peachymcqueen · 2 days
Déjà Vu arc one-shot.
Lightning ends up tagging along with Jesse in the med school era.
Jesse: If you make me late for this class I will poison your food.
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peachymcqueen · 3 days
Lightning and Flo headcanons because I think they’d have a really sweet friendship <33
• Lightning gets a job at the V8 cafe after some time in RS
• he noticed how Flo was usually the one managing the cafe and rarely saw other staff
• of course he can tell how capable she is (she’s not just holding the place together, she’s making it thrive) but it doesn’t stop him from applying as a waiter
• he sheepishly tells her that he’d like to help out, despite the lack of a help wanted sign
• she’s caught off guard but is all smiles just as quickly, heart melting at his gentle stuttering and flushed cheeks at simply asking if he could help out
• she tells him he doesn’t need to but humors him, putting him on part time for late mornings to late afternoon when it’s busiest
• Flo doesn’t realize the difference it makes until she actually has the extra set of hands to take orders, run food back and forth, wipe down tables when she’s busy loading dishes into the washer or refilling coffee
• it’s also nice to have someone to talk to after the rush calms down and the cafe is mostly empty, Doc and Sheriff in a corner booth playing cards while Sally goes through the motel’s monthly expenses from where she’s half asleep on Doc’s shoulder (the only one he’d ever let in that position)
• Lightning sits at the counter during this time, sipping a strawberry milkshake despite the late hour, while Flo bags up a breakfast sandwich for Ramone (who can’t go a night without one)
• she and McQueen chat about potential new menu items and how the jukebox hasn’t worked in years, but if they could get it fixed it would just add to the lovely 50s atmosphere. He offers to get someone on that and Flo rolls her eyes, shushing him about throwing anymore money at the town after all he’s already done
• the boy, sweet as pumpkin pie, pouts as if he’ll throw a fit only to sigh dramatically and go back to his drink, mumbling about how he’d do anything for them, for her, and Flo just wants to hug him forever, knowing they’ll have the same conversation again tomorrow night
• as she closes up he hovers behind her, hands in the pockets of his too big red hoodie as he chews his lip, eyes clinging to his feet, and she asks if he wants to come with her to Ramone’s
• he perks up in such a flash Flo gets whiplash
• they walk in comfortable silence, McQueen singing something under his breath and soaking up the midnight lights with eyes so smitten and Flo thinks he looks even younger than he is
• as Ramone works on a commission Flo walks Lightning around the shop, pointing out different things her husband has done over the years and the kid blurts out how pretty she is
• Flo is *really* thrown off but laughs soon enough, absolutely tickled by this awkward little cutie who seems so different off the track
• she jokes that she’s already married and he practically falls apart, an absolute rush of apologies and denial and he just had to say it because she *is* and sometimes he just says things on his mind and—
• Flo pinches his cheek and reassures that she’s kidding, she knows he didn’t mean it that way, and he smiles and she only now notices that his tongue peeks through his teeth when he does
• they sit and chat some more after that. Flo learns that Lightning hasn’t watched many movies growing up and he wants to see every Disney Princess film ever made after watching The Little Mermaid for the first time at Doc’s. She tells him that Cinderella is one of her favorites and they make plans to have a movie night soon
• when he says goodnight and heads back to Doc’s, Ramone wraps his arms around her from behind with a kiss already in her shoulder. They watch him go, a spring in McQueen’s step, and she tells her husband that the kid is sunshine in a basket
• he gets brighter every day
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peachymcqueen · 3 days
McQueen is at a mall signing autographs during a scheduled appearance. He’s enjoying the chance to meet fans, taking his time with each one and sharing both smiles and advice while hearing their stories.
A young girl approaches, autograph book already open. McQueen smiles and learns that her name is May. He returns her book and she thanks him before asking a question.
“Sorry, what was that?”
The girl reaches into her pocket and pulls out a kitten, asking if he wants it and that she found it somewhere.
McQueen is stunned but laughs, thinking it’s a joke. But then May sets the kitten in his hands, waves bye with a smile, and bounces off.
After getting over his shock he looks down at the tiny animal. There’s no collar, no tag, so he sighs and holds it close.
“You wanna go to Build a Bear?” He asks it. The kitten blinks up at him.
Later that day McQueen strolls into Flo’s cafe, sunglasses on his face and a build a bear cub condo in each hand. Before anyone can greet him a tiny furry head pokes out from the window of one of the condos, donning a matching pair of shades to McQueen’s. Everyone stares.
The racer takes a booth and smiles as Flo approaches, amusement and confusion in her eyes, though she jots down his order anyway. She returns with his usual milkshake and a teeny tiny cup of milk (dairy-free, of course) for the cat. Lightning thanks Flo with a sunny smile.
No one questions the cat. Not yet. But it sure is adorable how the kitten sits on McQueen’s shoulder some days, sharing bites of food, or lounges in his lap as he chats with everyone else.
He brings the cat with him to every interview and appearance, and says her name is May. Somewhere at home, watching one of the interviews on tv, a young girl smiles.
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peachymcqueen · 3 days
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hello hi im a bit busy with school stuff so have this creature for now, forgive me-
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peachymcqueen · 3 days
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shell beach inn.  2016.
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peachymcqueen · 3 days
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peachymcqueen · 3 days
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"""Old"""" comic but meh- here's more salqueen.
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peachymcqueen · 3 days
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Driving like he fixes roads
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peachymcqueen · 10 days
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Lightning's search history, 2007.
