papercutsandpeaches · 3 years
Casually Pt.4
/Smut warning ahead//
Timothee rinses the dishes the dishes and puts them in the dishwasher. You watch him and smile. He stands up tall, and suddenly you realise how small your New York  kitchen feels. You two look at each other, and he leans against your counter, you don’t break eye contact, it’s strangely intimate, and suddenly you get this unbelievable urge to kiss him, his long curly hair and his casual, sweet nonchalant attitude pulls you to him more than one would feel it could, or maybe it was the wine talking, the two of you finished a whole of two bottles between each other and considering you’re both kind of light weight, it starting to get to you. He wipes his hands with the towel in front of him, and sees an open book inside the cutlery cabinet, He pulls it out and frowns at you while raising his eyebrows, “Y/N Did you feel that the cutlery shelf is the best place for your one copy of this poetry book?” You laugh at him “I was actually reading it and left it there when I was in a hurry” You laughed back, you reached for it. Timothee ignored that and flipped to the dog eared page of the book and glances at it, however the book is written in a different language, that you had been practising for the production of a different show, that is still in conceptual area. He looks at you and says “Read it to me” 
You look at the page and move closer, as if needing to read it straight from the page itself, however you know the lines by heart. 
“In waking and in sleep, I am troubled by your endless presence.
The thought of you perches on my eyelids, 
I am fooled to think that it would appear 
Every time I close my eyes.
I only pray that I can sense it
Before I cease to exist” 
You recited in Arabic and then translated it to English and looked up at Timothee, he looked at you with a soft frown
You bite your lips and smile, still looking back at him, and almost as if you were imaging it, Timothee holds his hand out, gesturing for you to take it, and as you do, he pulls you in for a kiss, and you kiss him back feeling your heart thumping in your chest and you head giddy with excitement, his hands pull you in and in strong surprisingly swift movements he pulls you on top of the counter, the two of you continue kissing, and his hands tease at your t shirts hem, and you gift a soft moan while kissing him, and he takes that as his cue to run his hands underneath your shirt cupping your breasts and squeezing them, and as he does you get short of breath and moan a little more and the two of you break the kiss and as you two look at each other even the dim lights of the kitchen seem too bright , his hands are still resting under your breasts, his eyes searching for some sort of a confirmation almost to ask “is this okay” and you sheepishly smile back at him and he gives you a little peck, and the two of you soon make your way into your bedroom, and you two start kissing nice and slow, contrasted to the kissing in the kitchen, his hands find their way to your boobs again, and he starts to play with your nipple this time, softly at first and then pinches them, to earn a gasp or two from your end. He smiled at you, and takes your nipple into his mouth, and sucks on it while squeezing your other boob, you played with his hair as he repeated the same with your other boob, His hands gliding down to you clit and gently teasing you, he pinches your Thigh and feel your skin against his long cold fingers. He softly breathes out “fuck” as he positions his face in between your boobs, squeezing them both and then he then slowly move his way down and pulls off your pants, his hands teasing and testing you against your panties, you moan out of impatience and he takes his tongue out to lick you as he pulls your panty aside and rising, slowly rubs your clit, his eyes look up to meet yours as yours roll backwards. He draws painfully slow circles on you and you moan back asking him to go faster, he pulls up to you kisses you and breathes into your ear, while saying “As you say Baby” and he pushes his long, slender fingers inside you, and he takes a sharp breath as he finds out how wet you are. He softly massages your hair as his fingers go in and out of you and you moan again and again, at times failing to even make sound, as you start to come close you look up at timothee and he pulls himself out, already hard, and runs his hard dick against you, teasing your opening, and that as he does that he too, begins to lose breath, and quickly pushes himself inside you, and the both of you moan, and you fills you up, his dick gliding into your wetness. You reach down to rub your clit as he pulls himself in and out again, and he leans forward to kiss you, and whispers softly “is it okay if I come inside?” And you laugh at his politeness and nod and very soon the two of come, and you lie there, not having been able to come this hard recently, it knocks you out. 
