that resolve. Polite conversations seemed almost impossible following his own victory, and it seemed like Esmerelda helped it much better. “Well, I guess if you can brave through sleepless nights with a baby, you can do anything, can’t you?” He offered with a lopsided smile. “I’m sure you’re excited to go home to her and your family.”
The question Lincoln asked seemed foolish, and he knew it. His Victory Tour had been his first and only time to districts other than his own. Each day only contained a glimpse of each district, but those brief looks still consumed his thoughts at times. “Not enough apparently. I’ve heard District One has some pretty sick waterfalls that I didn’t get to see when I visited.”
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“Tell me there are better examples of shellfish than,” she waved her hand at the table she assumed was the food from District Four. It all looked rather foreign to Esmerelda other than the trout since her brothers caught it occasionally in their streams back home. Still, Esmerelda had yet to try it admittedly. It looked too slimy and smelled too fishy. “I mean it’s not that I don’t want to try it...”
Esmerelda had to laugh. “Something like that.” There wasn’t anything like being exhausted and trying to get a crying baby to sleep and failing. Several nights she had been so frustrated she had begged Sunela to sleep only to be refused. At the same time, she knew she was going to miss those nights. She had longed for them so much during her time at the Capitol and even now. “I cannot wait! I don’t care how many diapers I have to change or midnight feedings there are... I just want to be home.” Surely Lincoln could understand the feeling.
“Well, when you go on your next Tour you’ll have to see them.” A place like District Four was likely to have many more Victors. “By that I mean ask Emerald,” she added with a laugh. “Though surely that will mean going waterfall jumping which I hear is exhiliarting and I am positive you know how to swin. You’ll enjoy it,” Esme had just so happened to skip that part of her Academy initiation. Swimming was certainly not her strong suit.
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panemonium · 4 years
Esme had the look of District One. That much was obvious as Soleil drew in her appearance. She probably had never known true hunger or poverty, and Soleil had to work to bite back judgements that she felt towards the woman. After all, they’d both been through the nightmare that was the Capitol’s arena, and it wasn’t District One’s fault that they tended to do well in the Games. 
“That’s true,” Soleil smiled. “Always a new winner. Unless they decide against it.”
She was referring, of course, to the tragic ending of the 74th Games. But Soleil wouldn’t speak any further to that; it seemed that most negative talk about those Games was looked down upon, despite the absolute horror that had befallen both of the District Twelve tributes that year. She shook that thought out of her head. Unfairness was something to dwell upon for the moment, not to verbalize.
“Well,” she answered as an Avox came walking through the doors holding a platter of champagne glasses. Soleil plucked one and held it delicately in her right hand. “They’ll celebrate you here. And then they’ll celebrate you at home for a little while, move you into the Victors Village. Your district will probably move on from the excitement in a couple of weeks, but be reminded of it every time that monthly prize arrives. And then you get your Victory Tour. Which is fun if you like train rides.”
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“Well, hopefully they won’t do that again.” Esme said out of obligation and because she suspected the Capitol was not in a hurry to repeat that experience. Katniss Everdeen had caused ripples at every turn and clearly now they wanted to get back to how things should be. Not that she was complaining because she, for one, did not want things to be chaotic and uncertain as they had been the year before. Had it been that way for the other Victors too?
Esme had to admit it seemed daunting when Soleil put it that way. Parties were fun and everyone enjoyed them, but there was moving too. Her entire family would have to be uprooted and moved somewhere new. Somewhere better, but somewhere new. Her parents and siblings would be further away and maybe it was because they wanted Victors far away from their old lives.
“I don’t know how I feel about train rides,” Esme added with a laugh. District One was only a brief train ride away from the Capitol, just on the other side of the mountains. “It’s such a short ride... I hear some of the other districts take a while to get to?” Part of Esme was now curious as to what was in other districts held after speaking with Lincoln Conway.
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