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peachymcqueen · 11 days
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hi hello there more human mcqueen AND the car mcqueen (practicing how to draw cars now) ok now bye-
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peachymcqueen · 11 days
He could always pick out the students that would make it, and those that would drop out before mid term exams.
Dr. Lake had transitioned from keeping a regular presence in a hospital or clinic to the classroom many years ago but still found himself as an attending physician at times. He knew his way around the hospital nearest to UCSF like the back of his hand.
And being right there in San Francisco, well, it was never long before students were introduced to some of the worst things they may ever see in a medical career.
He kept the groups small when he did these tours. It saved his voice and made for more intimate conversation.
It also helped him gauge each student's intent.
These weren't first year students, some were in their second, or even third, depending on what path they may be focusing in.
There were eight total in the group he had scheduled that afternoon. After the lunch break in the atrium he lead the group through the winding corridors, past in-patient care, through several nurse's stations and toward the ER. He noted which of the boys with him that day payed attention to their surroundings and who did not. Which of them glanced quietly around waiting rooms as they passed them, or even just made an effort to move out of the way when the hall was over crowded with activity.
"We will bypass the emergency wing for today, it sounds like they may have a bit on their hands this afternoon."
"Aww," came the over dramatic complaint of one of the older students. "I was hoping to see some action today."
This was met with mixed reactions from the group, one other young man commenting something that was probably somewhat humorous and a few laughed in response. Others rolled their eyes, and one looked vaguely disgusted.
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peachymcqueen · 11 days
His stomach dropped.
Jesse let his pen fall flat against the yellow legal pad and felt himself practically shrinking in to the uncomfortable theater style seat of the lecture hall. If he'd eaten breakfast that morning he would have lost it in that moment and was secretly glad that the lights were always dimmed.
His gaze darted in either direction, glad to see that no one else sitting in the general area had noticed his sudden discomfort. Sighing lowly to release the nausea and flash of warmth that had run through him, he settled his attention back on Dr. Lakeland.
Picking up his pen again, he couldn't help but immediately bite at the end of it.
"This case is from The New England Journal of Medicine, which if any of you have taken my other classes, you know it is my go to on what's happening in the medical field."
Jesse normally sat in the front quarter of the room, but running late that morning he settled for somewhere around the middle. That didn't change how clearly visible the slides projected on the wall were.
"This is a few years old now but the research and treatment of the injuries presented has remained the same." Dr. Lakeland held the copy of the medical journal in his hand, flipping back to the cover to read off the date of the publication. "The New England Journal of Medicine is a quarterly publication, and this particular case study was printed January,  1955."
He tried to focus on the professor's words, he tried to listen to the analytical reasoning of why certain treatments were used and why others were turned down. He tried to listen to the trauma caused to internal structure and why symptoms that continued after physical healing were to be expected.
But he couldn't get past the fact that those were his x-rays.
Those images, printed in black and white for research teams. Surgeons and trauma specialists all over the country had read his case file.
Of course, for the sake of a patient, names are always removed.
"The subject recieved significant damage near the right Temporal Bone, and among many it is surprising that there was no fracture along the Squamosal Suture. Though, because of the proximity of the injury to the ear, it did show signs of further damage resulting in vertigo, balance disturbance, and occasional tinnitus."
Occasional.....his ears were still ringing....
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peachymcqueen · 11 days
He could always pick out the students that would make it, and those that would drop out before mid term exams.
Dr. Lake had transitioned from keeping a regular presence in a hospital or clinic to the classroom many years ago but still found himself as an attending physician at times. He knew his way around the hospital nearest to UCSF like the back of his hand.
And being right there in San Francisco, well, it was never long before students were introduced to some of the worst things they may ever see in a medical career.
He kept the groups small when he did these tours. It saved his voice and made for more intimate conversation.
It also helped him gauge each student's intent.
These weren't first year students, some were in their second, or even third, depending on what path they may be focusing in.
There were eight total in the group he had scheduled that afternoon. After the lunch break in the atrium he lead the group through the winding corridors, past in-patient care, through several nurse's stations and toward the ER. He noted which of the boys with him that day payed attention to their surroundings and who did not. Which of them glanced quietly around waiting rooms as they passed them, or even just made an effort to move out of the way when the hall was over crowded with activity.
"We will bypass the emergency wing for today, it sounds like they may have a bit on their hands this afternoon."
"Aww," came the over dramatic complaint of one of the older students. "I was hoping to see some action today."
This was met with mixed reactions from the group, one other young man commenting something that was probably somewhat humorous and a few laughed in response. Others rolled their eyes, and one looked vaguely disgusted.
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peachymcqueen · 13 days
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fire up the engines!
happy birthday hot rod <3
first piece of "Racing With The 95: Stage Two"! all of "Stage One" has been posted, please check it out!! thank you so much for the support on this series. it's been so fulfilling and i'm so excited to show you all what i've cooked up for this stage !! <3<3
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peachymcqueen · 13 days
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go get em, rookie
i like to think that doc would keep calling lightning 'rookie', even though lightning had become a seasoned professional by the time these "photos" were taken :>
no.2 of "Racing With The 95: Stage Two"! thank you for the support on the last piece, yall never fail to blow me away every time!!
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peachymcqueen · 13 days
more sketchin
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peachymcqueen · 20 days
Lightning, before knowing who Doc is and where he came from: "Trust me. Anyone from that part of the country is lucky to be able to count past 10."
Sheriff, knowing this kid hasn't been winning ANY points with Doc since showing up: "I wouldn't-....uh...."
Doc, without looking away from what he's doing and probably on his tenth cigarette in two hours: I think I can make it to 51.
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