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Business Guide:
How to get started
When you have a business name in mind look up the domain name to see if it’s taken. You don’t want to spend money on an LLC just to find out that your name is taken. Thats a waste of money because you also have to pay to dissolve it.
If the name is not taken, great, don’t file an LLC yet. Go online and get a virtual business address. Why? If you’re running your business out of your home like I am, just know that it’s public information if you use your address to file your LLC. A virtual address should cost like $10-$20 a month. Use that to file your LLC.
Once you’ve filed that LLC get your Ein. That’s your Employee Identification Number. It’s your businesses tax id. It’s free to file on the IRS website. Don’t fall for the scam websites you guys.
Once you’ve gotten your EIN go to Google domains and get your website name aswell as 3-4 emails. An email for your social media accounts, an executive email for yourself, an [email protected] for things like your business bank account, Shopify account, etc; and maybe a customer support email. I use the social email as a customer support email. All of this should be like $50/month.
Once you’ve don’t that get on Canva and make that logo bookie. Personally I paid someone on Fiverr to make mine because I’m a “soft business life” kind of girl and I’d rather pay the professionals. Thats just me though.
Once you’ve got your logo go ahead and get them social media accounts going. Instagram, tiktok, Facebook.
Alright now this is where it gets specific to clothing brands because that’s what I own.
Time to find a manufacturer. Head over to alibaba and search what kind of product you want to sell. Be sure to add “oem” if you want a manufacturer that customizes. Look for the amount of orders they’ve gotten on that product. If it says zero orders that’s ok. Some styles are new and thus haven’t been ordered yet. Check any reviews they have for other products. Also check the total revenue they’ve done. It’s on the store profile. I can’t tell you what the sweet spot is yet bc I’ve only used one manufacturer so far but I’d look for mid six figures and up if you wanna be real safe.
Chat with them and order a sample. Even if you buy from a vendor list you’ll need your own sample to make content with. I suggest buying one and first. It’s worth the wait because if you buy multiple and end up not liking them you’d have wasted money that could’ve gone into testing a different manufacturer.
Do not launch with more than 2 products. Even 2 is a stretch, wallai start with one.
This is because if you’re doing the preorder, which I suggest, you’ll be depending on customer orders to pay for the bulk order. Manufacturers do their moq by color or style. If you have too many options in your website and customers order a mix of things, you better pray you have enough money to cover the bulk for all those different styles. Stay safe and give them 1-2 options to choose from.
Pre order method is great if you don’t have a lot of cash to start with because the orders pay for themselves. Bulk orders start to wrack up. Especially if it’s a custom style or material. You don’t want to break the bank for something that might not sell.
Once you’ve gotten and approved your samples choose a launch date. 2-3 weeks before that launch dates post consistently. At least once a day but remember quality over quantity. Now don’t be tricked. Quality doesn’t mean a full cinematography. It means connecting with your audience and relating with them to a point where they’re like “this business gets it”. Either that or attaching yourself to an identity they want to have. “It girl ig influencer”, “feminine soft life babe” “clean girl Pilates princess” whatever the fuck it is embody ur as best as you can. When customers attach your product with an identity that is aspirational to them they will buy it without rationalizing. It’s why the luxury market makes so much off of ppl who can’t afford to buy it twice.
Focus on the backend
If you have a goal of getting an influx of orders and making a lot of sales, be sure that your business is structured in a way that can handle it happening at any given time. You know those tiktok businesses that get one viral video and sell out over night? That could be you but if you’re not prepared ppl are going to be upset. I suggest working backwards:
A customer service platform/inbox so that you can answer them right away with frequently asked questions.
Have stock so that you have something for customers to buy once they finally land on your website.
Have a well presenting website so that ppl don’t think you’re a scam. I’m going to do a post on this bc some of these business websites drive me fuckin nuts. Color theory ppl, color theory.
A social media page with some kind of social proof ie reviews from customers in some way shape or form. Ppl are going to be looking for what others have to say about your brand. Hire UGC creators to make videos that you can post on your page. They’re cheaper than influencers but still know how to convey the message well. You’ll have to have extra samples and items on hand to send them. Also check out their usage rights. Some will allow you to use their videos in ads but you have to pay extra and it’s only for a certain amount of time. But if they do it right, you’ll get a great return. Scared money don’t make no money.
A social media page that shows the products in movement and different lighting. I need to be able to imagine myself in the item before I buy it. Where would I wear it, how will it fit on me. Even when I’ve already ordered something I stay going back to the businesses social media page just to see the clothes again. I might even search it up to see other ppl wearing it.
No need to go crazy with the packaging in the beginning. Don’t get me wrong, branding is important but as a beginner you may not have the money for that yet. You need to focus on spending money on what will give you the best return. Just get regular poly mailers from Amazon in your brand colors. You’ll also need:
A stack of 6x4 shipping labels
A thermal printer
A scale
When your manufacturer sends you the clothes they will most likely be in their own little bags. If not you can get those from Amazon too.
Later on you can go to alibaba and find a manufacturer to print you custom poly mailers for that extra edge. Put your logo, a cute message, and your social media handles on the bag and that’s it. Good to go.
You can also design your own thank you cards as well. I won’t be doing that.
Little things to remember
Don’t feel like you have to keep up with big brands. You don’t need to launch something every two weeks. As a matter of fact I advise against emulating super fast fashion brands. I only launch a new item once the pre ordered items have been shipped out to customers.
Be nice to your customers. You’d think this was obvious but it’s not. Some ppl are rude, ghetto, and uncouth. If you hate authority and have a smart mouth I think you should either take a customer service course or hire a virtual assistant from the Philippines to do your customer service for you because no customers = no money.