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papercutsandpeaches · 3 years
Casually Pt.3
You look at your watch, yawning, it was already past 10 pm and show was still rolling and recording, although pack up did seem close in sight. You looked over at Jane’s character getting her face redone, sitting in front of the window, with the fake street light bouncing off of her shiny, curly hair, the final take of the day, goes smoothly and you begin to pack your bags. On your way back home in the cab you see a DM from timothee, it was a video of a YJT, a performing artist the two of you adored and in the video YJT mentions how he’s doing a last minute performance in the Central Park tomorrow. “That’s crazy, I’m going!” You type excitedly. A free show by YJT, why not!? “Great, see you there” he texts back, nonchalantly. Guess you’d see him after all.
You stand in the tree shaded area of the park, looking around, you can see a few groups of people also standing around for presumably the same show, suddenly you see Timothee walking towards you in a large coat, with a beanie on top, barely recognisable but you could make out his smiling eyes from beneath his scarf, “Heyyy” he said softly as the two of you shared a brief hug. Within minutes a whole mob of people had formed and YJT was soon to arrive. You were feeling nervous and excited and Timothee was probably sharing the same excitement, almost bouncing from foot to foot. As the crowd started to get louder, Timothee had to bend down and speak into you ear each time he had to say something, and thank god for your big red scarf and the New York chilly weather because your blushing red face was very obviously conceivable.
YJT was here, the minute he entered the premise he carried a whole aura with him, Calming yet exhilarating, the music began to play and he shed off all of his outer garments, left standing in a Purple leotard and tights, he began to perform a mixture of Ballet and contortionistic act, the music and his abrupt emotions conveying a sad and dramatic performance, the time felt like it had paused and even the leaves falling around you felt like they too, fell a little slower, the pull of YJT’s performance was almost like a black hole, nobody could escape it, as your heart began to feel the depth of the sadness you reached for timothee’s arm, standing felt like a major task, he stood close to you, almost everyone was standing close to each other, huddled by the strong emotions circling the air, the cold weather didn’t help either. Once YJT was done it took a full 4 minutes till people began to clap, still moved with emotion, you yourself only noticed, when timothee’s hand began to move gently as he clapped softly, you quickly pulled your hand away and clapped yourself and muttered an embarrassed sorry to him, he shrugged as if to not notice, and you felt grateful for that.
The two of you walked back and Timothee looked at a burger place across the street and asked “Dinner?” You looked over, you didn’t really feel like eating a burger, instead a hot plate of pasta and wine seemed like the best choice “I kind of want to eat Pasta” you said looking over at him, He raised his eyebrows and looked back at the street “so where to?”, looking for the next location. You braved yourself for how brazen the next line might sound as you said “My place?”
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papercutsandpeaches · 3 years
Casually PT2
On the way home, the two of you sit opposite each other, on an almost empty subway, looking into your phones and then looking up.
“What’re you going to do, now that you’re back for a while” “Aa I haven’t really thought about it, but probably just hang out, chill for some time, watch some plays, some movies.. I don’t know really” you nod, listening to him as you fidget with a button on your coat “What’s happening with you?” You look up at him, his tired eyes, smiling softly, “Busy, been working for ‘The Journey’, I had today and tomorrow off but I’ll be back on set on Friday”
The journey is a leading episodic TV show that comes out every Monday, season 4, the main characters Evelyn, Sarah and Jane are a trio of best friends dealing with difficult life situations and helping each other up, a lot of viewers have found it relatable and heart warming.
Timothee nods silently, the two of you stare at each other, too tired to keep talking, but still wanting to say something. “Been dating anyone?” you say finally, after ages, and immediately after, you feel a bit silly, the question seemed like it was from an interview, begging to know more about his life. “Uhhhh, No? Not really, it’s been kind of busy so, not the best time, you?”Timothee asks, his brows stitching together while asking the question. “Ummm not really” you reply, “I came out of a long term relationship a few months back so…”you add. “Oh! That kind of sucks” Timothee responds, you shrug, looking away, it felt odd to tell him anything more, since you met him only a few hours ago and soon the announcement for your station comes in, and you feel grateful. the train stops and it’s your turn to get down, you give a brief hug goodbye and walk back to your apartment, and go straight to bed. It was nice seeing Timothee after so long.
