pastellepink-muses · 4 years
{ anybody wanna rp..? }
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
all i do is listen to music and dissociate from reality
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
Something about candy made the former King want to recoil in dissatisfaction, yet something else about it made him keep coming back to it. He'd eat it until he was a mess, gorging himself on things he claimed to hate but craved so dearly. Every time he made the decision to stop, but nothing ever came of it. A huge mess, he was. From the past to the present, from his character to his looks. A mess.
Is this what life will be like from now on? He surely hoped not, though, with a reputation such as his, it just may have to be for the safety of himself and others.
If anyone caught wind that he was still alive, they'd surely come after him. Best to keep a low profile, despite it being boring and sometimes stressful being alone. Why did he crave companionship? A virus like him didn't need companionship, nor did he really deserve it after all that he'd done.
The feeling of sadness he had was palpable,  from the way he acted to the way he looked. But then again, he tried, even in solitude, to keep a straight face.
He would be fine. He didn't need any of this.
The more he tried to deny it, the more it would glare at him in the face. He had to face it at some point; he was alone, and being alone wasn't fun. But everything that led to him being here was his own fault.
That thought made him feel angry, mostly at himself.
A mixture of emotions stewed within the beast as he lay there in his burrow, thinking about nearly everything. His own ego had done him in and now he was paying for it. He'd lost just about everything. That made him feel an upsetting mixture of both sad and angry. The more it lingered in his mind, the closer to the surface the anger got.
He really was the worst racer ever, huh? The guy who got his original game unplugged and took over another for his own selfish desires. There wasn't any coming back from that, now was there?
Suddenly he missed Turbo Time, and suddenly he missed his brothers. They had both perished in the unplugging of their game, or at least, that's what he assumed. He wasn't there to see it for himself, so he really didn't know.
The face of King Candy glitched out a bit before it came to settle on Turbo's instead. The racer looked.. sad? remorseful maybe? A clawed hand was brought up to his face as his eyes started producing tears.
What in the hell had he done?
He'd ruined his life, and theirs.
The possibility that they were still alive was still viable, though, any traces of it were erased by the incredibly negative mindset Turbo found himself in. But despite that happening, he still couldn't keep his mind from wandering to the idea that they were still around somewhere.
What if they saw him like this? would they be afraid? would they be angry at him? he knew that they would, and their feelings would be entirely justified. A part of him wished that they would learn to forgive him, but he knew that was a stretch. They had no reason to forgive him, and rather, had every reason to despise him.
It wasn't as if he could go searching for them either, that would be far too risky. Sure, he was a great manipulator of code, but his form was.. well, rather monstrous at the present. He wondered though.. could he conceal this look of his?
His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden bout of glitching, the two faces of King Candy and Turbo flashing in between in a rapid, unstable display. It was almost as if his own body was telling him that was a bad idea.
Throughout all of this he'd been steadily weeping, though, quietly. Tears poured from tired eyes, coming to an eventual stop, at which point he decided to cut short his thoughts in favor of some much needed rest. Maybe he'd feel better after a nap, he doubted it, but it was worth a try.
His dreams were mute, nonexistent. Save for the sound of glitching, decomposing code in the background. Turbo found himself in the dark, or rather, that's what it looked like. The sound of it was deafening, but that was short lived, as the sights of a decomposing Turbo Time was laid out before him. Everything was breaking, failing, and it was loud and terrifying.
He heard pained screams cut off, garbled by the code breaking apart. He too tried to scream, the process of coming apart being incredibly painful. His entire being was breaking apart. His screaming was garbled, and he could no longer breathe.
Turbo awoke feeling suffocated, gasping and filling his lungs with the musty air. None of it was real.
The relief he felt was overwhelming, yet, the images of the dream were still fresh in his mind.
He knew those voices, he knew who they originated from and it made him feel ill.
What kind of life was this? what purpose was there to continue living if he'd be eaten alive by guilt? Nothing was going to improve, nobody was going to want to see him, there was nothing.
It broke him.
Years of holding back emotion, all for naught, as a cascade of the rawest of them came bursting from their prisons.
He'd be lucky if nobody heard this, but really at this point, he didn't care.
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
Well now Indigo was definitely sick. He'd come down with a fever and generally wasn't feeling too well. He just assumed that it was something of little importance and decided just to get some rest.
He entered his bedroom and got into bed, falling asleep there for an undetermined amount of time. He would've slept longer, had it not been the pain that woke him up. The octoling awoke to find himself in immense pain, as if something was stabbing him in the gut. It didn't go away, in fact it only worsened until it made him rush to the bathroom.
He wasn't exactly expecting what happened next, as a thick, black liquid came from his lips and scared the daylights out of him. What the hell? This wasn't normal. The pain didn't subside much, but at least it was manageable now.
There was no denying that he was really sick, but didn't know what to do. What was going on? He didn't know and that's what made him feel afraid.
The tips of his fingers and toes, as well as the tips of his tentacles were all starting to turn black. His skin started feeling sticky and clammy.
He didn't know what to do, panic quickly arose from his chest and emerged as a terrified scream. Should he call an ambulance?? Should he just stay put?? Indigo didn't have any idea. He started crying, mostly out of fear, panicking and feeling sicker by the moment. Getting worked up wasn't helping any, so he made the effort to start calming down. Taking in deep breaths, he forced himself to calm down and retreated to his bedroom again after getting the trash can.
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
putting this blog on hiatus
{ no desire to try anymore }
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
{ Thinkin bout either putting this blog on hiatus or deleting bc nobody seems interested in anyone I have to offer. I’ve been burnt out for a long time now and every time I have muse or inspiration nothing comes of it bc I have nobody to write with. Every bout of creative energy I have goes to waste over and over and I’m sick of it, you know? I’m tired of this. I’m tired of people not reciprocating my attempts to rekindle the creative flow again. }
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
{ I guess I could try out Balan with what I know but that’s an awful little. }
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
The Black Spot was nearly indiscernible from the rest of the mucky, wet ground as an Octoling makes his way home, tracking the substance home on the sole of his shoe. He gets home, thankfully out of the rain.
Indigo takes off his coat and then his shoes, getting the black substance on his hand. It perplexes him, because ew, gross, had he stepped in something? He’d have to clean the sole of his shoe later. He just goes to wash it off at the sink, not really thinking much else about it.
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
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Balan Wonderworld (2021)
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
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new friends!
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
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Balan Wonderworld! 👀
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
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hello yes i like this design the normal amount
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
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So I might be a little TOTALLY HYPE for Balan Wonderworld?
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
{ yo so I added the character Balan from Balan Wonderworld to my roster but I won’t be using them yet seeing as the game was just announced and I know nothing about them or their role in the game. }
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
“You know I haven’t seen either of my comrades since they left.. It’s more than a bit quiet here.”
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
{ like/rb for an RP starter involving King Candy! }
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pastellepink-muses · 4 years
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{ like/rb this post for an RP starter involving Tartar T. Kamabo! }
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