My brain the last 3 days:
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Drugs Under The Microscope
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Φίλε να σταματάω την μουσικη μ κάθε 40 δευτερόλεπτα για να ακούσω τα φωνητικά σ τότε είσαι πολύ σπέσιαλ για εμενα.
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Loving someone means that you're not afraid to send them a pic of you in a sports bra and your fat rolls showing.
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Why Tf Can't I Have An American Boy.
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I want a veggie burger.
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Bitch I'm trying to talk to you, stop being a bitch and reply with more than one word. Thankyouverymuchcomeagain
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Let me fuck you
Life is that you?
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hey guys, hope your skin is clear and you get a text from someone you like real soon.
also that your lunch tastes good, you find twenty dollars on the ground, and that thing coming up that you were dreading turns out not so bad
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“No matter how serious life gets, you still gotta have that one friend you can be completely stupid with.”
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Αν το δεις ποτέ αυτό, να ξέρεις ότι σημαίνεις πολλά για εμένα και ας δεν το δείχνω συχνά.
Αν το δεις ποτέ αυτό, να ξέρεις πως μου λείπεις πάρα πολύ.
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"Get yourself a bro that will turn the world upside down to correct the blobs you've made"
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Me: you gotta love yourself
Friend: ????????????????????????????????????????? don’t you fucking hate yourself
Me: yea but this is about you stay focused
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The coldness in my heart started to melt away when I met her.
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