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papercutsandpeaches · 3 years
Casually.  Pt. 1
 I’m writing a series???, I don’t know I just felt like writing something and thought I’ll weave it into an episodic storyline that focusses on not only the main leads but also fringe characters, If you’re looking for a simple Imagine this could get annoying but if you want to read something, then join me!
Warning : (none for pt 1 , but will get smutty in the subsequent parts
You open your Instagram app and look at the green ring around Tchalamet’s  account, you tap into it mindlessly, as you look into your fridge wondering what to eat. 
It was picture of his pet dog sprawled out in the sun of his parents home with some text saying “Can’t compete with a warm sunny patch” you send a reply asking “You’re here?” And set your phone on the counter top. 
You get some yogurt out of the fridge and decide to have a light meal. 
Timothee and you have never exactly been close, you just belonged to the same circle of friends and he was someone you’d see now and then in common parties from high school. After you went away for college and he went and got famous, you see him even lesser, but he’s still fun to hang out with, and you guys call each other at every major occasion and do group video calls as well. You’ve currently come back to New York City having spent your last 4 years in LA doing TV production in UCLA, and you’re working your way through the industry.
Your phone pinged, and you looked at the notification saying “yeah,flew in this morning”
Timothee also has an apartment near the central part of New York whereas you lived a little further away. “Will see you at Shelby’s on Wednesday?” Another text comes through Shelby Roue was famous for throwing game nights every month, she had a big personality and an even bigger house all thanks to her ultra rich family, that owns a major coffee company. In high school her parties were wild, but as we’ve grown older, they’ve sobered up as the kids have as well It’s fun to visit her parties to meet people, have some drinks and also to play games of course, You hardly visit any of her parties being busy or just having other friends you’d rather meet, but once in a while it was nice to catch up, and Shelby didn’t mind this “sometimes, maybe” attitude, she was too focused on everyone having a good time.
“Yeah sure”, why not? You thought to yourself.
You entered the party and instantly saw the familiar red head sitting across the room, in her turquoise blue middi skirt, and black sheer top, she was smiling as she insisted on some kebabs for the guests sitting by, “Shelby! Hey!” 
She looked up and saw you and gave you a big Shelby smile, and you bent over to hug her, “Hey Girl, Look at who the cat dragged in!”
You laughed at her and set the flowers you got for her on an ottoman near her. 
You made your way to the drinks but as you did you got stopped about 12 times with people to catch up with and finally went got yourself a cocktail to sip on. You scanned the room and there he was, sitting on a couch smiling, mid conversation, dressed in an oversized T shirt, the arms of which flopped along from his shoulders a little too strongly as he laughed. You made your way towards him, and as you did he looked up, smiled “Heyhay!!
Y/L/N, Good to see you!” You laughed back and as he stood up, you hugged him “How have you been!” You asked him as you guys pulled away “Aa what can I say, got nothing to complain” he shrugged and lifted his hands up, after you exchange pleasantries he invites you to a game of cards, and you play along, getting Lost every once in a while and needing help from those sitting near you, every time this happened timothee would look over and shake his head, feigning disappointment “What!” You’d laugh at him “you’re pathetic” he’d scream over, while laughing. “I’m not going to deny that” you’d admit. 
After the game ends you tell timothee you’re hungry and leave the table, smiling to grab something to munch on. There you see Ashley, someone you used to be super close with, she was your theatre partner and went on to drama school and you guys lost touch “ASHLEY!” You scream and run towards her, the two of you hug, confusing all those standing nearby. “HEY!” You guys catch up and you tell her you thought of coming after timothee’s text. “Oh yeah, a lot of people are here to see him, we all get to see so little of him!” And she handed you  a plate of shrimp, you felt all your happy feelings dim down a little bit, it’s not like Timmy invited you to the party, it’s Shelby’s party, he probably thought you came here anyway. As Ashley started to talk about her hot new boss you couldn’t help but feel a little stupid to have come all the way here to this party just because timothee texted you. You smiled back at Ashley, and then decided to view this just as something you did to see everyone, and Timothee just HAPPENED to be here as well, Change the Narrative! You thought to yourself. 
