peanuthamper · 4 hours
Insurance fucking sucks please help me :)
Hey y'all, I've got some word back about some costs that my insurance is not willing to cover, and I'm looking for some help. I'm a disabled woman who recently injured myself in the exact spot I was already disabled (my spine) and my quality of life has dramatically lowered. I'm trying to buy three things that will greatly improve my quality of life; - An orthopedic support pillow set: $160 - A shower chair: $50 - A bed table: $40 Aside from these I'm also flat broke, and need help buying food and paying medical bills until the next short term disability payment from work hits. Those payments are 50% of what I would be regularly making, so I've been really struggling paying for everything I need. I've completely forgone spending on things that are fun. With that said, I don't think $250 to help with bills is asking too much on top of the costs of the medical equipment I'm trying to get, but literally anything will help right now. Thank you all again for the help, I know these items will dramatically improve my quality of life, and that will (hopefully) help me get somewhat stable again in the future. C: $cutefriend
V: Vivi-Section
$0/$500 If this post has become non-rebloggable, it means I've met my goal. Please only donate if you're able to, and please help reblog this if you can't. Thank you! 💚
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peanuthamper · 4 hours
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peanuthamper · 7 hours
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Nancy & Bleach TRANS RADICAL BODIES OF RESISTANCE / Berlin 2024 by Del LaGrace Volcano
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peanuthamper · 15 hours
Hi dear donors ! ❤️
I would like to extend my thank and gratitude for the support you have been offering over the last eleven months. ❤️☺️
My family and I have been suffering and going through the hardest days we have ever experienced in our life . Things are very hard to get and and sometimes unattainable.😭😓
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Our life is only in this small tent. No facilities and no means of life.
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One small tent is granted to each family whatever the number may be. All things have become hell on earth.
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Our sufferings and hardship started on the first day of the war when all our possessions were completely destroyed and burned. We have become displaced and homeless , finding ourselves in a small tent in streets with no means of life. We lack every single necessary thing of life; food, water, hygiene essentials, and other necessities have become scarce and rare.
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Our life has been tough and harsh all the last time. No cooking gas , nor cooking tools exist . We struggle to prepare a small meal of food.
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No bakeries are available. Everything seems hard and unbelievable.😭
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This is a part of burying the dead. We also face some problems in the process of buying our dead people as no place is there for the family. Tombs aren't for the number of people living on a small spot of land.
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All what we need is to survive the war and be safe. We are trying to secure the daily basic living necessities and this can come true with your contribution and support. Please don't spare this moment of supporting the people in need in Gaza in this tough and dire time. You can help us by either donating however small it is or sharing my posts. Your support makes a big difference for families in
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Help this little child reach what she thinks it is for safety and peace.
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peanuthamper · 16 hours
"I should kill myself": self-serving, reactionary
"we should all kill ourselves": building community and connection, ideologically correct
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peanuthamper · 20 hours
i'll never forgive pro-milk propaganda. it's not that milk is terrible for you or anything but the benefits are greatly exaggerated on behalf of the industry
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peanuthamper · 1 day
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Emmanuel Littlejohn has been waiting for months to find out whether he will die on Thursday or get to live. It's been "the hardest thing I ever did."
Littlejohn, 52, is set to be executed for the shooting death of a convenience store owner during a robbery in Oklahoma City in 1992. If Republican Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt declines to grant him clemency, Littlejohn will be the third inmate executed by the state this year and the 17th in the nation. He's also one of five men the U.S. is executing in a six-day period, and he's set to die just about eight hours before Alabama is expected to execute Alan Eugene Miller using nitrogen gas.
"I would say to the governor: Do what you think is the right thing," Littlejohn told USA TODAY in a recent interview.
Littlejohn has admitted to his role in the robbery but has maintained that his accomplice was the one to pull the trigger, not him.
"I accept responsibility for what I did but not what they want me to accept responsibility for," Littlejohn previously told USA TODAY. "They want me to accept that I killed somebody, but I haven't killed somebody."
In a rare move, the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board voted 3-2 to recommend clemency for Littlejohn, whose legal team argued that the evidence in the case was unclear, especially who the triggerman was.