I’ll update this as I learn and grow:
Not every influencer with a mass follower base is going to be your influencer. It’s possible that you pay $5000 for an influencer with 75k followers to post your product on her page but that post makes you less than $3k. That means you’ve net negative $2k. What a fuckin waste of money.
This is why it’s important to develop a persona for your brand. What is your brand identity? Who is your target audience? What are their psychographics?
Where do currently shop? What are there favorite social media apps?What is their race? Their age? Their ethnicity? Are they in college or highschool? Do they have parents that support their lifestyle or are they hustlers? Are they concerned about price or quality more? Are they married? Do they have children? Are they environmentally conscious?
You need to embody Joe Goldberg and peer at them through their window. Acquaint yourself with every part of their life.
Also, you might not be your target demographic yet and that’s ok. The girls that shop with my brand have social lives. They go out with their friends and need outfits to wear. I don’t have a social life. The only clothes I wear are my work clothes to go to work and my robe when I’m at home.Or a sweat set and a bonnet to run errands.
Don’t think to yourself “ I would never wear that.” “I would never buy something at that price point”. That’s fine cuz someone else will. A lot of people will.
Another thing is your demographic could change once you start your business. It might be that you create content that attracts a different type of person than what you originally planned and that’s cool too. We don’t live in a perfect world. As long as they’re close enough to what you had predetermined it’s ok. Sometimes our business comes out different than we hoped but it’s just as good if not better. It’s like child. Don’t destroy its greatness trying to turn it into something it doesn’t want to be.
User generated content
Love, love, love her down. She’s that sweet spot between making content yourself and having an influencer with a large following make the content for you. UGC is a form of social proof which is something you need for an e-commerce brand especially. Ppl can’t just pop into your store and try on your stuff so they need the opinions of “regular” people to sell them on it. They want to see that person try it on, do a close up of the fabric, wear it to a social setting, etc;
What I like about UGC is that I can pick someone who fits into my brand persona to represent my brand even if I don’t. Someone that appears aspirational but still relatable. Like I said previously, you yourself might not embody your brands persona but you can pay someone who does.
A little translate for yall: I do not live in a nice apartment. My room is small, and dark, and filled with boxes. My living room has mix matched decor and I myself am not the body type I’d like to be (pls don’t hit me with body positivity babe). What I can do is pay a girl with the opposite of all those things and knows how to sell a product.
I have a girl right now that I’ve inquired to make posts for me and she’s got it all. Her rate for one video is $100 with an extra $30 for 90 days of usage in ads. $100 is the new 50 and for the return I’ll get on her, THATS A STEAL.
If you need to find a UGC creator search it up on tiktok and Twitter. Most of them have a portfolio of past work they’ve done. If you feel like they match your brands vibes, keep their info for when you’re ready.
I suggest to have a roster of them because if ppl keep seeing the same person over and over, the thought that that person is just a regular degular customer leaves their mind and you lose the magic of UGC.
Update 12/21/2023
I’ve been sick but yall ain’t paying me so it’s ok. Here’s the update.
Your website is your home babe and when you’re preparing for guest you can’t have your home looking any type of way. Not only does it need to be clean but it needs to be cohesive and inviting.
You know how many times I’ve opened someone’s booking page on Instagram and I click off. Not only am I not reading through all of that small ass text but my head hurts cuz you’ve got a black font on a hot pink background.
Some of yalls websites to not comply with accessibility guidelines so pay attention to that bc you can be sued. Ppl should be able to read what you have on there without getting a headache.
Good rule of thumb is to have one primary color, and then black and white. Don’t over complicate it. Your primary color will be your logo, think twitters blue, then your secondary colors should be black and white, for your text. You might have an accent color like gold or silver, this should be used sparingly for a little dazzle.
If you’re a clothing brand like me, keep the text short and sweet. Think about it, when you go shopping on your favorite website are you bombarded with a soliloquy on how the collection came to be? And even if you are do you stop and read the whole thing? I don’t bc I don’t care. That’s what your Instagram story is for.
All I want to see is the attention grabber and a short,but convincing, tagline.
Example: Ski Resort 2023-“Stun the slopes and stand out on the ski lift with best sellers spotted at St. Moritz”
Let you images tell the rest of the story.
Don’t overwhelm them with options
Guys this is so important. The more options ppl see the less they buy or the less likely they are to buy. Why? This is the thought process.
“Omg the stuff on this website is so cute! Let me go through their catalog and add to my cart as I go”
5 minutes of scrolling
“Ok I have too many things in my cart let me just save to a wishlist instead”
Another 5 minutes of scrolling
“Ok I’ll just stop here and go back to my cart and decide what I’m going to get rn”
Goes to cart
Spends 10 minutes deciding what she’s gonna get bc there’s so many good options
Takes 10 items out of her cart and only buys two basics bc she knows those are less likely to disappoint.
And scene
That is if she didn’t leave after the second five minutes of scrolling. Nowadays five minutes on a non stimulating website is a lot, don’t let it take that long.
Obviously this also depends on the customers budget. Some people have the money to just buy everything in their cart (I wish- one day), but most are just window shopper you hope to convert with your nice styles, images, and prices. Don’t make it harder for people to give you their money.
I have more but I’m tired of writing so I’ll update yall tmrw.