After an hour or so you decide to head back, without a car you’d have to get an Uber back and it was best to leave early. You went to the coat rack and and felt someone walk behind you “Leaving?” Timothee’s voice asks as he grabs the coat that you were reaching for, “Yeah, I’m going by Uber so I thought I’d leave early” “I’m leaving too, wanna come with?” You looked over his shoulder and didn’t see anyone behind him, it was just going to be you and him, “Sure” you guys made your way out “Where’s your car?” “Didn’t get one” you looked at him quizzically, “Subway” “Oh my god” you groaned and playfully pushed him “What!” He laughed and said “It’s the best way to travel in New York!” “It’s past 1 am!!” You screamed at him, he sheepishly smiled back, “People who travel the New York Subway at 1 am are not to be trusted” you wagged your finger at him, he smiled and almost sincerely said “But you can trust me” it throws you off guard and for that reason, you find yourself agreeing. 
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papercutsandpeaches · 4 years
A Failed Order
“What are you wearing!?” You walk into our room with a glass of water but stop dead when you see me standing wearing what looked like a huge brown tent that went down to my ankles and I looked back at you, “it’s a dress I ordered...” “you’re telling me people sell that for money?” You start and fall on the bed and watch me take it off,
you dragged on and extended your arm out, and I take it and come and hug you on the bed,you lean forward and kiss my hair, your arms drape over my body, and I just have underwear on. 
“It’s okay” you say softly and I make a face at you, and you pull me into your chest, and loop your leg on top of me. I take my arms and wrap them around your back, and rub my palm against your torso, Gently your fingers play against my skin along my back as though you were playing the piano, and as I begin to look up I feel your curly hair gently touch my nose and we kiss softly, I start to pull away as you pull me back for an even deeper kiss, longer too. I take my hand behind your neck and hold you, and you quickly get on top of me. You kiss me lips and then my jaw, and I run my hand against your hair, and then you move to my breasts and you kiss my cleavage and touch them and give them a little squeeze and then you leave quick soft kisses against my belly and right on top of my panty. I sigh, and you pull yourself up and gently hover your body on top of mine,
 “Feel better?”
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papercutsandpeaches · 4 years
Not Your Typical First Date
I walk towards the given address and look around, I fidget with my tote bag and then as I look up, I realised I had reached. I am on a date, with this friend of friend’s who had sort of set us up? We met at a party at her place last week, but she had eaten both our ears off about how great the other person would be. We didn’t talk for too long at the party since I had just landed that day and coming from Europe, I had a bit of a Jet lag, but he seemed nice, and we both agreed to go on a date. So here I was, standing in front of an open cafe waiting for a tall, lanky head of curls to show up. 
“Hey, I’m so sorry, have you been waiting for a while?” I turned to look up at Timothee, “Oh, no! I arrived just a couple of minutes ago!” “Oh thank god” He put his hands on his chest and looked heaven wards as he said this, which made me giggle and then we did a quick hug. “So have you ever been here?”Timothee asked as we found a place to sit, “No, actually I haven’t ever been to this part of the town at all!” I exclaimed, as we scanned the menu “Oh Really?, Then I have so many things to show you, I used to come here all the time” I smiled at him, I loved how animated and child-like his mannerisms were, such a young, sprightly spirit. 
