pennycopperbottom · 3 years
Yo, you guys play any video games?
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"...Not many...? I enjoy simple simulation games, sorting, organization...I played a title known as Papers Please once...?"
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"I play a lot of Nintendo games myself! Pokemon's my favorite!"
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".....I uh... play dating sims..."
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pennycopperbottom · 3 years
Ahem. *Points to this very askblog which we can talk to Desdemona with* Perhaps we can help?
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pennycopperbottom · 3 years
Well there is someone we know who works in the wall, and is a descend of a Toppat Operator. Her name is Desdemona she is the sectary of the place and the grandchild of the Warden. But She can't be helpful right now because: If the warden finds out that Des is talking to us she would be in trouble. We will let her know your here once its safe to talk to her.
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"Des-de-mo-na. Who the heck gives their kid an old sounding name like that?!"
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“Penny, don't be rude. Everyone was young once.”
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“...I believe I know of the individual, but- she's the Warden's granddaughter?!"
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"I- I knew she was related to him somehow, but not so close as that..."
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"Wait, you know her?!"
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“Er, well. You may recall that I, spent some time in the vents here. I evaluated many individuals during my post, so I may be incorrect, however...hmm..."
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"Are ya gonna try and talk to this Desdemona lady?"
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"...Mmmnh...I do not trust any non-Toppat operatives, personally. Even if she was descended from an Agent, there's no guarantee she will work with us. ...We do not have many other options, however, aside from quite literally pulling the whole airship to us, which. Sounds like a terrible plan."
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"They do have a point, Ocelot. We can't afford to sit here forever. I'm worried that pops might try to come here, like you said. If he did that..."
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"Nothing good would happen. Time is indeed of the essence. ...I suppose we will have to see what she has to say."
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"How are we gonna talk to her though?"
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pennycopperbottom · 3 years
Ocelot do you have a file on Gordon Smith because he may be helpful to us. He works in the Wall right now, and a ex Toppat I could say.
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"Gordon...Smith? That name is familiar, so he may be one of our operatives...but if I know the man you speak of, I believe he's currently on family leave."
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"Additionally, we have only one Wall operative. Unless the Wall has spies in our ranks, which I do not believe for a second, you must be mistaken."
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"Unfortunately, I have been unable to get in contact with said operative. I believe he is stationed on another floor, and as a result unable to assist us without breaking cover."
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"We will...need to find another way out."
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pennycopperbottom · 3 years
Well, there is Wallace Pemberton in the wall. He's a spy in the wall. Hopefully he didn't get found out because of The Wall.
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"Ah-! Shshshsh! This line may not be secure!"
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"For that matter, how did you get that name?! I intentionally kept the identity of our Wall operative a secret!"
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"...Well, I suppose at least one bean has been spilt, but I will neither confirm nor deny his identity. You are correct, however- our undercover operative would surely be a valuable asset, considering that I do not have the files for the facility on hand. They're up in the airship, and I am. Grounded, unfortunately."
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"I'm currently evaluating our options on how to open communications with our internal operative. I'll keep you posted."
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pennycopperbottom · 3 years
Penny how is it like being in the wall?
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“Cold. Smelly. Oppressive. The Warden’s a butt and a half. Apparently this is what prison is like. And it’s really boring.”
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pennycopperbottom · 3 years
Hold up back track, what do you mean when you said “imprisoned”, what happened while you were gone
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"Er. Well. Yes."
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"It was a sting operation, I tell you!"
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"Apparently someone managed to 'get past our defenses' or whatever the hell Smelly Sven was rambling on about. I stopped paying attention about ten seconds into his monologue."
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"...In specific, they were anticipating our movements. They were utilizing knowledge about our general operations and appeared to even be able to expect and counter our tactics."
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"Oh so THAT'S what he was talking about???"
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"Wait, how would someone even be able to do that?"
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“Now you understand.”
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"....I'm getting my heirship taken away, aren't I?"
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"That's for your fathers to decide. We must abscond from this cell, first."
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"Hmm.... If only there was an inside man who could help us out."
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pennycopperbottom · 3 years
Looks like this blog has been pretty baron for some time so I will ask something! Penny did you know that there are other versions of your parents, there’s a lot of them too! Like one were there mermaids or one where there rulers in a kingdom!
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“Wish there was a version of them who worked at the Wall. So they could, ya know, bust us out.”
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pennycopperbottom · 3 years
Ask glassy guy:
Did Penny usually do raids with other Toppats or she doesn't allow to do it?
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"Generally she's not permitted to go on high-profile missions. Currently, Penny is still in training. However, er, she recently attempted to cajole her way into a mission briefing-"
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"And I got the job!"
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"-And she got the job. I was tasked to ensure her protection.
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Well, we're not dead. So really things could have gone much worse, but I highly doubt she'll be let on a field mission again so soon."
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"Awww, but Ocelot! You don't know that! We're not even back home yet!"
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"We were imprisoned."
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pennycopperbottom · 3 years
Penny, the Ask Blog looks like has been down for months is there something wrong in the other side?
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"I-is it working? Have we gotten a signal?"
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"Oh thank goodness...this is the first message that's gotten through to us in months!"
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"Y-Yeah, sorry peeps! We're not dead. Just barely alive!"
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pennycopperbottom · 4 years
Actually its not who you think it is. I'm a normal user, not part of the CCC
Honestly, I used to work for them, til i found a dark secret and quit immediately.
I would tell you what it was but I don't wanna be assassinated so-
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“I do not trust you.”
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“You could be spy for all I know. Grandfather has sent spies before.”
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pennycopperbottom · 4 years
"Haven't graduated to real enemies yet"
Ok then.
*Loads shotgun with wish-granting intent*
Happy graduation day.
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“Holy crap, my birthday came early!!”
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"No, no. None of that, please, I will not let you come to harm while I am on duty."
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“But Oceloooooooot!!!”
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"I will be accompanying you for this duel."
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“I never get to have any fu--”
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“Wait, what???”
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"I will not allow you to come to harm, but you are correct- you do need more practice. What better to practice on than a moving target, especially from one that already has a loaded weapon pointed in our direction?"
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“It feels like I’m in a parallel dimension or something...”
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“Alright, let’s do this!!”
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pennycopperbottom · 4 years
I look at what Dess is doing. I'm actually interested on the kind of work she is working on.
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“If this is who I think it is, yes I am working. Now leave me be.”
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pennycopperbottom · 4 years
I think that is rather sad to think that you apareantly don't have anybody to talk to apart than a bunch of internet strangers and I'm sorry for bringing that up.
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“It can’t be helped. This is my life and I have come to accept it a long time ago...”
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“Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work before grandfather sees me slacking off.”
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pennycopperbottom · 4 years
Penny, have you used your gun, or is more like a threat?
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“I’m locked and loaded baby! No one’s gonna stop the ball of chaos known as Penny Copperottom!”
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“But I still need some practice though. Haven’t graduated to real enemies quite yet.”
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pennycopperbottom · 4 years
I'm sorry to hear that Dess. Don't you have friends or someone else apart from us that you can talk to? Like other relatives or the like.
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“Let’s see...
I haven’t seen father since I was six, mother is a Toppat, I’m not fond of any of the inmates, Grigori would tell grandfather of my grievances in a heart beat, and we’re out in the middle of nowhere.”
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“Tell me what you think, Mr. Matias!”
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pennycopperbottom · 4 years
Aww, I want to give penny a pat on the head! So cute!
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“Ahhhhhhh, thank you!!!”
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