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Success Requires Discipline To:
Exercise & eat healthy
Manage time better
Invest money wisely
Maintain good relationships
Set & achieve goals
Stay organized
Control emotions
Chase personal development
Continue learning
Wake up earlier
Be consistent
Keep focus
Face challenges
Not give up
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Selebriti seks - Uqasha Senrose
Selesai penggambaran filem terbaru artis terkenal uqasha senrose bersiap2 dan berkemas untuk pulang. Selepas mengambil skrip bagi scene berikutnya dia pun mengucapkan selamat jalan kepada rakan2 krew, mengambil bag dan terus berjalan menuju je tempat letak kereta bawah tanah di bangunan dimana shooting diadakan..Owg xbiasa park kat situ,,dn kawasannye kerap kosong dn gelap.. Sewaktu berjalan menuju ke parking tanpa uqasha sedari dia diperhatikan oleh seorang produser berbangsa India bernama Mohan yang memang selama ini menaruh dendam terhadap uqasha kerana dia pernah dimarahi oleh uqasha.. Kereta uqasha diletakkan di parkir bawah tanah bangunan itu dan untuk sampai ke parkir perlu melalui beberapa blok dan lengkuk kosong. Apa yang ada hanya relung paip bomba dan pemadam api, boleh dikatakan kawasan itu agak sunyi. Selepas keluar dari lif. Uqasha pun berjalan menelusuri selekoh dan dinding yang ada untuk sampai ke parking. Tanpa dia sedari pergerakannya diekori oleh Mohan yg dah lama menunggu peluang untuk membalas dendam. Niat dihati Mohan mahu merogol uqasha dan mengambil beberapa keping gambar sebagai token dendamnya…Tetapi mohan tahu, klu rogol uqasha kat situ mungkin berbahaya dn x selesa.. Jd die pikir suatu pelan yg elok,utk dptkan sesuatu rakaman aksi xsenonoh si uqasha yg digunakan utk mengugutnye kelak..Mohan siap pakai topeng utk rahsiakn identitinye tu..die menunggu smpai uqasha smpai ke keretanye lalu serbu dr belakang..Mohan pegang erat tubuh uqasha dn mencekup mulutnye kuat,, satu lg tangan memegang sebilah pisau yg digunakan utk mengertak uqasha,.. ‘’dengar baik2,, kalau kau xnak mati di sini,, kau baik dengar ckp aku,,paham???’’ kata mohan kat uqasha..Uqasha yg takot dn panic tu cuba meronta2 melepaskn diri , tp digenggam erat oleh mohan..’’kau nak mati ke???’’ tnye mohan dn uqasha geleng mukanye yg dicekup tgn mohan..sbb dipeluk dr belakang, bahagian konek mohan tepat2 atas punggung uqasha, die dpt merasai kelembutan punggung pejal uqasha dn koneknye mula mengeras.. Mohan meraba2 konek keras die atas punggung uqasha yg hnye di selindungi dgn kain silk lembut.. Uqasha dpt merasai bende keras naik turun celah2 punggungnye dn airmatanye mula menitis..’’sedap punggung mu syg,, soft dn pejal,,mmm’’ kata mohan…
Mohan pusingkn badan uqasha dgn tgnnye masih mencekup mulutnye..’’Aku nk lpaskn tgn aku,,kalau kau menjerit,, aku tikam kau terus,,’’ kata mohan sambil menghayun pisau tu… uqasha terlalu takut dn terkaku…badannye mengeletar..mohan melepaskan tgnnye dn uqasha diam sahaja..Mohan letak pisau tu kat pipi uqasha dn gertak lg, uqasha x melawan balik, die risaukn nyawanye yg mungkin hilang hari itu..Mohan tahu die xleh lepak lama di situ, lalu suruh uqasha melutut kat lantai kongkret belakang kereta uqasha..Mohan melucutkan sluar nye dn mengeluarkan koneknye yg mengeras..Uqasha mnjadi takot, geleng2 kepalanye dn bergerak kebelakang cikit..’’tolong…..jgn buat mcm nie…….please!!!’’ rayu uqasha,, mohan mengertak lagi dgn pisaunye, pegang blakang kepala uqasha dn tarik kedepan..’’kulum konek aku, klu tak aku kelar terus leher kau’’ seru mohan.. Uqasha menangis teruk , depan mukanye konek hitam tebal panjang, dn xbersunat lg, perasaan takut dn geli campur aduk dn uqasha xtau ape nak buat..Mohan meraba2 koneknye atas pipi uqasha yg melinang airmata..geseran konek tu menganas2 lg sbb mohan xtahan kecantekan wajah si uqasha yg bertudung itu..dahi, dagu, pipi, hidung mata , mulut dn merata2 mukanye diraba..’ohhh baby,, canteknye kau,,mmmmm’’ mohan melayan stim koneknye kt muka uqasha.. Mekap muka melekat2 pulak kat konek si mohan….’’Bukak mulut kau skrg!!!’’ seru si mohan dn uqasna mmbuka sikit mulutnye,, mohan trus merodok pembukaan itu dn menolak masuk kepala koneknye,, muka uqasha mengerut semacam dgn air mata kuat mengalir..pelir mohan mungkin trase pahit dn masam sbb berpeluh2 td tgh tunggu kt area parking …tp mohan xkisah,, koneknye kini dlm mulut si uqasha…’’oohh yess baby,, suck my cock,,suck it like a whore’’ kata mohan kat uqasha..uqasha xdpt menerima situasi yg die sedang lalui..die berharap agar semua nie Cuma mimpi yg buruk, tp kenyataannye, konek laki india ni tgh menikmati mulut uqasha.. ‘’ooh yeahh baby,,mulut kau soft dn sedap laa,, nk rse kerongkong kau pulak,,’’ kata mohan sambil gelak.. ‘’ppuan mcm kau pasti xpernah dengar pasal facefuck kan?? Mari aku ajar kau,’’ kata Mohan lalu suruh uqasha letak tangannye kat belakang..’’ready x sayang?? ‘’ tnye mohan lalu mula jolok koneknye jauh kedalam mulut uqasha.. ’’krrrookkk, ,kkkkrrrrooookkk,,krrrrrookkkk’’ bunyi krongkong uqasha di ratah terdengar…Uqasha trus menolak peha mohan kebelakang dn mohan pulak menampar muka Uqasha dgn kuat beberapa kali,, ‘’tangan kat belakang!!!jgn buat aku marah’’ teriak mohan…’’pleaassee,, qasha xleh nafas,, pleaseee’’ rayu uqasha..’’tahan nafas kau, sama mcm maen tahan nafas bawah air,,’’’kata mohan lalu terus facefuck mulut uqasha..muka uqasha yg cntek jelita tu mnjadi tempat jolok laki india nie..