We were still going through the menu, when I saw a table adjacent to ours get this huge cheeseburger and fries, and instantly my stomach growled, Timothee who’s back was to the cheeseburger, laughed. “Let’s get that” I laughed along and pointed to that burger, he looked over and then back at me, with his eyebrows raised “ No way!” “Why not!, c’mon I want it!” “Are you sure you’ll be able to finish it?” “You can help!” I laughed at him and then reached over to touch his arm, “Please!” His eyes closed, and then he threw his hands up and went, “Okay, Okay, Okay, We’ll get it!” I squealed with joy and he motioned the waited over and asked him to get us our order, And 15 minutes later, it appeared,A large, towering cheese burger, with 5 burger patties and tons of tomatoes and cheese and lettuce, sauce dripping down the sides, and a large serving of fries on the side, good thing we were famished
Timothee and I decided to take strategic bites one after the other, and each time I got tired I would resort to fries, the burger was so delicious it was almost impossible to not take another bite, the both of us had gotten so messy from the sauce, our wrists and forearms had gotten sticky, and we were both laughing and chewing, and then we would take long pauses and talk about food mishaps and challenges from our past and then dive back in, each time He would eat, his curls would flop with his face, and similarly my front hairs would also swoosh closer to my mouth, and once or twice, Timothee would try to keep them away and his cold knuckles would caress my face as I contrast his sweet soft actions with my monstrous chewing, after a long 45 minutes we were both done, and we had to go and wash our faces and our hands in the restroom, but it was totally worth it. Maybe this Timothee guy was pretty great after all...
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papercutsandpeaches · 4 years
Do u still write
is that a trick question
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papercutsandpeaches · 4 years
Sunday Morning
I wake up sleepily, and shuffle under the covers, soft light is pouring into my room and I can see the space next to me empty, only the wrinkles on these sheets replaced the body that left it only moments ago.
“Good morning” His quiet voice filled the room, and I looked up near the doorway, and I could see an upside down head of curls looking at me, bare chested and standing in boxers, holding a fresh cup of coffee. I smiled and he set the cup down on my bedside table, I reached my arms out for him like a 4 year old wanting to be picked up, his smile increased and he came to hug me back, and got on top of me, his warm body enclosing me and my face resting near his neck. 
“When did you wake up?” My morning voice asked him as he softly kissed my forehead, “Like half an hour ago, but I got out of bed only like 10 minutes ago, I was watching you sleep” I laughed and added a gagging sound at how cheesy we were, like as though this was our first morning together when actually we’ve been together for half a year now. 
Sunday mornings move at an incredibly slow pace for us, we hardly wake up before noon, and our ravenous by then, so then we make a huge feast and eat it all, then spend the rest of the afternoon browsing shitty movies and nursing our food coma, laughing at random jokes, talking, and becoming a tangled mess of long limbs and bodies on the sofa before we finally decide some wine would be nice, and maybe some music, maybe we can pretend to be grown ups then.
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papercutsandpeaches · 5 years
Hey, you
I woke up, a little dazed and confused. The lights were still on. Timothee’s warm body was wrapped around me, his hands holding me, his head resting near the crook of my neck his soft breathing gently tracing my skin.
The movie we were watching was running for the second time, it was on loop. I shifted to reach for the T.V. remote to turn it off, but as I attempted to move Timothee’s arms tightened, his body stirred, his hold was firmer, and stronger. I leaned forward and felt the curls of his hair tickle the bottom of my chin, and I kissed his forehead, The I held his face and stroked his cheek, and reached and kissed him across his face, multiple times, and just as I watched the ends of his lips turn upwards before breaking into a smile and his eyes fluttering I placed a a soft, tiny kiss on his nose.
He slowly opened his eyes and instantly frowned at the light, “I know”I replied to his expression and he shifted up and we kissed, Soft and slow, sweet even, not the kind of rushed, hurried ones like in the mornings before work or the pressed, intense ones in the evening, these were his soft, playful, shy but firm kisses, there were soft small kisses after these kisses too, as if to say, Hey you, I’m here, and I love you.
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papercutsandpeaches · 5 years
Busy Day
I came early to the office today, made myself a cup of coffee in my baby pink and gold polka dotted office mug that Timothee had brought me on the first valentine’s day we shared,we had hardly known each other,I would never have gotten myself something like that thinking the pattern seemed childish or immature, His sweet sentiment and the manner in which he gifted it to me made me treasure it. 