Still, Republican Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond said afterward that his office would still be arguing against clemency to the governor, calling Littlejohn a "violent and manipulative killer."
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If you’re outraged over Missouri murdering Marcellus Williams, then you should know Oklahoma is planning on carrying out an execution of Emmanuel Littlejohn this Thurs. at 10am.
Littlejohn was pardoned by the PPB. There’s still time to call the Governor: 405-521-2342.
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I was able to leave a voicemail by pressing 1 then 4 then 0. After what happened in Missouri, there's an overwhelming sense of hopelessness that the care about public comments but I hope Emmanuel is able to avoid Khaliifah's fate.
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Hi, the best thing to do is to call the Governor’s office directly and press 0 to be connected to a staff person. Ask that the governor respect the wishes of the pardon and parole board and grant clemency to Emmanuel Littlejohn. 405-521-2342
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peanuthamper · 1 day
retail micromanagement destroys peoples brains istg i can always tell when someone came from retail bcs they legit have learned helplessness wrt managing their own time at work. i mean i was the same way when i left retail its brutal but its fixable.
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peanuthamper · 2 days
Hello, my name is Nabil. I am 50 years old, married, and responsible for 4 children. I am also responsible for my grandchildren, who are 4 children. After their mother and father were martyred in the war, and while we were escaping from the bombing in the Shuja'iya neighborhood, and the destruction of my house, we fled to Al-Shifa Hospital, and then to Rafah, to Khan Yunis, and now we are displaced from one place to another. There is no safe place. My daughter was studying in the field of nursing and dreamed of working and completing her life in this field, but the war destroyed everything and there is nothing that would motivate me to stay in Gaza. I am trying to save the future of my children and grandchildren and complete their lives, and I fear that I will spend my whole life looking at them with regret or bemoaning the loss of their lives, so I am creating this campaign to help me get out of Gaza to Egypt with the help of my daughter’s husband who lives in Europe. This is a message from me to everyone who reads my story. Look at us kindly. I look to you with hope and confidence to help me. Please feel free to help by donating or posting. thank you all.
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peanuthamper · 2 days
PLEASE support The Innocence Project. Let the state sanctioned murder of Marcellus Williams radicalize you into caring about incarcerated people. Don’t let those in office that allow for this to defeat you. Incarcerated people are among the most violated and exploited class of people in the United States. We have built a justice system that benefits off of the mass incarceration of marginalized people. Incarceration is used to disenfranchise people. It is used for modern day slavery. Anyone can become incarcerated. It is the quickest and easiest way for your government to strip you of your rights.
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peanuthamper · 2 days
Good afternoon my shrimping friends
I have fallen on really really really difficult times. I lost my job on august 16th, and despite being on my way out due to an extremely toxic and emotionally abusive work environment, I was hoping to get something lined up first. I legally can’t talk go into details right now, but I can say that a coworker who had it out for me for some unknown fucking reason threw me under the bus and effectively ruined my life, as well as putting my family in debt in over $30k in attorney fees. We’ve had to take out credit cards and I am beyond thankful my dad has good credit or we’d be royally screwed. I have been nothing but nice to her in the year and a half I’ve worked there, bringing her food and random little gifts that made me think of her. I can’t wrap my mind around how someone could be so conniving and fucked up to stab me in the back the way she did, I did NOT deserve any of this. She knew I am in a bad place mentally and financially, yet still chose to do what she did. I will hopefully be able to elaborate more in the near future. I have a court date coming up on the 6th, so we will see.
I have my car insurance due at the end of the month, but my phone bill is due now and it’s already on a payment schedule pushed out as far as i could make it. I’ve been doing survey apps to make a couple of dollars, it’s better than absolutely nothing. This has been the absolute worst year, it’s progressively gotten worse with each month. I’m so deeply depressed and I have never felt more worthless and alone in my life. But I’m trying so hard to remain hopeful. I have two job interviews this Wednesday, please wish me the utmost luck. If anyone has any suggestions to make a few dollars in the meantime please let me know.
Im writing this because im pathetically requesting if anyone is able to throw some change my way, I would be so forever grateful. I am no way expecting anywhere close to my surmounting legal fees but any little bit that I can put towards food, general necessities, my medication for the month, pet food, gas, etc. I plan to find another job before the end of the month but I’m absolutely desperate now.