Mohan mengeluarkan telepon bimbitnye lalu mula merakam aksi berkenaan..Uqasha merayu supaye mohan x berbuat demikian tapi mohan rakam jugak..selama 10 minit aksi mengulum dn facefuck tu dirakam, termasuk aksi muka jelita uqasha tu kne pancut..Mohan trase sungguh puas hati, tetapi pelan die terhadap uqasha tu belum berakhir lagi.. mse uqasha sedang mengelap air mani mohan dr mukanye,, mohan mengertak lagi si uqasha nie.. btau die kalau die laporkan kt polis atau sape2,, klip yg mohan rakam tu die kn sebar2 kan..mohan berani kluarkn klip tu sbb hnye muka uqasha yg kelihatan dlm klip tu,, … pastu mohan bg sebuah handpon modal ;lama berserta charger kat uqasha,.sim kad tu sim yg x diregister, sim hantu..hnye boleh terima panggilan masuk..’’kalau mse aku telepon, kau x jawab,, klip nie aku terus akan sebarkn,,paham tak???’’ tnye mohan..’uqasha mengangguk kepalanye,,mukanye sedih dn pilu..Mohan mengucapkan terimakasih utk service konek yg indah tu dn meninggalkn uqasha kat situ.. Selepas insiden tu, mohan x contact uqasha selama 2minggu..sebenarnya mohan agak cuak jugak, dia takut uqasha kn btau polis dn bile die panggil nombor tu,, polis kn jawab..hari2 check surat khabar, nk tgk ada apa2 laporan pasal kejadian tu…lpas 2minggu mohan berani cikit..orang secara lazim berani membuta tuli ataupon berani kerana benar,, tp si mohan nie berani kerana dh tak tahan gian dah..kahkahkah…mohan pon menelepon handpon tu dn uqasha menjawab..mohan bersembang2 dgn uqasha, tnye bnyk kali samaada die ada btau polis atau sape2..uqasha btau xcakap apa2 pon kat sape2..mohan xpercaya 100% kata2 uqasha tu.. mmg x salah si mohan tu xpercaya, sbb uqasha mmg dah btau kat seorang..laki tu, En Ramli, berumur 52thun adalah seorang kenalan keluarga uqasya dn die merupakan seorang polis pangkat tinggi..Uqasha btau kat die sahaja sbb en Ramli bagaikn pakciknye sendiri.. En Ramli btol2 nk tangkap laki india nie, dn suruh uqasha menunggu panggilannye..Selain Mohan ,, hnye uqasha dn en ramli je tahu pasal bnde nie…
Dua minggu seterusnye, mohan kerap memanggil uqasha dn bersembang dgn uqasha..Die terpaksa melayan panggilan mohan tu, nk mohan percayakn uqasha dn ajak uqasha ke mana2 lokasi,, baru pakcik nye boleh menangkapnye..kan uqasha nie seorang pelakon, die gunakan skill lakonannye melalui telepon smpai mohan benar2 percaya yg uqasha tu jatuh hati kat die..bodoh benar india nie, xsangka die tgh memasuki jerat yg dipasang uqasha dn pkciknye.. uqasha benar2 mmpengaruhi minda mohan smpai mamat tu mula pikir pasal nk memeluk islam dn kawen uqasha..sebulan lepas mohan mula bersembang dgn uqasha, die berikan alamat rumahnye kat uqasha..Die menunggu2 kedatangan uqasha siap beli boquet bunge ros bagai hadiah mse melafazkn cintenye kat uqasha.. Sebuah kereta parking depan rumahnye,, dn Mohan dgn gembiranye mmbuka pintu rumahnye untuk mendapati seorang laki mlayu usia 50-an kluar…En Ramli dtg ke rumah mohan…Mohan tutup balik pintu dn terus memanggil handpon yg die bg kat uqasha..Panggiln tu dijawab oleh En ramli,, sbb handpon tu die dah amik dr uqasha mse nk dtg ke situ..’’encik,, boleh buka pintu tak, aku nk tgk muke kamu,,nak sembang cikit’’ kata en.Ramli.. ‘’ahh,, ahhh,, saya,,,errr,,,saya,,,,,encik,,,,sy…..’’ mohan xtau nk ckp apa,,die dah kantoi…’’sy nie inspector Ramli, nak aku balik stesen pastu pakai uniform aku dn bawak kawan2 aku dn serbu rumah kau?? Cepat bukak’’ kata en Ramli..Gate automatic rumah mohan terbukak dn En Ramli pon masuk..Pintu depan dibukak dn en ramli masuk ke dalam.. ‘’Encik,…tuan,,,,sy….sy……sssaya mmminta maaf,, saya xkn buat lagi ‘’ kata mohan yg sgt2 cuak..’’nama kau sapa??’’tnye en Ramli..Mm…mmm.. mmohan tuan’’ jawab mohan.. Mata en Ramli terpandang bunga ros merah kt atas meja ruang tamu.. ‘’ini utk sapa?? Aku??’’ tnye en Ramli..Mohan yg blur trus ckp ye..En ramli amik bunga tu dn bantai kepala mohan 2-3 kali..’’dah buat bende terkutuk cmtu kat die, pastu kau nk bg bunga skrg??’’ tnye en Ramli dgn nada sarkastik sekali..’’Mintak maaf tuan,, sy dah silap,,sy bersalah ,,tolong laa sy’’ kata mohan kata smbil memegang kaki en Ramli..’’mana klip yg kau rakam tu,, bawak sini!!’’ seru en Ramli,,Mohan pon berikan handponnye dn En Ramli melihat klip tu.. En Ramli menonton klip tu smpai habis, cikit pon x fast forward atau skip..lpas tgk abis, die tnye mohan,, ‘’dah bersedia gi ke penjara ke??’’… ‘’tuan ampun tuan,, tolong laa sy,,tolong tuan’’ rayu mohan.. Nasib mohan terumbang ambing dn masa dpannye nmpak gelap ..