I wrote down all the things I wanted to complete today and checked the progress from yesterday, then in a little corner I wrote down the things I would want to re-do or improve if I manage to have some extra time,The sound of the pencil scratching on the paper soothed me.
Timothee was away for work, and had been away for about 5 days now and wasn’t coming back till 3 days later. His absense made me want to be out of our house as much as possible, it felt weird not to be cozied up next to him on the sofa, talking sleepily about our day and pulling each others leg. 
As the hours ticked by, people slowly started to trickle in, i had fully gotten into the swing of working now, and paused only to review edits for others or check how on the progress. Working gave me a sense of satisfaction and gratification but it also took my mind off of things, things being Timothee. I missed him quite a bit, especially now since it had been so long since I’d seen him, it’s tough to contact him when he’s away doing shoots as well, and even when it is possible either him or me are extremely tired and are not able to hold a proper conversation, Currently all I live off of are the few texts we exchange through out the day when we get time. I look at his picture pinned up on my notice board and sigh.
My phone’s ringing, only on about the 6th ring I realise it is, It’s Timothee, i answer it immediately. “Heyyyy” “Hello miss, can you take a little break from your busy day and spend it on your yearning lover” I giggled “Of course” I tried to sound coy but failed, as another giggle escaped. “Amazing, would you please look out of your window now?” I was confused, my window? I suddenly forgot how my desk was even located then finally popping my head out of the window and looking around I saw Timmy, looking up at me smiling, sheilding his eyes from the sun as he did. “OH MY GOD!” He was holding a paper bag in his hand with two coffees. 
I ran down 6 flights of stairs with no time to wait for the lift and ran into his arms,my great momentum knocked him slightly off balance but he quicly regained his footing 
“Surprise Buttercup!”
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papercutsandpeaches · 5 years
My head was resting on Timothee’s lap, I was switching channels on the television while he was finishing up a book that he’d been reading this week, we had plans that evening with some friends to go out for a movie and dinner.
After some fruitless searching I claimed “there’s nothing good on the TV” I put down the Tv remote in defeat and turned my head for my view to be blocked by a maroon-ish paper back, Timothee’s long fingers grazed the pages of the book and the sound of the slow flicking of the pages filled the room. I watched the pink of knuckles wobble each time he held the book after flipping the page. My head slowly rolled towards his stomach, a soft cushion, Timothee’s hand then came to my cheek to squeeze it, as if he had only then realised my existence on his lap, still it made me smile like a young teenager in love.
I reached and held the hand that was absentmindedly resting on my cheek, then kissed each knuckle and then the back of his hand, He made an appreciative sound and squeezed my face again. Then more for the shock value than anything else, I put one of his fingers inside my mouth and bit it, Timothee took a sharp intake of air, then set his book aside to look at me. “Won’t let me read, would you? You little pest!” He took hold of my face and started kissing my entire face repeatedly as I started laughing like a toddler with glee, then he pulled me up to his chest as my laughter died down and the fresh scent of his deodorant wafted in through my nose, I shifted my head to get a better look of his face and he looked back at mine, sometimes I forget his eyes are green but in times like this when the light hits it, I suddenly remember how green they look, how that colour seemed so foreign to me till I’d seen his eyes, and the green of leaves and that of grasshoppers and the sweet green grape dulled away. The calling bell rang and the loud chatter of our friends could be heard, it was time to leave.
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papercutsandpeaches · 5 years
When I wake up.
My eyes opened at 6 in the morning, when the outside sky was still a light shade of blue that were peeling away lazily. Timothee had placed his head near the crook of my neck and had enveloped me in his embrace as he lightly snored, Gently I took his arm and placed it by his side and started my day.
I picked up my laptop from my bedside table and padded down the staircase. The fragrance of spring flowers welcomed me as I came downstairs, it were the flowers I got myself last week. I placed my laptop on the dining table and went to the kitchen to make myself a cold coffee, as the coffee and the milk start to intermingle with each other I cut myself an apple. I take my little morning snack and start to finish a little bit of work before Timothee wakes up.