I have a ko-fi, shrimpinainteasy
Cshapp - $metacat4
Vnmo- @sara-parkour
If you are unable to donate anything, I completely understand, and I appreciate you taking the time to read this. If you guys could share this, I’d deeply appreciate that just as much.
I’d be happy to provide any proof of whatever, I don’t even know, im sorry, my brain is mush. I’m so overwhelmed beyond words.
Again I’m really REALLY sorry to ask. Im so unbelievably desperate and so far in this hole of depression and financial debt, I don’t even know where to begin besides trying to keep my phone from turning off and staying on the road legally so I can find another job. I really wanted to refrain from begging for money online, but I need help so bad.
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peanuthamper · 2 days
remember when jkr went full mask off and started acting evil and hp fans were like "ok we need to think carefully about the stuff we consume, how can we justify enjoying this series, how can we love it without supporting the author? should we try to separate art from artist or should we leave it be? isn't showing solidarity to trans folks more important? if we remain openly fans of this series will it show trans people we aren't safe or trustworthy?"
and then they decided that none of those questions really mattered and they continued to uncritically consume their stupid badly written children's books, and jkr has only gotten more nasty and hateful, and people only hate trans folks more, and now the answer to the last question is invariably YES. I don't trust any goddamn person who still loves Harry Potter in 2024 bc you've decided your nostalgia about a mediocre story written by a bigot is more valuable than the safety and wellbeing of trans people 🫶🖕
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peanuthamper · 2 days
Save my children's
Hello , I am Ahmed Abusaada. I am reaching out to you urgently as my family faces the devastating impact of the ongoing war in Gaza. Our home is in ruins and our jobs are gone. We are in dire need of your support for the safety of my wife noor, and four young children, Batool, Aseel, Bahaa, and Leen. My children suffered a lot during the war. My daughters, Batool and Aseel, were waking up screaming in fear. My children sleep with their hands over their ears so that they do not hear the sounds of explosions, missiles, and shells. When we were forced to move to tents, we could not bear the bitter cold and pouring rain, and my children fell ill with diseases and malnutrition. The war made me unable to provide a healthy environment for my family, and I was also unable to provide them with healthy food or sweets, which made me feel extremely helpless to escape the grip of the relentless war. We need your support. Our dream is not just to survive, but to find stability and rebuild our lives in a safe place free from the horrors of war. Your generous contribution can help us make this journey to safety and provide my family with a chance at a more hopeful future. Please consider donating to us and sharing our story. Your support can have a huge impact on our quest for a safer and more promising life.🍉
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So help me and my children to get out of this hell, with your simple donation it might help to get out of this war and start a new life for my children away from their suffering in carrying water and searching for firewood, with your donation we might return the children to their schools to live a happy life💔💔😣
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This is a picture of my children before the war.
This campaign is verified by : @90-ghost
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peanuthamper · 2 days
all prisoners on death row are political prisoners. capital punishment is part of both the afterlife and presentlife of lynchings and slavery. the myriad of issues including the permanence of death as punishment, how death sentences are deployed in an overtly discriminatory manner, how capital punishment does nothing to actually prevent crime, denies people any chance of restorative justice all of these are secondary to the simple fact that the state should not have the right to kill human beings. some of y'all keep missing the point and focusing on the dichotomies of guilt versus innocence when it comes to the liberation of prisoners on death row (and otherwise). regardless of whether or not an individual is "guilty" of the crime they have been charged with, the state should not be able to detain them indefinitely before murdering them. full stop. rest in power marcellus williams and may we, in the words of george jackson, "rage on aggressive and free" until no human being is murdered by the state again
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peanuthamper · 2 days
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stamp for when you need someone to go in the dark
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peanuthamper · 2 days
hi i need help with rent & my electric bill. i am unable to work due to my chronic illnesses and have been struggling with getting disability services for various reasons. rent is $820 but im not sure how much it will be with tax. my electric bill is prepaid - its usually between $5-$10 a day, usually on the lower end 🫶🏽
picture of me from earlier this year bc it's cute:
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ppal | vmo | cshapp | ko-f1
love you all btw ✨
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peanuthamper · 2 days
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