‘’bawak bertenang en Mohan, kalau niat aku nk tangkap kamu, kau pasti dah meringkup kat lokap aku,,, skrg kne bantai kaw2’’ kata en ramli.. Mohan agak keliru dn duduk mendengar jer… ‘’sebenarnye, aku pon gian kat si Uqasha nie, dn dh bnyk kali die dn adek beradeknye jd modal lancap aku…Bile die btau ttg kejadian nie,, aku melihat suatu peluang utk aku menikmati si uqasha nie’’ terang en ramli kat Mohan… Mohan yg bersedia nk melafaz kn cintenye kat uqasya kini sedang mendengar En Ramli melafazkn nafsunye terhadap uqasha….’’Tp sy btol2 cintekan die Tuan, sy sumpah,’’ kata mohan yg masih bodoh terpedaya dgn si uqasha tu..’’sy sumpah uqasha xcintekan kau mohan, sbb kalau die cintekan kau, kenapa aku ada kat sini?? Aku suruh die pura2 lyn kau je smpai kau bg lokasi kau,, nmpaknye bkn saje lokasi, hati pon kau bg sekali ye??hahaha’’ gelak en Ramli..Baru mohan tersedar, hatinye panas dn mula mendengar pelan En Ramli..’’sy kn pegi balik dn btau lokasi nie lokasi salah, seolah2 kau tipu..pastu bile kau contact die balik,,berikan alamat ini’’ kata en Ramli lalu mmberikan suatu alamat rumah berserta kunci rumah tu..’’Kau pegi tunggu kat situ lpas 2 hari dn aku kn bawak uqasha ke situ..die akan masuk dulu..kau jgn lock pintu sbb 5minit kemudian aku kn masuk dn kau terus dtg bergelut dgn aku, sy kn simpan pistol xberpeluru kat blakang sluar, kau amik pistol tu dn mula ugut aku dn uqasha ‘’ kata en Ramli smbil btau ape2 yg die nk mohan cakap kat die dn Uqasha..Mohan pon bersetuju lalu buat seperti disuruh..
En Ramli pastu gi jumpe uqasha dn btau citer,,,Uqasha mmpercayai pak cik nye tu, dn lpas 2 hari die dtg bersama ke lokasi tu ..Uqasha berani masuk dulu sbb En ramli btau die lpas 5 minit die kn serbu msuk…Uqasha mmbukak pintu depan yg xberkunci tu dn melihat mohan yg sedang terduduk di ruang tamu, dgn memakai topeng muka yg sama… ‘’xpercayakn qasha lg ke? Kn qasha dh dtg sini,,tnggal je laa topeng tu,’’ kata uqasha..dlm hatinye nk tgk muka laki2 yg mencemarinye,,xsabar2 nk benci muka tu dn nk rse puas melihat muke tu msuk penjara…’’bukak laa syg, qasha rindu sgt kt abg’’ lakonan Oscar award uqasha xhenti2…sperti yg di rancang, en ramli pn serbu masuk, bergelut dn kini pistol xberpeluru tu kat tgn Mohan..dn die mula menggertak uqasha dn en Ramli..