Timothee and I were up till late last night watching short Facebook videos and laughing, and every time I didn’t find anything as funny as he did he would reach and start to tickle me so that I laugh harder. As we were watching a little puppy skidding on the snow, he got a work call, and I dozed off to sleep, an hour or so later when he assaulted my cheek with tons of kisses I woke up giggling and sleepily turned to face him and I saw his big smile and happy face, he looked young and sweet like a 5 year old given some candy, it’s tough to not mirror his happiness, I fell asleep quickly after that.
I hear Timothee walking down the stairs and I take my eyes of the screen, and eagerly wait for him to reach the table to give me a kiss, the first kiss in the morning is my favourite, when his lips are cold and wet from the brushing he just did and he has a hint of fresh mint in his breath. “Heyyyy” he dragged on and smiled and came towards me to kiss me, soft and slow, I smile into the kiss, the sun had risen properly and streaks of light entered the room, our curtains fluttered in the morning breeze and I could live in this moment forever.
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papercutsandpeaches · 5 years
Midnight Dilemma’s
“I’m so excited to sleep today!” I tell my roommate as I settle beneath my big fluffy white blanket, I had had one of the most hectic weeks of the semester and the weekend was finally here. My roommate laughed at me and my phone began to ring, even without looking at the caller id I knew who it was, Timothee,every night he would call me at 11, and we’d talk for a half an hour to an hour before I doze off into sleep, and on days that he can’t make the call he would dutifully send me a text telling me he can’t and reminding me that he loves me.I really enjoyed our little routine.
“Heyyyyyyy” I dragged on with glee, this was one of favourite parts of the day. “Hey, I have a very important question to ask” Timothee’s voice gave a short, curt reply “Oh!” I was surprised, and prepared myself to answer maybe an important relationship question, “Will you come to Florida with me?” “Uhhhh-” my confusion grows, “Yeah, sure,when do you want to go?” At this point I’m assuming he’s planning a trip for next week or next month “the flight’s in 5 hours, we’ll be back by sunday evening or monday morning “WHAT!?” My roommate’s head snaps up and she looks at me, I turn to look at her, her bewildered expression mirroring my state of mind. “A bunch of my friends are goingand they’ve asked me and I know we’ve planned a dinner together tomorrow, so if you say yes, then we go but if you say no, then neither of us go and we’ll go for that dinner” “Uhhhhh-” I repeated again, I’ve never felt so pressured to make a decision this quick in my life. “I’ll call you back in sometime” “Okay”
I narrated the entire situation to my roommate, quickly realising that there an issue, inspite of it being a weekend I still had to turn in an assingement the next day, and the respective faculty for the assignment could be a little stern at times. My roommate asked me to text him, just to see what happens, I looked at the clock, it was 11:20, I doubted whether he would even be awake and be able to respond in time, But nevertheless I texted him, asking if I could turn it in on Monday as something had come up for the weekend. Timothee’s face flashed up on my screen again “So, what’s the verdict Ma’am” I explained the situation to him and could hear his voice dip, “Hey, even if I’m not able to come, It’s still completely fine if you go with your friends, we’ll just go on that dinner in Monday when you’re back, I don’t want to steal fun experiences from you just because you and I have made plans, I’ll totally understand” “Aww Baby, Thanks for understanding, but if you’re not coming I’m completely fine with missing the trip as well, we planned this dinner weeks ago and I know you were excited” Timothee’s tone didn’t match his words, I was about to reply as my phone chimed to tell me there was a message, It was by my professor, My heart began to race “Assignment to submit on Monday morning before classes commence”
“Make sure your friends have room for one more”
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papercutsandpeaches · 6 years
Dinner Time
Timothee was scanning take out menus when I entered into our living room. He looked up “Hey Baby, what are your thoughts on having Chinese this fine evening?” He asked smiling at me, I giggled and move towards the breakfast counter where he was sitting to hug him, he smelled of aftershave and deep musky cologne and Timothee, he kissed my hair and looked at me, then raising his eyebrows “So?” “No, no take aways today” Timothee sets the sheet down loops his hand behind me to meet his other hand, pulling me closer, “So you want to go out on a date?” Timothee cocks his head to one side, I shake my head “Let’s make dinner today, here” his eyebrows shoot up “Oh” I giggle again, at his response. “I’m not sure about this” “Pleaseeeeee” I whine like a child pouting, he leans forward and gently kisses me “Okay” he replies then sighs, “Have some faith!”Timothee laughs “Of course Baby”
I put the apron my mom sent me and throw Timothee one, which hits his face “Cut the Tomatoes” I try to say without laughing, he raises his eyebrow at me “Bossy much?” I wink in return. On the stove I set a sauce pan and put some water to boil, then after a bit I add in the pasta. I look over at Timothee gingerly cutting the tomatoes his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, “Babe! Faster” he looks at me “I never thought I’d hear that sentence with a tomato in my hand” I laugh at him.