‘’’aku btol2 cintekn kau syg,, btol2 percaya,,,nmpaknye kau tipu aku’’ Mohan btau kekecewaannye kpada uqasha..’’kau sape pulak??polis?? dtg seorang cmni tentu nk bunuh aku sbb marah sgt dgn perbuatan aku, klu x tentu dah ada ramai polis luar rumah aku…kau mesti sayangkn uqasha nie sgt2 smpai snggup nk bunuh aku,, kn?’’ kata si mohan,, mengikot skrip yg direka oleh en Ramli.. mohan btau yg die sedih uqasha menipunye dn kini nk lihat en ramli mmbuat bnde2 yg x senonoh kat uqasha..uqasha dn en ramli terkejut,…’’hoi,, die sebaya anak aku tau,, celaka’’ si ramli tu pura2 marah…mohan mula mengertak dgn teruk..kata nk tembak kat kepala smbil mengacu2 kt mrk cm orang giler..mohan mengetok kpale en ramli dgn bahagian blakang pistol dua kali smpai berdarah cikit.. Lakonan depa btol2 dipercayai si uqasya…sikit pon x suspect yg en ramli nie suhabat dgn mohan.. ‘’tolong laaa,, lepaskan kita,, sy xnak mati,, sy ada anak dn bini yg aku syg, tolong laa’’ rayu en ramli..’’’sanggup x buat ape yg aku suruh??’’ tnye mohan,, dn si ramli mengangguk kepalanye..’’maafkan pakcik sgt2 qasha,,pakcik xtau nk buat apa,,pakcik takut sangat laa qasha’’ kat en ramli kat uqasha..uqasha menunduk diam je smbil airmatanye mengalir..die seolah2 menerima hakikat yg die terpaksa buat bnde2 yg xsenonoh utk selamatkan pakcik dn dirinye.. ‘’aku nk kau bogel skrang dpan pakcik kau,,,,tnggal semua kecuali tudung,,,cepat’’ seru mohan.. uqasha berdiri dn smbil menangis tersedu2, menanggalkn pakaiannye..jean dn tshirt yg dipakainye ditanggal dn kini dgn bra dn panties jer..’’kau,, tarik bra kuat2 smpai terlucut,,’’kata mohan kat en ramli..dgn muka sedih ramli memegang bahagian depan bra merah jambu uqasya dn menariknye dgn kuat mededahkn tetek uqasha putih gebu dgn shape yg cntek..en ramli memandang ke arah lain seolah2 die xsanggup nk lihat kebogelan uqasha..’’pandang tetek tu skrang!!’’ teriak mohan dn dgn lakonan seolah2 berat hati,,, en ramli memandang tetek cantek tu..’’apa kau pkir ttg tetek nie, cantek x??nk isap x??’’ tnye mohan,,. ‘’die nie mcm anak aku, xrse apa2pon kecuali kasih syg seorang bapak kat anaknye,,tolong jgn pkse aku buat apa2 kat die, ‘’ rayu en ramli padahal dlm hati xsabar2 nk nyonyot tetek uqasha tu..’’isap tetek die skarang jugak’’ seru mohan ..’’tolonglaa,, aku merayu kat kau,,pukul laa aku,,,’’ kata ramli..uqasha trase sedih memikir nasib yg menimpanye,.sedh melihat pakcik tu menangis mcmtu..pandang kearah pakciknye dn mengangguk kepala,,seolah2 mmberi kebenaran,,menerima nasib malang tp tetap menghormati pakcik tu,,sbb dlm hatinye die percaya pakcik tu xkn terpikir nk buat cmtu klu bukan dlm situasi tu,,padahal pakcik tu yang buat situasi tersebut..ramli memegang tetek uqasha dgn lembut lalu cium mcm nak xnak jer..’’genggam tetek tu kuat2 ,,nyontot puting tu puas2’’ kata mohan,, lalu ramli menurut,,impian lama ramli termakbul,, tetek tegang berisi uqasha kini dinikmatinye..mohan geram gak,, sbb die blum sentuh tubuh uqasha,, hnye mulut je diratah..mohan suruh ramli bayangkan seolah2 die menyonyot tetek isterinye,,dn jilatan en ramli menjadi semakin rakus.. mohan suruh uqasha mengusap2 kepala dn rambut ramli seolah2 menyukai perbuatan ramli tu..pastu mohan suruh uqasha tanggal pantiesnye dn suruh die mintak ramli menghidu pantiesnye..uqasha menanggal pantiesnye lalu menghulur kat ramli,.Ramli diam terkaku jer,, lalu mohan seru kat uqasha spye meraba2 panties tu kat muka en ramli,,itulah yg ramli suruh mohan ckp dua hari yg lepas,, dn mse uqasha meraba2 panties nye kt muka ramli, mohan suruh en ramli menghirup2 kuat..en ramli betul2 menikmati bau cipap uqasha kt panties tu..pastu uqasha dibuat terkangkang kat sofa dan ramli disuruh jilat..cipap muda tembam tu sungguh segar didepan mata ramli, dgn rakus sekali lidahnye menerokai permukaan cipap smpai ke lubang indahnye,,lidah ramli mengentel2 biji kelentit uqasha yg sebaya anaknye…kemutan lidah dgn cipap tu agak memberangsankn uqasha, die memejam mata,,dn bile xtahan menutup mukanye dgn tapak tgnnye…’’pandng die masa die tgh isap cipap kau,, genggam rambut die dn tarik mukanye rapatkn dgn cipap kau..’’ kata2 ramli kluar dr mulut mohan..mohan layan je melihat awek alim bertudung tu menggengam rambut laki tue tu dn menariknye ke arah cipapnye…kaki uqasha di naikkan lagi dn kini ramli mengucup jubo awek muda ini..hati uqasha trase kasihan kt pakciknye yg terpkse menjilat bahagian tubuhnye yg kotor tu,, tp hakikatnye ramli xsabar2 nk jilat lubang jubo uqasha yg comel dn ketat tu..mse jilat die btol2 menikmatinye….
Pastu mohan suruh ramli melucutkan pakaiannye semua dn duduk bogel atas sofa…mohan menyuruh uqasha mmbuat bende2 yg ramli pesan..uqasha dipakse cium dn jilat tapak kaki ramli…uqasha dibuat mengulum jari kaki yg besar tu seolah2 mengulum konek smbil memandang muka ramli..mohan suruh ramli melancap melihat perbuatan uqasha itu..awek bertudung mengulum ibu jari kaki,,salah satu idaman ramli..plahan2 jilat kaki dn naik kearah konek ramli..dgn jinak konek ramli dicium, dijilat dn dikulum…’’genggam kepala die dn lajukn lg pergerakanye’ ’ kata mohan dn ramli trus buat demikian,..badan uqasha dlm posisi merangkak dn bontot melentiknye tu sungguh menggiurkn mohan,, sungguh perfect , putih dn pejal..mohan teringin nk menikmati skali tp dlm skrip yg di buat oleh ramli, mmg mohan xde peranan…jd mohan pon terpikir dn menukar skrip ramli..die usik2 handpon die lalu btau uqasha dn ramli bahawa die dah rakam aksi uqasha mengulum kaki dn konek ramli dn dah hantar kt seorang kawan baiknye dgn pesanan jika apa2 terjadi kat mohan,, samaada dibunuh atau ditangkap polis,, terus sebarkn klip itu.. ‘’skrang aku kn join sekali dgn korang,, tp ingat, klu korang nk lawan balik atau bt apa2 kat aku,, klip korang kn tersebar..’’ kata mohan lalu parking pistol atas almari dn mula menanggal pakaiannye kecuali topeng yg dipakainye..ramli xsuke skrip terbaru yg direka mohan, tp xleh nk bantah sbb klu bantah atau lawan,, perbuatan seks die dgn uqasha tentu tergendala..jd ramli terpkse menerima situasi dn teruskn je…Mohan terus melutut belakang uqasha dn maen jilat jubo uqasha dgn rakus,, die menampar2 bontot pejal uqasha dgn kuat smbil lidahnye menjolok2 lubang jubo uqasha…turunkan mukanye dn cipap dijilat sekali…mse yg sama mulut uqasha tetap mengulum konek ramli..pastu mohan mendekatkan konek tebalnye ke arah cipap uqasha lalu menampar dn mengesel cipap dgn konek tu..ramli trase geram sbb die yg nk rasmikn cipap uqasha,, xpuas hati laki india mndapat peluang tu,,dn dpan matanye lg tu.. Mohan ghairah sgt nk ratah dara awk mlayu cun lalu msukkan jarinye kedalam cipap utk test power..Die kecewa sbb selaput dara tu dh xde..Uqasha nie buat alim je dpn orang, tp cipap die tu dah menerima konek sebelum insiden ini..mcm mana pon,,ruang cipapnye masih ketat dn mohan trus menolak koneknye kedalam..’’aaaaaahhhhhhh,,,aaaaauuuuuu…mmmmmmmmm’’ uqasha mengerang knikmatan konek tebal mengesel ruangan dalamnye….’’Sdap ke sayang ,,? (tappp..tappp, tappppp)’’ tanye mohan lalu menampar2 bontot uqasha..’’isap konek die elok2 bitch’’ kata mohan lalu menolak2 muka uqasha , konek ramli mendalam lg krongkong uqasha…tamparan diteruskan dn dgn jari telunjuknye mohan mula mengorek2 jubo uqasha…koneknye meratah cipap, tangannye satu menampar punggung, dn satu lagi tgn buat finger fuck jubo uqasha….Mohan semakin gian lalu menarik muka uqasha kedepan,, masukkan jari tgn kiri dn kanan kt mulut uqasha dn tarik lalu melebarkan lubang mulut uqasha..’’ludah dalam mulut die,’’ seru mohan dn ramli turut jugak..’’nmpak tak muke bitch nie,,cantek tak mulutnye cmnie???’’ tnye mohan..die suruh ramli berdiri dn maen jolok mulut uqasha..’’fuck her whore mouth,,fuck her filthy mouth like a bitch’’ seru mohan..Tp ramli cm xreti nk facefuck,,cm biasa je keluar msuk…
‘’mai aku tunjuk,, kau tukar tmpat dgn aku..’’ kata mohan lalu bergerak kedepan dn ramli gerak ke belakang uqasha..ramli baru nk masuk koneknye kt cipap terdengar bnyi tamparan bertubi2..’’stupid whore, u deserve this,, (Harrrrkkptuihhhh)’’ kata mohan lalu meludah kt muka uqasha…’’lancap konek aku sayang,,dgn dua tgn skali’’ kata mohan yg mmemegang leher uqasha dgn satu tgn manakala tgn lg satu menampar2 muka comeynye tu..uqasha melancap rapi konek india tu dgn rapi tp mukanye ditampar dn diludah teruk oleh laki tu..’’stupid bitch,, skrg kau rse jubo aku pulak..’’ kata mohan lalu menoleh dn merapatkan bontotnye yg hitam kearah muka uqasha..Mohan memegang kepala uqasha dn gesel2kn jubo hitam die kt muke comey uqasha..Ramli agak xpuas jugak melihat laki2 india bt cmnie kt uqasha..’’lick my ass bitch,, rse jubo aku syg,,,sedap takk???hahaha’’ kata mohan yg menyukai perbuatan penghinaan itu..pastu die sambung maen facefuck ..kepala uqasha di tampar kuat smpai tudungnye mula tanggal..mohan tarik kluar tudung tu,, jerut leher uqasha lalu berikan kain tu kt ramli dn suruh tarik kuat2 smbil tgh jolok… pastu uqasha dibaringkan melentang dgn kakinye luas terbukak..mohan menampar2 cipap tembam tu semata2 nk lihat tubuh uqasha terkejut cm terkene letrik.. mohan dn ramli bertukar2 . selang seli menjolok cipap uqasha dlm posisi tu..mse ramli tgh jolok mohan duduk atas muka uqasha dn suruh die jilat jubonye..’’ooohhh yeeaahhh baby,,, jilat jubo aku elok2’’ kata mohan smbil melancap koneknye….pastu mohan tringin nk fuck jubo ketat uqasha *** ‘’’canteknye jubo awek nie’’ kata mohan smbil meraba2 permukaan jubo uqasha..Jejari mohan menusuk jubo ketat uqasha,,semakin mendalam jejari, bendalir jubo uqasha mnjadi pelincir, dn jejari mohan senang2 kluar masuk…muka uqasha mnjadi masam, jelas xselesa langsung..apa bile tiga jari dimasukkan,, muka uqasha semakin perit, mengeleng kepalanye x tahan sakit…’’’aaauuu,, oohh saakkiitt ,,,, please jangan,, aaaauuuu’’ rintihan uqasha bagaikan petrol bg nafsu mohan yg sdg membakar.. ‘’’Sedap tak sayang cantek dn ketat jubo nie baby’’ kata mohan yg menjolok2 jubo uqasha, ..uqasha xhenti2 menjerit dn mohan suruh ramli menjolok mulut uqasha utk mendiamknnye..jubo dn mulut uqasha kne jolok serentak..rentak mohan semakin menaik sehingga die menghentam jjubo uqasha dgn ganas skali .