After 20 minutes when I’m done with the pasta and Timothee has now moved to cucumbers I go over to him, he looks up at me then shrugs apologetically, “Some Help?” He nods, I reach over to his hands, and station myself in front of him, Timothee reaches down and kisses behind my ear “Focus, Chalamet” “sorry” he breathes into my hair, I take hold of his hands and make him cut the cucumber with faster, swifter strokes, being done with it in less than a minute. “Got it?” I looked up at him “Yeah, but I’d like another demo as well just to be sure” he adds in slyly and I reach up to kiss him, making him smile shyly.
“The pasta is getting cold”
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papercutsandpeaches · 6 years
How old r u
I’m 18 hahaha
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papercutsandpeaches · 6 years
Are you going to post soon
I just did! :)
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papercutsandpeaches · 6 years
Daycare and Timothée
My phone chimes and I check to see a text from Timothee “I’ll be there in 5!” I glance at the time, it was 6 in the evening, “oh crap, the date!” I look around the room and know that it’ll take more than 5 minutes to wrap up here.
I had been helping my mom at her daycare, for the past week as one of her helpers was ill, but that cut back on my Timothee time as well, and I promised him a date, when we were FaceTiming three days ago and completely forgot about it. Guiltily I text back, “Heyyy, not yet done :(, can you come in and sit while I finish?” Instantly my phone chimes again “Yeah, sure” I knew he wasn’t the most enthusiastic about it but I thank god for his patience.
Timothee walks in and hugs me, then leans in for a kiss, but gets interrupted by Andy, a five year old screening “EWWWWW”, Timothee scowls as I giggle and he holds out his palm in an attempt to conceal his quick kiss. “C’mon you have to wait” I pull his hands and tell him to sit, he pouts and then makes his way towards the bench. I walk to the other room to arrange all the bags and turn to look at his tall structure, awkwardly sitting on the childsize bench, making him look like a giant and I giggle again, he catches my eyes and shrugs humorously.
After 21 minutes, I rush to the room, carrying my hand bag, ready to leave. Timothee was still sitting on the bench, now reading little Ruby a story from a baby blue coloured book. His animated expressions of shock and surprise were mirrored by Ruby and it makes my heart melt.
I walk towards them “The End” Timothee closes the book shut and Ruby wails “Another one! Another one!” “Ruby” a voice calls from the doorway, she perks up and goes running to the door “Mommy! Mommy!” And runs into the kind lady’s arms. She looks at me “Thanks for looking after her Y/N, sorry for the delay today” “that’s alright, Mrs.Rosewood, I’m sure she was a welcome distraction for Timothee” She smiles back warmly and the two of them walk towards their car.
Timothee pulls me into his lap, I put my arm around his shoulders and he kisses my forehead. I look at him warmly, the golden light shining on his beautiful features, his green eyes glittering. My tummy rumbles ruining our moment. Timothee laughs, a boyish loud laughter as my cheeks red up in embarrassment.
“Let’s go and get some food”
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