(…….).’’ooohh sedapnye jubo ketat nie’’ ujar mohan mse mnjolok jubo uqasha..bontot uqasha ditampar2 kuat mse kne jolok.. pastu mrk bertukar posisi,,konek mohan yg diliputi bendalir jubo uqasha tu di tolak dlm mulut uqasha…’’sedap x jubo ko syg??’’ peril mohan smbil facefuck uqasha..ramli yg xbrape minat nk jolok jubo tu maen doggy cipap uqasha je.. lpas di pkse mohan,, ramli pon turut maen jolok jubo tu…Aksi threesome nie x berakhir hari tu,, malah berulang lebih dr 10 kali dlm mse sebulan tu.. Mohan mengugut uqasha dn En ramli utk melakukan activity sexual ini..En rAmli pon berpura2 takut dgn ugutan Mohan dn sedap2 maen henjut si uqasha nie.. Uqasha dh biasa sgt dgn perbuatan sexual depa, muke die masam je tnpe apa2 reaksi..Uqasha hnye mengerang apabila kene doublefuck,,dimana konek ramli dn mohan meratah cipap dn jubonye serentak.. kadang2 mohan ajak uqasha seorang,,,dn kadang2 ramli sekali…Si cantek nie dh kene jolok dlm macam2 posisi dah..sbb uqasha x menunjukkan sebarang emosi mse maen,, si mohan kerap mmberikan uqasha pelbagai pil perangsang ..selepas mengambil semua tu,, reaksi uqasha pon berubah dn melayan aktiviti seks berkenaan.. Lama kelamaan uqasha mnjadi ketagih kpd pil2 berkenaan…Lepas 2 bulan, uqasha dah ketagih sgt kpd pil2 berkenaan dn sanggup lakukan apa2 pon utk mendapatkannye..Mohan terpikir nk gunakan uqasha utk mendapatkan neldia senrose..Mohan mulakn permainan minda dgn uqasha berkenaan dgn adeqnye neldia..btau bertapa alim dn baik neldia mse mohan menghenjut uqasha,,, lama kelamaan uqasha mula membenci adeknye..mindanye kne cuci habis oleh mohan, dn uqasha bersetuju yg neldia pon patut kne mcm mana uqasha diknekan..mohan pon mule bt pelan utk dptkn neldia…..(bersambung - dalam imaginasi anda) kah kah kah
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💕伊達美佐子 52歳💕 💕B88:W61:H89💕
配信: パコパコママ
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Money Laundering, as I understand it, is where illegally obtained money is exchanged in a process to make it legal. When a stereotypical over-confident crime boss describes his money laundering scheme, it would probably sound like this:
"I didn't make millions of US Dollars by selling party drugs, good heavens no! I just happen to run a very successful pizza parlor franchise. These parlors may appear to be derelict and understaffed. But according to my financial records our pizzas are extremely popular/profitable and our overhead costs are easily manageable. We don't keep track of who's ordering our pizzas because we respect our customers privacy!"
For those of you who are bit slow, and there is no shame in that, there are no pizzas being made or sold. The crime boss is selling drugs but he can't deposit the money into a regulated bank. And he needs the legit bank because it can be used to transfer money long distances, like to untaxable off-shore bank accounts. But he can't tell the bankers "I'm depositing money that I made by running an illegal narcotics operations" because that goes into the banks records which are subject to review by government law enforcement. So instead the crime boss sends the cash to the pizza parlors where the employees deposit it in the banks as earnings. The employees are allowed to take a small cut of the cash flow but the majority has to go into the bosses legitimate bank account. Any employee who takes more than their allotted amount will have to answer to the boss's enforcers.
When law enforcement agents check the boss's legit bank account, all they will find is the proceeds from the pizza business. So it's up to investigators to do a lot of legwork: visiting the parlors, interviewing employees, and monitoring transactions. If they can find a correlation between drug sales and profits from the pizzarias, then they have evidence they can bring to court.
This is just an example, not every money laundering scheme involves fake pizzas, although that was a thing back in the 1980-90's. You can swap pizza parlors for casinos, hotels, warehouses, and any other legitimate business. And the pizzas could be works of art, real estate, property rights, and cryptocurrencies. Finally the drug money could instead be any money taken illegally, like stolen from a bank, skimmed off the paychecks of illegally employed laborers, and exhorted from legit businesses. Oh, the money could also come from the sale of illegal firearms! Almost forgot about arms dealing!
Anyways that's how I think money laundering works, if I'm forgetting something, let me know!
P.S.: Why are you looking up money laundering on tumblr?
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